One chaotic morning
I know what you're probably thinking. "Rainbowdash120120, where were you? Does it really take that long to write a chapter?" Yes it does. Because no one even botherd to try to give me an idea.
When I first asked for help was in the chapter "A prince's thoughts" it curently has 14 views, and 1 vote. But no comments. Come on. If you have the opportunity to control the plot then take that oportunity. The other two after that all have comments but none of them are ideas. I even said that if 15 people give me an idea then I'd tell you my birthday but. Nope. 9 views and not one gave me an idea.
So that's why it's takeing so long. Where I am in the next chapter curently is them aproching the gates. This chapter and the beginning of the next one is probably the most boring things I ever wrote but they're necessary.
So please. Even if you want to act like a 3 year old girl and do something stupid like, "Have Rainbow Dash slap AJ and Twilight when she goes back." (My Little Sisters friend said that.) I will still take that into consideration. I don't care how derpy is sounds just comment. Please.
If something as cool as teenaged mutant ninja turtles was created because of words said by a drunk guy then whatever you have to say can really help me get through the writers block I'm haveing.
And also, I'd like to thank my followers for, well, following me. I'm thankful for all of you and I have a question for all readers at the end of this. For now stay cool and wear your seat belt.
-Sunset Shimmer POV-
-The next day-
I was shaken awake by a hoof and I groaned, "5 more minutes." but then the blanket got yanked off my body and I shot awake. I was surprised to see Princess Twilight but then I remembered what happened last night and quickly got up.
Twilight chuckled and shook her head. "You seem to be awake now. No point for 5 minutes." she used her magic to give me a hair brush. "Now get ready. Rainbows still asleep but I figured that you want to be awake to explain. It'll be better if a familiar face could explain rather than a pony's head."
"Alright then. Is Bat Wing awake?"
"Well, I'd think you'd like to see that."
Curious, I quickly brushed my hair and smoothed out the wrinkles on my cloths that formed over the night and went over to the room they were in and saw the most adorable sight I have ever seen.
Both Bat Wing and Rainbow dash were asleep in the bed Discord made but that wasn't the cute part. They were asleep and hugging! What! They looked like the cutest couple in the world that fell asleep in a full on embrace.
I did a fangirl squee and quickly snapped a picture on my cellphone of the two. Twilight giggled, "These two are adorable together, aren't they?"
I nodded. "I can't wait for the day Bat Wing finally realizes his feelings for her. Then nothing will hold them back."
We heard Rainbow start moaning as she started waking up and then she slowly opened her eyes but they shot awake as soon as she saw what she was doing and moved away as quickly as possible but only succeed in waking Bat Wing who also freaked out and tried to get away.
Eventually the two fell off opposite sides of the bed breathing hard and I couldn't hold back any more as I burst out laughing. They just stared until I panted, "You two... are... ADORABLE!!!"
This caused their faces to go completely red and Rainbow hid her face in her hands and let out an embarrassed scream as Bat Wing hugged his legs then turned into a pillow. Wait. Why a pillow? You do realize that you can be picked up and hugged now. Right? Mabie even by Rainbow Dash.
Eventually they calmed down and Rainbow bombarded me with question after question. "Sunset, where are we? Why is Bat Wing here? Why were we sleeping in the same bed? And who the hay is the purple alicorn over there?"
I giggled and answered her questions, "We're in Equestria. He didn't want to leave you. So you wouldn't need to be separated. And that's Princess Twilight but how she normally is in this world. Any more questions?"
"Well, yes. Why are we in Equestria of all places? Why are we here? And if we're in Equestria shouldn't we be in pony forms too?"
"So, you don't remember what happened last night? You know, with the Fall Formal Bat Wing getting caught incident?"
She thought for a while, "Well, now that you mention it, ya. The last thing I remember is everyone in the school closing around Bat Wing after..." her face fell. I knew that she was remembering what Twilight and AJ almost did to Bat Wing.
"After what?" Twilight asked but I quickly shook my head. I knew that Rainbow probably didn't want to re-live that memory. I didn't either.
She just shrugged as Bat Wing put a hand on Rainbow's shoulder to comfort her. I felt a strong need for a change in subject, "So Twilight, where were you planning on taking us today?"
"What!" both Rainbow and Bat Wing shouted in unison. I face palmed realizing that we didn't tell them.
Luckily, Twilight explained for me. "I talked to Sunset and we decided that it will be best if the two of you see some Equestrian love experts. Including some reformed Changelings."
"What!? Hold up." Bat Wing looked like his mind has been blown. "Are you telling me, that Changelings in this world have hearts!"
Twilight chuckled and nodded.
"Well I'm jealous."
Rainbow took a deep breath then shook her head. Bat Wing didn't see. I once again wondered how Rainbow knew with this much surety that he had a heart. I hoped that it will be revealed to me later.
Twilight continued, "Well, I already contacted Princess Cadence and had the Rainbow in this world speed over to the hive to warn them of our arrival. We'll leave as soon as Cadence comes. I hope you all don't mind but I also invited Discord and my student on friendship Starlight Glimmer. They are both friends of the leader Thorax."
Bat Wing's eyes lit up. "Thorax!? I know that name! He was the only changeling that actually treated me like I was worthwhile. But I haven't seen him in the longest time."
Twilight chuckled, "Looks like he does exist in the other world. I was beginning to think that he didn't due to you being the heir to the throne and him being the current ruler of the Changelings."
Bat Wing smiled. "He deserves it. A lot more than I do anyway."
Now it was Rainbows turn to comfort him. "Bat Wing, stop doubting yourself. You are completely capable of being king. You just need to believe that yourself."
He sighed. "I guess so." he then changed the subject, "Is their anything else we need to know Princess Twilight?"
"Not at the moment, but..."
Suddenly, a rainbow blur came in the room and stopped revealing pony Rainbow Dash flying a few feet above the ground before landing on the cold castle floor. "I told Thorax that You'll be coming Twi. He said that they'll be ready after the sun is past it's highest peak for your arrival. I mean, who talks like that anymore? Anyway why did you..."
She stopped when she saw the human Rainbow who was staring at her since she flew in. Bat Wing was looking back and forth between the two of us a very happy expression on his face. "Umm... Hi?" human Rainbow said still shocked.
Pony Rainbow didn't answer. But luckily Bat Wing broke the silence, "Hang on, Two Rainbows! I'm in heaven."
(Cue the BatDash shipers)
(Points if you get the reference)
Twilight laughed herself to tears and we all just stared at her till I got what was funny and started to laugh as well. “What's so funny?” the two Rainbows asked in perfect sink which only caused Twilight to laugh harder if it was possible, and even Bat Wing could be seen chuckling.
We calmed down eventually and Twilight explained in between breaths, “Sorry. It's just. That's pretty much how I reacted when I met the me in the other world. Then you asked the same question at the same time! Priceless!”
Then Discord suddenly appeared, “I don't know what you all are laughing about, but count me in!” Then he burst out laughing making it so we all stopped. “Oh come on. Don't stop now. The fun is just starting!”
Twilight just shook her head as if this was normal. “Glad you could come Discord. We'll leave as soon as Starlight Glimmer and Cadence come.”
Speak of the devel, Starlight then walked in and smiled, “Alright Twilight, ready?”
Almost. Cadence isn't here yet. How about you explain how we're getting over there while we wait.”
“Oh course Princess!”
I smiled and she talked about a 30 mile teleportation and one mile walk. This was gonna be interesting.
Ok so now the announcement. You know, what I'll do it in a separate update. This is getting pritty long I'll update in a minute.
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