By Your Side (Small! Witty X Child! Reader)
(A/n: requested by MiniW1ttySimp, thank you for being the first request! I honestly appreciate it, so I hope you enjoy this. The reader is a female <3)
Elementary school is a strange road trip, one where certain memories feel like an odd fever dream.
It's the time where kids learn "grown-up" words and begin to experience the harsh realities of the world. Kids will learn about deforestation and the effects of pollution, putting those topics into posters with messy handwriting and big colorful letters. Elementary school also plays an important factor in how someone can behave in a classroom.
When a kid develops through school, they begin to pick certain friend groups that suit them the best and typically stay in those similar groups all through their life. Even if innocent kids were raised properly, they have the chance of being influenced by other social groups in the classroom.
One behavior consists of bullying.
Picking on someone merely because they are new, or they have a different style than those around is very common across school districts. Many times, the bully is envious or wishes to be in the victim's spot, so they take away their belongings or hurt them so the victim can live in the same pain as the bully.
Whatever the situation is, being bullied was never ideal in the mind of Witty. He never understood why kids thought it was funny to pick on someone who can be incredibly nice. Picking on someone and making their life more miserable is something he did not enjoy.
"Hello!" A new voice enters the colorful classroom and the majority of the kids turn their attention to the front of the room. Standing next to the whiteboard is a girl with h/c hair which shone softly in the morning sun that has peeked through the blinds. "My name is Y/n!" You exclaim happily.
Many of the blank stares didn't mind you much.
"Oh my gosh, a new girl! Sit by me!" A girl with golden pigtails bounces like a bouncy ball in her blue chair. Her hammy fists clench up excitedly as the bowties in her hair wave vigorously with her happy movement.
Of course, you were the new girl. Many people would try everything they could to get you to sit next to them, especially since so many kids just love to hang out with one another with no mind at all.
"Y/n is going to be sitting next to Witty, Sue." The plump teacher explains with a gentle smile. The girl frowns and crosses her arms, a growing pout writing on her expression. The teacher guides you across the rows of short desks until you sit down next to a boy wearing an average cyan hoodie.
"Y/n? Nice to meet you. Looks like you are going to be my new seat partner." The boy says and hands you a mechanical pencil. "My name is Witty, let's be friends! You need a pencil, don't you?"
A smile manages to spread across your plump cheeks. "I might have some in my bookbag but thank you." You swing your legs eagerly under the seat. You couldn't wait to go home and tell your parents how the first day of your brand new school followed through.
For the majority of the day, you and Witty kept poking each other and silently laughing. The teacher didn't bother with your distractions considering you are adjusting to a new school, and she didn't want to ruin that for you.
The day went by fairly fast and you were so eager to keep attending this school. You are so hopeful that everything will turn out alright.
"Woah! So, your step-sister is the pretty girl?" You ask, leaning forward in your seat. Your eyes sparkle with amazement as Witty makes a silly grin, which he believes is prideful.
"Yep! Gabby and I have the same parents. I know how adoption works, but it's still pretty cool. I'm alright with it, as long as I have parents who think I'm swag." He says and begins to twirl a pencil on the pad of his finger.
You laugh a little, shoulders bouncing. "I think you are very swag. And your parents probably think so, too!"
A roll of soft thunder travels across the atmosphere and rumbles the classroom gently. You didn't mind the thunder much, neither did Witty. When you are in a classroom of kids that you now recognize, it gives you some sort of lovely ease.
Everyone is excited about the indoor recess. Games and giant, saturated Lego blocks that have hardly been touched will now have the chance to be played with. The art kids will have a chance to doodle on the floor and kids overall will race to get the best toys first.
The bell rings across the hallways. An energetic bell that marks its lunchtime. The teacher usually scolds the kids whenever they rush out of the classroom. All the kids in your home classroom, including you and Witty, dart from your chairs to line up against the wall.
The teacher hands out her usual instructions and allows one kid to be the leader. This class leader cycles through the list of students.
"Y/n, go ahead and take the class down." Upon hearing your name, your head perks up and another bright smile doesn't fail to make its way across your face.
This day keeps getting better and better.
You rush to the front of the line, but before you do so, you grab Witty's hand and pull him forward. When passing the line of kids, you didn't realize a certain blonde head fuming at you.
You and Witty both lead the class down and all the kids hop down the short flight of cement stairs, it's a usual routine. The Elementary school is older and has a lack of air conditioning. Despite the building being older, you and the class manage to find ways to have fun.
Witty doesn't know what food item he wants so you let part of the class go ahead when reaching the cafeteria. Some kids walked fast, others pushing each other around playfully since they couldn't wait to chow down. The luckier kids packed their own lunch and didn't need to worry about the growing line from other classrooms.
"I think I know what I want." Witty finally says. He's indecisive, but you didn't complain. When it comes to friends, you can be relatively patient.
The two of you hurriedly claim a spot in line and get your desired meal. Both holding food trays, you scan across the cafeteria for a good seat in which other classmate friends can sit around.
"I found a seat. Let's go!" Witty rushes off and you mentally complain about his speed whenever he is competitive.
Quickly, you head after him.
You didn't realize that you needed to brace yourself for something cruel. It was already too late by the time you understood what happened.
Your tray flies from your hands and your face meets the blue-tiled floor.
Your eyelids clutch together as your body embraces impact. A large clatter rings next to you and your arms are the next to slam into the ground. You remain there for a reasonable amount of time to process what has happened.
Then, you shakily lift yourself to your feeble knees.
A massive wave of silence consumes the cafeteria as you look up and blink your eyes. The pain throbbing in your skull is immense and you notice that your food has splattered across the different arrays of blue and white tiles.
Before, the immeasurable and blunt stares of individuals didn't bother you. But as students stare down at you and teachers who rush to the scene blanket you with their shadows, a new fear has sprung into your life.
Looking over to your right, you are met with the devastating grin that occupies Sue's face. You put the pieces together as you realize her foot is sticking out in the place where you just tripped. Her friends were the first to laugh at the scene which begins to cause a rippling effect. More and more students start to laugh as teachers try to swat them off or help you up.
By now, your face has a pink veil and tears are collecting at the very edge of your eyes. The embarrassment and physical pain are already enough, but as kids continue to laugh hysterically, you stare at the floor to avoid any type of contact. Your heart patters like the paws of a dashing cheetah.
A hand that you accept manages to help you on your weak feet. You lack balance as your body shakes immensely, so you grasp the hoodie belonging to a certain friend.
"Let's get out of here..." Witty grumbles. The food tray he had was now missing from his hold, presumably at the spot where he was going to sit. The shock you are in enables you to give a proper response but he figures you will want to leave anyways.
He debates on whether to go to the nurse's place or the home classroom as you leave the cafeteria. He settles on the nurse since colliding into the floor with such speed seemed to hurt drastically.
When you get there, you sit on one of the cushioned chairs, Witty seated next to you as well. You begin to cry quietly, thankful to be away from the whole mess.
Witty explains the situation and the nurse checks to see if you have injuries. You barely manage to sputter words out, mainly due to sobbing, but the nurse is still worried. She makes you twist your tongue and recite the alphabet to make sure you didn't develop any symptoms of a stroke.
"I-... Uhm," you look at Witty. His expression seems to hold sympathy as another tear travels down your cheek, like a water droplet going down a dusty pan. "I-I want an ice pack..." you quietly admit and he tells the nurse for you.
In a moment like this, you find his presence to be filled with comfort. You are simply thankful for his kindness towards you.
When the next bell announced the end of recess, Witty had to be dismissed by the nurse. You remain in the nurse's office and decide to stay when the nurse offers since a large bruise began to take form on the side of your head.
By the end of the day, you told the nurse that you feel better and she hands you a lollipop. You missed lunch and she wanted to hand you a treat in which you accept. The day felt like it was deliberately being leisure and you didn't like that.
You have made a plan to walk home today because you didn't want to deal with Sue and other kids laughing at you on the bus. Kids rush out of the doors, screaming in the rain and putting their hoods up.
You thankfully packed an umbrella as your parents advised. You went to the home classroom to grab your belongings, finding Witty to be the last one in the classroom.
"I was waiting for you to get your stuff, but then again, you could have forgotten," he says and stands up from his seat. You toss your half-melting ice pack into the garbage.
"I don't think I will forget it... I'm walking home today." You head to your items and put the straps of your book bag over your shoulders. The f/c umbrella lays on your chair and you grab the handle.
"Oh! I can walk with you! My mom doesn't mind as long as I am with someone," Witty hops from his plastic chair. You both are one of the last few to exit the building. You click the umbrella open and watch as the panels expand.
Making sure to hover the umbrella equally between you and Witty, the two of you start your walk home. The musky smell of rain clouds around the environment and raindrops tap against the fabric of your umbrella.
Witty grabs the umbrella handle from your hold and offers to carry it. He uses his far hand to hold the umbrella, his free hand to latch onto yours. It's something you two have advanced in as friends quickly, especially when one is having a more gloomy day.
"Watch! I will ask my mom and see if I can come over or if you can! Then, we can watch Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network! Oh, and I heard my mom said she is making some fudge cake tonight." Witty begins to ramble in hopes to bring your spirit up.
He swings your arms and makes it apparent that he will never leave your side. When he notices your expression again, he begins to poke you and that's when your mask begins to slip.
"Okay!" You squeal and laugh as you try to push him off. "I want fudge cake! I do!" You exclaim then stick your tongue out. He laughs wholeheartedly and takes your small hand again, a thin layer of cherry-red sprawling across his face. Witty unfolds the umbrella and you almost question until-
"Let's not wait! Come on!" He drags you forward and the two of you laugh as you dash on the sidewalk. You will surely need a new change of clothes when you get home but that can get situated later.
For now, you are just thankful to have a friend like him in your life.
"Do you remember that day?"
"Which one? You know, if you say generic stuff like that, I'm not going to know what day you are talking about." He laughs at your remark.
"The day where... What was her name, Sue? When she made you trip and fall? Your lunch went everywhere."
"Oh please, don't remind me." You roll your eyes, a smile never leaving your face whenever he mentions the memory. "I'm just happy she moved away in middle school. Plus, plenty of people don't remember."
"I do. I don't think I will ever forget it."
A pleasant breeze allows the tips of grass to gaze across your intertwined hands.
"I always forget until you bring it up."
"It just randomly keeps coming into my mind. It's unfair how she treated you. I think part of it had to do with her having a crush on me or something."
"Well, we can't do anything about that now." You look over and get comfortable on your side to stare in his direction. He looks to his left to meet eye contact with you.
"And now look at us, seniors in high school. Ready to graduate?" He asks. You give a breathy laugh, almost snorting sarcastically in the process.
"No. But as long as you are by my side, it will be alright," you answer. The two of you can't stop smiling like the loving dorks you are. He raises your hand and kisses it. A bundle of flapping butterfly wings enters your heart.
"I'll have you know that I will forever be by your side."
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