Oh look here have some trans!gee and daddy!frank
I stood in front of Gee, pushing my way through the crowd as I held her hand. People cheered and screamed as cameras flashed. We finally made it inside the building and she smiled.
"Man, I love them so much," she said, looking at her fans adoringly through the window.
"Well, better hurry up or you're gonna miss your photo shoot," I said.
"You're my security guard, not my boss," Gee said, rolling her eyes.
"Come on, let's go," I said.
I followed her to the dressing room, standing outside the door while she changed and the makeup artists did her makeup for her. I could hear her talking and laughing as she played music from her phone.
Gee was a model, a rather famous one too. She became a sort of idol by becoming the first ever transgender model to be hired by Vogue magazine. And fuck was she beautiful. Her soft, black hair reached just to her shoulders, framing her beautifully pale skin. People loved her, she was an inspiration.
But with love also comes hate. Despite how the times are changing and the things thought to be weird before have become more accepted, a lot of people still didn't like the fact that she was trans. She began to get threats and was even assaulted on multiple occasions. That's why I was hired as her bodyguard about six months ago.
It wasn't bad, really. She's probably the third person I've worked for. But she was so much better than all the rest. She was kind and caring, she had this huge heart that always seemed to be pouring out love. And when we were behind closed doors were exchanged kisses and vows of our love for each other.
"Alright, we're ready," one of the workers said as Gee walked out.
I watched her stand in front of all the lights and cameras, knowing she loved every second of it. The way she would smile as she posed. Sometimes giving more serious looks with her hand on her hip. Every now and then she would look over at me and wink or bite her lip seductively but I tried my best to stay professional.
"Let's just get a few more shots," the photographer said.
After a few outfit changes and a hundred poses later, we were finally done. We walked back out to her limo and I sat beside her as she smiled.
"So, you staying at my place tonight?" She asked, her hand trailing along my thigh.
"There's nothing I'd like better," I said.
My lips pressed against hers softly and she smiled into the kiss. We got to her apartment and walked inside. The place was nice, with white wood floors and light grey walls. It was just a studio apartment but the large windows and the paintings on the wall made this place beautiful.
"Wine?" Gee asked.
She grabbed a bottle and two glasses, smiling over at me. Gee poured both of us glasses of red wine as we sat at the counter.
"You know, if you're staying over so often you should just move in," she suggested.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"I'd love to have you here," she said. "I'd love waking up next to you every morning."
"I would too, but you know that people can't know about our relationship," I said.
Gee nodded, looking down sadly.
"Babygirl, you know I love you more than anything else in the world," I said. "Soon we can, okay? Just as soon as we can find someone good to take over as your bodyguard."
The company I work for has this rule about relationships. We've had to keep our relationship a secret because of that. I've been trying to find someone I trust to take over my position. There's no way in hell i'm leaving the safety of my beautiful girl in the hands of some shitty guard.
"I think I have someone," I said. "You know my friend Dewees?"
She nodded and I smiled softly.
"I think he'll be able to take over," I said. "He was just recently a guard on tour with a band but I think he'll be able to take over for me."
"And then we can be an open couple?" She asked and I nodded. "Good, we have so many cute photos together that I wanna show people. I love you so much, I want everyone else to see our love too. I wanna be able to express my love for you."
"Just a little longer," I said and she nodded. "And as soon as we are able to be an open couple I am going to post my favorite picture of us. You know, the one from New Year's Eve."
She smiled, wrapping her arms around my neck.
"I love you so much, daddy," she said.
"I love you too, babydoll," I said. "Do you wanna watch cartoons for a little bit before bedtime?"
"Not feeling very little today," she said.
"Well, what does big you want to do before bedtime then?" I asked.
Gee smirked, pressing her lips to mine. I held her hips, pulling her body close to mine.
"Come on, daddy," she said softly.
She held my hand and lead me back to the bed. I pulled off my earphone and my gun, putting them onto the nightstand.
"You're so pretty," I said, caressing her cheek gently. "My beautiful little girl."
She blushed softly and I gave her a kiss.
"You look so good in that suit," she said quietly.
"And you look good in everything," I said.
Gee laughed, shaking her head.
"Such a sweet talker," she said. "If I didn't know any better I would say you're just trying to get into my pants."
"Well, I'm always trying to get into your pants, but that's only because I love you," I said.
I wrapped my arms around her waist, spinning her around and falling onto the bed with her as she laughed.
"I love you so much, babygirl," I said. "My beautiful little princess."
I showered her in kisses and she giggled then pouted.
"Stop it, you're gonna make me little," Gee said. "I don't wanna be little."
I smiled down at her, pressing my lips against hers firmly. My hips rocked down against hers slowly and I listened to her soft whimpered. My hands pulled her dress up over her head, tossing it to the ground.
"So pretty," I muttered, looking down at her body.
She had on lace pastel pink panties with a matching bra, which was small and just stuffed.
"You're prettier," she said.
Gee unbuttoned my blazer, pushing it off my shoulders. She pulled off my tie and button up, pulling me close. I pulled off her bra and panties and grabbed my tie. I tied her wrists to the slats in the headboard and she giggled.
"So fucking beautiful," I muttered, leaving kisses over her body. "My beautiful babygirl."
I kissed along her inner thighs as she whimpered. I unbuckled my belt, pushing down my jeans and boxers. I reached into her nightstand, pulling out lube and a condom.
"I love you," I said, giving her a kiss.
I spread some lube over my fingers and pulled her close. Her legs spread as I pressed my fingers to her hole. I pushed one in slowly and she sucked in a breath. My finger moved in and out slowly before I added a second. She moaned when I brushed against her prostate. I scissored my fingers, stretching her out.
"I need you," she said.
I pulled my fingers away, rolling on the condom and covering myself in lube. I pushed into her slowly, biting my lip from the burning pleasure
"Shit, baby," I breathed out.
I bottomed out, burying my face into the crook of her neck.
"Are you okay, baby?" I asked.
Gee nodded softly but I gave her time to adjust still. I left soft kisses along her collarbone, my hands rubbing the soft skin on her hips. My hips rocked slowly into her and she let out soft moans.
"I love you," she breathed out. "Oh, I love you so much."
I held her hips, groaning as I moved in and out. My hands ran over her body, caressing every inch. I moved faster, pounding into her as I moaned. There was a light sheen of sweat on her skin, which was turning a slight shade of pink. Her erection leaked precome onto her soft, pale stomach.
"Daddy, oh, harder, please," Gee moaned.
I bit my lip, thrusting harder into her. I left soft kisses to her neck, making sure not to leave any marks. I wish I could mark up her skin in the best way possible but couldn't because of the cameras. She wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me closer. My heart was racing and skin was practically on fire. Her hands tangled into my hair and tugged softly on the dark strands. My stomach was churning with pleasure, building up close to release. The apartment was filled with loud moans, heavy panting and the creaking bed beneath us.
"Oh fuck," Gee whined. "O-oh god, daddy, fuck. Daddy, I'm close."
I pounded into her, wrapping a hand around her erection. Her hips jerked up to me and I gasped. I could feel her clenching and unclenching around me, making me curse under my breath as I stroked her quickly in time with my thrusts.
"Oh daddy, I'm coming!" Gee cried out. "Daddy, I love you so much!"
She came in my hand and I groaned. My hips moved erratically as I reached close to my orgasm. I came inside the condom, moaning loudly. My lips crashed down against hers as I thrust shallowly a few times. I pulled out, tossing the condom into the trashcan.
"I love you, babygirl," I said, laying down on the bed beside her.
Gee cuddled up to my side, resting her head on my chest. I smiled, running her fingers through her black hair.
"Daddy?" She asked quietly and I hummed in response. "Will you still love me and think I'm pretty even after I have my surgeries?"
"Of course I will," I stated. "You'll always be beautiful no matter what."
Gee smiled, hugging me tight as she fell asleep quickly. I couldn't help but watch her, she was just so pretty. I brushed her hair behind her ear, smiling down at her as I eventually fell asleep.
I woke up the next morning, the soft rays of light spilling in through the thin white curtains. I yawned, looking down to see Gee still asleep. I was careful not to wake her up as I moved out from under her. She stirred a bit but thankfully didn't wake as I pulled the silk pastel pink comforter back over her.
I put on some boxers and went to the kitchen, grabbing food from the cabinets. I sighed, trying to be as quiet as possible as I cooked breakfast. There was some rustling as Gee woke up, making small, cute sounds as she yawned. She got up putting on a pair of baby blue panties and my black button up.
"Good morning, princess," I said.
She yawned, coming closer so I could kiss her forehead. Gee sat down at the counter but still looked half asleep. I chuckled, grabbing two plates.
"Made french toast," I said.
She perked up at that, french toast is her all time favorite food. If it were her choice then she'd eat it all day every day. I put pieces of french toast onto the plates, adding the scrambled eggs and even some cut up strawberries too.
"Syrup please?" She asked.
I smiled, handing her the syrup. I poured her some juice into a sippy cup and grabbed my coffee. She smiled, kissing my cheek as I sat beside her.
"I love you, daddy," she said.
I smiled as the two of us ate quietly.
"You have to leave later for that meet and greet," I said. "You're gonna need a shower first and I'm gonna need my shirt back."
"No, wanna keep it," she pouted, wrapping her arms around herself.
"Next time, baby, but I won't have time to run home to grab a new shirt," I said.
Gee nodded, finishing her food.
"You go get showered up, I'll do the dishes," I said.
I gave her a kiss and she smiled.
"You wanna join me?" She asked.
"Yeah, I think I'll take you up on that offer," I said.
I cleaned up the dishes and she dried them before we headed to the bathroom. She turned on the shower and we undressed and stepped in. Warm water washed over us as I scrubbed her hair with shampoo. We cleaned ourselves off and I hugged her tight.
"You're so pretty," I said, kissing her cheek.
We finished showering before we had to head back out. The two of us dried off and headed to her closet.
"What should I wear?" She asked.
"Wear that light blue sundress," I said. "You look so cute in it and those white sandals too."
Gee smiled and nodded, getting dressed into her clothes. I changed back into my suit from yesterday, grabbing my phone, gun and earpiece.
"How long until we leave?" She asked.
"I have to leave earlier, I'll have to go with your driver and come back," I said. "I'll be back in about half an hour and we'll take you to your meet and greet."
"Can I play for a little bit?" Gee asked.
"Of course you can," I said. "I'll be back soon, babygirl, I love you."
I gave her a kiss, putting on my aviators sunglasses and went out to the elevator. I walked the short distance to the building where the other security guards who were going to be in the building were. People were already lined up and looking excited.
"Everything's clear," I said into the earpiece.
I got into the passenger seat of the black car as the driver drove back to Gee's house. She came outside and I got out, opening the backdoor for her.
"Good morning, Miss Way," I said.
"Morning, Mr. Iero," she replied with a small giggle.
She got in and I shut the door for her, going to the passenger seat. We got to the building where people cheered as I opened Gee's door and she stepped out. She smiled as she looked around, smoothing out her dress.
"Come on, they're so excited to see you," I whispered. "And just one more week and I'll be able to hold your hand and give you kisses whenever you want."
Gee stepped forward and I saw someone step out from the crowd, pointing something at Gee. My eyes widened as I reacted quickly, pushing Gee down against the car as I shielded her body with mine. There was a gunshot and I felt a sharp, sudden pain in my back. There were screams as I collapsed to the ground. I looked over and saw guards grab the man with the gun.
"Frank!" Gee screamed, dropping to her knees beside me.
She pulled off my sunglasses and I held her hand.
"I love you," I whispered.
"No, please," she cried.
Other people grabbed me, trying to stop the bleeding. People around us were screaming and panicking and I could hear sirens.
"Come on, miss, we have to get you somewhere safe," one of the guards said, grabbing Gee's arm.
"No, I'm staying with Frank," she stated.
Everything was starting to fade and before I knew it I was being put into an ambulance.
"You're gonna be fine, Frank," Gee said, holding my hand.
I hissed in pain, looking down at my arm from whatever the paramedic was doing. The pain started to fade as I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.
"We need you to stay awake, Frank," the man said.
"P-please, Frankie, please stay awake," Gee whimpered.
I pulled her hand up, kissing her knuckles softly as I fell asleep.
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