Okay so I've been writing these a lot sorry
But here we have some neko!gee and 2017!frank
I looked around me, cowering in fear. We were all crowded into one room. People around me were sobbing and crying and trying to comfort each other. At least they had bathed all of us sp we weren't all grossly smooshed up together. But that didn't make my situation any better. At least it was better than the cages.
I was dressed up in my lingerie with my hair and makeup done. I didn't want to be here, I wanted to go back to my parents, I wanted my mom and my brothers and sisters so badly. But I was just the runt of the litter and there's no point in keeping the runt so they sold me instead. They sold me to the people who brought me here, they were going to auction me off to some stranger who would be my owner.
"Gerard Way!" A loud voice shouted.
The door to the dark room opened and everyone shrunk back. I cried as two men pulled me forward, dragging me out of the room.
"Act cute, make yourself look buyable," One of them ordered. "Ears up and tail out. I don't think we'll have a hard time selling you."
I was put onto a stage and looked around at everyone. I let my black ears stick up on my head and my tail lift up in the air behind me. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I let out a quiet sob.
"Gerard Way, age seventeen," the speaker said. "He's five feet one inches and one hundred and thirty-seven pounds, he's the small runt of the litter, still only a kitten, he's male, never had a previous owner and he's a virgin. Bidding starts at seven hundred and fifty thousand."
I listened to them do the bidding but I tried my best to ignore it. Someone grabbed me and I shrieked, trying to pull away. He dragged me over to a man standing at the back of the room. The man was taller than me and he had dark, shoulder length hair and a lot of tattoos. The guard pushed me forward into his chest before walking off. I sobbed, cowering back in fear.
"Let's go out to my car," the man said.
He lead me out, keeping a hand on the small of my back. We got to a very nice, very expensive looking car. He opened the door and I whimpered as I looked over at him.
"Don't be nervous," he said with a small smile. "I won't hurt you."
I got in and he got into his side. The man drove and I frowned in confusion when he got to an ice cream shop. The sun was just starting to set around us, filling the sky with a pretty color.
"Other nekos have told me this place has the best ice cream," he said. "They use a lot of milk in it."
I followed him out to the window where some lady was waiting.
"Hello, Frank," she said as she smiled. "Chocolate as usual?"
"Yes please," The man--who I now knew was named Frank--said. "What kind would you like, sweetheart?"
Frank looked at me and I just looked down as my eyes watered.
"He'll just take vanilla," Frank answered.
We got our cups and he wrapped his jacket around me, covering up my scantily clad body. The two of us sat on a bench and I ate quietly as I sniffled.
"My name is Frank Iero," the man said. "Don't worry, though, I won't hurt you at all. I buy nekos from these awful places and I help them. I help them move on and learn about society so that way you'll be able to go out on your own to get your own houses and apartments and you can fit in with other people."
"S-so I'm not gonna be staying with you?" I asked.
"Only for a little bit," he said. "Just as soon as you think you're ready to go out on your own."
"Thank you," I said quietly. "You've done this before?"
"Yes, there have been nine nekos that I have helped before you," Frank said. "Trust me, you're gonna be just fine."
"Where are they now?" I asked.
"Well, two of them are together and have their own family," he said. "One of them is...reporter, I think, or maybe it was photographer for the newspaper. Two are currently in college, I'm helping to pay a bit of their tuition. Three are back with their families again and the last is just hanging out with friends and living life."
"They're all okay?" I asked and he nodded. "And I'm going to be okay too?"
"Of course you are," he said. "I'll get you clothes and keep you fed and cleaned and you can just decide what you want to do with your life."
"Anything?" I asked.
"Yes, you can do anything you choose," he said. "Where were you before you were sold?"
"I was living with my brother," I said. "He took care of me but we mostly stayed in hiding. B-but then he got sick and he was in the hospital but while he was there my parents took me to a man to be auctioned off and here I am now."
"Maybe we can find your brother," Frank said. "What's his name?"
"Mikey Way," I said. "W-well, I guess the hospitals would have him as Michael Way, I don't know what hospital he's in."
We finished up our ice cream and got back into his car.
"Take a nap, I'm sure you're tired," he said. "It'll be a little while until we get back."
I nodded, curling up into a little ball in my seat. I was so tired, I haven't been sleeping at all recently since I was so scared. But the car was so comfortingly warm and his jacket was so soft, it wasn't long before I fell asleep.
I woke up to someone carrying me and I looked around. It was dark out as Frank carried me into the house. It was so big and fancy, how did he not get lost in here? I yawned, resting my head on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Gee, I didn't mean to wake you," he said.
"Gee?" I asked softly.
"Sorry, I give nicknames to people a lot," Frank said with a small chuckle. "I'll just call you Gerard if you'd like."
"No, I like Gee," I mumbled.
We go to a bedroom and I looked around. The place was nice with a big white bed that looked like sleeping on a cloud. There was a fireplace with a tv over it and there was a couch in front of it. Frank set me down, going to the big walk in closet.
"Are you hungry?" He asked.
"No, just tired," I said quietly.
"I have a couple clothes," he said. "What kinds of clothes do you like to wear to bed? Or just in general?"
"For bed can I just have some panties and a t-shirt?" I asked. "And I like to wear more feminine clothes."
"Alright, I can go out and get you some clothes," he said. "Do you think you're okay staying here alone for a bit?"
'Yeah, I'll be sleeping anyways," I said.
"Alright, there's a phone in your nightstand, it's already programmed with my number in it," Frank said.
He just stared at me for a moment and I frowned in confusion.
"I'm just trying to guess your size for when I'm buying clothes," he said. "I'll be back in a little while, okay? If you need anything then there's a bathroom through that door and a kitchen down the hall. Help yourself to anything, my house is your house."
I nodded and Frank walked out, shutting the door behind him. I changed into my pajamas as I heard the car outside drive away. I cuddled up in bed and smiled.
"I was right, it is like a cloud," I whispered sleepily.
I yawned as I woke up the next morning. I was so comfortable, I didn't want to leave. But either way I went down the hall, following the smell of breakfast.
"Good morning, beautiful," Frank said.
I looked around, seeing the place in light for the first time. Everything was very nice and modern looking. The floors were dark hardwood and the walls were just plain white. The kitchen cabinets were a pretty light blue color with white marble on top.
"I am making waffles," he said. "I hope that's okay. We also have yogurt, toast, fruit and bagels, i wasn't really sure what you liked."
He handed me a glass of milk and I smiled, drinking half of it quickly.
"Pace yourself," he said quietly, a small smile on his face.
"Sorry," I mumbled.
"It's okay, Gee," Frank said. "Just don't want you to get a stomachache or anything from taking in too much at once."
I nodded as he gave me a plate and sat beside me with his own.
"So, given anything thought into what you wanna do with your life?" Frank asked.
I shook my head sadly.
"Don't rush yourself, stay as long as you'd like," he said.
"What's the longest someone's stayed here?" I asked.
"About a year," Frank said. "He stayed and I helped him get his GED and we applied for colleges and had to wait until the next year started."
"But I'm not gonna be doing anything important to be worth staying here," I mumbled sadly.
"Hey, whatever you do is important, no matter what it is," he said. "What's your biggest dream?"
"It's stupid," I said.
"It isn't," Frank denied.
"W-well, when I was little my brother used to read me stories of princesses a lot," I said. "And I always wanted to be a princess."
"That is silly," Frank said and I looked down sadly. "I mean, you already are a princess so there's nothing to change."
"Y-you really think I'm a princess?" I asked and he nodded. "I'm not, nekos can't be princesses. Princesses are only pretty girls."
"No they aren't," Frank denied, holding my hand. "Anyone can be a princess, Gee, you're the most beautiful princess I've ever seen."
I smiled, hugging him tight.
"Now, what does my princess want to do with his life?" He asked as I pulled away.
"I-I always wanted to meet my prince," I said. "I wanted to find someone who accepts me being a neko and loves me for who I am and I wanna get married and start a family."
"Do you want me to help you start dating profiles?" He asked.
"I don't know," I said nervously. "What if I meet some creep on them?"
"I can help you check them out if you want," he said.
I nodded and smiled at him. Frank was so nice, I'm glad that he's the one who bought me. I've heard stories of other nekos who were sold and used for sex then were beat to death.
"We'll get you your prince in no time," he said.
Frank scratched my ear gently and I purred. He smiled, kissing my cheek. The two of us finished eating breakfast and I watched him wash the dishes. He held my hand lead me to an office, sitting in the big chair at the desk.
"Alright, let's get you onto a website," he said. "I need a picture of you."
Frank held up his phone and I smiled, flattening my ears down against my head so they were hidden.
"I wanna tell them when I trust them," I said.
Frank nodded, uploading the photo to his computer and I watched him create a dating profile for me, asking me questions so he could fill in all the requirements.
"Now we'll just wait for messages," he said. "We'll see if anyone wants to go on a date with you, I'm sure we won't have to wait too long."
I sighed as I came back home, finding Frank sitting on the couch watching tv.
"Hey, how'd the date go?" He asked.
"It sucked," I grumbled, sitting beside him. "He was just conceited."
I've been here for a few months now and I've been on a couple dates but none of them had gone very well.
"Maybe the next one will be better," he said. "You wanna watch a movie?"
The doorbell rang and I walked over. I opened it and immediately noticed she was a neko, she smelled like one.
"Frank!" I called.
He came over, looking at her.
"Can I help you?" He asked.
"She's a neko," I whispered.
"I-I need help, I need a home," she whimpered. "I heard you can help me."
She was completely shaking, she had nothing more than a t-shirt and jeans on as it was snowing. She looked thin and starving and dirty.
"Of course, come in," Frank said.
He helped her in, bringing her to the couch to wrap a blanket around her shoulders.
"I'll make soup," he said. "It'll help warm you up."
Frank went to the kitchen and I sat beside her.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Jamia," she said quietly.
"You're safe now, Jamia," I said. "Frank takes care of us."
She sniffled as Frank came back in, handing her a bowl of soup and she ate quickly.
"Gee, can you go run a bath in the guest room?" Frank asked.
I nodded, going to the bathroom in the guest bedroom. I ran Jamia a hot bath, giggling as I added strawberry scented bubbles too. I hoped she liked bubbles, but I don't know who wouldn't.
"You're safe here, I won't let him touch you," I heard Frank say as I walked in.
Jamia cried into his shoulder and he rubbed her back.
"Come on, let's go get you cleaned up," he said.
The two stood up and Frank wrapped an arm around her waist as he guided her to the bathroom. I couldn't help but feel a small pang of jealousy. I knew she needed help and Frank was doing just that but I still wished he had his arms around me instead. I don't know why I felt like this but I did, I just wanted him all to myself.
I went to my room, changing into a pair of soft, cotton, baby blue sleeping shorts and a white spaghetti strap tank top. It was starting to get late and Frank and I always had this tradition after bad dates. We just stayed up as late as possible watching movies and eating snacks.
"Gee, can Jamia borrow some pajamas?" I nodded, giving him some pajamas.
Frank started to walk out but I stopped him.
"A-are we still gonna watch movies?" I asked.
"Not today, unfortunately, she needs me right now," he said. "Some other time?"
I nodded sadly and he kissed my cheek before walking out. I crawled into bed, turning off the light and turning on the tv. I watched the tv on low volume until I finally fell asleep.
I woke up the next morning, hearing voices in the kitchen. I peeked in and saw Frank's arm wrapped around Jamia comfortingly. My heart sunk a little as I stepped in.
"Hey, Gee, we were gonna go out for breakfast then go shopping to get Jamia clothes," Frank said.
"You two go ahead," I said quietly.
"Are you sure?" Frank asked, walking over to me. "You can get some clothes too if you want."
"No it's fine," I denied. "You two just go shopping, I'm gonna just take a relaxing bath."
"Alright, I'll bring you home a treat or something," he said.
Frank kissed the top of my head before walking out with Jamia. My eyes watered as I went back to the bedroom. I couldn't help but sob as I buried my face into the pillow. Frank and Jamia didn't come back until after lunch. The door opened and I didn't look up as Frank walked in and sat beside me on the bed.
"Gee, sweetheart, what's wrong?" He asked.
I ignored him and he ran his fingers through my hair.
"Frank, can you come help me with something?" Jamia asked.
"Alright, just a second," he said.
Frank leaned down, kissing the top of my head.
"Come talk to me when you're ready," he whispered.
Frank got up and walked out with Jamia, shutting the door behind them. I didn't want him to leave, I wanted him to stay here with me forever. I looked up and saw that he had left a plate of chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk on the nightstand. I ate it quickly before curling back into a ball in bed. My ears pressed down against my head and my tail curled around my leg.
"Gee," Frank sang softly a few hours later as he walked in. "I made your favorite dinner."
I heard him set a plate down as he sat beside me.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Frank asked. "You've been acting weird ever since yesterday."
He tried to pull me into his lap but I crawled underneath the blanket. So, he pulled me into his lap, blanket wrapped around me. I scowled up at him and he smiled softly, kissing my forehead.
"There you are, I missed your beautiful face," Frank said. "Now, tell me what's wrong."
"N-nothing," I whimpered, my voice wavering.
"You know I'm always here for you, Gee, no matter what," he said. "I will always be here."
I sniffled, leaning up to press my lips against his. Frank kissed back, gently pressing me back down against the mattress. The two of us made out softly and slowly but it was so nice. It was like electric bolts that made butterflies in my stomach.
"Gee," Frank said softly, pulling away.
"Y-you don't like me?" I whimpered, my eyes watering.
"Of course I do," he said. "That's the reason I bought you, you were just so special."
"You paid a lot of money for me," I said quietly.
"I would give anything up for you, Gee," he said.
"I've been so upset recently because Jamia is here and you've been giving her all your attention instead of me," I said. "I-I know it's stupid and bratty b-but I'm still only a kitten and I'm allowed to be a little bratty if I want to."
Frank chuckled, kissing my cheek.
"I know you're upset but Jamia just needs help," he said. "She isn't staying long, I'm helping her find her family. She was taken when she was a kitten and sold to a man who uses and abuses her. She escaped and came to me so I can help her find it family. I promise you it won't be long before we find her family."
"I'm sorry for being a brat," I said quietly.
"You're not a brat," Frank denied. "Like you said, you're just a little kitten and you're scared."
He gave me a soft kiss and I sniffled. Frank scratched my ear and I purred.
"What do you wanna do with your life now?" Frank asked.
I smiled, giving him a soft kiss. "I just wanna stay here with you forever."
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