Chapter 8: Sunlight


The ride back through the elevator was entirely silent. If I could see in the dark I would see everyone's gazes glued to the floor. No one was brave enough to speak, nor were they even motivated to move with haste once we reached the surface. The platform clicked onto a hinge and the floor was left exactly as it was before—even the furniture was brought to its normal spot.

"I..." Vanta exhaled. "We need some rest...please, everyone, don't fight and go to bed..."

No reply.

It seems like everyone agrees that it's too late to fight. I was no exception; the moment after hearing his words I had already made it to my dorm. After shoving the door open, my eyes focused on a figure halfway across the room.

Sherwood was leaning against the wall, his head pressed up against the metal sheets covering the windows.

Choosing to respect his privacy, I knocked my knuckles against the door before closing it behind me.

"S'cuse me..." I muttered to him and sat at the edge of the bed.

"No fret, pal. I heard ya..." He voiced while he turned his head to offer me a weak smile. "I just...needed to think."

"About?" I tilted my head and made myself comfortable under the sheets. All I wanted now was to sleep, but maybe a little conversation could help, especially after all the fuckery that had just happened.

"Well...I can remember nothin' about my past. I've tried so hard, but all I remember is that I had a sister." Sherwood huffed and backed away from the wall to sit at the other edge of the bed. Luckily, we made a small makeshift pillow divider for us...we're definitely not comfortable enough to sleep without it.

"I don't have a single memory." I frowned in response. "I can't remember anything either."

I only got a hum as a reply from the Sceptile as he shifted to lay down, his body now being covered by our pillow divider.

"You know, I was thinkin' it was strange that I only remember my sister."

"Yeah?" I shut my eyes.

"I feel like...Sam might've had the ability to pick and choose our memories."

Suddenly, I felt my eyelids shoot open in realization.

" that why she was able to give Loki a memory that freely?" I craned my head to stare at Sherwood, acting as if the pillows weren't in the way.

"Huh...maybe yer' right..." The Sceptile chuckled, his voice muffled through the covers. "I don't know what kind of studies she did for that, but they're good."

I chose to not continue as Sherwood's voice grew drowsier the longer we spoke. The thought was still repeating in my head, however.



I've laid here for about an hour thinking. Memories, possibilities, death.

The thought that Lancer would do such a thing, the fact that there really was someone like that among us. There's no feeling like was despair. I never fully trusted anyone here...but I did have an ounce of it. Any sense of comfort had now been rid of my body after watching the midnight Lycanroc be executed.

Watching Vanta describe what we think happened through the evidence, understanding how it all piled together and seeing Lancer's face grow more tormented as time passed. It was all fake, and he took an innocent life with him.

We will never know who he was, either...unless...

Past Sherwood's snoring, I made my way out of my dorm and into the darkness. I peacefully trudged around the circular living room until I stumbled upon a pair of yellow-red eyes.

"It's a bit late for you to be up." Luster's voice muttered out to me. He seemed to be a bit more stern than usual—I wouldn't blame him, especially after all that's happened.

"I'm just here to recollect..." I turned to gaze behind him, realizing I had also stumbled upon the person I was specifically looking for. "Laker..."

The Weavile's eyes were bright enough to tell; they were filled with unsureness.

"What?" His voice was neutral, yet I felt as if he was on the brink of getting defensive.

"The trial...that was kind of weird of you. I know Lancer was a bad person, but choosing to betray him like that?" I shifted my direction to his ruby eyes.

"I know," he turned away, "but there had to be someone to figure out their backstory."

"Laker is the reason we know Lancer's motive card." Luster added.

"Huh? You mean Sam let you keep it?"

After my words, the Luxray's fur emitted a bright, electric energy. This was enough to light up a decent area around us.

Once I could see him, Laker confidently slipped up three motive cards. I narrowed my eyes to read:

Laker, Lancer, and....


I visibly jerked my hand back in response.

"How the fuck did you get Talus'?" I whispered harshly.

"There's a reason why I was looking for a way out." Laker huffed and handed them to me—except for his, of course. "I found Talus' note on the floor. I figured he was dead, and so I already knew that the murderer could potentially be Lancer after reading it."

He paused to make sure I was listening. I offered him a small nod in response.

"So...I tried to run away and hide. I remember hiding in some closet until everyone came out...then figured out that if I was found in said closet, I would be deemed suspicious immediately. After figuring that out, I ran back into my room whenever Inu left and tried to break free."

" made all those choices in fear?" I inquired, trying to gauge his mentality.

"Yeah...but something about having such a good lead with the motive card made me realize we know nothing about each other's past." Laker cleared his throat and gazed at me with confidence. "So, whether people like it or not, I will figure out everyone's motive cards."

"Remind me to stay away from you." Luster rolled his eyes and heaved a short sigh. "I was with you until the end."

"It's nothing personal, really." The Weavile shrugged. "But if it saves our lives, I will."

"Not just your life?" I called out his word usage, earning a small snicker from the weasel.

"Yes, we, our, etcetera." He muttered in amusement.

"I get it. Then it makes more sense to me now." I concluded and tore my gaze to focus on the empty couches next to us.

After a few seconds of staring, Luster seemed to have caught on.

"You know...he would've been with us right now." The Luxray mumbled sadly to me.

"Yeah..." I sighed. I felt my throat grow tighter the more I thought about it. I looked down at the cards in my hands.

Choosing to not give myself time to prepare, I slipped the two of them open together and read.

"Lancer consistently takes out his frustrations on his brother, Talus, through physical and emotional abuse. Since he is more powerful, he manipulates his brother by forcing him to run dangerous errands as Talus does not know any better."

As if I wasn't angry enough at him, this only made it worse. The thought of this happening only made everything harder to accept. However, this wasn't over yet, as I still haven't read Talus'.

My eyes scrolled down to the second card.

"Talus has an incredibly abusive relationship with his brother, Lancer. Not only does he get used for dangerous errands, but all frustrations are physically taken on him. Somehow, he is the cause of Galant's mother's death from Lancer's orders."

...what? This is his motive card?

"I didn't expect it, either." Luster spoke to me, seemingly reading the shocked expression in my eyes. However, I never tore my gaze from the note.

The only thing that made him guilty was killing Galant's mother...under Lancer's fucking orders!?

I finally looked away to stare at the two Pokemon in front of me, my vision now slightly blurred.

"He was..."

"Innocent..." Luster nodded with pain in his voice. "He was innocent..."


The morning had arrived and everyone had unanimously slept in, choosing to ignore the chirps through the intercom.

Sam was sitting patiently in the middle of the living room, her legs casually settled on the coffee table.

The first one to leave their room was Leon—looks like he was the only one able to muster up the courage. The moment he made it out the doorway was when the Braixen greeted him.

"Way to keep me waiting!" Sam shot him a small grin.

Without any words, the Lucario silently turned around into his room and shut the door, leaving the vixen completely alone once again.

"Wow." The Braixen scoffed. "Not even mad about that, honestly..." She whispered under her breath.

"What do you want?" Vanta hissed out just as he shoved his door open.

"Arceus, that was fast..." Sam uttered with a feigned hurt expression.

"I heard your raspy ass voice from the room." The Umbreon trudged around her to search the kitchen. From the now open door approached Rayne, who was entirely silent.

"I'm here to reward you for playing the game!" The Braixen called.

"What do you mean?" Rayne mumbled, her glare stuck onto the vixen.

"Just gather everyone here and find out..!"


It took about a half hour to gather the group in the living room. No one—quite literally, no one—seemed ready for Sam's next words.

"Alright, I'm here to announce that you all have finally played my game properly! Which means it's time for your reward!" The Braixen lifted her arms in excitement.

She only frowned at the sound of pure silence.

"Hm...okay!" A small giggle before she leaped off the coffee table and pointed towards the hallway. On the other end was the entirely secured front door. "What if I told you that you could leave the mansion?"

A row of ears perked at her words, causing her to giggle once more.

"Yes, yes! You all can now leave the mansion and explore the outside world to your heart's content!"

"...why now?" Loki weakly muttered.

"Because you all listened to me!" Sam pointed to the Zoroark.

After she earned another wave of silence, she shook her head teasingly.

"Since you all don't believe me..."

Suddenly, the wooden stick in her fluffy tail was pulled out. The Braixen waved it out, leaving a bright purple glitter scattering in the sky. The particles slipped into each room, window, and even the front door. In mere seconds, the metal sheets and wooden planks were ripped off their hinges and bolts, leaving nothing but the beautiful outside light to bleed in.

The group audibly gasped at the sight, their eyes not used to the feeling of fresh sunlight.

Inu was the first one to burst out of the group and make a run for the front door.

Sam only watched with a sly smirk, her eyes focusing on the Infernape.

The fire ape made it to the double doors and slammed her shoulders against the base, practically smashing the parts of their frames. She was greeted by the wonderful feeling of sunlight seeping into her ever-wanting skin.

Inu dropped to her knees in joy but was quickly ripped away from the feeling the moment her eyes adjusted. By now, everyone else had followed, causing the emotions to spread like mass hysteria.

They were surrounded by a bird cage-like metal structure. The land ahead of them was plain and seemingly went on for miles...but only led into steel walls of impossible heights. Just in case anyone could fly, the mile-high ceiling was structured by metal bars and plexiglass, yet just enough for natural sunlight to light the environment.

"W-What...the f-fuck..." Vince shuddered.

"I-I..." Leon tried to say something, but couldn't find the words. After hearing the two fail to assess the situation, the group stood there in shock, listening to Inu weep in frustration. Curses and cries showered the air for an hour, leaving nothing but despair in the air.

Nothing would be the same...



"Gahaha!" The hysterical laughter of my sister echoed through the walls of her office. "Did you see the look on their faces!?"

"Yes, Sam..." I muttered lowly, her expression now focused on mine.

"Awe...c'mon! Have a little fun! I know you're helping these people keep hope, but you know it's all for me to break it again, right?" Sam grinned widely at me and leaped off her chair to clutch the handle of a machine.

"I know..." I answered flatly, watching her put the mechanism on her head.

That's so odd...I wonder what she uses it for.

"Hey, I have an idea!" My sister called out as she hopped back on her chair, shuffling through a row of papers. "You go ahead and cheer them up! I have some studies to do..."

"How am I going to do that?"

"Here!" The other Braixen pulled open a drawer and chucked me a stone. "You know what this does..!"

"Right..." I huffed, feeling against the now glowing diamond in my paws. "I will..."

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