Chapter 22: Hello, Despair {Part 2}

     Hello, hello! Despair is such a wonderful thing, is it not? There's nothing more satisfying than seeing everyone fail after they have gained all that hope, I adore it. The only reason I write such words on my nearest piece of paper is due to the fact that I have a plan. My plan will be wonderful, and I shall name it...

     Project Frenzy! It will be my most wonderful thing ever! This mansion—owned by one of the most horrid people in the world—will be a recorded, completely documented murderous household!

     But where will I get the people?

     Oh! How about everyone who has hurt me someway in the past? Hm...but they're hard to find!

     Plus, I won't remember everyone who's hurt me in the past...except my terrible, terrible mother. I can no longer call her my mother anymore, so I shall call her by her real name, Anna. Hm...but I can't guarantee that no one will read my plan is that I'll just provide context for everyone!

     I have this gem, this amazing, color-changing gem. It can be anything I want it to be, with simply my words! If I want to remember things, I say a name...and it gives me a very important memory of said person! However, to forget any memory is quite the task. The second I say the words 'Delete' to the gem, it gleams a scarlet red color, and whatever it's touching completely forgets their entire life—minus the basic functions such as talking, breathing, walking, etcetera.

     See, this wouldn't be too difficult if I had to do this on a sleeping target...but maybe that couldn't be so hard? You sister could surely help me with that...she surely knows sleeping-moves.

     You know, the more I plan this, the more I'll follow in Anna's footsteps...a serial killer. I should think of this as more of show—oh, wink game!

     However, I'm not that unprepared. I actually have an amazing healing system—in case of the possibility that they return to me completely injured. I'm so excited about this, I've done so many preparations these past years. I've hired a group of Pokemon, tested out multiple types of machinery, and mastered the elements of this gem.

     Everything will all go down in the Frenzy house.


     The air somehow was poisoned from the absolute pain felt from Leon's death. The difference between this death and the others seemed to be in the process of being explained by a certain grieving Pokemon.

     "I can't...look at him anymore..." Alice gagged, her eyes scrolling away from the corpse.

     "W-We have to figure out who killed him..." Galant stammered, nearing the Lucario's body. 

     "I know we hated each other at th' start but..." Sherwood hiccuped. "He was the closest friend I had here..." He continued, his eyes still streaming with tears.

     From behind him came Loki, who placed a gentle paw against the back of the Sceptile, rubbing it soothingly. "I know...he was very important to all of us..."

     "There could be a big problem here," Laker frowned at the corpse, but seemed to hold no emotions, "Leon was the one who patrolled the outside for bodies and murders. What do you think will happen now that we no longer have him to help us?"

     "We fuckin' die, that's what," Kanom scoffed, crossing his arms, "you think I care, anyway? I could give less of a shit if a goody-two-shoes Lucario dies. Just as long as I survive, it doesn't ma—"

     A scream, calling practically at the top of their lungs, reverberated around the area. With ease, Sherwood shifted himself around and leaped near Kanom, shoving his fist into the Toxicroak's face with absolute disgust. Kanom recoiled from the force as his legs buckled under the Sceptile's weight, his chest arching as he flew yards away from him.

     "Sherwood! Holy shit!" Rayne gasped and leaped in front of the Grass-type. "Control yourself!"

     "No! I can't fuckin' deal with this bastard anymore. He wants to talk all that shit, well he can! But he'll deal with me after!" Sherwood hissed, his voice croaking with emotion.

     Loki, who had her paw placed on the Sceptile, backed away in fear and took a deep breath. "Sherwood...we all hate him...but this is what Sam would have wanted. For us to fight."

     "And it's exactly what you're doing!" Called a terrible, wrenching voice, familiar to them all.

     "!" Sammy gulped. "We still have a few days left, right?"

     "Courtesy to your little friend here..." An untrustworthy Braixen paced up the stairs and out the door, stopping whenever the Lucario's corpse was inches away from her and pointed directly at the bandaged Zoroark. "I'll be coming back early to secure this exit."

     "Exit?" Grace began. "You all found an exit and didn't tell me?"

     "Why would we tell you?" Sammy shifted her gaze to the Eevee. "I told it to the people I trusted..!"

     "And look where they ended up." Grace frowned and offered a glare to the innocent Braixen. "Dead and bandaged."

     "Anyways..." Sam grinned and walked around the body to face everyone. "You all have a murder to solve."

     "I'm sure you caused it," Loki began, "you shouldn't have to lie to us."

     "Oh!" Sam giggled softly. "You know my rules, bitch!" The loudening of her voice caused the Zoroark to flinch. "You're a lot less confident now..." She leaned near Leon's corpse. "This Lucario sure has done a lot...too bad!" She giggled, and with how sudden she appeared, she disappeared abruptly with the help of a Gengar.

     Silence, and after that, a bell rung.


     "A body has been discovered! You all have one hour to investigate before the trial begins!" The dreadful voice bounced off the walls.

     Galant's POV

     "Well...we have no other choice..." My feelings were holding me back from stepping any further near Leon's corpse. There was something about each and every individual death in this house that brought a new sense of despair to everyone. I couldn't describe it, but I knew it pleased Sam. I knew that if I showed weakness, whether it be sadness, anger, or despair. I had to be partially emotionless for her to not get what she wants. I will not let her get what she wants, and by this point, I'm ready to accept death. However, just as long as I die, and Sam isn't happy with it then...then I'm prepared.

     "Hello?" Grace waved a paw near my face, snapping me from my day-dream. "Are you okay? We need to work on this murder."

     "R-Right..! Uhm..." Somehow, I was already kneeled down, gazing at Leon's corpse, and it wasn't until then when I wretched at the smell of blood. "Arceus...Leon..."

     "I know. From what I could tell, he was stabbed in the back with three claws." Grace frowned, adjusting the Lucario's fur. "No vital organs were struck, he most likely just bled to death."

     "Three claws..?" I exhaled. "Are they all the same size? I wouldn't want to make the same mistake we made last murder."

     "Hm...yeah, they seem to be the same size." Grace backed away and glared at the crowd. "Laker, Alice, Loki, you all have claws. You're now automatically suspicious."

     "Don't you have claws too?" Laker pointed a claw at Grace upon hearing his name.

     "Yes. However, I don't think my claws are big enough to pierce through a Lucario's chest." Grace never locked glances with the Weavile. "And don't blame me for anything...I'm the one helping, after all..."

     "What's that supposed to mean?" Kanom scoffed at the Eevee's words, limping near the scene. The Toxicroak was breathing quite heavily, a webbed hand placed against the bruise on his head.

     "The claws have some sort of shadow aura..." Grace chose to ignore Kanom's words by gazing at the wound. "Like a Shadow Claw of some sort..."

     Those words caused Loki to gulp, and Grace immediately shifted her gaze to the Zoroark. "I'm not even going to say it..." Grace hissed.

     "Fine..! I know Shadow Claw...but what makes you think I killed Leon?" Loki crossed her arms.

     "Because you were at the scene...wounded..." I rose to my feet and turned around to face Loki. "We should leave this for the trial..."

     "I-I'm telling you, Sam did it! She killed him..!" Loki stepped closer to me as her voice croaked.

    "It's alright...we'll talk this out in the's okay..." I never wanted this, I never imagined this.

     I never imagined having to go through another trial so early—I haven't even mentally prepared myself.

     "What could be down here?" Grace hummed as she entered through the door.

     "Wait, not in there!" Loki called and leaped past me, dashing behind the Eevee.

     I followed behind the Zoroark and directly down the stairs. The lighting was odd, and the stairway couldn't be anymore eerie. Light bloodstains trailed across the walls, and the dark, blue lighting only made it worse.

     "This place isn't that bad..." Grace cleared her throat and paused upon entering a room. The floor in this dark room was spattered with blood, the only light being provided was a small light bulb—hung from the high ceiling. "How big is this place? Where are the walls?" The Eevee paced forward onto the darkened floor. I don't know why we followed her...but we did, and it didn't take long for all of us to follow through. 

     Why are we doing this? Most importantly...why hasn't Sam stopped us yet?

     "There's a door..." Alice whispered, walking past the blood and under the light bulb. Walking past the object and straight ahead was a metal door, and upon opening it revealed...

     "A bedroom?" I was shocked at the sight of a warm, cozy interior directly after the horrors of what we saw previously.

     "My bedroom..." Sammy whispered and paced forward ahead of everyone, gazing directly at the interior. Her eyes held emotions of nostalgia, yet it hasn't been too long since she entered the killing game. She opened everything, and upon opening the cabinet, she instantly shut it closed. "I-I'm sorry, you have to see this...close the door behind you..."

     I nodded as once everyone entered the room, I shut the door on queue.

     "There's a secret I never told you all..." Sammy heaved a long sigh.

     "Go figure..." Kanom muttered under his breath.

     "Listen." Sammy frowned and backed away from the crowd, pulling open the same exact drawer. "I've explained this to Leon, and I'll explain it to you." With her paws, she lifted a dull gem with absolutely no color. "This gem, for some odd reason, controls our memories. I located it in..." She paused. 

     "What's wrong?" Loki frowned.

     "I can't say a name or else it will activate..." Sammy gazed at the Zoroark. "But you can take a guess on where I found it. For some reason, it's here, so I'm as shocked as you are. However, this is not a toy. It can delete memories with ease."

     "How do you know this?" Rayne scoffed. "You sure you're not just completely delusional?"

     "No..! I'm serious...I've been testing it in my own hidden room and...just let me prove it!" Sammy cleared her throat and paced up near the Sceptile. With complete silence, she managed to hand it over to him. "Now say your name."

     Sherwood hesitated for a few seconds and gulped, gazing down at the gem. "Sherwood..." The gem suddenly gleamed a blinding white color before the Sceptile's body grew weak to the light. Sherwood stumbled back and planted his back against the nearest wall, his body sliding down and sitting on its haunches.

     "Sherwood! Sammy what did you do!?" Grace gasped and leaped over near the Sceptile, placing a careful paw on his chest. 

      "I-It's supposed to be that way! He's having a memory right now!" Sammy stepped closer to the crowd but was brought away from the Eevee's loud hissing.

     "Estra...Estra..." Sherwood muttered under his breath, his breathing growing stronger and stronger. "Leon..." He continued.

     "What the hell?" Rayne had managed to stand near him to listen to his words. "Who is Estra?"

     "I don't know..." I huffed, kneeling down to gaze at Sherwood's unconscious face. "But we can only hope his memory isn't that bad..."


     Memory 5

     Sherwood's POV

     "Sherwood!" My younger sister called at the top of her lungs. I jolted awake, my body rising into a sitting position.

     "Estra? What's wrong?" I inquired to the Grovyle directly in front of me. 

     "I heard a sound...please..." Her arms wrapped protectively around my chest.

     "Estra...aight...fine..." I couldn't decline, so I rose to my feet, leaving the Grovyle in the far back of the cave. "Now..." I heaved a long sigh and stepped outside into the darkness. It wasn't until then that I realized it was pitch black, the only sound being the apparent chirping of some cricket species.

     "I see're 'Sherwood'..." An unfamiliar voice called from the darkness. A pair of red eyes stared back at me.

     " need to leave. I'm sick of telling you this all the time..." I frowned, crossing my arms. However, a beam of ice immediately was sent my way without warning. I quickly evaded it, leaning to the side as it landed on the rocks behind me.

     "Leon? That's an interesting name. I may visit him too..." The creature paced forward to reveal himself. A Weavile stood in front of me.

     "Who the hell are you?" I scoffed, entering a battle stance.

     "I'm not going to monologue..." The Weavile smirked. "Laker. That's all you need to know...and that's all I'm telling you."


     My body was propped up against the wall, and it didn't take long for me to realize where I finally was.

     "Sherwood? Are you alright?" Rayne nuzzled her nose against my arm with care.

     "Yeah...yeah..." I gazed down at the gem with a frown. I finally rose to my feet and sighed. "When I first arrived here, I had a feeling I had to protect someone. It was my sister, Estra..." My eyes scrolled around the crowd and stopped at Laker. "You."

     "What?" Laker backed away and frowned.

     "I'll remember you..." I left him with that comment before dropping the gem and pacing away from the group. I shifted with the doorknob and paced out of the room.

     I already had an idea as to who the murderer is but...but I don't want to say it yet. I'll say it during the trail...

     Sammy's POV

     I never understood why I decided to show everyone the gem. It was possibly one of my worst decisions...but I still kept on with it.


     "It's time for the trial, everyone!" Sam called through the intercom. I wasn't ready, I truly wasn't...

     But I had to be...I had to be...

     It didn't take long for us to finally reach the trial room. From the Braixen statue led the entirely silent group of Pokemon, deprived of any words from the newest member's death. Once the platform fell, and the latch above us shut, words were finally spoken.

     "I'm really sorry..." Laker heaved a sigh.

     "For what?" Alice's high voice rung around the platform.

     "For everything..." Laker frowned and gazed ahead of him. "You'll see why...I know you'll find out...right?"


     It didn't take long for us to quietly arrive onto our podiums.

     "Oh, come on! You all need to cheer up! See, you're all going to see someone die!" Sam giggled.

     "What do you mean? You committed the murder!" Loki barked out of the blue.

     "Hehe, I love it when people think that," Sam smirked widely at the Zoroark, "and I love people's faces when they find out that I didn't do anything at all!"

     "Wait..." Loki breathed. "You can't be serious..."

     "Loki...I'm sorry but..." Sherwood gazed down at his own podium. "But I have proof that someone else could have killed Leon..."

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