A Day in the Life of Zane~ Part 2

This day is taking longer than I expected, so enjoy! <3


Zane was right; he's never made scrambled eggs before. I showed him how to crack the eggs without getting shells in the pan, how much cheese to put in, all that good stuff. By the end, Zane was reaching around me to make them at the same time as me. It was so fun and Zane was being so cute and silly. I didn't know there was this side to him, it was so fun. I wonder why he's not like this all the time..

"Zane, their done, take them off the stove before they burn!" I tried to push him, but he's bigger than me, so it was hopeless. He smirked and nudged me, almost knocking me over. "All right you show-off, you're stronger than me, see if I care you fat little nugget." This made Zane stare at me. "What?"

"Did Aph tell you to say that?" I knew that Aphmau called him that, and that it bugged him.

"Nah, I heard her say it in college, and it just kinda stuck in my head. Now c'mon, let's eat on the couch and watch TV." We got plates and divided up the eggs and toast.

As we sat down, I asked, "Uh, Zane? Do you mind if, uh, we watch.. My Little Horsie?" I cringed, waiting for the scolding I would get for watching a baby show.

"Re- really? You like it too- I mean, fine. Whatever." He turned on the TV and it was already on My Little Horsie.

"Man, we're going to be great friends!" I smiled and shoved my face full of toast. Unfortunately, Zane jerked my arm, flinging crumbs and eggs everywhere. "Hey, what's that about?" I turned on him angrily.

"Look Y/N, you're a decent person, and I can put up with you for a day, but I'm not a 'friend' person. After today I'm going to go back to being an introvert, and only talking to Aph. So don't get comfortable." He turned back to the TV and ate his toast. I was very uncomfortable, and my breakfast was all over the floor.

~Time Skip brought to you by My Little Horsies~

The rest of the day went better; we watched My Little Horsies for a good seven hours, and snacked on popcorn the entire time. So, at dinner time, we just chilled and talked, waiting for seven so we could get the cuffs off.

"So, Zane, why do you live by yourself? Beside the fact that you're introverted." I was curious, because if he wanted to live alone, why did he move into a big neighborhood.

"Well, uh, Garroth actually got me to move.. He was checking out houses around here to find one for him and his buddies, while also trying to teach me about the housing market- even though I already know more than him. Anyway, after he left, I looked at one of the houses and it was waay more affordable than what I was currently paying for, so I moved right in. After that, Garroth asked me if I wanted to move in with him and his buddies, but I was already happy here. Turns out they moved into my neighboring house." Zane got quieter as he spoke, and I could tell he didn't talk that long uninterrupted very often.

"Well then, that's something else. So are you friends with Garroth? I thought you didn't have any friends besides Aphmau." Why would Garroth want Zane to move in with him?

Zane's eyes narrowed. "Garroth is my.. brother." Zane turned his head away slightly, thoroughly embarrassed.

"Aww! Why didn't anyone tell me! That's so cute!" I hopped in my seat, trying to control my giddiness.

"Ugh, that's why," he groaned, pointing at me. "I'm not exactly proud of the fact. Garroth tends to steal all the glory, being the oldest and all."

I threw a quick look at the clock and smiled as wide as my mouth would go. "Hey Zane, what time is it?"

"Umm, it's time for lunch?" (Reference if you get it I love you) Zane looked at the clock and corrected himself. "Oh, it's time to get the cuffs off!"

"Aaand... See Garroth, c'mon!" I grabbed his hand and bolted out the door, excited at the new information I had.

Zane's POV

Y/N pulled me out the door. It would be pretty amusing, except that I had to run to keep up with her, and that we were running to Garroth. We reached the door and I banged on it, because Y/N was too out of breath.

The door flew open and Dante was in the doorframe. "Zane, Y/N! Come in!" He spoke strangely loud and beckoned us with large, swinging arms.

"Dante, what's going on?" I growled as I stepped in. "This had better not affect the handcuffs."

Dante's eyes went wide, and he waved us to follow him into Laurence's room. He were greeted by Garroth at the door. "Dante who was at the- oh good, Y/N, Zane, come in." He stepped aside and revealed-

"A cat? Are you serious?" I snarled, furious. I don't really like cats too much, especially when the cat is Laurance.

"Uh, don't worry though, once we find the key it's all good." Garroth tried to comfort me, but I shoved him away. I didn't want to deal with brotherly love right now.

"Well let's find it already! 'Little Laurance', if you would please show us where the key is? I know you can understand me." I watched as Laurance hopped under the bed. A moment later he crawled out and meowed.

"What do you want? Just get the key already." I tapped my foot, waiting for him to go back under there and fetch it.


"I don't think he can pick up the key, Zane. He is a cat, you know. Maybe he wants us to go under there and get it for him?" Laurmeow, as I was now calling him, meowed and rubbed against my leg. "Aww, he's saying I'm right! C'mon Zane, let's do this!"

I bent over to crawl under the bed, but Zane didn't, stopping me half-way down. "Y/N, I'm never going to fit under there. Just no." He shook his head vigorously.

"Zane, do you want to live in these handcuffs any longer? Garroth and Dante won't fit any better than you." This got him to relax a little, so I yanked on the chain to pull him down. Unfortunately, this resulted in Zane falling full force on me. "Gah! Zane, get off!"

He scrambled off me, blushing bright red, and trying his hardest to cover it up. I looked at Dante and Garroth, expecting some laughs for the funny and awkward scene that just unfolded. Then I saw they're faces- they were both stone-faced, and trembling.

"Heh, heh, I guess physical humor isn't your thing, huh?" My grin melted off my face and I turned back to Zane. "Let's do this."

I rolled onto my stomach and inched forward, Zane trying his hardest to follow, but not quite fitting. I swept my hand around in the dark, feeling for the key. I felt something slimy and jerked my hand back, elbowing Zane in the face.

"Ah! Sorry Zane! Laurance," I called out to him, "I think something is living under your bed, and its slimy!" I heard a muffled meow in response.

"Oh, uh, that's probably a slice of pizza. We kinda have a problem.." Dante trailed off.

"Yeah Dante, we have a problem." I heard Garroth retort. Even from under the bed I could tell Garroth thought it was Dante's fault.

I shook my head, (resulting in hitting my head on the bed frame) and kept looking for the key.

"Aha! Found it!" I grabbed the little piece of metal and started to pull myself out from under the bed. And then there was pain.

"Ow!" I saw spots, and I felt really woozy. I rubbed my face, but putting pressure on it hurt too much- I passed out under Laurance's bed. I never thought that I would say that..

Zane's POV

"Aha! Found it!" Y/N cried out. I didn't say anything but I was sooo relieved. I was starting to feel claustrophobic under there, even though I could only get my head and one arm under.

I shifted to one side a little, so Y/N could get out. And then, her face was hitting mine. I moved right in the way and our noses crashed together.

"Ow!" Y/N cried out, covering up my whimper. I rubbed my nose, and I could tell it wasn't broken- thankfully- but there was definitely going to be a big bruise. I'll have to wear my mask a little higher this week.

I heard a soft thump, and Y/N went limp. I gently grabbed her hand and squeezed it. Dang, her hands are super soft.. "Y/N? You there?" She was passed out. Great.

"Baby brother? What's going on under there? What did you do to precious Y/N?!" Two hands grabbed my ankles and pulled me out, while I grabbed Y/N's hands, bringing her with me. "Your holding hands?! Zane, your dead!"

"Chill, we smack our faces together and she passed out in pain. She'll be fine." I took the key from her and unlocked the cuffs. I rubbed my wrist and glared up at Dante and Garroth. They didn't really do anything to make me mad, but they didn't need to know that.

"Y/N needs to lay down, I'm taking her home. Good day to you." I sassed them as I lifted up Y/N gently, bridal style, so she was comfortable. I walked out with Garroth, Dante, and cat-Laurance staring.

I kicked Aph's door with my foot since my arms were full, and I heard Aphmau shout from inside; most likely that she'll get the door. It swung open and Aph stared at me.

"You knocked? That's not like yo- WHAT HAPPENED TO Y/N!!!?"
She gently touched Y/N's nose. "Come in, Zane, and tell me everything."

~Time Skip brought to you by Laurmeow~

I finished telling Aph what happened as we stood in front of Y/N, who was resting on the couch.
"Oh geez, that is quite the story. Wait, is your nose bruised too? Let me see." Aphmau reached for my mask but I jerked away. I knew if she touched it I would tear up, and I can't let her see me like that, bruised and crying.

"Aw Zane, c'mon, you can show me, I'm your best friend." She gave me puppy eyes, and I felt guilty.

"Fine." I carefully pulled my mask down past my nose, still keeping it over my mouth.

"Zane, you look even worse than Y/N!" She reached out to touch it, but I stopped her.

"I'm going to take Y/N to bed, and then I'm going home." I lifted her up again and carried her downstairs once Aph told me she 's living down there. I set her on the bed and brushed the H/C hair out of her eyes. She looked so peaceful...

I turned around to head back upstairs and I saw the other half of the basement was cordoned off by sheets. I'm a bit too curious for my own good, and I snuck behind them. I instantly regretted my curious nature as I saw a terrifying sight.

Posters of Y/N and I were plastered all over the walls, and there were little dolls of us hugging. I was paralyzed in fear and confusion, until I heard a sound behind me.

"Zane~Kun?! What are you doing at Kawaii~Chan's shipping shrine?" KC looked nervous; she was probably worried what I would do to her. But I was more scared than angry, so I just side-stepped her and bolted up the stairs. I'm just glad this weird day was ending.

So this episode is a lot longer than I thought it would be, but I couldn't find a good place to break it up. Hope you enjoyed!

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