4.) Murder on the Court

Soooo...I don't know if I've mentioned it yet, but did you guys know that this book hit #70 in Adventure? I know right? Woah. You guys are incredibly amazing and awesome, and for that reason, I have decided to gift you an update. This book has hit 676 reads, 35 votes, and 12 comments. Y'all are great. Oh, and S/O to @KatTheCookie for making me laugh, your comments were great, thank you:D  I feel like I should set goals for when I should next update. Yep, I'm going to do that. So, I think I'm going to update if I get 20 comments on this chapter alone or if I get 30 votes on this chapter alone. Yep, I know, I'm cruel, so sue me. For the record, you guys can comment more than once, and voting only takes a millisecond, if even that. Hopefully this chapter won't be too quick of a read, and I think it gets a bit interesting but...yeah. Ooooh, I forgot to add, but pray for the people in the Middle East, even if you're not religious, at least try to extend a helping hand to any Muslims in your area, I just read an article about a muslim girl in the SIXTH grade getting physically bullied/harassed for someone else's wrongdoings. Just because someone of the same religion carries out terrible deeds, doesn't mean you should condemn the innocent, who also follow the same religion. #lessonfortheday Anyways, I have a question for you all: Which character do you believe is the least developed in this story? There, I gave you something to comment about;) Oh, and by any chance, are you guys any good at making covers? Because I don't know whether or not I like this one...anyways...I think I'll let you guys read now:)

A tall, dark-haired boy strides onto the court with a look of angst on his face, urgently looking around the entire gym. Dressed in the P. E. uniform, he still managed to get the approval of various girls around him, although it was debatable if they were for him, or for his blonde friend, Evans.

Lyla was perplexed by this Evans character. He was quite a mystery to her. He was included in the report that the agency had sent her, although there was little to no information on him, just the mention of his name, Evans Knight. Not even a middle name.

She had stalked him on every social media site possible before school had started; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, Kik, you name it, she's checked it, but they were all fake accounts, created in the past year. To an inexperienced hacker, it was easy to believe that he had created the accounts when he was in the 7th grade. However, that was not the case.

On accounts such as Evans' there are very faint digital prints that are left when the creator of the file moves or changes things in the slightest. When Lyla examined his entire account history, there was only one print. One, extremely faint, print. But that was all she needed to detect the rest of the lies that were hidden in that account.

Every single picture on Instagram that he posted with tagged family members was a lie. All the accounts of the family members were fake as well, created in the same way that Evans' was.

However, she wasn't giving this Evans' character enough credit. His Instagram may be a fake, but his Facebook was not. On his Facebook, only two pictures are posted of him. One is a picture of him, flying through the air, catching a football posted when he was in the 5th grade, Lyla verified. But the other one, the one she focused on, is a picture of him and Grant, standing side by side, Grant holding a 2nd place, track-and-field medal, and Evans holding two medals, a 1st place shot put medal, and a 1st place discus medal. This picture was posted was when Evans and Grant were in the seventh grade. Lyla wasn't sure what to make of this Evans character, but-

Suddenly someone, or more like something, shook her out of her daze. She heard the whizzing of a volleyball fly past her right shoulder, whipping up the tendrils of her soft, thick hair onto her face, sticking to the light layer of chapstick on her lips. She slowly turned in the direction the ball came from. It was the coach, with an Asian girl standing right next to him.

The Asian beauty slowly curled her finger in a motion used to bring people to them, and Lyla slowly, albeit unwillingly, gravitated towards her. She noticed that while she was still in her daze, the coach had formed six teams of twelve. All the groups had twelve members, except for two of them. Coach Marcus, a brawny, but short man of a height maximum of 5 ft. 6 in., gave her a stern look, and started to give her a light scolding.

"When you are in my class, I expect you to have discipline, and follow all the rules that I give you. You obviously have not followed my past two instructions, which were to 1.) Pick a group to play volleyball with, and 2.) Get with your team of six players, and pick team leaders. However, since you were obviously not able to do so, I guess I'll just have to do those for you."

He looked towards the Asian girl and said, "Cho, go back to your team and continue to give instructions, I'll handle this one." The Asian girl, Cho, went back to the fully Asian group and continued to speak in a language Lyla recognized as Mandarin. Coach Marcus turned back to her, waves his hand towards the last group with 11 members and said, "You'll be joining this team, and team leaders have already been chosen. Whichever leader has only 5 members will be yours, and if you don't know how to play volleyball, I guess you better pray for a nice team captain, because I'm not going to re-explain the rules to people who don't bother to listen to me in the first place."

Lyla turned towards the group, a group containing both, Evans, Grant, and a brunette, a girl that was included in the report as well. According to the agency's report, this girl has continually made sexual advances toward Grant at parties but had been turned down continuously. What an interesting team combination.

Lyla sits behind one of the boys, who turns around and gives her a hand. "Hi, my name is Jack, what's your name?"

Upon closer investigation, Jack was a dirty blonde, with glinting, golden hair popping out of his head in random areas. It was quite obvious that he was trying to go for the "wind-swept locks" and the tanned, muscular body, but it didn't work. He had puffy red cheeks that created dimples when he smiled, and green eyes that sparkled in just the right light. He was also taller than Lyla sitting down.

Extending her hand, Lyla shook his calloused one and said, "Lily, Lily Aquatry." 

He smiled his dimpled smile, and flushing red, said, "That's a nice name...in fact, it reminds of someone I used to know." His gaze turned forlorn. Lyla cocked her head. 

"Maybe I'll tell you later yeah? Not when we've just met each other."

"Of course, I mean, we literally just met each other like what, 5 sec. ago? You don't have to tell me all your secrets just yet," Lyla said, with only a hint of playfulness. Of course, missing the slight seriousness in her tone, he amicably lifted up his hands, and said, "Don't murder me yet Lily, I mean, I know I'm hot and shit, but that's no reason to kill this bod," gesturing to his body and wiggling his eyebrows.

Lyla just smirked and looked behind Jack. The rest of the teams had gone to their specific court except for them. Grant and Evans were both standing, Grant glaring heatedly at both of them. His face was scrunched, rivaling that of Scrooge from "A Christmas Carol."

Jack, following Lyla's gaze, looked behind him, and his mouth formed a small "O" shape, and he scrambled to his feet as if he were burned. Lyla got up as well, slowly, causing much irritation from a certain brunette off to the side. "Look, I know you're new to this school, but that doesn't excuse your sluggishness. And in case you haven't noticed, we kind of need to get started," she said, waving her arms towards all the other groups that had commenced their games.

Lyla shoved past the rest of the group, not caring to look behind her and took center position. Evans and the rest of his team, including both Jack and the brunette, walked towards her side. "I take it you know how to play volleyball, right?" Evans asked, looking at her stance. With her knees bent and her arms straight out, Lyla nodded.

On the other side stood Grant, in the position of the server, holding the ball in one hand, and the other arm hanging limply at his side. Evans nodded at him, and with a powerful toss upward, and an even more powerful slam, Grant had started the game off with a BANG, one that could still be heard echoing around the decently sized gym. People had turned to watch the game. However, Lyla could only focus on the ball that was swirling towards her in its death spin.

Jumping, Lyla bumped the volleyball in response to Grant's start, and not expecting the return, Grant fumbled with the volleyball, trying to set it, but failing to do so, the ball making it only to the net. The gym was deadly silent.

Lyla looked at Grant, eager to see his response, however, his face was void of emotions. Instead, he called out saying, "You need to call out the score." He picked up the ball and threw it back to the brunette.

She called out "1 to 0," and flawlessly executed a perfect serve, one that was neither too conspicuous nor gentle. She allowed herself a small smile and looked directly at Lyla as if trying to size her up. Lyla had no problem with that however, knowing that she wasn't the only girl who could be tough. In fact, she took it as a challenge.

A tan Asian boy, most likely Filipino, volleyed the ball straight back to Lyla's team, however, neither Lyla nor Evans returned the hit; only the brunette did, setting the ball with just the right amount of force to keep the game going for another minute or so. During the duration of the entire game, however, neither Lyla nor Grant touched the ball; in fact, Lyla didn't even react when the ball fell right next to her, out on her own team.

Another serve passed by in the same manner, this time served by another white boy with black hair and a slight accent, however, Lyla couldn't be too sure since she had only heard him when he was yelling gibberish during the game. The game passed by at a snail's pace, finally landing out of bounds on Lyla's side of the team. There was only the slow torture of having to watch some pathetic volleys being passed across the net, however, both teams managed to hold their own, until the opposing team finally spiked it out of bounds.

Now it was Evans turn to serve. He hit it almost as hard as Grant, the sound loud, but definitely not as ear-shattering. Grant eagerly returned the serve, but before he spiked it, he looked straight at Lyla, narrowed his eyes, and gave another one of his fatal blows. Lyla however, expected this response, but what she didn't expect was for Jack to come right beside her and volley it up into the air. Taking advantage of the situation, she watched as the ball flew up past the suspended lights, and jumped high into the air, and spiked the ball in no particular direction. Grant, being too faraway to reach the ball, and the rest of his team too clumsy or too cowardly to actually touch the ball, looked from afar, as the ball splintered the wood on the tanned floor of the gymnasium.

The gym was deathly silent. No one moved a muscle in either direction. Everyone just stood and stared at the dusting of wood spread across a portion of the floor in a blotchy, circular shape, and Lyla just kept looking at the gaping hole, wondering what the people around her, and the school's staff would think of her now, not that she needed their approval anyway.

The shrill pitch of the whistle sounded, and Coach Marcus strode right up to Lyla. He grabbed her shoulder and twisted her around to face him. He bent his head down toward her level and said, "In one class period, you manage not to focus on a very simple task, follow my instructions, and you also put a freaking hole in your school's gym. I mean, I know I wasn't a great student when I was in high school, but at least I kept my craziness outside of school, unlike you. What the hell is your name young lady?"

Lyla made her voice tremble and said, "Li-Lily Quatry, s-sir."

"What the hell did you think you were doing back there Lily? Murdering the other team? I know what it's like to feel hyped up about a game, but I never would've suspected you had it in you, with all of your aloofness and whatnot."

"C-Coach M-M-Marcus sir, I wouldn't hurt a fly, even if I could, si-sir."

"Well I don't know about that Lily, but I'm going to have to send you to the office right now, and you will get a phone call home, and will most likely get a suspension on account of vandalism of school property."

"Y-yes sir, Oh-okay sir."

"Alright, now that we've got that sorted out, who would like to volunteer to go with this little lady down to the office?"

Two hands rose in the air.

Picture: Jack Kingsley


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