Chapter 7: Getting Over A Divorce

Here we see Doc doing some therapy with Stella behind a door to a room while the rest of you are outside of the room.

(Y/N): *to Verosika*"Singing trash to someone like Stolas and Blitzo in the same place is the worst performance ever, of all time."

Verosika: "I said I was sorry okay."

Simmons: "What's Doc doing in there?"

Grif: "Don't know, but I got 50 bucks on Stella ripping his head off."

Tucker: "60 bucks on ripping out his head and spine like in Mortal Kombat."

(Y/N): "Like Classic Sub Zero or Scorpion?"

Tucker: "Classic Subzero, cause you know suck it Reds."

(Y/N): "Riight, so Verosika you mind filling me in on how she got to living with you?"

Verosika: "Okay it happened like this."


Here we see Verosika and crew coming back from an autograph signing and Vortex hears someone crying.

Vortex: "Hey boss, I hear someone crying. Should we check it out?"

Verosika: "It's probably just some washed up hobo."

The crying continues to happen.

Verosika: "Ughh, Lucifer fine let's check it out."

Verosika and her crew then followed the sound and found Stella crying.

Vortex: "The way she's dressed she's too loaded to be a hobo."

Ace: *gasps* "Oh shit."

Milky: "What? She's just a hobo"

Ace: "Isn't obvious, that's Stella of the Goetia family is right there!"

Vortex: "Oh shit, that is her."

Verosika: "What are you doing out here in this alley when you have a mansion?"

Stella: *sniffles* "Had a mansion."

Vortex: "I'm guessing divorce cause the dude is into dudes. Right?"

Stella: "Yes... it happened like this."

Flashback within a flashback.

Stella: "The fuck are you doing?"

Stolas: *without looking back* "Reflecting."

Stella: "Well, stop. It's annoying to hear you screeching your silly woes all the time."

Stolas: "Why are you still here? You leave with Via on weekends, but then you stay around the house despite everything."

Stella: "I like tormenting you. I want to keep reminding you of what you did."

Stolas: "I know what I did. I would feel bad if I hurt you, but we both know I didn't do that. You and I were arranged for one reason; to birth a precautionary heir to the Goetia family, nothing more. I tried so many years to make it comfortable for us; to have this family, but it was never enough. The only reason I have endured your constant insults and cruelty was for that girl to have a normal life. ...I cannot do this anymore. I want you out. Now."

Stella: "What do you mean, out?"

Stolas: "I mean out! Out of this palace, out of my life! We are getting The Divorce!"

Stella: "How dare you?!"

She steps forwards as Stolas shrinks backwards looking slightly frightened of her.

Stella: "What do you think the rest of the Goetia family will think?"

Her hand moves towards Stolas to backhand his face.

Stella: "Andrealphus-!"

Stolas catches her hand, stopping it before it can hit his face and cutting her off.

Stolas: "I don't care what your arrogant brother thinks! And the only thing the Goetia family wanted from our marriage is already 17. So, it's over! I'm DONE!"

Stella stares intensely, then pulls her hand away from him in a silent rage.

Stella: "Fine. I have no desire to stay in the place of a traitorous embarrassment. You have fallen from what little grace you had, and I know you'll pay for it."

Flashback inside a flashback end.

Stella: "I tried to stay with my brother but he kicked me out, then my parents but they said no... "*sniffles*"

Vortex: "Is it a bad time to mention that I won a bet with Ace about how long your marriage last?"

Ace: *hands Vortex 500 dollars*"Here."

Verosika: "More importantly, and can't believe I'm saying this, but uh, your highness, how would you like to... live"

The crew gasped in shock.

Coco: "Vee you can't be serious right?"

Apple: "She's a huge prick."

Vortex: "We could save up on money on pillows by making pillows from her shedded feathers. Just saying."

Verosika: "Enough, prick or not she's not gonna stay here she's gonna stay with us and that's that, anyone got a problem with that?"

Vortex: "I'm cool with it."

The crew voiced some no's or nuh-uhs.

Verosika: "Good."

End of flashback

Verosika: "And that's how she moved here."

(Y/N): "Well that was nice of you Vee. So what did she do ever since she lived with you?"

Verosika: "Well she complains on and on about her ex husband, and when goes to bed she... cries in her sleep."

Tucker: "For real?"

Verosika: "Yeah, even when she's asleep."

Tucker: "You must be really proud of yourself after you ruined her life."

Verosika: "Hey we didn't do anything, that's on her, there's a reason why everyone hates Stella. She's a bigger bitch than Killjoy, and the smallest things piss her off to no end."

(Y/N): "Like chipping a nail?"

Tucker: "Is she a Karen?"

Verosika: "No she's just pissed at her husband, or more specifically she isn't royalty anymore."

Tucker: "I got an idea."

(Y/N): "I swear if you flirt with her I'm not taking you to the hospital and neither is Lopez."

Lopez: *in spanish*"And I just got repaired you aqua moron."

Tucker: "No no, it's not that, it's a way to make her famous and I don't mean queen of a kingdom famous but more like a badass space warrior famous. Princess Lela, Gamora, Captain Jane Way, Rey Skywalker-"

Simmons: "Don't mention anyone from the sequel trilogy!"

Tucker: "Okay fine, Asoka Tano. My point is, picture Carolina but covered head to toe in feathers. That will get her back on top."

Carolina: "She can't get famous overnight."

Tucker: "It won't but it will be awesome."

(Y/N): "Tucker, tell your plan to Stella and bring Grif with you. So you can have a human shield in case she gets angry."

Grif: "What will happen if she's angry?"

(Y/N): "Just go with Tucker meat sack."

Grif: "Fine."

We then see Grif and Tucker enter the room where Stella is and Tucker explain his plan to Stella.

(Y/N): "So far so good."

We then see Stella growl as she then grabbed both guys by their necks and threw them across the room.

Carolina: "Or not."

Simmons: "Should we help them?"

Sarge: "Give them 5 more minutes."

We then see Doc come out of the room and he was panting.

(Y/N): "Doc, what happen in there?"

Doc: "She doesn't like the idea of a space warrior."

(Y/N): "That was Tucker's idea? Figures."

Doc: "So now what?"

(Y/N): "I think we should just leave her be and let her get some closure."

Church: "What about Tucker and Grif?"

Doc: "They'll be fine in a few hours."

Sarge: "Did she rip Grif's head off?"

Doc: "Nope, he's alive but unconscious."

Sarge: "Terrible news."

Sometime later, Stella calmed down and was sitting on the couch.

Church: "Okay now everyone is calm and not trying to kill each other."

Tucker: "Come on, if it worked with some chicks turned space warriors it will work with her too. Heck it even worked with Carolina."

Carolina: "The last time I was in Freelancer I was thrown off of a cliff by Maine."

Tucker: "... Okay anything else?"

(Y/N): "Maybe just give her some space until she feels better."

Tucker: "How about you talk to her?"

(Y/N): "Why me??"

Tucker: *points to the succubi checking you out* "Ask them."

(Y/N): "Okay but if I die I'm haunting your sorry ass."

Church: "If somehow by chance she kills me again, ditto."

We see you enter the room and you see Stella.

(Y/N): "Hey... Stella, I'm sorry about what happened to you."

Stella: " Oh great, my shitty marriage is being heard from by humans now."

(Y/N): " Uh yeah, yeah Verosika told me and my friends everything... even the part when you put a hit on your own husband."

Stella: "Why can't he just lay down and die already!"

(Y/N): "You went through an arranged marriage, and you didn't make it easy for him or your daughter to live with you."

Stella: "I don't care about Stolas, and the only reason we were ever wedded was to conceive a child and nothing more."

(Y/N): "And it's time for a new step in life."

Stella: "Killing my husband personally?"

(Y/N): "What? No! Murder isn't the answer, honestly when was the last time you ever spent time with your daughter instead of throwing a temper tantrum like a 5 year old?"

Stella: "I...umm....huh I don't know."

(Y/N): "I think it's time for you to do an overdue mother and daughter bonding time."

Stella: "And why would I ever do that? She favors her father over me anyways."

(Y/N): "That's because he bonded with her like a good father. Sure he may be a perverted bird prince but at least he's a good dad. Unlike my dad."

Stella: "You have a bad father?"

(Y/N): "It's not just him it's also my mother as well. I was used as a means for them to get rich and famous because their son is a heartless warmachine."

Stella then had a flashback.

5 year old Stella: " What!? I'm getting married to- to that weakling?!"

Stella's mom: "You're getting married whether you like it or not."

Stella's dad: " And conceiving a child with him too."

5 year old Stella: "But-"

Stella's mom: "No buts young lady."

5 year old Stella: "I am not going to-"

Stella's dad: "We already agreed with Stola's father with the mariage."

We then see the young Stella run off to her room in anger and have a tantrum in there.

Stella's mom: *sighs* "I knew we should've told her about this on her 6th birthday." *Stella's dad gets hit with a vase*

Flashback ends.

Stella: "They already made an agreement with Stolas' father without my consent."

(Y/N): "You think that's bad, my parents are so bad that after the fall of Project Freelancer they called me deadweight and karma killed them by me killing them with my bare hands."

Stella: "Wait, if you killed them doesn't that mean they ended up here?"

(Y/N): "Oh I paid Blitzo to kill them when they were humans and I killed them myself when they went down here so that they would be double dead."

You then show Stella the video of you killing your parents with your bare hands as she was horrified by the sight.

Stella: "Oh dear..."

(Y/N): "At least we have something in common, we have shitty parents."

Stella: "Yeah."

You and Stella talked to each other for some time. 4 hours later, we saw the reds and blues along with Verosika and her crew and the TD girls were waiting for you.

Heather: "Jeez, how long have they been talking?"

Veroska: "4 hours."

Tucker: "Either Stella killed California or they're just making out in there. Wait, does she even have lips?"

Verosika: "Just because she doesn't have lips doesn't mean she can't kiss anyone. Trust me I made out with enough bird demons before I met Blitzo and California to know that."*sees everyone looking at her*"What, I'm a succubus, what do you expect?"

Church: "Does anyone want to check on them?"

Grif: "Let's give them 5 more minutes."

5 minutes later

Tucker: "Man they're taking a long time talking in there."

Lindsay: "Maybe they're talking about their issues?"

Grif: "6 more minutes."

Simmons: "Grif, you're saying that cause you're lazy."

Grif: "Yeah I do not want to end up having my eyes pecked out by a psycho bird demon."

Simmons: "Someone needs to check on them."

Grif: "You do it."

Simmons: "Me? Why?"

Grif: "Because she won't peck my eyes out."

Tucker: "Why don't we send in Ella? She's great with birds, plus she looks like a Disney princess. Wait, where's Caboose?"

We then see Caboose come out of the room as everyone sees him.

Caboose: "(Y/N) and the scary bird lady are best friends now."

Grif: "....You're kidding right?"

Caboose: "Yeah her mom and dad said yes about the giant bird people being together and lay an egg together and why (Y/N) killed his mom and dad and they talked about how much they hate their parents and then they became best friends."

Grif: "Ella get in there and see for yourself."

Ella: "Why good sir?"

Grif: "Cause Caboose could be wrong cause he's a moron."

Tucker: "And you're good with birds soo..."

Ella: "Okay I'll go see myself."

We then see Ella enter the room and she sees you and Stella have gotten along.

Ella: "Hello Sir California and uh, Lady Stella how are you two doing?"

Stella: "Well actually better, since I found someone better than Stolas."

(Y/N): "Yeah us becoming a thing is pretty much all her and not her parents."

Sometime later, Ella explained everything to the others.

Verosika: "She did what!?"

Ella: "Lady Stella found her knight in shining armor, Sir California."

Tucker: "Donut translation?"

Donut: "She fell for (Y/N)."

Tucker: "That mother fucker, I got cucked again!"

Church: "Wait, are you telling us that you are into furries?"

Tucker: "Dude we're space marines, alien chicks might be covered head to toe with fur or scales or feathers or cybernetics like that Borg chick from Star Trek, the one that has the ship called Voyager."

Simmons: "So I guess she found a rebound."

Grif: "I am not gonna be that chick's butler."

Simmons: "Yeah me neither."

Sarge: "Grif you're on feather clean up duty as well as pillow making."

Grif: "What!?"

We then see you and Stella come out of the room.

(Y/N): "I'm sure Ella told you all we're together now."

Tucker: "Yeah she has, asshole."

(Y/N): "Sorry Tucker, hey I'm sure there will be a girl who would love to take care of your 5000 kids."

Tucker: "Like who?"

(Y/N): "Maybe that wolf girl that is in IMP?"

Meanwhile, we see Loona sneeze as Millie sees her.

Millie: "You okay?"

Loona: "Someone was talking about me about being with a guy who has like 5000 kids."

Back to you.

Tucker: "I doubt it."

(Y/N): "Well who knows, maybe Kaikaina could help you with the 5000 kids of yours."

Kaikaina: "...Me taking care of that many kids.....fuuck that."

(Y/N): "Well I'm sure you'll find someone."

Tucker: "Whatever."

Verosika: "Well I like to restart an old spark."*hugs your arm*"I dated an imp that went bad, but since you and I went a few rounds together. I say we should become official, plus I know about your harem."

(Y/N): "Courtney told you, didn't she?"

Courtney: "Esdeath actually, she wanted to test how far a succubus can go in pleasure and Verosika and the girls in her crew passed the test."

(Y/N): "But we didn't hear any moaning at all."

Milky: "We have a soundproof basement down stairs to work out some stress, anger, or just for fun."

Esdeath: "I was surprised that most of them are still sane."

(Y/N): "Well welcome to the group then."

Verosika: *rubs your chest*"Mmm, I can't wait to get under this metal armor~."

Church: "Oh god take that somewhere else!"

Lopez: *in spanish*"Get a room!"

Weeks later, at Iris, we see you come out of your room and you were stumbling.

(Y/N): " juice."

We then see Verosika walk next to you wearing a pink robe as she yawns cutely.

Verosika: "Man sex with you was amazing, we should've done this years ago. Like wow, I knew I chose the right guy. It took me several tries but hey I found the right guy."

(Y/N): "I almost lost feeling in my legs and I'm hungry and thirsty for food and water."

Verosika: "We succubi have a crazy amount of stamina, a friend of mine went to an orgy that lasted for two months non stop."

(Y/N): "Thank you for putting that picture in my head." *falls over*"Woah!"

Verosika: *Catches you* "Don't worry soldier I got you, I'll take you to breakfast. Wanna go another round after breakfast?"

(Y/N): "Well..."

Verosika: *Looks at you with the puppy dog pout* "Please~."

(Y/N): *tries to resist but can't* "Damnit, you win."

Verosika: "Thanks babe."*kisses your cheek*"Now let's get some breakfast."

Later, after breakfast, we see you and the succubi laying in bed after a whole round.

Verosika: "That was.... Fun."

(Y/N): "You didn't say that your gal pals would join in."

Coco: "We're pretty much a packaged deal."

Milky: "Yeah whoever the boss does, we want in."

Coco: "And you kinda went overboard on the anal job, Milky. You could have killed him."

Milky: "What? Have you seen my booty? It's beautiful and round."

Apple: "What about the boss's booty? That's pretty good."

Milky: "Well her's is firm while mine is round. Everyone has a different shape butt, her's is like a perfectly shaped heart."

Apple: "Well she has a good set of boobs out of all of us."

Succubi: "True that."

Verosika: "Hey I'm not the only one who has a nice body, you all have beautiful bodies in your own way."

Milky: "That's why you're the boss, you like the sex goddess of Hell."

Verosika: "Hey I maybe good at sex but you all know the best one is practually banging with the Headhoncho of hell right now."

(Y/N): "And who's that?"

Verosika: "Lilith."

(Y/N): " And she's...?"

Apple: "The Queen of Hell, she's basically the top dog of the succubus species. When the succubi and incubi were going extinct because the Pride flag came to Hell, she came up with futanari."

(Y/N): "Wait, they're real? I thought they were just for hentai or Tucker's gross fanfiction stories."

Milky: "My cousin is a futanari and she met a guy who was into futanari and they were happily married. I got pictures to prove it, both of the wedding and the bedroom stuff."

Coco: "Verosika was one of the bridesmaids and she caught the bouquet."

Verosika: "I knew that bouquet would be lucky." *hugs your arm*"And I was right."

(Y/N): "Wow, honestly if you girls are either girls or futanari it won't change a thing about us."

Verosika: "Aww, thanks babe."

Milky: "Let's go another round!"

You and the succubi then go at it again as Lopez was a head and was watching them cause Grif thought it would be funny.

Lopez: *in spanish*"I need months worth of cleaning my memory drive just to get this out of my head. Someone kill me!"

Later after the "fun" we see you and the others eating lunch and you are seen napping on the table.

Courtney: "Let me guess, succubi?"

Verosika and her crew: "Guilty as charged."

Gwen: "He looks pale, how long did you all do it?"

Coco: "Um, we lost count after the 10th time."

Leshawna: "Dang, will someone wake him up, he's sleeping on his plate."

Izzy: "I saw this in the movies once!"

We then see Izzy peck you on the cheek and you wake up.

(Y/N): "I'm up!"

Courtney: "Please, tell us you used protection."

Coco: "Hey just because we're succubi doesn't mean we used birth control."

Gwen: "Did you?"

Milky: "Of course we did."

Apple: "Well a long time ago you had an abortion Milky, from that sinner demon."

Milky: "That's because I did it out of a dare."

Coco: "And because you weren't ready to be a mom."

Milky: "I took babysitting jobs before I met Verosika, so I could have (Y/N)'s kids right now or not."

(Y/N): "Wait what?"

Coco: "Milky!"

Milky: "I used protection okay, besides I'll have a bun in the oven once I get a ring on my finger or if there's an apocalypse and he lives long enough to be our sex slave."

(Y/N): "I might die from having sex."

Tucker: "But what a way to go am I right?"

(Y/N): "Right."

Verosika: "Now that the sex stuff is out of the way, I can't wait to go on an adventure with you guys."

Sarge: "New recruits to Red Team!"

Verosika: "If I'm gonna be in a space suit, I want one that looks sexy."

Donut: "Oh I like what you're thinking, I have a standard suit of armor that is red with lightish red jaguar spots all over."

Verosika: "Lightish red you do know that's called-"

(Y/N): "Sweetie, it's best you just go with it. You'll understand once you get to know them better."

Grif: "Yeah, that and-"*whispers*"-Donut is in a bit of a denial phase about his armor being, p-i-n-k."

Verosika: "How long?"

Simmons: "Since he got the armor from Blood Gulch."

Verosika: *to Donut*"Your armor is pink and you know it, deal with it."

Grif: "Welp she's fucked, and not in a good way."

Donut: "I know it's pink and I have been owning it since Blood Gulch."

Reds: "What?"

Donut: "Don't you guys remember, back in the Everwhen I told you guys that I owned pink back in Blood Gulch after Tucker gave birth to an alien."

Grif: "Huh, I guess we forgot about that."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah... sorry all this time travel stuff can get a bit confusing, we were just so used to you calling your armor lightish red."

Donut: "It's alright Cal, it just shows that you really care about me."

Grif: "Hey guys, I got the best idea ever."

Simmons: "Is it yelling out sad suggestions at an Improv show?"

Grif: "Hell yeah."

Later, at an Improv show, we see the actors on stage.

Actor: "Okay let's name a historical event."

(Y/N): *from the audience*"9/11!"

Actor: "Okay something else."

Verosika: *from the audience*"Vietnam war!"

Sarge: *from the audience*"The Black Plague!"

Milky: *from the audience*"WW1!"

Lopez: *in spanish*"The Holocaust."

Actor: "Anything else? How about a person?"

Grif: *rom the audience*"Abraham Lincoln!"

Simmons: *from the audience*"Robin Williams!"

(Y/N): *from the audience "Donald Trump!"

Verosika: *from the audience*"Adolf Hitler!"

Sarge: *from the audience*"Spider-Man's Uncle Ben!"

Actor: "How about a place?"

Sarge: *from the audience*"German's wing cockpit!"

(Y/N): *from the audience* "Planet Krypton."

Tucker: *from the audience* "Kim Kardashian's ass!"

Verosika: *from the audience*"Genghis Kahn's bedroom!"

Actor: "Okay I heard Starbucks."

(Y/N): *from the audience*"Nobody said Starbucks!"

Actor: "Okay who's in that Starbucks?"

(Y/N): *from the audience*"Bill Cosby."

Grif: *from the audience* "Your mom."

Actor: "You people are monsters."

Verosika: *from the audience*"Hey, we're only giving you the tools, just make some comedy or you lose your audience."

(Y/N): *from the audience* "Yeah, make with the funny!"

Next: PSA Chapter 2: Microplastics

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