
Hanji and Erwin rushed over to check on Levi who now had a crowd around him probably making things worse. I didn't know what pocket he put his headphones in and I couldn't exactly look for them in front of all these people without them getting suspicious. I kneeled down next to him as well as Mikasa and Armin. Jean and Marco were standing over us and I could tell everyone was worried. Everyone had got up from their chair to check on him.

Hanji dismissed the class a whole 10 minutes early for the break. "Everyone please give us some privacy I need to find out what's wrong." She said and everyone slowly made their way out of the gym they all looked over their shoulders at him. I stayed where I was and Ymir had also stayed put.

"Eren can you lift his head I need to make sure he didn't hit his head on the floor," Hanji said kneeling down to take care of him. I pulled his head up in my lap before checking his pockets for his headphones. I slipped them on him and hoped that it would help.

I knew this would happen. I knew he would overdo it, but I still let him go through with this stupid plan. The look on his face when he blacked out was different this time. He looked so scared, so panicked, so sad. Now that I think about it the whole time Ymir was talking he looked upset. He was fidgeting and he was blinking really fast. Was he trying to hold back tears?

"Ymir can you please give us some space," Erwin asked. I looked up and sure enough, she was still in the room.

"It's my fault," she mumbled quietly and Hanji stopped for a moment and looked up at her.

"My story, it did something to him, right? I was told to tell it. They told me it would help him, but it didn't help did it? It hurt him," she took a deep breath, "I'm sorry I'll leave now I just wanted to make sure he's okay," she mumbled.

"Hey it's not your fault," I spoke up, "he just gets overwhelmed with a lot of people and he was running on a timer as is," I tried to explain the situation as best as I could without outright telling her.

"Oh, so it was because he got overwhelmed? Too much mind-reading?" She said and both of the teachers whipped their heads around to look at her. "That's why he always wears the headphones right? He wasn't wearing them today."

"How do you know about that?" Hanji asked.

"They told me," She said pointing behind her before clearing her throat, "I mean some spirits told me," she said correcting herself. "They told me he's a mind reader, however, I guess I never put two and two together with the headphones," she shrugged.

"The teachers really didn't know what to say, I could tell they were trying to figure out how to go about this and they were just exchanging confused looks.

"You never told anyone?" I asked realizing the teachers would be no help.

"No, it's not my place to talk about other peoples powers, especially since he's never mentioned it. I mean even in classes he's gone to such great lengths to avoid talking about it I just assumed he didn't want anyone to know."

"So wait what is up with the headphones do they just help him?"

"Well he can't really control it all that well," Hanji shrugged, "sometimes he can focus on one person's thoughts but not if other people are in close proximity to him."

"The headphones make it so that he can't hear anyone's thoughts," Erwin added.

"So he normally doesn't read people's minds?" Ymir asked.

"He doesn't like invading people's personal business," Erwin explained.

"I see, but today he didn't have his headphones on," she paused for a moment as she tried to process her thoughts, "so he was worried too. He was reading everyone's minds, right? That's why he paused out from getting overwhelmed?" She asked and the teachers hesitated to answer.

"Yes," I said before getting stares from the teachers. "He was afraid that people would get triggered by the topic we were talking about."

"As I thought," she laughed, "I was doing the same thing kinda, I was having spirits help me out and watch people's expressions. If they were thinking a negative thought usually it comes with a negative expression." She sighed, "I heard a lot of spirits notify me about people thinking negative thoughts. Levi was the one they notified me about the most. Which I guess makes sense if he was reading everyone else's negative thoughts. Well, that and also, during my story, he had a lot of negative emotions and I think that was just from my story. I was told to tell my story to help him so I mean," she shrugged.

"Who said it would help him?" Hanji asked and Ymir looked behind her.

"What are your names?" She asked. She waited for a moment before turning to Hanji and shrugging. "They won't answer I don't think they want to make their presence known just yet unless it's to Levi. They really want to talk to him," She let out a sigh, "spirits are very stubborn."

Hanji had finished checking Levi, "he's okay but he definitely overdid it this time," Hanji let out a sigh before looking at Levi. "God you're such a persistent little brat aren't you," she said with a sad smile as she brushed some hair out of his face.

"We should take him to my office," Hanji said before looking to me and Erwin, "he's not going to be able to keep this up for the next hour and thirty minutes, but then again he won't need too. The last portion of class is a decompression period where we switch up the topics put some music on and make sure everyone gets out of the dark mindset that this class can put you in." Hanji smiled.

"I can carry him there," I suggested and Hanji shrugged.

"Only if you're up to it if not I can have Erwin take him there," Hanji said and before I could answer I felt Levi move in my lap.

His eyes opened and he sat up really quickly. "Shit," he said panicked, "what happened?"

"You blacked out," Hanji said crossing her arms, "I thought you weren't going to overdo it?" She glared at him.

"Hey I was doing fine but that last story made me drop my guard and everything came crashing down on top of me," He said bringing his hand up to his head and closing his eyes. "Ouch," he mumbled.

"Sorry, about that," Ymir said and Levi's eyes shot open, "I was told my story could help you, but I guess I ended up putting more stress on you and you lost your concentration."

"Um hi," Levi mumbled awkwardly before looking at the teachers with a confused look. His muscles were tense and his jaw clenched I could tell he was trying to figure out if she knew or not

I saved him the pain of guessing. "Yes, she knows," I said and his eyes whipped around to meet mine.

"How?" He asked.

"I've known for a while, the spirits told me," She said with a shrug, "they also tell me that you two are dating, which I mean I really didn't need them to tell me to be able to figure that out," she shrugged.

"Can you tell the spirits to mind their damn business," Levi said quietly. I could tell he was just embarrassed.

"Sorry, they are really nosy," She laughed, "anyway, I need to talk to you, but not today, too much, has happened today and they don't want to add any more stress to you," She sighed, "I'll try and find you later to deliver the message."

"What message?" Levi asked he sounded desperate.

"Not today," she said with a sad look.

"Can you at least tell me their names?" Levi asked.

"I don't know their names, and they won't tell me. They just keep telling me to try this again later," She let out a sad sigh, "sorry spirits are very stubborn and it's hard to get information out of them when they don't want to give it." She explained.

"Can you tell me what they look like?" Levi said he had forced his way to his feet and walked up to her practically begging for any information.

"No, they left and I didn't really get a good look. I'm really sorry," she said.

"Okay," Levi mumbled, "I'll be waiting for your message whenever you decide to give it," he said understandably. He sounded upset, I've never heard him sound this sad before.

Ymir just nodded she leaned in and gave him a hug, "I hope my story helped like they said it would. If you need to talk I will always be willing to lend and ear. Also, don't worry I won't tell anyone about your powers since It's obvious you're trying to keep them a secret."

"Thank you, can you also not tell anyone we're dating?" Levi asked and I rolled my eyes.

She just laughed. "Honey, I think they already know, even if they don't you two make it so obvious," she shrugged, "but sure I won't say anything."

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