Part 77

 Not even a second after I finished my sentence, a blaring alarm came from behind me. I look and see one of the barrier's generators making the sound as an energy wave explodes through the barrier. It was being reinforced, making itself stronger, getting ready for a fight. The gate at the front immediately closes, more metal walls closing in on itself.

"No way!" I hear All Might grunt.

"Are you seeing this All Might?"

"Yeah! If whatever that is gets to the gate or any of the walls, I don't think it's going to stop that! Then we will have a huge entrance for anyone to come in! You have to stop it before it breaks in! We're going extreme! GO!" He orders.

"Yes sir!" I crack my knuckles angrily, and jump down. Using the drastic change in pressure, I fluctuate it and shoot myself to the gate. Luckily it opens for me just in time and I fly out. It closes behind me and I use a pressure platform to raise me into the air, and I see the wave of destruction demolish everything in its path, and all the heros trying to save as many people as they could to get them out of the area before it got here. The empty road ahead of me was a clear path to the on coming destruction, so I took this opportunity to do something. I can't let it get closer.

I shoot myself up high into the air and ricochet off another platform towards the ground ahead of the wave, and as I fell, I swelled pressure in and around my arm, pulled back and swung down, punching the ground just at the head of the wave, blasting the ground into oblivion. 

As earth, metal from underground pipes, and water exploded into the air, I heard screams and a whiny yell ahead of me as I stayed on the ground, blocking my eyes from the debris. When it was mostly over, I open my eyes and find I destroyed the area over a block wide. Houses were demolished or just completely gone. Far ahead of me was a large tank-like vehicle with an indescribably large drill on top of it sticking up in the air as it sat destroyed on it's back. Walking up and around it, I jump when a small hatch door pops open, and out comes a weird looking round man with buck teeth, and a miner's hat with a light on it, with dirty brown overalls. The dude kind of looked like a mole rat. He dropped out and rolled onto the ground and whimpered in pain. 

"..I...I am the-....Under...miner...." He says before passing out. Isn't he from a movie? I look up and see someone trying to crawl out, and I run up and grab the hand, and rip them out, dangling them in the air. It was Toga Himiko. I growled as she wore that dumb grin and blush, wiggling her fingers at me with a bloody forehead. Raising my hand, I bring the pressure up to crush her head and kill her, but a raging hot blue fire is blown at me before I could and I scream at the heat nearly burning through the cloth on my shoulder. Falling down, Himiko drops to the ground with me. I glare up and see Dabi getting out of the opening too and stretching, cracking his neck and shoulders before looking down at me.

"You both just don't know when to give up do you?!" I scream and jump up and punch a wave a pressure his way. He tried to blast fire, but the pressure and it's direction increased and flew back at him, taking him by surprise and making him fall off the drill. He flipped and landed on his feet before he hit the ground and looked at me with a strange and evil grin.

"Now that's different. I don't believe we've properly fought before, hi, I'm Dabi." He joked before sending another fire wave my way, greater than the last and I ran forward and jumped into it before zipping behind him. Just like my fight with Endeavor, I made a reverse vortex to bring the fire back at him and stood behind him as a shield. Looking back, when he noticed the fire coming back at him he cursed out and jumped back but ran into me. He looked back at me with a surprised look. I was going to zip away again, but he grabbed my arm, so I accidentally took him with me and we appeared several stories in the air above the fire spreading across parts of the ground. 

He kept grabbing at me as we fell, so I punched him with several pressured hits, until he let go, his front shirt covered in his own blood. Grabbing his ankle, I twisted and through him down towards the ground and heightened the pressure to strengthen the impact, but before he even got close to the ground, he blasted fire below him, shooting him up in the air, and back towards me. 

Standing on a pressured platform, I go to slam him down again, but before I could react, he turns back and tosses a fireball at me and I spin to dodge. It barely hit me, but I got out the way just in time to see him right in front of my face with an ugly cocky smile and raises a hand to my face.

My life nearly flashes before my eyes until nothing happens. he didn't blast me, but from the look on his face, it looks like he couldn't. Unfortunately, even the platform below me disappeared and we were both falling. I screamed as Dabi cursed out loudly in panic and I saw a quick glimpse of Aizawa looking at us past his mask.

"ERASERHEAD!! STOP!!" I holler, and I try many times to use my quirk as the ground was quickly approaching, and at the last second, I got my quirk back and shot the pressure as high as I could below me as quickly as I could and I slowed down roughly enough that it nearly knocked the wind out of me. I look and find I was a few inches above the ground, and huffed out heavily in relief. Looking around, I saw Himiko struggling to get up, holding her injured head, and Dabi was landing on the ground safely with his fire. 

Getting to my feet, I go to attack Dabi, but something  hit me in the back so hard that I was thrown to the ground and rolled several feet before stopping. I coughed up a bit of blood as I weakly laid on the ground. My throat and back were screaming out as my body shook in pain. The wind had been knocked out of me.

"Y/n? Y/n!? Are you okay!?" I hear All Might scream in my ear. I wanted to reply, but someone stepped up to me and slammed something to the ground beside my head, knocking dirt up to my face, and I wince as it gets into my eyes. 

"Well, well, well. If it isn't little miss 16-L.R. Or is it Conviction now? Huh? I don't know why Tomura spoke so highly of you, and even after all this time and all that you did, you were this easy to beat." The person went on as I wiped my eyes. I could feel the pressure in my body build quickly as my adrenaline kicked in from fear and pain. 

"Hey lay off of her." I hear Dabi's voice as he walks up to us. "It has been three weeks since she's been away. If she didn't wake up from that little coma of hers, none of this would have happened." When my eyes are clear, I see him squat down and grin spitefully at me as he leaned towards my ear. "And that's where she screwed up. All those students didn't have to be taken and none of those heros had to get hurt if she just stayed away, or became ours, but no, she had to get to risk the life of her little boyfriend and pathetic hero teachers, just to be here." I started to cry as a heel was dug into my back.

"Especially since that boyfriend she has could be mine." It was Himiko.

"You can have him." Dabi says, lifting a finger with a small blue flame on the tip of his finger, using his other free hand to move my collar and gruffing. "He made his mark on her I see. No worries, I'll just put mine over his." He growls bringing the fire closer the the bite mark Izuku put on me. 

Then a large metal beam was slammed into my head, pinning me down to the ground as I cried out. "I don't think the little slut deserves anyone at all, but hey, if she's your type." The pain and pressure increases as the shoe in my back digs deeper, the fire near my shoulder gets closer, and the metal beam weighs heavier. The sound of All Might in the earpiece calling out for me is dulled out as I start panting and pleading as panic starts to set in.

"GET OFF OF HER!!" I hear. The heat is suddenly gone and the rain made my skin cool again. The shoe in my back is gone and I hear the sound of punches as the metal beam is knocked off of me. I lay on the ground in pain as someone lifts me up my my shoulders, and brushes the dirt off of my face. When I open my eyes, it's Thirteen, who releases a relieved sigh.

"Thank goodness, we thought we were too late. We're sorry, we had to evacuate as many civilians as we could before coming back." Looking around, I see Midnight, Eraser Head, and Vlad fighting the three villains off.

I smile happily. "Don't be......I'm just........grateful you're here. You really are a great rescue hero."

She laughs and helps me up. "You think you can keep on fighting?" She asks, and I nod with a grin. 

"I'm not done yet."

We join the fight as more and more heros find their way to the battle. Time passed and the tide was turning again. The heros were winning and a voice called out. 

"The Guard Dogs are back!!" I look and see a bunch of student heros looking as rough as we were, joining us. I laugh as one comes up next to me.

"So I take it you didn't need to be saved?" I joked as they chuckled. 

"They forgot, we're the best in our schools for a reason. It was one hell of a fight, but here we are. And Tomura isn't too happy about it."

I shake my head. "He'll never learn." The battle continues and ends in minutes and villains are either captured to be turned in or ran away to fight another day, and in the end, we won again. The rain stops and clear sky's shine down on us again.

"It looks like they underestimated the other Guard Dogs." All Might says in my earbud. I hum in agreeance and look over the other students with a smile as they wave happily at us on their way back to their own schools, most even stopping to high five me on their way.

"Yeah, even I did." I smile. 

"Y/n!!" I hear the most shrill yet concerned voice scream from behind me. I turn and see the gate to the school open and Izuku running out in Full Cowling and jumped at me. I scrambled to catch him as he wrapped his arms around my waist, making us fly very far. I shoot us up in the air so we don't hit anything and hold him close to me as I laugh.

"And just what are you doing out here?" I make a platform we can both stand on. He pulls back and looks down at me happily with tears in his eyes.

"You always find a way to make me worry about you. But I was finally able to save you."

I raise an eyebrow. "Sorry? I got my ass handed to me for the first time. How did you save me?"

"I was out of the class coming back from the restroom when the school went on lock down. I saw the whole fight through the window and sent an emergency alert of your location by estimating the different variation of my location from yours, and sent it to the surrounding heros after you got pinned down." He explains. I shake my head in confusion and just laugh.

"Well, thank you Izuku. Just how can I ever repay my Number 1 Hero?" I question as I wrap my arms around his neck. He blushes and smiles sweetly.

"B-by never leaving m-my side. I told you I would have your back when you have mine. No matter what happens, I will always love you, Y/n L/n." His blush darkens as I smile. The villains words quickly leave my mind and doubt fled my entire being. He has said this many times before, but now, after going through all the ups and downs we went through, I believe his words to be true. 

" changed me for the good. You and everyone here." I confess and start to pour my heart out. "I never cared to be a hero or villain before I came to this school. Let alone live. I took orders thoughtlessly like a mindless robot. And because of you and the others, I started to have a mind of my own, I gained a new normal, and it is bright and glorious. You brought color in my life and I will never let anyone wash that away. Now I want to be me. A hero, who saves the innocent so that they can live another day to experience the love and joys of life like I have. I love you, and I will never stop loving you, as long as you have my back, I will have yours, Izuku Midoriya."

His blush flooded over his entire body as he slapped his arms around his face to hide from me as he squealed in embarrassed happiness. I giggled and pulled his arms away slowly, and lifted myself up on my tippy toes, just to place a soft and gentle kiss on his lips. He jolts in surprise and quickly melts into it before lowering his arms and wrapping them around me, bringing us closer together, ever so delicately, as if I were a fragile flower. 

My heart beats loudly in my ears as the heat rushes to my face when we pull away. That familiar loving yet refreshed look fills his eyes as he smiles down at me, resting his forehead on mine. 

"Goals." Someone says. We look and just notice the massive amounts of news crew on the ground and in the sky, recording us and taking plenty of pictures as the heros watch in amusement. We scream and get to the ground before running into the school where the media can't follow us. My boyfriend waits for me as I dress out of my costume into my uniform and head to the lunch room where we sit together in peace for a while until the bell rings, and everyone else comes to joint us.

Our class surrounds us and I get questioned as expected and the day goes on as usual as the construction heros help rebuild the surrounding houses that got destroyed. The news was quick to post us on TV as the couple of the year with our 'Moment' perfectly heard all around. We got congratulations from some students, then embarrassing ows from others. 

After class was over, we planned a celebration on the roof. Momo made the grill. Todoroki handled the fire in the pit and the ice for the drinks and ice cream for the early hot summer night coming in. Katsuki handled the fireworks. Jiro and Kaminari handled the music. I cooked, and everyone else handled the decorations, lights and games.

As the night went on, the party got bigger and bigger as other classes joined and Heros came and went, spreading the party all over the school. It even stretched to the school's pool and Izuku and I found ourselves at the top of the roof of our school in our swimsuits and drinks in our hands ready to jump down into the pool below. 

The drop alone was terrifying as the others dared us on with cheers from below. Looking each other in the eyes as the lights from below and Katsuki's constant fireworks in the sky, it all gave a warming glow onto his face. Just like the mountains on the first night I met him. My first night of Freedom.

"A-are you ready?" He asks nervously.

I smile as heros flew across the sky with a sparkling bright trail was left behind them.

"As ready as I'll ever be." 

We clink our drinks, chug them down, then toss them behind us before clasping our hands together and jumped down.

The water below was approaching fast as we fell in excited screams. Just as we made it halfway, the water jumped up at us, encasing us in a freezing water, forcing a rush of adrenaline through my veins as I slowly opened my eyes. Glowing blue light swirled all around us as we looked to each other one more time before reaching out and clasping our free hands together, facing each other. Us using Full Cowling and Full Vitality, we spun around at high speeds, twisting the water around us to fly around and let the water rain down on everyone as they cheered happily.

We finally floated to the bottom of the water collumb and stayed there with our hands together. His eyes sparkled brightly with the pool lights as he stared at me in awe. Before I could move, he quickly pulled me to him and lead me into a passionate kiss underwater.

And though I prayed this moment would never end, I knew it would. So for now, I will enjoy every last bit of it. Everybit of him

Including my 

💙 Freedom  💙


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