Part 76
(Your P.O.V)
When class was over, we all left for the dorm and Ochako asked me to help train her in combat and I agreed.
The rest of the week went on of me doing work, talking with with Nezu and All Might about my position as U.A's Guard Dog, training with Ochako, and having Iida and Momo help me with my studies after school.
I saw Mitsuha around campus occasionally, still slightly scratched up and bruised, and when she would see me, she would run away or speed walk off in another direction as if she never saw me. I heard from Izuku that she completely avoided him now, and the dorm entirely. We were all happy.
On Saturday, I was called back to the Principal's office, and found the Big Three on one couch having tea with Nezu as he sat on the other. Mirio and Nejire, the blue haired girl that I wasn't really close to, looked to me and smiled widely. They both ran up to me and nearly broke my back in a near hug, while the third guy just shyly sipped his tea, he was Amajiki if I remember correctly.
"Hey Y/n! I haven't seen you in a long time!" Mirio exclaimed. Nejire nodded and looked me over.
"You look more mature than when I first saw you! What did it feel like to be in a coma? Did they cut you open and stuff?"
They dropped me and I stumbled back in a daze. "It's only been a few weeks since you last saw me, I haven't changed, and I felt like I was asleep most of the time."
"They aren't gonna cut someone open if they're just in a coma you idiot." Amajiki said. The girl giggled and ran back to the couch with Mirio in tow. I walk and sit next to Principal Nezu.
"What's going on?" I wonder.
Mirio gets serious. "Ever since you fell into a coma, the crime rate has slowed significantly over the past three weeks. Yet, recently they have risen again and villains are causing chaos again. There has been no sign of the League of Villains and we think they're planning something big."
I roll my eyes. "When are they not planning something? Listen, villains are most likely causing problems again because the city is functioning again since most, if not all, businesses are rebuilt. Are they low level criminals?" They nod.
The blue haired girl raises her hand happily. "We think crime is quickly increasing because the League is using them as a distraction! A lot of heros are starting to get more and more busy to where we can't be around the school district to protect it as much anymore!"
Nezu hums in agreement. "That is where you come in. You will finally fulfill your role as U.A's Guard Dog. I have taken time to get you a new phone and added some Pro Hero connections to it that students with Provisional Licences don't have yet. Along with it is an earpiece that you cannot take off until I say so. We have to assume that the League is acting again because you're back. As far as we know, that could be the main reason, and If so, they may have something to get you on their side for good."
Mirio nodded, drinking the last of his tea. "If it is you they're after, that means they could possibly come for the school. So you have to enact your role. Normally we would have you safe and out of sight, but then they could hurt the students if you're not up, and like we said, a lot of the Heros will be busy."
Nezu continued. "The staff has to leave during lunch and on their free time to help fight villains and save civilians, so we'll be short staffed. So you have to step up and protect the school."
"I'll do as you say. Though, what about the heros at other schools? Can't they help us?"
Amajiki shook his head and looked away shyly. "We tried to get help from the hero schools around the city, but they are also having crime rise around their area, and it's getting closer and closer to their schools as well, and their help is also running thin."
Nezu looks to the ground and makes a noise as if he's thinking. "Whether it's just Y/n the League is after or not, it seems they're trying to overwhelm heros and is slowly spreading to the other schools too."
"Their aim isn't for the students is it?" I ask worriedly.
Mirio jolts up as his face lit up, like a bulb has flicked on. "It could be! Maybe not specifically the student's, but the school's Guard Dogs!" I tilt my head in confusion.
"Am I not the only Guard Dog?" I wonder. Nezu shakes his head.
"Not since last week. That's when the crime started to rise in the area. Schools have reached out to me for advice and now have Guard Dogs of their own. Some schools don't have any, yet, those school don't seem to have increasing crime rates like us and the others. Which means-"
Amajiki straightens up and looks at him. "That the villains are after the Guard Dog's of the schools."
I roll my eyes more and groan. "You've got to be kidding me! Can't we just stop being Guard Dogs then?" I complain, but Nezu shakes his head.
"No, everyone knows who the Guard Dogs of the schools are, so they know who to get, whether they kept being Guard Dogs or not. They will know that they were chosen for the position for a reason, because you're the best in the school."
I flap my arms. "Well, why aren't there upperclassmen in my position then? I'm sure a lot of them are stronger than me."
"Yes, but none of them are willing to kill like you are. Plus, your position comforts most parents of our students. Them knowing that their kids have a 24/7 protector, even when Pro Hero's aren't around, reassures them. Please Y/n, you have to understand that in the real world, under some circumstances, you can take a break, but when the League Of Villains are involved, no hero can rest until they are stopped." He pleads with me. I sigh and nod.
"Alright, fine. What do I need to do?" I say.
"You will have classes during the day like usual and continue your day as if nothing's wrong, we don't want to concern the students so early since the crime hasn't gotten very close to the school. You can't tell any of the students of what's going on. Not even your classmates. Have this earpiece on at all times, and if anyone asks," He hands me my new phone and earpiece, which I put on instantly. "it's just for the Guard Dog position, but don't elaborate on it of course. If any villainy happens in the school district, you and the other Pro Hero staff will be alerted of it and you specifically will be sent to the roof so you can see the whole campus and beyond to watch for any villains coming too close to the school. If you do spot them, alert us and we will send heros their way immediately. If there are too many villains around or they are too close to the school by getting past the Heros, you have to take them down. If any villains get past the gate or force field, kill them on site, and use any means necessary to protect the students. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes sir." I nod, and we all stand. I chug down the cup of tea and the meeting was over. The Big Three and I left Nezu's office. We chatted for a bit as I walked them to the gate, and after we said our goodbyes, I headed back to the dorms and hung out with Momo and Ochako. We studied, went working out, then when night came, we went to bed. I went to sleep with Izuku in his room that night.
A few days pass and the staff and I notice the crime is quickly approaching the school. While in class, we were taking Mic's class when I get a notification on my phone, and so does Mic. I sneak a peek at my phone under my desk while everyone is distracted by work and see an alert from the district that 2 hero schools have been invaded by villains and both schools had their Guard Dog's kidnapped, but not many were hurt, other than the heros and the few students that tried to stop them.
Another notification came in. It was from Principal Nezu and other heros from the raided schools that the villains seem to be coming our way. I gulped and glanced up at Mic. He saw me from the corner of his eye as he looked up from his phone too and nodded to me.
"Ah, I just remembered, Y/n, I got a note for you to go turn in your hero costume for an alteration. We're having free time, so you can go turn it in now." Mic says and I nod, and walk out. As soon as I get my costume and close the door, I rush down the hall, change, and book it to the roof. When I'm up there, I see everything. Heros are around the gate, inside and out, some walking the perimeter, and other heros running out into the surrounding neighborhoods.
"Hey kid, how are you doing up there?" I hear All Might's from my earpiece, making me jump. I forgot I had this on. Must be waterproof, cause I showered and washed my hair with this small thing on.
"Hey All Might, I'm just kind of nervous since it's my first day on the job." I say as I keep looking around.
"As expected. You'll be fine, think of it as extra practice for when you graduate. Now tell me, what do you see?"
"I see nothing but the Heroes scouting the campus and surrounding area. No villains so far."
"Good. Remember that your new phone has an app that can be used as a walkie talkie. Activate it to connect to the other heros. Line 1 for the heroes inside the school building, Line 2 for the heroes on and off campus, and Line 3 for Principal Nexu. Use it now to test a call in."
"On it." I get my phone and use the app, and click on Line 1. "Line one, this is Convict, checking to see if you read me? Over." I say.
"We hear you loud and clear, over." Someone replies. By the sound of it. It's probably class 2-B's teacher Blood Hero-King Vlad. Several other hero responded similarly, and I flicked to the next Line.
"Line two, this is Convict, checking to see if you can read me? Over." They reply as well, and I finally check the last line.
"Line three, this is Convict, checking to see if you can read me? Over."
Principal Nezu's voice comes through. "Loud and clear. I'm glad you checked in with the others. All Might is in the room with me, with your ear piece, he can hear whatever you hear and he'll keep me posted. Since you activated the lines, all you have to do is say 'Line 1 2 or 3' to change connection. So you don't have to touch your phone. Stay primarily with Line 2, and if you see or get an alert of any villain in the vicinity, alert Line 1 so the school can go on lockdown. Remember, they're after you, so stay in the school's barrier if you can."
"Roger that." I stay connected with line two and put my phone away, and listen to what the others are saying. So far there has been nothing to be alerted about.
"Convict, do you see anything?" I hear Midnight's voice.
"No, not from up here. There is nothing in the sky or on the ground in the streets that I can see, what about you guys?"
"Nothing. We're making civilians evacuate the area and warned the surrounding neighborhoods, but so far, no villains."
I think and look to the directions I know one of the other hero school are. "Have you guys heard from the other raided schools on how the villains got in?"
"No." It was Eraser Head's voice. "We've tried to get in contact with them, but after the heads up about the villains, they haven't replied, so we don't know what's going on over there."
"What about the news? Have news reporters gotten to the school? Or even news helicopters?"
"Not even that. Schools don't let the media come close when the school goes on lock down, so right now, they may be trying to see if the students are okay."
I fold my arms and tap my chin with the corner of my phone in thought. My eyebrows furrow as I try to brainstorm hard about how they got in. Then an idea comes but I'm still unsure about it. Slowly, I open my mouth and speak.
"The other hero schools have a similar type of security around their campuses like ours, right?" I ask in a curious tone.
Ectoplasm answers this time. "Yes. Almost the same. An industrial metal gate 4 feet thick with an invisible high tech dome barrier over the school. Why?"
".......What if...What if they went underground? Do we have security underground? They could have gone underground below the walls and barrier to get into the school, right?" I wonder, and for a couple seconds, I hear nothing but silence all around, and then hear something strange off in the distance. I squint, trying to see something, and I try the line again, but before I can say anything, Midnight yells,
"I think you're right! The ground is shaking! Lock down the school! Alert everybody! NOW-" She was cut off and I see a roar of dirt coming towards us, though it was far away, it was coming quick. Switching to Line 1 I yell,
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