Part 74
(Narrator's P.O.V)
The next morning, some of class 1-A were in the lobby watching tv when an annoying familiar voice entered from the entrance, the girl from yesterday poked her head in.
"Hey guys! Is Izuku here?" She smiles. Kaminari wraps his arm on the back of the couch behind Jiro and sighs.
"Hey Mitsuha. He's in the room on the roof-top, go on up." He waves and returns his attention to the television. She cheers and rushes in and up the elevator. Momo looks to the electric hero.
"I'm surprised you sent her up to Y/n's room, especially when they were probably doing it last night."
Sero chuckled. "You know they did. Imagine not being around your lover for a long time, they first thing you're gonna do with them is screw when you're both alone."
Kaminari shrugged. "I only did it so that Y/n will beat her up or get her to stay away somehow. That girl is always here and buggin everybody about Deku. Y/n didn't even do that before they dated."
"We can only hope Y/n only beats her and doesn't kill her." Says Jiro.
(Your P.O.V)
Izuku and I showered and dressed to head over to Midnight to chill for a bit, then we'd go to the library to catch me up on the work I missed. Izuku was packing up the sheets for us to wash later and was finished getting ready so he told me to wait outside for him. I agree and walked out, closing the door behind me. When I look I was met with Mitsuha with a hand up as if she was about to knock on the door. Just like me, she had a shocked expression on her face.
"H-Hey. I....Is this Izuku's room?" She asks. I cross my arms and huff.
"No, this is my room. What are you doing up here?" I scowl. She clears her throat.
"Well the others told me that Izuku would be up here, and I was wondering if he'd help train with me. And besides, since this is the only dorm building with a seperate room on top, the other 1-B students, including me wanted to know what it looked like on the inside. No one knew if it was a room or shed since it was bigger than the regular dorm rooms on campus. I honestly thought it was Deku's room since I was never allowed up, but since this was the first time, I wanted to check."
"Well like I said, this is my room. And no. You can't see in it. It's not a museum for people to take a tour in. And Izuku and I are doing things all day today. So he'll be busy."
"Oh, well, what are you guys going to be doing?" She asked with a fake smile.
I suck my teeth and glare at her for a moment. "You're really nosy, you know that?" I stated. Her brow twitches just a small bit, and she giggles.
"Ha ha! Yeah, people say it's just one of the cutest things about me! Weird huh?"
"Annoying's more like it." I mumble, and a vein immediately raises from her temples as she drops the act and her scowling expression of hate shows her true colors.
"What's your problem? I've been nothing but nice to you and you just keep being a bitch to me!"
"Says the one who can't keep her skank eyes off my boyfriend! You knew he was dating me before I even got back! Everyone knew that he was dating me!"
"That was different! People thought that you were dead or were going to die!"
"That doesn't mean you can keep pestering him after he repeatedly rejects you sweety!"
"Oh yeah? I was just trying to get his mind off of his pathetic excuse for a girlfriend!"
"Excuse me!?"
"You heard me! Why would Izuku want a girl who can't even handle herself in a fight when she's suppose to be learning how to be a hero, and is U.A's Guard Dog!? It figures that you would take that title. I guess you are a low life, institutionalized, weak piece of trash, that dies on the streets like a stray BITCH!"
I get in her face as we're nose to nose. "Yeah?! Why don't you go up against the League of Villains and save people with one arm! You're just a sidekick! All you've done since you got here is prance around the campus like a slut on your off time and attempt to throw your dry dusty pussy at my boyfriend with an 8th place metal on your belt as if it means something! But trust be Bitch, I'm not one to fuck with! If you want to die, I can grant your wish for you easily. But if it's a fight you want, just say the word."
Izuku came out, closing the door behind him and looked between us nervously. Noticing the dangerous tension, he nervously laughs and pulls my arm.
"We should really get going babe, we don't want to keep Midnight waiting." He urges, tugging me with him until I finally move.
"And we fucked last night honey! He fucked me good and hard hoe!" I yelled at her as we walk and jumped down the front of the dorms, leaving Mitsuha there on her own as she stares after me with a hateful look of rage and disbelief that I catch last second. "I hate her." I say as we get into the school building.
Izuku laughs and sweats profusely while scratching the back of his head with a heavy blush at what I yelled. "Yeah, we all do. I'm sorry about her, but no matter what I do, she doesn't seem to stop. I don't know how to get her to leave me alone."
"I've been gone only a few weeks and she thinks she can just take you from me when she's only known you for almost a month. With bitches like that, I've learned that all you have to do is put them in their place."
"Babe, you can't just fight someone, without permission. You could get expelled!"
"First off, do you really think they're just gonna expelle me? They could send me back to Tartarus, but by now, they can't and they won't. Probably. Second, I never said I would do it without permission. I'll ask the school to see if I can fight her." We keep walking and get to a spare club room Midnight told us to meet her in. When we open the door, she's there with Thirteen, Aizawa, All Might, and Nezu.
"What are you guys doing here?" Izuku wonders.
Midnight twirls her hair and gestures to the seat in front of her with a smile, and I sit down.
"I'm not working today, so I'm just resting." Thirteen says happily waving her hand.
I look around at the others as they watch Midnight came behind me and started playing with my hair like she always did, and I just get straight to the point. "What happened after I died?" I asked.
All Might cleared his throat and sat up in his chair. "Nothing much. You were sent to the lab to be revived, then we had to explain a bit to the press and helped the city rebuild." He said as he looked to the ground in solemn.
"Toshinori." I said calmly, making him look up at me. "Please. Tell me everything. I want to know everything that happened." He opened his mouth, as if to say something, but he stopped and choked up on air. Tears welling on the corner of his eyes.
Aizawa patted his shoulder and looked to me. "After you were found dead and taken to a lab and revived, everyone was happy you were alive, but it still took a toll on everyone. Knowing you died alone in the streets after sacrificing yourself, it hurt all of us here. Students and heros. A lot of us were pretty messed up and weren't okay when it happened. When me, All Might, and Mic went on the news to explained what happened, we went overboard and went off on everybody, pouring our hearts out over your death."
"That's where we had to hear what happened to you." Izuku said with a sad yet distant look in his eyes as he stared off into nothing. "We knew you would be coming back, but never knew when or if at all.....and that's what tore us up inside..........we tried to go on as normal, but everything reminded us of you.......there wasn't a day that's gone by that someone in our class or one of the heros weren't crying over you........nothing was the same......." Guilt gripped at my heart as tears pricked my eyes, and my vision got blurry. Nezu walked up and handed me a handkerchief. I thanked him and cleaned up my tears.
"There is no need for anyone to cry anymore. Even you. You're back and better than ever right? So why are there tears?" He asked with a smile.
I smiled and looked down. "Because, I know it was my fault that everyone's summer started off terribly and that I put the city in danger and let the League control me and-"
"That's not true!" Midnight said wrapping her arms around me from behind. I could feel her body shaking as her tears wet the back of my shirt. I couldn't see her face, so I held her arms. "It was all my fault that I let them get me in the first place. If they didn't get me, this wouldn't have happened and you wouldn't have died! I wasn't strong enough to protect you! You're my little sister and I let it all happen! I was so pathetic and useless!"
"No you weren't." I say and turn back slightly, pulling her up closer. We place our foreheads together as I wipe away her tears. "If it didn't happen to you, it would have happened to another hero, and they would have still tricked me into coming out on my own. I'm just glad you're safe."
"We all are, thanks to you." Thirteen interjects. We let go and all look to her. "It was no ones fault but the League of Villains. Everyone did their bests to do the right thing and caused significantly less casualties than the other times villains go one a rampage throughout the city. Even as heros, we have to know that even though we give things our all, some things are just going to be out of our control sometimes, whether we like it or not. Yet we're all here now, alive and well. Let's be grateful for that, alright?" She said in a happy tone. The energy in the room seemed to lift and we all nodded and agreed.
We all talked some more and laughed, having a good time until it somehow got to the topic of me wanting to fight Mitsuha.
"Why do you want to fight Mitsuha?" Midnight wondered. "As far as I know, she's never done anything wrong or acted out in anyway. She's a good kid."
"Yeah, maybe when you and other heros are around. You know kids will act all nice around authority and then can be completely different when y'all are gone." I say. She nods knowingly and continues to do my hair.
"What did she do?" All Might wonders.
"She stepped out of line by bothering everyone in our dorm, pushed my limits when she challenged me in front of my room, and now she wants to fight." I explain.
"She sexually harasses me!" Izuku calls out from his seat. I look to him with wide eyes.
"Well this is news to me!! How?!"
He shifts in his seat uncomfortably. "In the beginning, when I would try to help her with her work when she asked for assistance, she would touch up on me. So I stopped. Then when she convinces me to help her train, she always tries to get on me in a sexual way whenever we're sparing. I tell her I'm dating Y/n, but she brushes it off as if she's not doing anything wrong and continues as if I said nothing. She makes me really uncomfortable and I don't like it."
Thirteen looks to Principal Nezu. "These are major violations she committing! Sir we need to do something about her!" She says in an outraged tone. Nezu seems to be thinking until he snaps his fingers.
"Well, how about this. You two can fight. Of course, without the school's permission, you can't or you'll be expelled, but you can if both participants sign a Combat Contract, agreeing that whatever happens in the fight falls on the ones fighting, so none of you or the school gets in trouble."
"I wish I knew of that before my fight with Katsuki." Izuku mumbles with a defeated sigh.
Nezu continues. "I can get you both the Combat Contract to sign on Monday since the office for it is closed until then. If you lose during the battle-"
"I won't-"
"If you do, you aren't allowed off campus during the summer, and we will still find punishments for Mitsuha for what she is doing to Midoriya. If you win, nothing happens to you and she will still be punished. So one is like a lose-win and the other is a win-win for you. So I suggest you win, for your pride. You're suppose to be our Guard Dog remember?" I wave off his teasing remarks and smile.
"Yeah, yeah, I hear you. I guess I'll wait till Monday."
"Aaaaaand....Done!" Midnight cheered as she patted my shoulder and handed me a mirror. I smiled when I saw my hair was beautiful. It was a (h/length), (h/type), (h/color) braid. I hugged and thanked her. We say our goodbyes and spend the rest of the day in the library catching me up on stuff I missed.
(All Might's P.O.V)
I looked at the Principal.
"Sir. Are you sure you want Y/n to fight Mitsuha? What if Y/n accidentally kills her?" I wonder with a raised eyebrow.
"We just won't let it get to that? That's why it's mandatory to have an audience during an approved fight. So you and other heros will be there to stop the fight if anything goes wrong." He says and leaves with Thirteen behind him. I sigh and the three of us leave too.
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