Part 68
Y/n and All Might swapped blows back and forth at intense speeds until she weld up pressure in her hands and clapped, sending All Might back once more.
"P-please, Y/n! You h-have to fight this! I don't want to hurt you!" The hero called as he tried to get up, but she said nothing.
Tomura laughed wildly. "You can't stop her! Her mind is gone! Unless you kill her, she will never stop! Once she finishes with you, next, will be that precious little school of yours, and all the students inside!"
Wasting no time, she swung her hand back, and tried to lower the pressure in his body when he got back up, but he just winced and coughed up a bit of blood instead of going down like the students at the Licence Exams. The pressure was building in her body more as they fought for so long, making any hit unable to shock her back into her senses. During their fight, Y/n had countered every hit she could, but her movements were slowing down and All Might immediately charged her and upper cutted her in the jaw.
She went flying up into the air and caught a glimpse at the city as time seemed to slow down. Fires and explosions were happening everywhere. Civilians were running and screaming while heros and villains fought all around as the light of the disastrous fires made a light glow on the surrounding mountains, reminding her of her first time meeting Izuku at this very beach with All Might. A single tear fell from her eye as she started to fall, and caught up with time. Y/n then grew angry and confused on why the hits weren't strong enough to shock her from the trace as her body moved on its own again.
Building up all the pressure in the air as hard as she could, she swung down, slamming All Might to the sand, but he still fought hard enough to stand, shakily fighting the heavy pressure. She tightened her fists, but he fought harder and harder until he finally hit the ground, spitting up a large pool of blood.
He stopped moving and the girl walked up to him to finish the job, but right before she was going to kill him, he suddenly grabbed her ankle and flung her into the wall. She spat some blood and her vision became hazy.
All Might whimpered at the sight of her damaged body, but couldn't think of a way to stop her without killing her. He can't even knock her out the trance with an attack to the head out of fear that it could give her permanent brain damage, or even kill her. But his choices were becoming slim, and he had to protect the school.
Her body moved on it's own again when Tomura angrily ordered her to get up. They fight hand to hand once again as other shocked heros began to show up and tried to save Shinso and Midnight, but couldn't because of the knives to their throats. Dabi, Himiko, and Twice began fighting off the heros to keep them from the hostages and the fight.
Y/n watched in her own mind helplessly, cheering for All Might. They were both bleeding from many injuries and Y/n seemed to be going insane, making her realize that she was reaching her limit, and cheered for that too. If this kept up, and used an ultimate move, she could faint from burning out. She started to laugh and move creepily as they fought. He managed to punch her and knock her back a ways down the beach. Getting up, she began staggering his way again.
He had no choice. She wasn't going to stop. He had to kill her. He apologized with teary eyes and got ready to use One For All.
"Detroit," He started, and made Y/n happy on the inside as his hand formed an immense energy around it while winding back. She ran faster at him.
"SMAAASH!!" He swung, and the destructive energy engulfed her entire body as it continued, destroying the start of the dock and beyond the beach, causing a large part of a cliff far off in the distance to be destroyed. Shinso, Midnight, and the other villains fell into the water as the dock collapsed and they were able to be saved by the heros that was able to take down Twice. The blonde hero fell to his knees and cried, clutching his heart at the loss of his student, then he heard a giggle behind him. He whipped around and was too slow to react when he saw Y/n with a knife in her hand about to cut his head off until she was kicked in the head, and sent flying into the ocean. He looked and saw Izuku covered in many bruises and injuries in his tattered bloody hero suit with a distressed look on his face.
"A-All Might! Are you alright?" He asked, noticing the hero's condition. He glared down to the ground in anger and frustration, gritting his teeth.
"No.....I can't believe.....I just tried to kill her...I thought it was the only way to stop her." He confessed. Izuku stared at him in disbelief as Tsu quickly patted his shoulder, running past him and towards the ocean.
"I'll get her before she drowns!" She says and jumps into the water after her friend.
(Your P.O.V)
I almost groan in pain until I choke on salt water and start to freak out. When I open my eyes, I see I'm in the ocean, sinking quickly. I panic and try to swim up, by my open suit let water in, and it became harder and harder to swim up with the little bit of air in my lungs. Then I see something from the surface of the water jump in and come my way. It was Tsu swimming towards me.
"Hey Y/n." She smiles and shoots her tongue at me, wrapping it around my waist, and swims us back to the top. When we break the surface, she holds me and takes me to shore.
I sigh and smile gratefully at her. "Thanks Tsu." I say, then stop, lift up my hands quickly, and laugh excitedly. "I'm in control again!" I cheer.
"Y/N!" I hear Izuku call as he runs my way, but is stopped by a wall of blue fire. We all jump back and see Dabi glaring at him intensely.
"I don't think so." He starts fighting Izuku and I look around. The heros in the water start getting attacked by sea villains and I push Tsu their way.
"Go help them while I try to get Dabi off of him!" She nods and goes back into the water as I run into the fight. Before a wave of blue flames hits Izuku, I jump in front of him and kick at the ground, exploding the pressure in the sand, shooting it all back at him. The sand mixed with the intense fire burned into shards of glass, successfully cutting Dabi up, shredding his clothes and skin.
He fell to his knee, removing the big pieces of glass from his body and immediately tries to blow flames again when it's over taken by two large waves of red flames. We look and see Endeavor and Todoroki coming down. The flame hero tells Todoroki to help the other heros while he handles Dabi. Some of our other classmates are here too and join in the fight. Izuku and I take this opportunity to run over to All Might, who is still panting in pain, holding his side.
"All Might! How are you holding up?" I ask checking over his wounds, feeling terrible that I caused them. To my surprise, he lifts his hand and cups my cheek with tears in his eyes.
"Thank goodness. I thought I killed you.....I-I'm so sorry-"
"Don't apologized. You did what you had to, and I don't blame you."
"But, how did you survive?"
"I used my new move successfully. Though, I wanted you to hit me, I guess, survival instincts took over and I used it right as the attack was about to hit me, and appeared behind you."
All Might smiled proudly. "....You really are something else."
"I know~, but right now, we need to stop the League, they're everywhere. Stay here, Izuku, lets go!" He nods and we leave the Hero to rest.
As we run through all the chaos, I spot Tomura looking around in anger as the tables turn on him. Running up to him, I go to punch him in the face, but he dodges before I could hit him and jumps back with a raged growl.
"NO NO NO NO NO! THIS WASN'T HOW IT WAS SUPPOSE TO GO!!" He complains and races towards me, reaching his hand out about to touch me, until I release the pressure in every single particle of my body, and phase around him, appearing at his back. I twist to roundhouse kick him, but he squats down and swings his leg at me, tripping me upside down. I quickly stand on my hands and twirl my legs at him, kicking him in the face. He stumbles into the sand and yells out like a child as he tries to get me several times, but I fought to dodge his touch every time.
I go to hit him with an ultimate move, but something is thrown our way and explodes, sending sand in my eyes. I scream out, trying to rub the sand out of my eyes as quickly as I can, but when I'm able to see again, he was nowhere to be seen. Glancing around, I recall Izuku hasn't been with me during the fight, and see off in the distance, Himiko trying to get on him every chance she can get, tripping up Izuku when he has a chance to hit her. I grit my teeth in rage as she lusts after him and look to Momo, who is creating rope to tie up defeated villains, and call out to her.
"Momo!" She looks to me. "Give me a ball of iron! Hurry!" She nods and creates it from her stomach and throws it my way. Catching it, I wind back, building up all the pressure in my arm as I can, and throw it, aiming for Himiko's head. It zips her way without her noticing, but she moves, and instead of hitting her head, it hits the pack of blood filled tubes on her back, making it spill all down her back and onto the sand. She screams out angrily, looking at me with a hideously ugly glare, forgetting about Izuku, and heads my way.
"Are you crazy?? Do you know how long it took to collect those?!" She screams.
"I'll show you crazy." I hiss and we fight, reminding me of when we were 5 years old. As we fight, the time for us to take each other down lengthens and I grow irate, then almost forget my new move. Dodging her last hit I fake out a punch for her to block, and instantly phase out, appearing on her shoulders with my legs wrapped around her neck, and force myself back, flipping her with me, amd as soon as my hands touch the ground, I throw her onto the ground with as much force as I could muster, and before she could get up, I jumped up and slam my foot with all my weight onto her head.
She lays on the ground, making incoherent babbling noises as the sand soaks up the blood under her head. I brush the blood off the corner of my mouth and move the hair out of my face with heavy pants of exhaustion.
"From one psychopath to another, I'm just gonna say, you should have stayed away from my man." I say.
Not forgetting my orders from Nezu to kill her, I go to do so, until she is poofed away before my eyes. I look around in shock until some guy in an orange suit and mask, and hat comes up and picks up a marble from the sand.
"I'll be taking her, thank you." He says and jumps far away from the beach before I could catch him. I sigh and help Izuku put All Might into an ambulance off the beach. Looking around, the last of the villains were being handled, and the rest were already being put in transportation trucks. Some unfortunately got away. The police were suddenly here when our classmates came together again to help civilians around the city as All Might was taken to a hospital. I finally see News helicopters were flying around and fires were being put out while people were being sent to the nearest hospitals.
The search throughout the city was easier since all the villains seemed to have left as soon as Tomura escaped my grasp, so all that we had to do was save civilians in need of rescuing from the disaster of crumbled buildings. It was really hard on me because it turns out that I went to far when fighting Himiko and snapped something in my arm. I didn't feel it until the adrenaline in me calmed down, so Todoroki had to trap my arm in ice so I didn't have to feel it until I got to Recovery Girl.
For the rest of the rescue, I had to use one arm to save people and carry them one at a time for many hours. We were told to stop when it was clear every civilian was safe. I heard it from the window of a tv shop nearby. I sighed out in relief and looked around.
It was morning already and it was raining heavily. During the whole thing, I was separated from Izuku and the others, and found myself at the other side of town near many business buildings and skyscrapers. Fatigue finally hit me like a brick when I knew I could rest.
Leaning against a building, I whimpered and tried to control my breaths as my arm started to hurt. The ice melted not too long ago and the agonizing pain of my broken arm was quickly setting in after the numbing tv static feeling under my skin faded away. I held it close to me and hissed in pain when my fingers grazed one of the cuts on it I got during a fight. I don't know how Izuku did it. And he had worse injuries than I would have.
It was bleeding still and when I looked down at it was when everything started to get hazy. It was hard to breathe as I felt something slowly hurt my chest, maybe my lung. My side and ribs were burning in pain, and my legs were quickly giving out.
I had to go to the school, find a phone to call someone, or at least find a place I can rest, but as soon as I took a step off the building, my foot slipped on debris from the crumbled building to my left and I fell to the ground on my arm, shooting a blinding pain through me as I screamed out. Rolling over onto my back, I cried out for help as every injury on and in my body was deciding to let me know that they're there too.
I screamed and screamed for someone to help me, but I didn't hear anyone coming.
Of course they wouldn't. The injured civilians are in hospitals, pro heros are still transporting people, and unharmed civilians are most likely at home with their families. There was no one on the streets. At least not around me. The pain was getting worse and I couldn't move, but the rain was helping, just a bit. It was getting me cold.
Or was that just because I'm losing blood?
Is this how I die?
Many questions raced through my mind, until I got too tired, and just stared up at the rainy sky, and started to drift away. My life flashed before my eyes. I lived around villains for a short while in my life, rotted in a cell for most of it, and then I was taken in by heros and lives with beautiful people for the remainder of it. I got to live like a normal person, even if it was just for a little while. I'm grateful.
The last thing I see is the sun trying to shine past the rain clouds.
'I'm so glad I got to see the sun for a while for the first time in 10 years.......but......I wanted to see Izuku again too. His smile was brighter than any sun I could ever see, and more. Please, I don't want to die! I want to do more! See more! PLEASE!' I cried as the rain mixed with my tears. I coughed up blood one last time, before it took the last bit of energy in me. And everything faded to black.
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