Part 67
"Thank you for the help, little Shinso." Tomura teases as the boy starts to stutter by my side.
"W-whatever, now where i-is Midnight?!" He yells nervously as they laugh at him. Tomura gestures someone over and a villain came around the corner of some machinery, dragging Midnight across the ground to the group. Though she was bloody, bruised and beaten, she was still breathing, just barely.
'Oh thank God, she's still alive.' I think to myself and watch as Tomura scratches his neck.
"Now, before we give her back to you," The other villain puts a knife to Midnight's neck as she groans in pain, still unconscious. "you have to hold up the end of your deal kid. Do it." He orders. Shinso growls and turns to me with saddened eyes.
"Tell her!" Tomura yells impatiently.
Shinso gulps and looks me in the eyes. "Y/n, y-you will listen to everything Tomura Shigaraki says from now on, and not to me. This is my last order to you." He says, and something inside me changes.
Tomura scratches his neck and smiles past the hand on his face. "Good, now lets see if it worked. 16 L.R, come here." I automatically walk to him against my will. I try with all my power to fight it, but nothing I do works, and my body calmly stands by his side. He laughs joyfully like a kid getting a new toy for his birthday.
"Alright, I did what you wanted me to, now give me Midnight!" Shinso ordered. Tomura just ignored him as he played with my hair and touched all on me like a creep with his own doll. I felt disgusting.
"You're ours kid, and so is Midnight." A random villain answers. Before Shinso can say anything, they prick Midnight's neck a bit, making her whimper out in pain as blood trickles down her neck, shutting the student up. "Yeah, we said we would let you and this lame pro live, but we never said you both could leave. You're staying with us, so if you try to deactivate your quirk on 16 L.R, try to escape, or try to contact anyone for help, we'll kill all three of you." Another villain comes up and knocks the poor kid down to his knees, ties him up, and place a gag and tap over his mouth. He couldn't fight back, and he was already crying in anger and frustration.
A small ring comes from my phone, but I can't move to check it. Tomura happily gets it from my pocket and sees it's All Might. He lets it go to voicemail and we hear the hero asks questions about the mission Izuku told him about since he didn't get an alert that I was leaving the campus or an order for a mission. Tomura waits for a while and sends a text to him that I can't talk about it right now and that I'm doing something important, but I'll see him later. Then he destroyed my phone completely.
"You know 16, it wasn't that hard to do all this, really. The only tough part was getting Midnight's phone and texting the Principle that she wants you two to have a practice mission. Though it was rough, I got his trust, and then it all fell into place. I was even able to convince them to get your little hall monitors to stop watching you for today. That's why no heros stopped you on the way here. So now, the next part of my plan is, what to do with you. And I have just the thing." Tomura sang as he briskly walked around and stood behind me, whispering grossly into my ear. "Tomorrow night, I want you to kill All Might, like you were made to do." I wanted to throw up, scream, and cry at that moment as something in me had me ready for battle. He looked to the student on the ground and back to me. "hey Shinso, your quirk can be broken indirectly by an outside force, shocking her right?" The kid didn't answer, it's not like he could, but he still didn't make an effort to try. He just glared at the villain. "So then 16, you just have to make sure that you don't get hit at all during the attack. Am I clear?" I feel myself nod as I cuss out in anger on the inside.
After a while I saw Himiko was here and was inching her way to me. "Oh~ 16! It's soooooo nice seeing you again~!" She cheered in her blushing happy tone. "I just wanted to come over here and tell you~," Her emotions changed from happy-go-lucky-psycho to creepy murderer in a second. "I see you're dating my sweet little Izuku again, but I'm not going to stand for that." She goes back to being happy again and raises a knife and needle in both hands. "I want him all to myself, so if I see you with him again, I'll kill you~! Though even though he may not want me, that won't be a problem, because with just one drop of your blood," She raises the knife to my throat. "I can be with him just long enough to make him mine. And with a lot of blood," She raises a large needle to my stomach. "I can have him to myself for as long as I want. So why don't you share huh? So I can go see him later!" She goes to stab me in both places, but two arms come from behind me, and grab both the knife and needle, and they disintegrated instantly in her hands, causing Himiko to scream and whine frantically at her destroyed tools blowing away into nothingness before they could even hit the ground.
"Don't you dare try yo even lay a finger on her, got it?" Tomura growled, walking up from behind me as he scratched his neck vigorously.
"B-b-b-b-ut, s-she-"
"Shut it! All I give a damn about is killing All Might. Then after that, I'll kill Izuku Midoriya myself, and I don't need your pathetic little love triangle to get in the way. But you will not harm 16, or I will kill you slowly, understand?" He threatened. She puffed her cheeks out in disappointment and looked away.
"Fine, whatever." She walked off in a fit and Tomura had me in his lap the entire time after that as they planned an attack against the heros that may come to All Might's aid. Shinso and Midnight were strapped down in some chairs near by and were surrounded by villains. So they couldn't do anything. Off in the corner of the room, I see Dabi staring me down like I'm the last bottle of water on earth as he looked me up and down.
'Oh yeah, if I ever break free from this I'm going to rip Dabi's eyes out for looking at me like a creep, then I'll show Himiko what it really means to be crazy if she even comes close to touching Izuku.' I think venomously as I continue to try and think of ways to break this quirk's hold.
I wasn't able to do anything for a long while until it was really late in the night. Even then, I was fed some cold food and told to rest until it was time for the attack because they wanted me in top shape. With the three of our phones destroyed, no one could contact or locate us. Not as if it would matter, because the school thinks we're on a training mission, so this is gonna be a surprise attack.
'I don't want to fight All Might! He's already injured and can't hold his form long. Only Izuku and I know that the last of his quirk is fading away, and soon he will die, and, I don't want to push him closer to that! Let alone hurt, or even kill the man that took me in and trained me. He's like an older brother, or even a father figure to me! I hate this!! How did I even end up like this?? I'm being prepped for what I was trying to avoid all my life! I wonder if my father saw this before he let me kill him.'
My mind was racing during the night until the sun started to rise, and Tomura ordered me to sleep.
(Narrator's P.O.V)
The next night, as the sun had set, is when Izuku, All Might, and the rest of the U.A Staff started to get concerned since Midnight, Shinso, and Y/n hand not contacted them or came back to the school. When Heros went around the city, they were nowhere to be found. The Surveillance Hero checked street came footage, but it was shown that the students were last seen going into an area of the city where the cameras were broken long before this.
Principal Nezu tried getting through to them through their emergency contact and locators, but it failed. The school was put on a shut down and all students were forced back onto the campus.
"Well this is quite the predicament we're in." Nezu said pushing away his tea cup. "We need to find Y/n, Shinso, and Midnight immediately. I fear something bad has happened to them. Scouting teams have been sent out, and in case any worse scenario, we need a leader. All Might, will you be able to do this?" He asks the blonde hero, who scratches his head nervously.
"I can sir, but I won't be able to take the lead on my own anymore, I'm going to need help." He admits.
"That's fine, I've already alerted Endeavor to help with the case, but we need to hurry, because if the police department finds out what has happened, Y/n won't get anymore chances and will be sent back to Tartarus. If not, then executed, and the entire school could also be shut down for my decisions." All the heroes stiffen, now realizing the weight of the situation. "Now go, look around the whole country- even the seas if you have to-" All Might gets a call from a random number, and he quickly answers.
"ALL MIGHT!" It's the scream of young Y/n. He quickly puts her on speaker and places it on the table for everyone to hear.
"Y/n! What happened?! Where are yo-"
"IT'S THE LEAGUE!! THEY HAVE MIDNIGHT AND SHINSO! WE'RE AT THE BEACH, I JUST BARELY GOT AWAY!! PLEASE HEL-" Then the line was cut off. Nezu got up from his chair quickly.
"Hurry and get to the beach! I'll send Endeavor your way!" He orders and all the heroes rush out as fast as they can. Though along the way, emergencies all around the city broke out, and they all had to split to save people until it was only All Might on his way to the beach. Explosions and villainous attacks were happening everywhere and he was torn in helping, or continuing to the beach, but he knew he needed to save Y/n and the others, so he continued on.
(On the Beach)
(Your P.O.V)
I hung up the phone in the middle of my sentence and handed the burner phone back to Tomura who was laughing maniacally.
"Wow 16! You're good at acting, you even had me convinced that you were in danger. I'm proud." He purred creepily as he grabbed a lock of my hair and rubbed it against his face. I was still unfortunately under the quirk's power and still wasn't in control of myself. Tomura had me call in an emergency to get them here. Everything inside me was screaming to stop all night, but it was all useless. Izuku was able to break free at the Sports Festival because of his strange ancestral connection with the previous holders of One For All, but I don't have anything like that. If I can just get a traumatic enough hit to cause shock in me, then I'll be free. All Might should be able to hit me like that easily.
I just continued to feel useless in this self imprisonment shell of a body, as I heard a Hero coming our way. All Might in his buff form all alone. Tomura had arranged villains strategically around the city to divide the heros and distract them so that no one could interrupt the fight. When the retired hero arrived, he stood his ground and watched intensely as Tomura laughed beside me.
(Narrator's P.O.V)
"Young Y/n, are you alright?" The hero asks, but she says nothing. Not moving, like a statue in the sand. Tomura hums blissfully as All Might glares his way. "What have you done to her Shigaraki?"
"I didn't do anything to her. I was just helping her accomplish what she was made to do. It really is a shame that you and that pitiful school of yours wasted 16's talent like this, but now that she's under my control, I will make her the greatest weapon she can be, and destroy everything you sacrificed yourself for, Symbol of Peace!" He spits.
"So you have her in some kind of trance, how?"
"It was easy, all I had to do was capture one of the pro heros seen most around 16," He gestures out to the water, and there, at the end of the dock over the ocean, was Midnight and Shinso in the arms of villains. "then get her phone to get a manipulative student to bring her to me, and hand over control to me, so that none of them would die."
The tall hero scoffs and grows more and more angry. "You're a disgusting criminal. Using heros and innocent students as pawns to get what you want will send you straight to Tartarus. You will not get away with this. I won't let you."
Tomura growls. "That's not up to you! You're gonna have to stop her in order to get to me first." He then pushes the girl forward. "Kill him! Destroy the Symbol of Peace, once and for all!"
Y/n, with an expressionless face, steps forward and activates Full Vitality, and charges forward.
"Y/n! No!" He orders, but she attacks him anyways and punches him in the face hard enough to send him halfway down the beach. He emerges from the sand wiping away the bit of blood off his chin, and prepares to fight back. "I guess I'll have to stop you by force. Prepare yourself, since you're not holding back, neither will I. Forgive me Y/n."
And the fight begins.
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