Part 66
I yawned and woke up to with Izuku's arms wrapped around me from behind, and in his hands in front of me was his phone that he was looking at over my shoulder. He looked to me with a smile and kissed my neck as I hummed. Without a word, we both looked back to his phone and looked through the news, social media, and hero action in the area for a while until he suggested we get breakfast. I tried to get up, but my hips were beyond sore and my legs were too weak to carry me, so....I hit the floor.
Izuku freaked out and ran to me, quickly picking me up and apologizing frantically. He helped me bathe and dress, then ran to the store to get me some pain medication and breakfast on the way for me while I rested in the room watching tv. When he got back, we ate, and I took my medicine.
For the rest of the morning we stayed in the room together, talked, and decided to go around campus. He got me on his back and he carried me to the lobby, and on our way in the elevator, we ran into Mina with Ochako. While Mina teased Izuku, me and Ochako are laughing shyly at the embarrassing situation. In the lobby, we met Jiro on Kaminari's back too, but he's on his hands and knees like a dying horse.
We order the others to leave us in the kitchen while they go to do whatever, and we chat about last night when Tsu walked in with a confession to me that her and Kayama finally kissed. I cheered happily for her and asked a lot of personal questions and blushed at some of the other's confessions of last night and just had a good time. After a while, we found we could walk now, even though we were limping a bit. The others came back and we spent the rest of the day watching tv in the lobby. Izuku and I went to sleep in my room again that night and the next morning, I was better and dressed in my loose crop top and baggy sweatpants to met up with Mirio.
"Why do you have to dress like that when you go meet him?" Izuku grumbles as I sling my bag over my shoulder. I grin at his jealousy and kiss him on the lips.
"Because his clothes come off when ever he phases through things, I might too, so he said it would be better to have clothes that I can quickly and easily put on when I successfully do the move just in case the same thing happens to me."
"Yeah, but your clothes didn't come off during your fight with Endeavor."
"Yes, but I was out of it back then, but if you don't like it that much then come with me for training."
"Okay!" He beams and jumps up. We walk to the training area.
"WELCOME!!" We jump at the loud voice and see Mirio happily running up to us. "I see you've brought a friend with you! Will you be training with us?" He wondered getting up in Izuku's face, who starts to tremble and shake as he sweats profusely.
"N-No! I'm, j-ju-just here to watch!" For a guy who was just trying to hunt him down two days ago, he sure is scared of him.
"That's fine! I welcome those to watch, so that everyone can learn a thing or two!" He announces to him and the few students walking around as I set my stuff by a bench.
"What have you been teaching her anyways?" Izuku asks, whipping a book out from his bag.
"Well, the first few times have been about getting over her weaknesses, though we are still practicing on that, we won't be working on it today."
"What's her weakness?"
"As far as I know, it's that she relies on her quirk to much, so we've been fighting without quirks. The last time we trained we tried, we set aside her weakness training and focused on the quirk move she's trying to do. So we'll be doing that again today."
"It's pretty hard though, so let's stop talking and work on it now." I say and stand out in the field.
"Alright!" He stands in front of me and puts his hands together. "Remember what I taught you. You might have used this move when you were in panic mode, but you can't panic like that on the field. So stay calm, and at peace. First, close your eyes, and clear your mind." I close my eyes and empty my mind, ignoring the surrounding noises and washed all feelings away. "Breathe in," I slowly inhale, "and breathe out." and exhale. I felt calm. "Now keep that focus, and encompass it." It was like everything around me stopped moving. Like every stroke of wind, living creature, and dust in the air, had stopped. "As soon as you have it in your grasp, slowly, let it go." The sense of all the wind, living creatures, and every spec of dust around me, started to fade.
(Izuku's P.O.V)
I watch as Y/n's body relaxes more and more as Mirio quickly gets a wide wooden board standing taller than him from the side of the field, and placing it quietly in front of her.
"Let it all slip away, like ink off a painting, or sand through your fingers." He explains as he sets it almost in front of her face, and stands right next to it. "As it fades away, keep in mind, that all that disappears is never gone, just displaced. like molecules through a wall." Suddenly, the air around her start to shake a bit. "You have control of where it all fades away to, so move every single thing ahead of you, as if you're walking forward. When you think it has all moved together, form it all back, as fast as you can, like the light from a camera flash."
Out of nowhere, her hands, start to disappear, as if dissipating into nothing, and it quickly speed up her arms, then from her feet to her legs. I jump from the bench in shock and watch with wide eyes as every part of her disappear and she suddenly forms in the blink of an eye on the other side of the wooden wall in one piece. I huff out in excitement and grab my book of her and quickly scribbled down what I learned.
"Good, now focus again and try to keep everything still." He says and quickly places several walls in front of her. "Now do it again and again seven times. After each movement, push yourself to go faster, and faster. Now." She takes in another breath, and fazes through the walls, gradually going faster with her eyes closed. When she arrived at the last two, it doesn't even seemed like she went through them, she just appeared at the end as if she just flashed to the spot. "Excellent, now open your eyes." She does and lets out an exasperated breath, looking around the wall and at the many obstacles she had to phase through with a happy smile. I smiled with glee at her accomplishment as I continued to write down in the journal.
"Alright, I was finally able to do it, with my clothes on, thank goodness." Y/n huffed happily.
Mirio nods and moves one of the walls out of the line and in front of her again. "Yeah, I'm jealous! But, it's not over yet, now time for the hard part."
"What's that?" She whines.
"You have to do it by maintaining that same focus with your eyes open."
(Your P.O.V)
"Ugh!" I groan. "Whyyyyyy?"
"Well, it's not like you can fight the villains with your eyes closed." He stated. I rolled my eyes and kicked at the dirt.
"Some heros do it." I mumble angrily.
"Well, you aren't at that level now are you?" He teased. I groaned louder and wave him off.
"Fine! Let's try it again." We tried this the last time we trained, but I always failed and couldn't do it with my eyes open.
"Alright, so, no closing your eyes. Just look forward and keep that same calm focus from before, and move everything forward through the wall." The blonde instructed. I breathe and try to focus and calm, but something was getting to me, and I didn't know what. I kept my eyes on one spot of the wall and did my best to clear my head, but it felt nearly impossible. I was gritting my teeth and trying to send something forward, but nothing was working. "Don't try to force it." He said ordered sternly. "Forcing it will only make it harder and draw your mind elsewhere."
I stop and straighten myself in a better position and sigh. 'Calm down, and just......uGH!' Many times I've tried to focus and calm down, but something wasn't working. Mirio even let me use Full Vitality, but even that wasn't working. Many hours had passed and Mirio was growing more and more frustrated and decided to call it a day.
"I'm really sorry for wasting your time Mirio." I apologize shamefully as I stare at the ground.
"It's alright, practice makes perfect. You even made a lot of progress today. We just need to keep going at it more. It's not like you can just be a master at a new move in just one day, right?" He smiles and we get our stuff. I nod and just stay quiet, still disappointed in myself. Izuku got his stuff and stood with me. "Don't worry about it anyway. I'm still determined to help you, so I'm going to try and talk to as many pro heros as I can today so I can learn more on how to help you out. So just relax for the rest of the day and don't think too much on it, alright?" He smiles brightly and flicks my forehead. I yelp out in pain at the sting on my head now as I look up at him angrily. "And keep your head up. No hero walks around with their head down. Bye!" He salutes and speeds off. I sigh and smile when Izuku holds my hand. He gives me his usual heart warming smile as he hands me a drink.
"He's right, you don't need to be so sad about it. You'll get it soon! You got Full Vitality quick enough." I chug down the drink and huff.
"I guess you're right, but still, I got Full Vitality on accident during an emergency situation trying to save you and the others."
"Yeah, but-" He's cut of by a ding from my phone. I apologize and look, it was an emergency text from Midnight. She said she wanted to see me immediately at the gate for a mission with another student. I thought it was weird she didn't call me or alert me ahead of time, and that it wasn't All Might or the Principal that is telling me of this since they said they would, but I just brushed that all off. "What is it?" Izuku wonders.
"Midnight says I have to go on a mission with another student here, so I have to hurry. I'll see you later, okay?" I kiss him and he agrees and I rush off to the dorm as fast as I could. I dress out into my hero clothes in my room and sped over to the gates in front of the school. The sun was just starting to set, the sky was light blue with a hint of orange. I look around and can't see the R-Rated Hero anywhere. I try to call out for her, until someone calls out my name. I walk out the gates and see a guy with wild purple hair. He seemed kind of familiar. His demeanor was stiff and rigid, not to mention he was sweating a bit.
"Hey, I'm waiting for Midnight for a mission, you're Y/n right?" He asked.
"Yes. Who ar-" I'm cut off when I suddenly stop for no reason and stand straight. 'What the fuck?!' It think freaking out and try to move my body and activate my quirk, but I can't move or say anything, and I start to panic on the inside.
He grits his teeth and starts to cry with a look of mixed negative emotions on his face. "I-I'm so s-sorry L/n. T-they made me do it." The guy whimpers. "C-come with me." I wanted to speak, but I couldn't talk. No matter how much I freaked out in my head, nothing worked, and I just kept walking behind him like a robot against my will. He had me follow him to an area far away from the school, yet I haven't seen one Pro Hero around to monitor me, or even civilians walking around.
'Why?! What in the world is going on??!!'
He glanced back at me with distressed eyes and apologized again. "I'm so sorry. I don't want to do this, but they were gonna kill Midnight if I didn't." He whispered as we headed into a small hidden alleyway. I began to get scared and confused for Midnight and had so many questions running through my head, but I couldn't speak anyways, then it hit me. This was the guy from the sports festival that almost made Izuku lose in his first battle. I don't know much about him, just that I shouldn't have answered his question.
By the time the sky was completely orange from a full sunset, we had made it into a dark abandoned warehouse. When we got in, the door slammed closed behind us and out from the shadows comes that familiar hidden face that I hated so much.
"Well hello, little Y/n, or shall I say, 16- L.R." Tomura chuckled as other members of the League followed behind him.
'Some body, HELP ME!!'
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