Part 64
I turn a bit and feel another shift on the bed as something tightens around my waist. Looking behind me, I see Izuku still asleep with his arms protectively around me in a tight hold.
We didn't want to part last night, so I let him stay in my room for the night. We even went to his room to get him a change of clothes. Nothing happened. We just listened to music, rested out on the balcony, and talked. It was the most peaceful I've felt since I came to the school. I feel even happier and more content than I've ever been since we've gotten back together.
He had a calm look on his face as he leans more into the crook of my neck, tickling me with the light warmth of his breath. I try to hold in my laugh, but a giggle slips out as he keeps breathing on my skin, and he groans slightly, and starts opening his eyes. When we make eye contact, he smiles and attacks my neck with many kisses. I squeal and wiggle, trying to get out of his grasp as he doesn't let up.
"I-I-Izuku! Let me go-o-o!" I laugh as he chuckles.
"Give me a good reason why I should." He challenges.
"Because it is too early for this and I have morning breath."
"One- It's never too early to show my girlfriend love, and two- I don't care. Watch." He lets me go and climbs over me, and kisses me. I thought it was gonna be quick, but when he keeps going and pulls me in for more, I moan lightly and pull him closer. Our bodies are touching as we grasp at each other, kissing passionately for who knows how long. After a while, we break away at the same time for air. Our faces red and eyes filled with lust.
I yelp in surprise when something hard pokes my thigh, and Izuku chokes on a groan. He looks down with wide eyes at himself, and quickly jumps off and runs to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door as he apologizes repeatedly. I laugh and get out of the bed.
"I'm gonna set your clothes by the door. Shower while you're in there and I'll go in there after you." I call out, setting his clothes by the door. He says okay and I walk out onto the balcony and take in the great weather today as the wind blows gently. I hang out in a chair while I watch the students below go off campus with their friends excitedly until Izuku finally finishes with his shower. I go in after him and do my normal morning routine and we both head down to the lobby. The others were there laughing and talking as they ate breakfast. When they looked to us and saw out hands together, the girls screamed as some of the guys cheered and ran up to us. It was like the time we first told them we were dating all over again. The girls cornered me and the guys cornered Izuku, leaving him in a nervous ball again.
After the interrogations were over, we all rejoiced by going swimming. I had on my favorite swimsuit and we all spent the day swimming and Katsuki and I even barbecued- while we argued over the littlest things as Izuku and Kirishima tried to separate us so we wouldn't get physical. While the girls and I would play a game in the water, Izuku tried his best to block the stares of the perverted eyes of our other male classmates, but was defeated when some students from class 1-B and some other students came to the pool too, and had to give up and just try to stay close since other guys were trying to talk to me again.
Midnight came with thirteen and a few other female hero staff and decided to tease me about last night.
"The others told me about your little cute soap opera moment with Young Midoriya." One cooed, sending me a teasing gloom my way as I looked to the ground in embarrassment.
"Yeah! They said it was like a live romance movie that they had to run after to see!" Midnight laughed as I slapped my hands over my reddening face.
"I thought the moment when he went after you in the water was really romantic." Thirteen said with a dreamy tone in her voice, clasping together and looking off into the sky in thought. They teased me yet commended me on getting back together with Izuku.
After a while, some pro heros came and went, but never stayed long. All Might even came, but when he cannon balled, he let out almost all the water in the large pool, so we had to leave due more water to swim in. We headed back to the dorm and changed out and hung out in front of the dorm as the sun was starting to set. Of course the others started to spar, so a few of us just watched in entertainment on the steps as Aizawa came back and slept on the grass in his sleeping bag. Later on, we started getting onto the topic of rivals because of Katsuki and Izuku.
"So who's you're rival Ochako? Is it Y/n?" Momo teased, but Ochako laughed nervously.
"No, it's not. I don't really have a rival. It's not like I want one. Who is your's Y/n?" She wonders as they all look at me. I look up and think.
"Hm, I don't know. Maybe-"
"ME!" We all yell and jump as someone jumps down in front of us. It was a naked Mirio. We scream at the sight until someone yells at him and throws clothes at his face, and he quickly puts them on, then points to me. "You are my rival Y/n L/n!" He declares. I sigh.
"Why do you say that Mirio?"
"Because only the other 2 of the Big 3 can come close to beating me in my grade. Only the pros and All Might can defeat me, but you are coming close. When I teach you how to use your move is when you may be able to defeat me, so I will get you to that point!"
"If you want her to be your rival, then why teach her a move that can get her even closer to defeating you?" Tsu asked.
"Simple! I want her to fight at her full capacity when she learns it so I will know where we truly stand! Plus, she asked me for help on her quirk, so why wouldn't I? We here at U.A help each other out. Accepting a rival means that there is someone on your level that has the potential to defeat you. You can be friends or foe, it doesn't matter, because you learn from each other either way."
Jiro hums. "So she's learning from you, but what are you learning from her?"
"Fighting styles, reaction times, and predictions! She's pretty good at those!" He smiles. I blush at all his compliments and wave him off.
"Oh stop. Though I'm sorry to tell you Mirio, but my rival is Himiko Toga. The villain. Me and her are just foes though."
"Aw~ Shame. Well, it was nice meeting you beautifully lovely ladies! Stay gorgeous!" He cheers and turns to leave and is met with a wall of our significant others, who we just notice and see, that they're not at all happy. Every single one of them had a face of anger and jealousy. It looks like they want to fight him for real and I look back to Aizawa, but he was gone.
"What timing." I mumble, and look back in time to see Mirio phase through the ground just as they guys go to attack, and his clothes hit the ground.
"COME BACK AND FIGHT ME YOU COWARD!! I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FLASH YOUR DICK TO MY GIRLFRIEND!! YOU'LL LOSE IT!!" Mina screams and runs around trying to find him as Katsuki angrily burns Mirio's discarded clothes, while the others look around with menacing expressions.
We admire our protective lovers until the sun goes down. When they couldn't find him, they gave up and came back to us. I took Izuku's hand, to which he started blushing madly and sweat profusely as he held mine back.
"What's with you? You were confident with me when we weren't dating why are you all nervous again?" I wondered nervously.
"W-well...I was only acting confident back then because that's what some of the other guys t-told me to do."
"To win you back. I didn't know what to do, so they told me to be more confident to make you swoon for me, but during those times when we did talk, it obviously never went well, and I was a screaming and nervous wreck on the inside. It was almost too hard to bare when we were apart, but now that I have you back, I don't know whether to stay acting confident, or what? I'm just scared that the simplest thing I do can scare you away or make you hate me." He admitted with a sad tone. I sigh and wrap my arms around his neck, holding him close to me.
"Izuku, I didn't take you back because you had this sudden confidence act. I took you back because I missed the boy I fell in love with on my first day of Freedom at the beach. The sweet, nervous, mumbling, green haired, freckled faced, cinnamon roll that was the first to welcome and accept me here. I love you, Izuku Midoriya." I confess. His breath became ragged as he tightly wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I love you more, Y/n L/n."
I hum happily. "I don't think so, I love you so much that I would paralyze any girl that dares to take you away from me."
"No, I love you so much, I will break the arms of any guy that even thinks of touching you."
"I love you so much that I will spend the rest of my life with you."
"I love you so much that I would like to one day have a child with you." I blush in surprise as an intense heat flooded my face as he smiled at me innocently. "As a matter of fact, you said that after our date, you would reward me. And I haven't gotten my gift yet. So why don't you give it to me up in your room? This could also be practice on making a baby in the future too." I slapped a hand over my face when I felt something leak out of my nose.
"Awe~ she has a nose bleed." Jiro teased.
"Don't tease her, I want to practice with you too." Kaminari purrs in her ear, giving her visible shivers as her face turns red. While the other couples whispered seductively to each other, somehow, at the same time, each pair left for private rooms. Izuku picked me up and used Full Cowling to jump us to the roof and we went into my room in a rush.
As soon as I closed my door, Izuku pushed me up against it and kissed me roughly, licking the bottom of my lip eagerly. When I denied, he growled a bit and raised a hand to the back of my head, and pulled on my hair firmly, tilting my head back. The slight pain made me mewl and he pushed his tongue into my mouth. We fought in the kiss for a long time, but it was long enough for him to win and over take me, making me putty in his hands. We parted for to breathe, and I took this moment to admire his cute yet lustful face as his eyes were glazed over with a lazy grin from slightly swollen lips.
"You know....I kind of wanted to plan this to make this a little more perfect for the both of us." He said, scratching the back of his head with a nervous laugh. I thought for a moment and smiled.
"I think we still can. All you need to do is prep the room and wait for me, I'm gonna go freshen up a bit." I plan, he nods and goes around the room doing things as I head to the closet, and in the corner of it, was that unholy bag that Kayama gave me. I guess she was right. It is coming in handy, I'm glad I still kept it. I grabbed a small bottle she gave me before closing the closet again, and left for the bathroom.
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