Part 58

As Class 1-A packs up and leaves to let Class 1-B train, Izuku glances around curiously as he walks beside Aizawa.

"U-Um, Mr. Aizawa? Where is Y/n? I haven't seen her during training today." He asks wearily. The pro hums, still looking forward in thought.

"She was called to the Principal's Office to talk about the rules against her tomorrow at the Exams. Plus, because of the short class time, and with her hero costume just coming in this morning, she will also be testing it out somewhere else. So you will see her at the exams tomorrow morning, nothing to worry about." He mumbles tiredly, wanting nothing else but to hit the ground sleeping.

"O-Oh, okay, thank you." Everyone is soon dismissed for the day and went off to the dorms. Izuku immediately went to his room and laid on his bed to get early sleep for tomorrow, but he just laid in his bed with Y/n on his mind. 

(Your P.O.V)

I finish showering after a full day of training and going over obvious 'No Killing or Severely Injuring the Other Students' rules. My suit fit perfectly and was already put in it's case for tomorrow. I was happy with how it came out. It's almost like Izuku's, which was unintentional. Just as I was about to get a drink from my fridge, a 'ding' came from my phone. I stop and grabbed it from my bag and looked over the new message, and what I read, was not good.

Ms. Midoriya✨: Good Evening Y/n. I know this is sudden and unpleasant to read when you see this, but I'm just going to get straight to the point. Please, break up with Izuku. I'm not saying this because of any spite towards you, but it has gotten out that you are the one who caused the Horrific Pier Massacre. And though it has been a long time ago, and you may have changed, that doesn't change the fact that you killed hundreds of people, and lied to me about your past and who you were. I'm sure you really are a nice person, but whether you are or not, I cannot have my son around someone who has committed such crimes and has such a controversy around your name. I hope you understand that I have to do this as a parent, that I want to keep him safe in anyway I can, though yes he is a hero, but I have to do my part as well. I am only letting him stay at the dorms of the school because of his dream and because of All Might. If he can keep those two, I am sure he will be happy without a relationship with you. He is resilient. So please, as a mother, I beg of you, stay away from my son, so that he will have a happy and fulfilling future. I of course wish the best for you too. Goodbye and Good night.

I was at a loss for words at what I just read. She wants me to stop seeing Izuku. I want to text her back, 'No' or 'Me and him are happy, we don't have to listen to you', but I hate to admit that, she is right. If word gets out to the media that we are dating, then his life, future, and reputation will be at risk. She really got a lot of points out of the way with this message, probably so I can't say anything back. If I were her, I wouldn't want a murderer to text back either. 

For a good hour or two, I cried. My eyes were red and puffy, and I looked like a disgusting mess. I guess I didn't know how much I actually loved and wanted to be with him. 

After some time when I knew I had to go and break up with him, everything started to hurt. Every move I made was screaming for me to stop, but I couldn't. I had to do this. For Izuku. 

I got two water bottles from my fridge and rested them on my eyes since I didn't have ice packs. After several minutes, I washed my face, and looked at myself in the mirror. 

My eyes weren't puffy anymore,  just slightly red. Other than that, I was fine. I sighed and headed out, though everything inside me was begging me not to. The little robot outside greeted me with a digital smile and some beeps. I smiled sadly at it as I got into the elevator and descended to Izuku's floor. When the doors opened, there he was, standing right in front of the elevator with his phone up to his ear. My phone started ringing. He smiled the same smile that I fell for in the very beginning and I almost began to cry again. 

"Hey Y/n! I was just about to head up to the roof for you, and I was just calling you in case you weren't there." He hung up his phone, making my ringing stop as he stepped in with me. I said nothing as the doors began to close. "Y/n?" I pressed the button to got back to the roof. "Is something wrong? Did something happen?" When we landed, we both got off and he followed me to the table and chairs out in the open. He fidgeted with his hands as he waited for me to say something. The screams inside me stopped as I opened my mouth.

"..........I-I.....I want t-to.....break...up, with you." I hesitated. He didn't move and just stared at me with a blank stare for a while. I thought he didn't hear me, so I was about to repeat myself until he spoke.

"Why?" His voice was so weak and hoarse that I almost didn't hear it. "D-Did I do something? Did I say something- was it the protesters? The villains? Did someone say something to you-"

"No!" I stopped him. I had to lie. "I-It's not you, or anything anyone said........I jus-......I just don't think this, is right for me." I said, gesturing the both of us. "I am tired, of us. I met someone new, someone different." I came up with any lie I could think of. The screaming voices were slowly coming back, louder and louder as he sat there, not moving with the same sad blank expression, and tears suddenly swelling in his eyes, and flowing down his face.


"I can't tell you."

".....No, you're lying. I know what you look like when you're lying-"

"Then clearly you don't know me that well." I counter with a shaky breath. He was right, he did know, it was in his book of me, but I couldn't let him know. He was shaking now as his face contoured into a look of pain as he brought his hands up to cover it. I shook my head. "Please understand Midoriya," He hit his hands on the table and laid his head in his arms as he cried at the formality. "Every moment with you has been magical, and I wouldn't change what I went through with you for the world, but I need to stop this now." He was sobbing as he gripped at his hair, it was hurting me as the voices in my head criticized me as tears welled up in my eyes. "You will find someone better than me! Someone who isn't a criminal or who gets bored easily like me! You have so much going for you! You got into this school, your personal mentor is All Might, you have his quirk, and you're a quick learner! You're more resilient than anyone I know, so please! Forget about me." His sobs grew stronger and I couldn't do anything. I couldn't console him like I wanted, because I would break too and take back everything I said. Every inch of me was shaking and I didn't know what to do, I had to go. "I know you will do well in the Provisional Exams tomorrow, use that to forget about this, us, and go forward with your life. A-and I'll see you tomorrow." 

I get up and find it's hard to move. Unknowingly, I had built up pressure in my body again. I fought through it and got up, and walked around the table past him to get to my room, until he gripped my wrist. I look back and see his hair covering his eyes, though I still saw tears streaming down his faces through gritted teeth, his hold on my wrist was tightening.

"..........P-please........." He begged, but I couldn't. The voices were screaming this was my last chance, but I had to ignore them. The longer I stayed, the tighter his grip was getting, and the more my pressure was building. After a moment I realized, if I wasn't accidentally using my quirk, he would have broken my wrist no problem with just this grip right now. He didn't want me to go. With one last pained breath, I ripped my arm from him...

"I'm sorry." And rushed to the door. 

After a quick flash of the card to the robot, I opened the door and went inside. I stood in the darkness of my room for a moment, the only light being from the moon past the sheer white curtains of my balcony. In the split seconds of silence, I heard him stumble towards the door and try to get in. He didn't have the card, so he couldn't. He banged and pleaded at the door anyway he could, but I didn't budge. 

The last thing I heard was someone coming up and pulling him away. By the voice, it sounded like Aizawa. When I heard nothing else, I huffed in pain and fell to my knees and cried out, holding nothing back as I screamed in sorrow. 

This wasn't how we were suppose to end up. He kept me sane. Literally and figuratively. He was my light and my hope. He was the first normal person I met when I got out of Tartarus. He was my first friend. He was my first love. Now he is my first heartbreak. I hate this. It didn't take too long for the pressure in me to knock me out, and all I could dream about, was him...

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