Part 53
(Your P.O.V)
My head felt fuzzy and ached a bit, like I had sinuses all over my head. Everything was so hard to comprehend. The last thing I remember was being pinned to the ground, but after that....I don't remember anything...the only thing that comes to mind is someone screaming my name.
Looking around, I groan slightly and spot a familiar looking boy in a chair ahead of me. He had spiky blonde hair and an angry expression. It was so familiar, yet the only difference, is that he seemed scared, which felt a little off putting to me. He was suddenly was approached by two weird looking people. Sound finally began to register after the constant ringing in my ears, and I heard the man next to me chuckle deeply. An uneasy yet angry feeling took over me.
"If you don't want to join us, we'll just have to make you, Bakugo Katsuki."
'Bakugo He always wants to fight me, but he's still my friend. Is he in danger? Are we in trouble?'
A girl walked up to me and smiled widely with a hot blush across her face. "Wow, you're bleeding a little 16, here let me get that for you." I said nothing but leaned back as far as I could into the chair as she leaned towards my face with her tongue out.
Suddenly, a voice came out of nowhere and made her stop before she could lick me.
"Pizza delivery!" it comes through the door, until the wall on the opposite side of the room explodes and reveals a short old man in white and yellow, a man made of wood, and a tall blonde buff man. All but the wood man look so familiar. The shadow person looks like he tries to do something, but the wood guy restrains everyone but Katsuki and I with long branches. The other man on the opposite side of me tries to use some type of blue fire, but he was knocked unconscious by a kick in the head by the small old man. Some dude with big sharp hair opens the door and shows a bunch of heavy armored cops.
"Kurogiri! Warp all the Nomu!" The man with the hand on his face growled. When the shadow man tried to, he was also knocked unconscious by the weird looking man at the door.
"Where is All For One?!" The old man came up to the hand man and yelled.
"All For One..." I mumbled in thought until suddenly a bunch of portals popped up all around and crazy looking beasts came through them, and I was immediately taken in by one of the warp holes as I hear others screaming mine and Katsuki's names.
It was dark for a couple seconds until I suddenly found myself out of the chair and on the ground of a disaster area. The buildings around were completely destroyed. As my senses were quickly returning, I noticed Katsuki standing right behind me in a tense stance, watching the hand full of villains left that surrounded us. I quickly stood up in a fighting stance right beside him and readied myself for a fight.
"Bout damn time you got up. You got a plan?" He asks wearily, not taking his eyes of them as they watch us.
"Wait or hold them off till help comes, and if it comes to it, fight our way out. You ready?"
"Always." He growls and we hold our stance.
The villains from the camp kept trash talking and threatened us to throw us off, but we don't waver, until Himiko steps forward.
"I really did miss you 16. Or should I say, Y/n? I miss our spars together when we were little. Remember the the survival of the fittest battle we did before the action we were forced to go through, and how we sleign some of the other kids together as a truce to survive? Weren't those the good days? Didn't you feel a spark between us?" She smiled, gazing happily to the dark cloudy sky in thought as she continued to walk forward. I swelled up the pressure in my hands.
"The spark was more out of hate from me rather than companionship, so get over yourself." I gruffed before clapping my hands together in her direction, slamming the pressure against her body like closing walls, smashing the glass containers on her back as she screamed out slightly, and stumbled to her knees in pain.
Looking up with a sickening blush covered smile, Himiko giggled and carefully stood back up. "S-see? Just like the good old days. But I'm not done yet-" She straightens her back and cracks her neck slightly, and moves like my attack didn't actually hurt her. She was playing around. "We can train together, just like how we use to. I want to see all the new moves you learned and become best friends! I can date that cute green haired guy and you can have Dabi! We'll be a big happy family!" She cheers, swinging her arms out as I shake my head in anger.
"First of all, I would never become friends with someone like you! Second, that cute green haired boy is already My Boyfriend, so screw off and get your own!" I hollered. Her facial expression never went away, but something in her eyes flickered. Hate. She quickly dropped her arms and stood still.
".....why....why is it that you get all the happy endings and I get nothing??" Her smile dropped and her eyes squinted at me with an ugly stare. "Even when we were little, you always seemed like the purest golden child. WHy?!" Her voice cracked at the end as her blush faded away.
I shook my head. "You know just as well as I do, that I am not pure in any kind of way. The number of people I have killed is high, and seems to just keep growing. I was never a golden child back then either. I just knew when to sit and keep my mouth shut. Something you have trouble doing-"
She growled and charged at me. I ran forward and swung first. I missed and stumbled forward as she put her hand on my shoulders and flipped over me. I go to throw her off before she could land, but then I felt a sharp burning sensation on my cheek, and notice a shining glint of metal swing away from me. She had cut my cheek with a knife. She jumps back and goes to lick it, but a sudden explosion hits her in the back, stopping her completely. Katsuki had hit her with one of his biggest explosions.
The knife goes flying in the air as she slams into a wall a ways off, and I catch it in time to crush the blade into nothing with my quirk. She struggled to get up but fails and falls unconscious.
Another villain screams in anger and hits me from behind before I could react. I'm hit in the back and am thrown back several meters. Groaning, I look up and see the villain in casual clothes and a rectangular stone block in his hand glaring at me through her glasses. Another villain walks up to me while the others gang up on Katsuki, who is walking backwards as they corner him.
I growl through my teeth as I use Full Vitality. Adrenaline shooting through my body as I stand up and kick as hard as I could at the two ahead of me, and a wave of pressure explodes from the ground and blows them far away into the rubble of a fallen building.
Dirt filled the air as an explosion came from my right. Looking, it was All Might and All for One in a heated battle. Spinning back to my classmate, they all look at Katsuki and get ready to attack him until a familiar voice yells his name.
I look up and notice our classmates shooting up from and ice slope, blocking Katsiku from them. Kirishima screamed his name again as they flew with his hand out. The next thing I knew, Katsuki blasted himself so fast into the air to them and catch his hand, then Izuku calls my name with his hand out. I smile and go to fly to them until a villain follows after them.
Suddenly, Mount. Lady jumps up and uses her face to stop him, but the villains try to stop them again. Before they could, I ball my fists and slam them all to the ground with so much force that the ground in front of me and around the exploded, throwing them so far into the apocalyptic debris that I could hardly see them. Izuku screams out for me painfully as I am left behind, and I smile as a tear slides down my cheek stinging my cut. All that was left was All Might and All For One fighting. I go to help my teacher when I get hit in the head with a large stone.
I stumble and hold my head in disbelief as blood flows down my face. Slowly looking to my side, I see Himiko with that same blush and smile again. She picks up another rock from the ground and throws it at me again. Stepping to the side, I dodge it with a bit of a stumble as my vision gets a little more hazy.
"You won't win this. We will turn you to our side and the green boy will be mine, and if not, I will just kill you and he will still be mine. I'm giving you one last chance, because after this, I won't be nice anymore-"
"Shut up come at me." Without another word, we charge at each other and fight. I try to hit her with several blows, but she dodges everyone of them. Though when she goes to attack me, I don't let her get a hit in either. The longer we go on, the more exhausted I get and the harder it is to fight with All Might and All For One's fight not too far from us. Himiko also shows exhaustion as we jump back from each other for a moment. I take one breath and start to lose control. Noticing All Might at a safe distance away in his own fight, I take this as an opportunity to use my ultimate move, the move from the action.
The blonde psycho picks up a sharp piece of metal and with a hazed look, speeds to me one last time. I breathe in, close my eyes, and with all the built up pressure in my being, I let go of every tight nerve in my body with Full Vitality, and release the energy in me.
An overwhelming feeling flooded my body just like the incident many years ago, similar to the feeling of standing out in the most powerful rainstorm, and a small flash of my father's smiling face flickered before my eyes. Then, without recognition, I blacked out into a peaceful sleep.
(Izuku's P.O.V)
I watched in fear and anticipation as my classmates and surrounding civilians watched the large television screen on a building as both fights of All Might and All For One, and Y/n and the crazy blonde villain on a split screen.
Y/n saved us from the other villains, so I couldn't get to rescue her like we planned. Katsuki was safe, but I still felt like our efforts were for nothing since she wasn't here. We got here just in time to see the blonde girl pick up what seemed to be a sharp piece of metal. Y/n stepped back and had an did nothing as the villain charged at her. We all yelled out in fear, until Y/n's body glowed brightly and a bright blue wave exploded outwards from her, and destroyed everything around her.
On the other screen, All For One stops and waves a hand and the blonde villain is swallowed by a warp hole mid run before Y/n's attack hit her. The explosion was so large and destructive, even at such a far distance, we still felt the vibrations in the ground and air, making us stumble around. As soon as the attack died down, we saw nothing but Y/n laying out in a massive crater several meters deep.
All Might and All For One had to dodge the attack a bit, but continued to fight. I cried out in relief and anxiousness. I was glad the villain girl was gone, but I wanted to get to Y/n really badly, but we had to stay where we were. A hand gripped my shoulder tightly and I glanced back to see Iida with a stoic look on his face as he looks from me to the screen.
I looked back at the fight, and nodded. 'I can't get to her right now, I just need to wait, and cheer on All Might. That's all I can do to help, and even if something that seemed as small as cheering him on from a distance seemed so useless, it has never felt as important as it felt in this moment. Because if he wins, then Y/n will return to us. Alive I pray.'
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