Part 36
The more we walked, the more I got to see as we walked past schools, play grounds, and many other pretty looking places that I never got to see when I was younger. It was, beautiful.
"So, l/n," Izuku's mother brought me back to earth.
"Oh, please call me y/n."
"Alright, y/n, how long have you known my son?"
"Since school started. We are seated next to each other in class and always partner up together for projects and activities if we aren't with our friends. So we talk a lot."
She hums. "He hasn't hurt you has he?"
I laugh, shaking my head. "No ma'am. He hasn't hurt me, and I never hurt him."
"Good, cause when I saw the Sports Festival fights, I fainted during a lot of it so I don't know if you two fought each other or not. Though you were the one that I noticed more than anyone else. You're so beautiful and strong. You really know how to fight. Where did you learn how to fight like that?"
"My parents taught me, when I was young, then later on I became self taught."
"Yeah? Where are your parents? Are they also heros?" I notice Izuku tense up behind us. "It seems there are a lot of students here with hero parents."
"Oh no, they both passed away when I was 5 years old." Her face became sad as she stopped walking and looked to me with sorrow in her eyes.
"I'm so sorry sweety. I didn't mean to..."
"No, it's fine, I've accepted it, and moved on, it's what they would have wanted." As we walked I recognized some heros in hiding, watching me intently. They must be who All Might was talking about.
"I'm glad, but still it must have been hard. Who has been watching over you this entire time?" We continued walking.
"I was put in a foster home and when I transferred to UA, someone else decided to take me in that could also help with my training." I kind of lied, but I had to. Glancing back at Izuku, relief washed over me when he gave a thumbs up and a head nod.
"Well I'm happy you're doing well. I'm even more happy that my son has you now! When I first saw you on TV, I assumed you were one of those popular girls that was way out of my son's league."
"MOm!!! I'm RIghT herE!"
I laugh out loud this time. "No, I'm not that kind of girl. I'm not popular, but I do try to get along with everyone. Can't judge a book by it's cover though. When I first saw you, I thought you were Izuku's sister you look so young to be a mother." She squealed and hit my shoulder with such force that I was thrown into the building beside me, causing a break in the cement.
"Oh stop~♥! Really?" She grinned from ear to ear in her own world as Izuku ran to me. Heros stiffened in shock at the sight but I wave it off loosely as I struggled in pain off the wall.
"Oh my god! Are you okay?!" His face seemed to drain of blood. It took a couple of breaths to finally laugh and smile.
"Yeah, your mom is a-awesome." I smile weakly. He gives a nervous laugh.
"I'm so glad you two are getting along. I didn't think you would be meeting her for a while."
"Me neither, but I like her a lot. She's cute and funny, like you." He blushes and gives me a hand.
"Come on you, we still need to buy the food." We continue on and buy all they need and head to their place. When we get there we talk as everything is put away.
"Will you stay with us for dinner y/n? I still have so many questions and baby photos of Izuku bathing naked in the sink that I want to show you!"
"Mom, please don't!"
I chuckled slightly but shook my head sadly. "I wish I could, but it's getting late and I should really be getting back home. My guardian will worry."
"What a shame, but I guess it can't be helped. Just know you're welcome here anytime, and don't hesitate to ask me for help!" She smiled, giving me her number. I gave her mine in return. "Oh," she looked outside, "it's really dark out there. I can drive you."
I shook my head. "No, I don't want to bother you."
"It's really no bother. But how about Izuku walks you then?"
He agrees. "I wouldn't mind." I waved my hands.
"No. It's fine, I have a ride home anyways. Thank you for inviting me, I hope we get to talk again soon. Good night Izuku." I say my final goodbyes as he walks me to the door.
"Good night. And be safe. Don't stray away from the pros and head straight home." He orders in a strangely soft yet stern voice.
"Yeah yeah. You sound like a concerned mother. You two really are related." I joke. He groans at the thought and gives me a quick peck on the cheek.
"Just be careful. I love you." He nuzzles his forehead on mine. I close my eyes with a low hum at the warmth of his skin as his soft silky hair brushed against my face.
"I will, I love you too." I kiss him one last time on the lips, and make my way out side. He watched as I texted All Might I was ready. He replied that someone is waiting for me and I left with one more wave to my boyfriend. When I exited the building, I was met with two pro heros I noticed that also worked at UA, waiting for me.
With a bit of small talk and calming silence, we managed to walk all the way back home in peace. They leave me when I am greeted by the receptionist and make my way to my shared apartment. Toshinori was in the kitchen this time. I make my way over and greet him. He pats my head with his large hand and continues cooking.
"What's on the menu for tonight oh good sir?" I swoon, tossing my bags on the couch.
"Well my dear lady, I was too lazy to cook, and not bothered enough to buy take-out, so I'm heating up ramen noodles. A true Japanese delicacy." He bows with a near british accent.
"Delightful." I chuckle. The rest of the night we talked about random things, he helped me study some of the class notes, and was off to sleep.
The next morning, I met up with Izuku and we spent our time traveling to Gran Torino's place, for some reason, playing rock paper scissors on the way. It got even more aggressive when we were walking to the building with our hero suits in hand. We stopped the game because I was getting frustrated that I kept losing.
"How!?" I yelled with a huff.
He laughed hard when we reached the top step. "Because you're easy to read. Not to mention you always go in a pattern." He knocks on the door.
"I try not to!" The door slowly creaked open just a crack, but no one says anything.
"Was it left open?" The green hero wonders, readying for the worst, and cautiously calls out, "Gran To-"
"YOU LEFT YOUR DOOR UNLOCKED!!" I announce, kicking the door open wide. Izuku screams and jumps in shock at the action and sweats.
"A-Are you insane?!"
I shrug. We look back and are stunned when we see a small old man laying on the floor in a red pool of something.
"Oh My God He's Dead!!" He squeals and jogs around fiddling with his phone. "We need to call for help!!"
"Why, he looks just fine to me." I gesture back to the old man. Izuku looks and nearly falls back, witnessing the old man rise up from the ground all wobbly. He sighs and puts his phone back away and goes to help the old man.
Closing the door behind us, I go to sit back on one of the couches and watch the strange conversation between Izuku and the supposed, Gran Torino, going on about his fish biscuits and ketchup as Izuku gives up, convinced that he was just a loon and attempted to call All Might. As I stare off into space, thinking of how this was a waste of time, I hear a loud crash and a scream and snap back and see Izuku falling to the ground as his phone skids away and a yellow thing zipping around the room at an insane speed that my eyes couldn't keep up, until I saw it's next route was heading my way.
"WHAT THE HELL!??" I jump up as quick as I can but it was too late, it hit me in the side and knocked me into the ground hard. The sound of it bouncing from wall to wall had stopped, and all I could hear was mine and Izuku's groans as we slowly get up from the ground.
"This is just pitiful." We look up at the new voice. It was the old man still. Only, his face and demeanor changed drastically. He was more serious and awake than what he was a moment ago. "I expected more from Toshinori's great successor and the famous ex-con. He would talk so highly about you two, yet here you are, proving him wrong by groveling here like babies."
"Why you," I growl in anger at his words.
"Oh~, someone's angry. Tell you what, I'll stop, if you both can get one hit on me, each."
"Oh you're so on old man." And like that, it starts. The fight continues on for about 2 minutes, yet we couldn't hit him. My close range attacks weren't landing and I couldn't stop him in his tracks because he was too fast and was already in another place whenever I try. Yet when ever I'd be close, he'd hit me in my arms or legs to stop my attacks. By the end, Izuku and I were panting on the ground with soon-to-be bruises on our bodies.
"Hm, I'm tired, I'm going to sleep."
I look up at him in disbelief. "W...What??" I growl confused.
"You heard me. I'm going to sleep, you two fix my place you so rudely destroyed and then do whatever, I'll see you both tomorrow." He walks off, leaving us two in the living room.
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