Part 35

I began to run, but they continued to chase me. 

"Please!! Can I have a picture?!"

"I'm a big fan!"

"Do you know All Might!?"

I just ran faster until I saw the entrance of the school. Looking back, I see more and more people from other streets also joining in in excitement. I groan.

"Why did All Might have to leave me today of all days? I should have just flown to school."

I run through the gates and stop, taking in a grateful breath at home base as the security gate slams shut before the crowd could even get close. 

"Hey L/n~!" Present Mic calls out to me as he and Snipe walk up to the gate.

"Good morning." Snipe nods.


"We got several complaints of students struggling to get to school because of crazy fans, so most of the pro heros are helping to escort them here." He explains.

"Yeah, I just got a good example of that just now."

"It's what happens when you're famous. Well, we're gonna go guard the gate and help students get through the crowd. See ya later!"

I wave them off and walk to Recovery girl to get healed, then back to class. When I get there, I'm greeted by the others and we all talk about their strange experiences with people getting excited to meet them. Mine so far seems to be the wildest since I'm the only one to be chased. Izuku and Iida soon come in.

"Hey you two." I smile.

"Good morning y/n." They both say.

"How are you and you brother Iida?" I notice him stiffen a little when I asked, I don't think anyone else noticed though.

"We're both good, thank you greatly for your concern. My brother is even better and is healing quickly." He face seemed the slightest bit strained. I could smell him lying from several miles away, but he clearly didn't want to go on further with this conversation so I backed off.

"Alright, that's good to hear." 

Mr. Aizawa comes in soon enough and class starts. He didn't have his bandages on anymore. He then explains that today's class time will be dedicated to us making up our very own hero names and their importance. Midnight came in and explained that she will be the judge.

We're given dry erase boards and markers to write them down. Everyone is presenting theirs when the time to brainstorm is over. I mostly block out what the others were saying, and only tune into Izuku's and Iida's. When my name is called up to show mine I sighed and walked up to the podium. 

"So what will your Hero name be y/n?"

I take in on last deep breath and lift up the board. "My Hero name will be, Conviction. Convict for short." 

"Eh!?" The class yells in confusion.

"Silence." Midnight shushes the class and looks back to me. "Why do you want that to be your name? You know, that name will stick with you as soon as you graduate. You can try to change it, but the people will always know you as that."

I nod. "I know, and I don't plan to change it." I glance quickly at Bakugo, who is staring at me in confusion as I blatantly accept the nickname he gave me. "The main definition of it is a formal declaration of someone being committed of a crime...well...I kind of want that to be my thing. I don't want to be apart of a jury or court, but a hero stopping a villain in their act of crime." I shift from my uncomfortable stance and stand more confidently. "It even matches my quirk. I usually use a move that stops people where they stand. Not only that b-but....." I choke up and fight to hold back the tears stinging the back of my eyes. 

Midnight rubs my back. "What is it?"

I sniffle and look to the class again. " all helped me accept my past, and what I've done, and helped me to look forward to bigger and better things. I never want to forget that. That's why I want this to be my name. It'll be a part of me, to remind me what you did for me." I brushed away a tear with the back of my hand and smiled. "Thank you." 

Ochako's eyes were bubbly with huge tears and red cheeks as she ran up to me. "Y/n~♥!!" She wrapped her arms around my neck and sobbed into my uniform. I giggled as Midnight approved of the name, and calmed her down as we settled back in our sets and continued with class. Everyone got back their hero intern option confirmations and instructions for tomorrow, then class was dismissed. I gather my things and walk out the gates with Izuku.

"So who are you going to go to for your internship?" I ask.

"I'm going to someone named Gran Torino. I don't know who he is, but I think he was All Might's mentor back in the day. What about you? I never got to see how many offers you got."

"I got 4,122 offers."

His eyes bugged out of his head. "What?! You were just one off from having all the offers! That's amazing, I wonder who the agency was that didn't give you an offer."

"I think I have an idea of who it is." I smirk. A flash of Todoroki's hot-headed father came to mind, making me want to laugh.

"Ah, well, do you know who you want to go to?"

"No, I didn't really care. Though All Might did text me before class ended that if I don't have any agency in mind, then I could go to the same guy you're going to. Gran Torino." His face lit up with joy as he jumped a little in the air. 

"Really? This is gonna be awesome! Not only do I get to be with you, but now I don't have to face this guy alone! All Might's reaction to this guy was really terrifying." I smile at his nervousness.

"Don't worry we'll be fine." 

"I hope so." We stop at the front of the apartments. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow."

I nod. "Yeah, I love you."

"I love you too." He grabs my hand to pull me in for a kiss until I place my other hand on his chest. 

"Make sure not to go overboard. I don't want another episode of Bakugo catching us again." I laugh. He chuckles with a blush and leans in again. He brushes his lips onto mine very softly, as if any harder then we would do more than that in the moment. His warm smooth lips left me sooner than I wanted but I didn't mind too much. 

"YES!!!" We both jump and look to see who interrupted us once more. To my surprise, I'm met with a short woman with green hair, and a round wonderfilled face like Izuku's. Sparkles swarmed her eyes just like his was a minute ago. 

"M-mom! What are you doing here?!" I look at him in confusion.

"Oh, I wanted to do some last minute shopping and decided to stop by so you could help since I remembered you got out at this time, but now-!" She looks to me in excitement. "I finally get to meet this beautiful girlfriend of yours!" She ran up and stared at me with the biggest smile. I started to blush at the realization of her words and look away.

"No, you're too kind, I'm not all that. But thank you nonetheless."

"She's even respectful and modest, boy you really got a good one here sweety!"

"Mom!" He blushes.

"Oh," I looked back to her. "You wanted to get some shopping done and need some help right? Do you mind if I can help too? That way we can talk more-"

"YES!!" She screamed once again, surprising both Izuku and I again. "I mean-" she clears her throat. "Yes, that would be so wonderful if you came." I hold in the urge to laugh. She tries to hide her excitement just like Izuku does. Now I see where he gets it from. 

"Great, I'm gonna make a call to my guardian really quick, then we can go." She nods as I step away from the two really quick and see her squealing to Izuku as he blushed while sweating profusely as usual. When I got out my phone, I dialed Toshinori's number and waited. When he picked up on the second ring I could hear Mic's loud yelling in the background. 

"Yes, I am here!" He proclaimed loudly through the phone.

"Hey Toshi, it's me."

"Ah yes! Young Y/n, what is it you need?"

"Well, Izuku's mom came by and wants me to help them with shopping out in the town, is that all right?" Though I kind of already agreed I'd help them, I'm just hoping he says yes, cause if not, it would be awkward telling Izuku's mom the news.

"Hmm.......Sure why not? Pros are going on patrol now, so as I send word, they will already be in the city to also keep an eye on you. GO have fun!" I immediately squeal for joy. 

"Thank you! I won't be out late!"

"Good, be safe!"

"Always." And with that, we hung up and I headed back to the two. 

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