Part 26

"I never met the one who started it 'officially'. I know they were really important and couldn't be seen, so it was led by his partner, the auction holder from my first incident."

"Do you know the important person's name?"

"Yeah, Papa. Of course, that's what we had to call him. His real name was All For One."

Every hero in the room stiffened and glanced around at each other but said nothing, proving to me that he must still be a big issue to this day. Nezu spoke first.

"What did he do during that time? Have you seen what he looks like or where he was or could be right now?"

"All I know is that he was the one to start it all off. While in the womb, he gave all of us offsprings different quirks. This pressure quirk is not originally mine. Only 4 of us got bits of our parents quirks as side effects. Me obviously being one of them. That's all I know. He was never really there. The only way he could be contacted was through some tv screen, and even then, the screen was black, so we could only hear his voice. I only heard it once though, so I don't remember what he sounded like, or where he is now, I'm sorry."

Thirteen hummed. "So the quirk she and the others have aren't originally theirs, and during birth, the quirks between parents that would be passed down to the child didn't fully cooperate with this sudden new one and split to a weaker set of two quirks. Giving the term side effects. So it's basically having more than one quirk in each child."

Nezu nodded. "What did they do with all of you and the other kids in the project before the auction?"

"They trained us to fight and kill as soon as we could walk. It was like a set schedule for our lives. As soon as we were born up to 2 years old, we would be looked after. Then age 3, they would put us through physical training. If we wouldn't, or couldn't, we would be whipped, beat, or tortured to a 'light' extent until we did. As soon as we hit age 4 when we got our quirks earlier than usual, we were trained on how to fight and kill, with and without them. At five years old, we were put against each other to...what some would said, 'weed out the weak.'"

Snipe shook his head. "No. You don't mean..."

All Might looked to the ground in distaste, and grumbled. "They had you all to kill each other to see who was the most powerful."

I nodded. "We all were forced to fight all at once until there were only four of us left alive. As soon as it was just four of us, the next day, we were patched up and groomed for the auction. You know the rest after that." A silence hung in the room for a while.

Mr. Aizawa spoke again. "Why did they sell you all at the auction instead of keeping you all together to over power All Might?"

"Because, their plan was that, If All Might finds a pattern in our similar fighting styles, he would easily figure out how to defeat us. So the main buyers at the auction were leaders of villain groups, whose goal was to train us separately for several years in their styles so when we were of age, all four of us would be brought together again to kill All Might."

Midnight sighed. "They were very detailed in this plan."

I nodded. "Yes. That's what we were told before the auction started by our parents. Though, two of the kids were sold before me and were standing with their buyers in the stands. The third was in the far back of the building behind the stage still getting groomed. So when I created those explosions, and killed everyone in the auction room, I don't know if the last kid died too."

Nezu rubbed below his chin in thought. "In the files, they checked the entire area and perimeter several times and said there were only bodies in the main room where you were found. Nowhere else. So it's possible the other child is still alive. Y/n, what does this child look like?"

I closed my eyes trying to remember, but with not much to remember of them I growled. "I don't know. It's vague. All I remember was that it was a girl with blonde hair. That's all I can remember from her, not even her quirk, or her parents, I'm sorry." The staff talk to each other, swapping theories.

"I wonder if the girl is a villain to this day."

"I doubt she's alive if she's been on her own this long."

"She could have ran away and gotten a normal life."

"I don't think so. Not with a past like that!"

"If she is still out in the world, she could still pose as a possible threat."

The Principal raised his hand, or...paw. "Listen everyone." The room fell silent. "With little evidence to who she is and on the project in general, it's not like we can do anything. If she does come up, we will use everything we have against her."

Thirteen leans forward. "But sir, it's not like we'll know what this person is capable of. With that kind of background and whatever training they had if they still want to pursue with killing All Might, will we be ready? She was trained just for that."

"That's why I have a proposal." The detective looks to me. "Ms. L/n. If you do see this person again, granted you know this is the same person, you take them out any way you can?"

All Might's fist hits the table before I could reply. "No way! I'm not letting a student protect me from some villain, especially not Y/n!"

Midnight nodded. "I agree. We've fought and defeated plenty of villains without knowing what they were capable of. This villain shouldn't be any different."

"We have to let her do this. She grew up with them when they were little and knows the basics of what she can do. This is her mission more than anyone else's." Snipe stated.

Aizawa nodded in agreement. "Same here. As much as I don't like to say it, L/n has had more than enough training. Everyone knows that. And if she does come up, it can jog L/n's memory she will know of a better way to defeat her. So she can handle this."

"Now, now everyone." Principal Nezu once again calms the room. "We have to do a vote. If she doesn't want to do it, then that will be that. But if she says yes, then all of us will take a unanimous vote to override it if it's opposite of her decision. Y/n?"


"Granted, if you know it's the same girl or not, will you accept the task of taking down this girl if she is still a villain and tries to kill All Might?"

"Yes, I accept the task-"

"You didn't even bat an eye!" All Might yelled, making me flinch. "You are willing to lay down your life for this one villain- and for what!!?"

"To be a hero!" I shout back. The room is quiet. "What kind of hero would I be if I couldn't help protect others? A hero needs protection too. That's what I was told. And besides, no matter what villain I face, my life will always be in danger. Just like everyone else in this room. I'm taking on the mission if it ever happens, and that's that." He gritted his teeth in frustration and looked down to his fists balled on the table.

Nezu nodded. "Thank you Y/n. From all of U.A. Now, all opposed to her taking on the mission if it ever arises, raise your hand." To my surprise, no one raised the hands. Even the ones I knew wanted to, didn't. Though grim looks were plastered on their faces. "All right then. It's final. Y/n will take on this villain. Only Y/n and Y/n alone. Meeting adjourned." We were all getting up to leave when The Principal called out one last time. "Ah, Y/n. I was wondering," We all stopped and looked. "If 16-L.R, is your birth name, then where did L/n Y/n come from?"

"My dad made it up the day of the incident on the way to the auction. So when I was found by the heros afterwards and they asked for my name, I said that name." I explained. He nodded with a smile, and all the teachers file out to their own classes with me following behind Aizawa. With one last look into the office, I spot All Might still in his chair, in that same position. Just this time, a sad expression displayed over his face. I don't regret making my decision, I only regret making him as upset as he is.

Walking down the hall, I glanced up to my teacher. "I'm surprised you didn't raise your hand. I thought you definitely would."

He simply shrugged his shoulders. "I was thinking about it, but thought otherwise."


"Well, one, it wouldn't matter because no one raised their hand, and two, your speech made everyone think differently on their answers, and agreed with your conclusion." We were just at the door when he stopped and looked down at me. "You seem to have that effect on people. Being able to help change their minds. That's a good trait to have kid, use it wisely." I nodded. He just blinked, then opened the door. I took my seat next to Izuku, who gave the biggest sigh of relief when he saw me. The substitute teacher left as soon as Mr. Aizawa stood at the podium.

"So, I hope you all had a good day of training today, because you're going to need them tomorrow." Mr. Aizawa announced. I stared at him confused. He noticed me and huffed. "I forgot, you weren't here last week when it was announced. Tomorrow is the day of the First Year's Sports Festival. It's a huge event where all of U.A's First Years will be competing against each other to become number one, the main reason for this is to get hero company sponsors to notice you. The whole week you were out was the only training time the school had to practice for it, but I think you'll be fine. Not saying you don't need to practice, it would be helpful since you were prevented from fighting for that length of time, though you can't ask the teachers here to help you train today. We all have to prepare for the event, so you're going to have to train with your peers or by yourself, up to you. Class is dismissed in 3 minutes. See you all tomorrow, and good luck." And with that, he walked out.

I slid down in my seat with a grunt. The girls walked up to my desk, Jiro patted my shoulder. "Hey, how about we all train together y/n? It'll be more fun like that."

I sat up and shook my head with a smile. "That sounds awesome, but I can't. Don't want you using my moves against me now can I?"

Yaoyorozu hummed. "Sounds reasonable enough, I guess I'll practice too."

Jiro sighs in disappointment. "Yeah, fair enough." The bell rings. "Well, see you all tomorrow." They all agree, packing their things and file out. 

I walk out with Izuku hand in hand till we get to the apartment entrance.

"Here we are, are you going to train?" He asks, his adorable hair bounces as he tilts his head to the side like a dog. I couldn't help but blush at his adorable nature.

"Yeah, the teachers have a training area in the back where All Might usually trains me, so I'll be there all night. You?"

He groans out sadly. "I want to train too, but All Might said, 'too much of a good thing is a bad thing', or something, so he wants me to only rest today to be energized for tomorrow." His eyes gravitate to the ground in disappointment. Wanting to cheer him up, I leaned in and reached up, wrapping my arms around his neck and placed a kiss upon his lips. After a moment of catching him off guard, he quickly wrapped his arms around my waist, shoving my body close against his. The sudden flush of contact caused me to moan. This new feeling soon became addicting, making crave more. He must have felt the same, since he held me closer, unintentionally pressing my chest and lower area against his. A deep and unfamiliar groan emitted from his throat, causing my knees to nearly go weak. The originally innocent kiss quickly heated. I didn't want to stop. We kept kissing and he licked my bottom lip, asking to be let in, until-


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