Part 25
"I'm sorry to interrupt Y/n, but I'm gonna have to take you for the rest of lunch." Her face was serious, so I didn't object. Izuku stood from the table worriedly.
"Why are you taking her? Is she in trouble?"
"No, she's not in trouble. I just need her with something. You don't need to worry."
I gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I'll see you in class." He wasn't able to reply when Midnight pulled me immediately to who knows where. After a while of walking, we arrived to big double doors labeled, 'Conference Room (Staff Only)'. We walked in and was met with a table of the pro hero teachers, Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi, Principle Nezu, and All Might. Midnight sat down with them and gestured to the last seat next to her.
The principal clapped for joy. "Oh Y/n, do join us and eat your lunch freely. We just want to talk and ask you a few questions." I sat, gave a thumbs up, and began to chow down. "Good! So let's start." For a good five minutes they talked about Tomura and his strangely childish behavior and the continuously growing army of his. I was tuning in and out every now and again but stopped as soon as I heard my name from All Might.
"Tomura referred to you as 16-L.R," I flinch at the name, I could easily tell everyone noticed as they sat forward in their chairs, "What is that? Do you know why he called you that?"
Tears stung the back of my eyes, making my eyes blurry. With food still in my mouth, I set down my fork, brushed away the tears with a frustrated sniffle and swallowed, nearly choking on what I had. Before I answered, I drank some water to clear my throat, and took a breath.
"16-L.R was the name I was born with. L.R, means Light Reaper. Light Reaper was the name of a war project operation when I was little. It was a war against Heros, but it clearly didn't work out."
The Principal hummed. "The Light Reaper war project. I've never heard of that. What was this operation exactly?"
"The project was put together before I was born. Villains with powerful quirks were willingly having intercourse with other powerful villains and creating offspring with obviously more powerful quirks. I was one of the offspring. We were made to kill the Symbol of Peace. All Might."
Present Mic slammed his hands on the table. I jumped. "So you're saying you're here to kill All Might this entire time?!"
I waved my hands in fear. "N-NO! Th-that's not it! I-"
"Will you shut up Mic!" Aizawa yelled, cutting me off.
"No! Y/n has been in many situations that even we haven't made, for her to attack All Might, and she hasn't tried, and has stayed true to training as a hero."
Midnight jumped in. "Not to mention her actions in prison and the years spent there."
Thirteen even helped. "She even fought and killed the villains who wanted to take her back, and nearly died protecting the students."
All Might was the last to respond. "She even help me against the Nomu, even when I thought I could have lost. She hasn't only proven that she isn't a villain, but has shown everyone that she too can be a great hero. She's earned my trust."
"She's earned all of ours. Has she earned yours yet?" Aizawa questioned, glaring at his friend. Present Mic nodded and sat back down, lowering his head in shame.
Aizawa huffed and looked back to me. "Back to the task at hand. What about the number 16 in your name..."
I awkwardly shifted in my seat and cleared my throat."...I was the 16th child born from the project." Just then, the bell rang. '...well.....That went faster than I expected.' I thought. I got up and grabbed my plate.
"Y/n," Principal walked up to me with a trash can about his height in his arms. "I know this is an inconvenience, but I'm gonna need you to stay here." The teachers all seemed to be on their phones talking to other people. "They're calling substitutes for their classes. This meeting seemed to be longer than we anticipated, I'm sorry." I put my trash in his bin and took it from him.
"No worries. I'm willing to do anything you ask of me. It's the least I could do." I smiled, placing the bin back from where I assume he got it from.
"That you so much y/n." His eyes were big and sparkly as he approached me, and struggled to reach up as he patted my hand with his soft paw. I fought to hold in my squeals. 'Why is he so damn cute!?' When all the calls were finished we all settled back down at the table and continued the meeting, with Aizawa asking the first question.
"I hear you said your family is known for not passing down quirks, but you got their side effects. How is that?"
I shrugged. "As kids, blocked off from the world and knowing nothing else from that, we thought it was normal, and never asked questions. Our parents said we were given gifts. So I'm not sure how I shared parts of their quirks."
"You spent the early stages of your life trained on killing All Might. Even spending your time in prison, it bothers me how you're not a crazy psycho killer ready to take out any hero. Not that I'm complaining, but why?"
"I think me being the way I am now, is thanks to the side affects of my "mother's" quirk. She had Feral. The ability of nearly every animal on the planet. All my time there, I knew that what was happening wasn't right. Like I sensed it. Like how an animal senses weather, emotion, or danger."
"What about your father and his quirk?"
"Premonition. He could see the future. I got the side effect of prediction. It goes well with my mother's side effect. Instinct."
Midnight shook her head. "How come he didn't see what was gonna happen at the auction and warn the others?"
I thought hard about that day. "I think...he did."
"What do you mean?"
"As much as they all were villains, I think my father did care about me to some extent. While the other parents were cold hearted and never thought of their kids as...well- their kids, my father was always nice to me when no one was around. He would only put up a cold front when someone else was near. On the day of the auction, before I went on stage, he said, 'Don't worry about what will happen later, just follow your gut, and do what you feel is right.' So later, as soon as I heard someone bought me, and Tomura came walking up, I got scared and was about to set off the blast, but held back whatever I was about to do, until I made eye contact with my father off stage. He nodded, with a kind yet sad smile on his face. Mother on the other hand, was getting antsy, probably sensing what I was about to do. So with his consent, I let go of whatever was happening to me. And when I opened my eyes, everyone in the stands were dying. Tomura and Kurogiri were escaping as the place was collapsing, and the action holder and my mother were trying to get to me, but not my father. It was like he knew he was gonna die, and let it happen. After my second wave attack, everyone was finally dead."
Aizawa nodded. "It's possible he could have seen your future, and wanted better for you, so said nothing to the others of what was gonna happen. After the final explosion, minutes later, heros found you on the little patch of the stage that seemed to be left untouched."
Mic was staring at me tears running down his face. "You've been through so much yo. I couldn't imagine a life without my father."
I smiled his way. "No worries, I accepted what happened a long time ago. I got past his death in prison, but thank you." After a few seconds of silence, we continued back to the original conversation.
"If it wasn't Tomura and his gang, do you know who started the project?"
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