Part 13

After I answered Mineta's question class was over and all the boys were gathering their things and leaving. The rest of the girls ran up to me and smiled. Uraraka takes my hand.

"Are you ready to decorate you room?" She squealed.

"Oh, I forgot about that."

"Don't worry, cause we didn't~! Let's go! We have so much to talk about and do!" With that she pulled me ahead of the group and we all walked to the Heros apartments. 

"Oh wow! I never knew you lived in a place like this!"

"I never knew there was an apartment complex for heros."

"It must be for UA teachers only then, it has our logo."

We made it into the lobby, and Ms. Higashi wasn't at her desk. Only a note saying, 'Out On Break, Be Back In A Bit' I shrugged and head the others to the elevator, reaching the top floor, and made it to our apartment room door. It seems....All Might put up a new decoration on the door. It was a big explosion board saying, 'The Mighty Residence.' The other girls laughed as I shook my head in embarrassment. Remembering what Ms. Higashi said, I took out the card from my wallet and was almost blinded by a blue light that scanned it out of nowhere. 

"Ah! Ms. L/n! I'm glad you remembered the card, It's nice to see you!" The camera above the door spoke once again. The other girls jumped. 

"Hello Ms. Higashi."

"Did your first day go well?"


"And are these your new friends?"

"Yeah, they're here to help me with my room."

"Wonderful! Well head on in, and have fun everyone, have a nice day!" Everyone wearily agreed and said goodbye to the camera as it's light faded away. The door dinged and I opened it. We were all taking off our shoes as we headed inside and closed the doors behind us.

"Who was that?"

"That was Ms. Higashi. She works at the front desk in the lobby as a receptionist and security guard here." 

"She's so nice and quick with her conversations."

"So it seems."

As I let the others look around the place, I looked for my room. It wasn't hard. A door at the end of the hall had my name on it and was slightly opened enough to see a bunch of boxes with the names of the stores Ms. Kayama and I went to. I go in and gazed around in amazement. The room was huge with a queen size bed in the middle of it, a glass wall leading to a balcony, and shiny wooden floors. The light coming in made it feel very bright and welcoming. I've never seen anything like it. 

"Oh my gosh! You have the best room!" Ashido jumped on my back and screamed. 

"It feels pretty cramped. It's smaller than my closet, but I guess for its size, it's still pretty cozy in here." Yaoyorozu hummed.

Asui tilted her head. "Was that a compliment or an insult?"

"Look at all this stuff, we have our work cut out for us." Jiro sighed. 

Hagakure jumped up in excitement. "Well then let's get started!"

Uraraka placed her hand on my shoulder and gently sat me on the foot end of the bed. "You just got out of the nurses office, so just rest here and tell us what to do."

I smiled. "Thank you." 

And like that, they all got to work unboxing a few boxes at a time. Uraraka and Hagakure were in charge of putting my clothes away in the closet and drawers. Yaoyorozu and Jiro gladly took the responsibility of setting up my tech that Midnight more so wanted me to have. Finally, Asui and Ashido put up the decorations I bought and let me help set up other knick knacks. 

"What's in these?" Uraraka turned our attention on the last boxes still on the bed. They had a writing on them, all saying, 'from Midnight to y/n.'

"These must be the things Midnight gave me. She had bought me some things without my knowing and told me to wait and see them when I got here. I guess we can look." They watched as I open the first box. To my dismay, it was the skimpy clothes she was eyeing in the stores, and some very provocative underwear. "Oh goodness."

"Ow~, are you going to wear those for Deku~?" Uraraka giggled to me. I inhaled in shock so hard that I started to choke on the air. The other girls were laughing.

"W-what?! N-no! What would make you think that?"

"Oh come on L/n! Something must have happened on the field and before you both came back to class, you two acted way different."

"What were we acting like?" 

Tsu grinned. "You know. All shy and blushing when ever you two look at each other. Like love birds."

Ashido giggled. "Yeah it's so cute! But he does that to any girl that talks to him doesn't he?"

"No," Uraraka shook her head, "I mean, sort of, but I think that's just because he hasn't really had any type of interaction with a girl before. But with L/n, he acts differently."

Ahido wiggled her fingers at me. "You have a crush on Midoriya don't you~?" 

"I don't know. Being locked up all my life, I never really thought of anyone like that.

"That's right. So you aren't very familiar with romance." 

"I mean, I know what the definition of romance is. But I don't think I've ever had the feelings of having a crush describes."

"But you do for Midoriya right? Like the definition of a crush says, 'the feeling of excitement'. Like, your heart races, with the feeling of butterflies in your stomach, and heavy infatuation for that person alone. That's what a crush is." 

"Or love."

Jiro rolled her eyes. "I think I'm gonna be sick."

Yaoyorozu hummed. "I never really thought about it like that."

I shrugged. "Well, I guess I may have those feelings towards him. But from what I've learned before prison, those feelings need to be returned for a relationship to start, right? So if he doesn't feel the same, nothing will come from my feelings, leading me into a pit of depression like the girls in the movies..." The realization hit me from what I was saying, and I fell to the floor wrapping my arms around my knees up to my chest. "I don't want to feel like those girls in the movies! What if he doesn't like me back?" Uraraka bent down and hugged me.

"He'll like you for sure! Why wouldn't he?" 

"I'm an ex con."

"Yeah, so? You've been here only a day, and we're all fine with you. He ran in to the fight for you didn't he?" I remembered us in the hallway. He said to me in complete seriousness, he did it because he wanted to protect me. The warm feeling slowly came back to my chest.

"You guys just need to take it slow. We have to keep in mind that you both may not have had a romantic partner before, and Midoriya is really shy, so we don't want to scare him off." Uraraka jumped up with a balled fist. "We have to do everything we can to get L/n and Deku together! Who's with me?!" An intensely righteous aura waved off of her, hyping everyone up with her.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered pulling me off the floor.

"Operation Heros Of Love is a go!" Hagakure yelled. 

I laughed. "Thank you everyone. But before we get to that, can we open up the rest of these boxes?" They agreed, put the extra clothes away for me and stood on top of the bed to open the biggest box sitting in the middle of all of it. "Oh shit!"

"What is it?" I pull out a short note that was in Midnight's handwriting. 

"It says, 'I saw you eyeing it in the store for a while, but you didn't get it, so I decided to get it for you! You looked like you wanted it!'" I put down the note and tried to pull the box to the edge of the bed, but feared the worst and stopped. "It's too heavy, and I don't want to break it."

"I got it!" Uraraka touched the box and it started to float.

I smiled in awe. "Awesome quirk Uraraka."

"Thanks! It comes in handy for times like this." She floated it to the ground carefully and we all looked inside. 

"It's a mini-fridge?"

"Yeah," I scratched the back of my head in slight embarrassment. "I always wanted one. I thought It would be easier to keep my favorite snacks and drinks in here, and have real food in the big fridge in the kitchen so it doesn't get crowded in there. I didn't want to trouble All Might with all that I want. I'm pretty gluttonous."

Yaoyorozu nodded with a proud look in her eyes. "Considerate and efficient, I like it. Let's set this up then! We can put it over here." We set up the fridge and agreed to go out together sometime to stock it up, and opened the rest of the boxes. They were filled with some more clothes, shoes, and a bigger more rectangle box was by the window wall. 

"This is the last box. What is it? I can't really read it, it's in another language." Ashido looked at it in confusion. So I took a look. It was in English.

"It says, '10 foot Black Light 4 set'. I was also looking at these."

"Is that the light where you can see your hand print on a surface in the dark and liquids on bed sheets?"

"You're thinking more of a UV light."

"They do have some similarities though."

"I think they're the same, just one is more intense."

"FOOD IS HERE!!" We all jumped up and screamed at the booming voice behind us. It was All Might . 

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