Part 1

(Narrator's P.O.V)

In the conference room of U.A, the air was tense. Standing stoically was All Might, Eraser Head, and all the other Pro Hero staff that worked at the school. So was Principal Nezu, the Chief of Police, Kenji Tsuragamae, and 15 law enforcement officers who were blocking every entrance of the room. Strapped in the dead center to a reinforced titanium dolly was a girl. Looking to the feet of the Number One Hero, too tired to do anything else, except forget the eyes and guns pointing to your head.

"Now, now. There are no need for such things to be pointing at her, she's not going to do anything." The Principal smiled to the Chief. "Isn't that right y/n?" Too exhausted, all the girl could do was reply with a simple hum of agreement. "See?"

Kenji ruffed, "Maybe, but we need to be sure. We can't risk the chance of her killing us all. Isn't that right All Might?" 

"No!" The blonde hero beamed. "She'll be just fine out of those restraints! Besides, they look like they hurt! Let the poor girl go." As Nezu nod in agreement, Chief Kenji didn't seem pleased. Though, since the presence of the number one hero reassured him a bit, he reluctantly ordered an officer to remove all the girl's restraints. As soon as they released her out of the mechanical straight jacket, she slowly fell to her knees and tumbled to the ground. Her head hit the ground with her arms by her side. 

"What's wrong with her? She seems like she's completely out of it yo." Mic questioned, tilting his head in confusion.

"That would be our fault. When we were about to put her in her restraints, she was going to stretch, but one of my officers thought she was going to use her quirk to escape somehow, so he struck her with an electric baton in the neck. The electrocution almost killed her if it wasn't for Recovery Girl coming to make sure no one got hurt, so her recovery was a little rough. That officer was terminated from his position." The Chief hung his head. "He is no longer on our force." 

"Why? For the one offence?" Thirteen wondered.

He shook his head. "He is known for using extreme force against villains out of fear, even ones who's quirk have been bound. He was a loose cannon, so that was the last straw."

"Hey!" Eraser Head grunted, "Who cares about him? He's not who we're here for. Time to get down to business." The others agreed and turned to the Principal. "Why have you brought her here to us? I thought she was suppose to be put away for the rest of her life?"

Principal Nezu, squatted down to pet the hurt girl's head. "Because, I want to give her a second chance at life. If we take care of her properly, she could become an excellent hero," Some teachers gasped, looking to each other in worry. Though All might and Aizawa just stared at her in thought.

Another teacher stepped up. "Principal! Are you sure you want to send her onto the streets? She murdered 61 villains! Not to mention, if she's here around the other students, she could hurt them too, or even influence them. She could be a danger to everyone here!" 

The Chief growled. "Don't forget the 28 villains she killed who were in incarceration with her."

"Now, now. I'm not saying we let her free entirely. I'm saying we teach her, watch over her, and take care of her as if she were our own. Going off of those murders, what she did was against the law yes, but she was- is, still just a child, she was scared and in a tight spot. She explained her reasons for it and never shown real resistance when it came to the arrest and imprisonment in all the years she's been locked away. She even took responsibility for her actions and accepted the consequence. She has shown that her actions on what happened before were not intentional, just circumstantial. Has she not proven to be nothing but civil and peaceful to everyone?" 

"Like I said, everyone but the villains! What will you do when she kills again!" The Chief growles.

"They're villains Kenji. Should she have killed them? No, but no matter how many times you say it, she was still just doing it out of self defense and spent most of her life paying for it." All Might argued, and squatted next to the trembling girl on the floor helping her back to her knees. She was now conscious but still a bit with-drawn, and just sat as her tired body trembled, struggling to regain her strength. "We will teach her what it means to be a hero, and if not, then at least teach her how to be a responsible civilian, and see what she can do. If that is what the Principal thinks we can do for her then we should at least try." 

Midnight raised her hand. "I understand, the whole thing now, but one thing still bugs me. Why her? Of all the people in prison, and from Tartarus on top of that, why her? She was put in that prison many years ago, why get her out now?" Midnight tilted her head in confusion.

The adorable smiling Principal stood, "For several reasons actually...

One; She is just the right age to enter our school. 

Two; Even in prison, she was still in school, being taught the basic lessons like all the other kids. 

Three; She seemed to have a respectful moral over all when it comes to people according to her Psychiatrist's research studies while she was locked up. The only exception being villains. 

Four; It's because of her personal hate for villains, yet neutral respect for heros and civilians alike, that we can use to drive her to become one of the greatest heros ever. 

Five; If we train her and are able to shape her into a model student, then we can show to the world that UA is able to turn a criminal into a hero. Plus," He looks to her, tiredness and pain showing in her eyes. "she deserves another chance at life. What happened to her should have never happened, and because of it, she was thrown away and ridiculed, no child should have to go through that. She has been through more than most of the people in this room. For us not being able to save her in the past, I want to be able to make it up to her now." 

As he finished, the girl's eyes began to light up, and her head steadily rose. Everyone thought she wasn't listening up until then, but she received every word. Though all of the police force and chief were still a bit worried, the other teachers were confident and reassured in their Principal's words. From then on, her trust was embedded in the eyes that held hope and warmth towards her. Nezu, and All Might. 

The Air was lighter, no longer cold and heavy, but warm and hopeful. The Number One Hero stood, outstretching his hand and UA's principal gave a smile to the damaged girl, who rose up and returned both, and standing alongside them. Her first words of the day were said with a real smile that she hadn't had in years.

"Thank you, to you all. I will give it my all, and then some, this is the most remarkable gift anyone has ever given me." Though her voice was weak and shaky as she teared up with a tired smile. It was an impression that burrowed into the hearts of everyone in the room. 

Nezu nodded. "Then that settles it. She is ours from this point on. Thank you Mr. Tsuragamae. This meeting is dismissed. You and your force are welcome to leave. We still need to give her a place to stay. So if you don't mind," He gestured to the door. As the police force began to file out, Eraser Head looked to the clipboard in his hand that the principal gave him before the meeting. What he read shocked him. 

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