chapter five

Icrawled out of the gap and walked to the edge of the ship and peeredover I rubbed my head and sighed contently as I saw the yellow sandand for the first time in the last few days I felt relaxed andrelatively safe but that was before someone grab me from behind andlift me off the ground

"hey"I yelled

Ilooked back to find it was Rikard.he tried to carry me down stairs his crew were smiling at us as hecarried me to the mast then I realised what he was going to do

"ohno" I said

Ipushed back hard against him my legs keeping me away from the mast hegrowled something in another language at me pulling me away from themast I kicked my legs viciously as I tried to wriggle out of his griphis crew laughed I squeezed my eyes shut and kicked blindly my legsmade contact with something soft that emitted a loud gruff oof asthey made contact I opened my eyes his skin was tanned and his hair adirty blond kind of colour he stared at me anger in his eyes minewidened and I stopped kicking he smirked just as I kicked againhitting him in the jaw he yelped jumping back

"feistyone" laughed a tall orange hair man

'feisty?,you haven't seen nothing yet' I thought

Ikicked my legs hard enough so my legs bent up and nailed Rikardin the head he yelped with surprise releasing me I dropped to theground backing away from him he sighed looking to I think his namewas Gallent

"retsva tya sturgen em?" (help me tie her up?) heasked in and orderly tone

"bonsert nyon vic se cas hes gralimbo sturgen pelg" (as longas I'm not the one grabbing her legs) Gallentsaid with a smirk

myeyes widened as they both started towards me I backed up slightlyuntil Gallent rushed at megrabbing my arms securing them to my body but I managed to slip outof his grip he cursed and their crew laughed

"aloesturgen!" (get her) Rikardgrowled

asmultiple arms tried to grab me but I ducked away a smile on my face

"bygod I think she's enjoying this" yelled a black skinned man

"yesactually I am I've never seen a group of men try so hard to get agirl" I tease "you should feel very ashamed by now"

therewas laughing but they soon fell serious

"wewill catch you" said the dark skinned man and I shook my headkeeping an eye on them

"ohyou can try but I highly doubt you can catch me"

"cockymuch?" he asked

"yes"I said with a small smile "cocky enough to play cat and mouse witha bunch of pirates"

"shutup Hal and help grab her"yelled Rikard

Icontinued to step back until my body hit something hard and I froze

'Rikard?''I thought slowly looking up my face paled even more 'no definitelynot Rikard?' Ithought

therewere smirks as he also tried to grab me but I jumped out of the way

"she'slike a bloody fish" he remarked

"thanks"I snarled "I take compliments not insults"

therewere laughs as I watched each and everyone of them

"Iwould prefer to be like a bar of soap"

"Ithink she might be a very enjoyable captive" said the big guy

theychuckled again I took into account every body except one. I felt afamiliar hand grab my arm pushing it further up my back I yelped withpain and surprise falling to my knees I looked back at...

"Neon"I hissed he shrugged apolitically

"ordersare orders" he told me smiling

Rikardcame over and grabbed me by the arm Neonlet me go and Rikard draggedme over to the mast he turned me around and pushed my back against ithe leaned closer and my heart stopped

"sit"he growled quietly

mylegs felt like jelly as he pushed me to the ground but I stayedstanding I clenched my jaw

"sit.Down. kid" he growled louder

"no"I snarled

andhis crew seemed to step back as we glared at each other he leanedforwards a small smile appeared on his face

"youbetter sit" he said lowly "or I'm going to do something bad"I narrowed my eyes

"youwouldn't dare" I snapped

"andwhats stopping me from having my way with you?" he said his handreaching for his belt

"Iam" I growled he continued to smirk

"andwhat do you think will stop me raping you small stuff?"

"myfist to your balls" I shot back

andthat's when I felt it the epic pain in my side I gasped my legsfolded under me as I fell to the ground

"Rikard!"I heard Gallent gasp asRikard nudged me with histoe "that was too hard!"

"Iknow" he said looking down at me on my hands and knees as I coughedhard

'god'I thought 'what kind of man hits a girl?'

Igot back to my feet holding the spot he had hit he raised an eyebrow

"obviouslynot hard enough sit down" he growled

pushingmy shoulders until all strength evaded me and my legs vanished fromunder me and my arms were forced behind my back as they tied me tothe mast

"goodgirl" he mocked

Inarrowed my eyes at him shooting daggers through his skull he smirkedas he turned to his crew

"letsgo" he said "before I kill the kid"

andjust to prove his point he drew his sword and pointed it a my headcausing me to jump ad take on a shocked look. he leaned closertalking low enough so only I could hear

"andif you try to escape, I. Will. Hunt. You. Down. and, kill. You.Myself." he whispered "and I will make it as slow and, painful ashumanly possible" he said the last part so every one could hear

Isaid nothing shaking slightly keeping my pained whimpers too myselfwith that he re-sheathed his sword and turned to walk off the shipNeon watched after them andonce they were out of sight he drew his dagger and moved behind me

"whatare you doing?" I hissed

"cuttingyou free" he said casually

afterhe had cut all the ropes he helped me to my feet then went to theside of the ship and climbed down

"whatare you doing?" I hissed again

"goingto catch up with the crew" he told me

"Neon"I whined

"yes"he said "that's my name, are you coming?"

"didyou hear what he was going to do to me" I growled

"scared?"he teased

"yesactually I'm very scared" Neonsfeatures softened

"comeon" he said motioning me with his head I considered my options

"fine"I sighed

jumpingdown and we both broke in to a run we caught up with the crew in notime and I deliberately slowed down a few paces pretending to breathhard loathing what was too come was he really going to kill me? Neongrabbed my wrist and pulled me along behind him stopping behindRikard

"gladyou two could join us" he said a ghost of a smile tugging at hislips but was soon gone "you took longer than I thought"

"shedidn't want to come and stalled a few times" he said giving him adescriptive recap of what happened

Rikardlooked over to me I had my arms crossed not enjoying being this closeto Rikard who again lookedme up and down he then looked ahead to the town

"shecan be trusted' he muttered under his breath

heincreased his walking pace and I struggled to keep up Neonturned to me as I started to lag behind Rikard

"hurryup Angel" he chortled

myeyes widened and his did too Rikardstopped and I bumped into his back causing me to fall to the groundhitting it hard

"sonof a biscuit" I cursed to both Neonand Rikard

rubbingmy head I lifted it watching as Rikardgrabbed Neons scruff pullinghim closer they began to exchange harsh words in a different languageI watched as Neons facecontorted into a scowl and he snapped back. After a few minutesRikard sighed releasing Neonhe turned back to the rest of his crew

"keepgoing" his said motioning them on

heturned and started walking I went to rise when I felt fingers brushmy shoulder I yelped loudly jumping to my feet Rikardstopped and everyone jumped away from me Rikardmarched forwards my eyes widened and I looked left to right as hegrabbed my wrist and pulled me forwards then he turned to his crewstill holding my wrist tightly and almost ... protectively?

"rememberwhat we talked about?" he growled

hishand lowering to his sword and his body tensing the crew smiled andnodded he sighed relaxing his body he turned to me as I stared at himwide eyed a look that disappeared when I felt the blood stop flowingto my hand I wriggled my wrist out of his clamp of a hand he allowedme to go he sighed closing his eyes he straightened his body and hiseyes snapped open and he returned back to his normal arrogant self

"keepmoving" he growled

pushingme forwards I complied willingly

"wait?"I thought "did he just stand up for me?" 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888

"onlyget the essentials" ordered Rikardto his crew

fivecrew member had been in trusted with 127 gold drops Neonlooked at me and smiled I smiled back he winked at me and I rolled myeyes still smiling. after Rikardhad directed the five pirates he turned to the rest of them

"dowhatever you want just don't cause trouble" he looked to Neon

hesmiled innocently rocking back on his heels taking a few steps backas Rikard came towards him

"especiallyyou" he said accusingly Rikardturned then to me "and you don't go running off" I raised aneyebrow

"me"I said putting my hand onto my chest as I faked a hurt look thoughnow that I think about it. It was anything but fake "why would Iever do that when I'm practically chained to your side" I gavehim an unamused look

heshook his head and whacked his hand over my head messing up my hair Irecoiled then rushed to smooth it down again

"afew days on a pirates ship and your already picking up their badhabits you don't Sass the captain" he barked playfully

hewatched me smooth down my hair I pretended to grimace as my headstarted to throb from the impact of his hand I rubbed my head andthen stuck my tongue out blowing a raspberry at him he sighed shakinghis head and smiling

"alrightget a move on meet back here in four hours"

everyone scattered except me and Neon

"youtwo" he said pointing to us "are going to come with me so I cankeep an eye on you"

hepointed forwards towards the pub and we followed him vividly

"whyare we going to a pub?" I asked Neon

"toget some answers about ships that have past through here recently itsan old tactic but if some one's drunk enough they will spill thebeans" I looked at him in confusion

"Idon't get it?" I said Neonrolled his eyes

"it'sa metaphor its just to get information out of people" I nodded myhead in under standing

"Isee" I said

"orrather you don't" he said smiling

Iraised an eye brow at his humour and was about to hit him over thehead when we heard the creaking of the old hinges on the pub doorevery one stopped to look at the three new people who had justentered but after a few seconds they started talking again I lookedaround as Half naked womenwalked around serving drinks to already drunk men taking tips betweentheir breast. I felt a shiver roll down my spine and I shifted closerto Neon who visibly moved tothe other side of Rikard Iraised an eyebrow just as there was a loud crash noise and I jumpedback into him heart racing and wide eyed. Rikardgrabbed me keeping me on my feet as my back slammed into his chest hetook in a shuddering breath as they both stopped

"loosenup Alacue" he chortled massaging my shoulders "your so tense anybody would think you had never seen a pub before"

Ifelt myself relax under his fingers and for a second I forgot what hewas too me I pulled my self out of his grasped and straightenedmyself out looking down while I spoke

"oh,I've seen many pubs" I told him "but, this is not a pub it's aprostitution bar"

Ilooked up placing a hand on my hip Rikardchuckled

"yourkinda cute when your trying to make a point" he said

smirkingat me as I arched an eyebrow crossing my arms over my chest as Iglared at him

"well"he muttered

asa tall slender women with a big bust walked between us they both madeeye contact

"almost"he breathed

shestopped and offered him a drink which he didn't take he pressed hisbody against the women I felt Neonbeside me the women placed the tray down Neonsighed as the women shot me a dirty look I turned away from Rikardas he pushed her back against on one the tables and slipped his handinto the underwear of her skimpy out fit

"ishe always like this?" I asked

juttinga thumb behind me just as the women let out a soft moan of hopefullynot pleasure I grimaced Neonnodded. his eyes widened as the strong smell of alcohol invaded mynostrils as even stronger arms snaked around my waist squeezing meand pulling me against him my eyes narrowed

"wellthen aren't you a pretty thing" a husky voice said into my ear"such a rare flower in a dirty old place like this"

Imentally scoffed pretty that's so predictable I look like the streetson garbage night I felt something hard press into my back and I knewall too well what it was

"ohgod" I thought

ashe rubbed his groin against my back he was turned on by me he'sprobably an ugly pervert and may be currently undressing me in hishead I felt his hand creep up my side closer and closer to my breast

"howabout you and me take this some where private?" he whispered "I'llpay you well"

"um"I said "how about, a no?"

"what?"he said tightening his arms

Idug my elbow into his groin he gasped pulling away from me Neonsmirked as I turned to the man and kicked him to the ground hecouldn't have been any older then 22 and he was actually very goodlooking with his red hair and, was that an Alberdian accent I heardmy heart fluttered at the thought and I mentally scoffed at myself

"don'tmess with the alacue" I heard Neonsay

"seemsabout right" I heard Rikardcomment

hemoved to stand beside Neonwiping his hand on his pants I shivered I'd hate to know what was onhis hand but the only thing I was happy about was the he was nolonger with that women and I was relived for what reason I did notknow. many men had stopped drinking and were watching me and the man.the man looked up at me his eyes wide he stared at me like a GoddessI heard cat calls and wolf whistles he sighed as he got too his feetI watched his facial expression morph into something none human or inother words he looked very very very angry he came closer and fearcoursed through me

"I'mscrewed" I thought

"youfucking bitch" he growled

asI took another step back displaying my fear as he raised his largehand to strike me I flinched slightly in anticipation for the skin onskin contact

"don'tyou dare touch her" I heard Rikardgrowl

ashe came up to me and grabbed me around the waist pulling me backtowards him so my back was flat against his abdomen I felt my bodyrelax his presence made me feel safe

"sheis mine" he said quietly so only the three of us could hear andthankfully only we three could hear it

theman looked startled as he slowly and reluctantly lowered the hand hewas about to use to hit me then after a few seconds he shrugged andbacked away turning around to hobble over to a table I was guessinghe had just come from before he saw me. Rikardlet out a sigh of what I thought to be relief followed by a softhumourless laugh

"youwere going so well" he whispered "I actually thought he wouldhave backed down if you didn't flinch"

"areyou coaching me?" I asked and he smiled

"somethinglike that Kitten" he continued I frowned

"Kittenreally that's the best you could come up with? " he chuckled

"it'sa work in prog----" he was about to say until he froze as henoticed the way he was holding me

"youknow?" I said noticing as well feeling all the blood rush to myface "that was nice and all but could you be so kind as to let mego? ... NOW" I asked in more of an order than a request

hejumped but calmly let me go walking in front of us

"ooooooo"said Neon

"shutup" I growled punching him hard in the arm

"ow"he yelped rubbing his 'wounded' arm "why is it always violence withyou women?" I smiled sweetly

"andthat's coming from a pirate"

Iwatched as Neons ocean greeneyes widened too the size of golf balls at the mention of him being apirate

"that'sdifferent" he stated defensively

furrowinghis eyebrows he put on and angry look and I looked angry back at him

"howis that different?" I growled

andthus started the arguing Rikardwatched us bicker with a smile not bothering to break us up as acaptain should but instead he chuckled and encouraged us to keepgoing

"youtwo argue like husband and wife" he commented and we both jumpedback from each other our faces turning crimson

"hellno" we said in sync

andour heads snapped back to look at each other he continued to smile aswe began bickering again. Well until a man began talking loudly abovethe regular hub bub of the other drunks Rikardraised a hand to both of us Neonstopped thus resulting in me stopping too as I looked to him he eyedme with a smile

"she'scatching on" he said and I arched as eyebrow as he lowered his handhis face falling serious

"Ihate it when he looks like that" Neonwhispered to me "shits about to go down"

Rikardwalked over to the man Neonand I close behind he wrapped his arm around his neck

"comeon friend" he said cheerily

leadingthe man to the back of the pub the man began smiling actuallythinking that Rikard was hisfriend. He started to babble about about something but I couldn'tunderstand was this man Albernian because it surly sounded like it heturned to me slightly and winked I tried my best not to gage

"vicellesn lurasa yallenga lesa benko alusa?" ( you know that younglady back there?) he suddenly asked Rikard

Rikardsaid nothing to answer the man's question he only focused on leadingthe man to where ever he wanted him to go and he continued to spillwhat I thought to be his deepest thoughts

"vecombaru ick lursen ti shi" (I really like the look of her)he hiccuped "qua vic elesu hew hellenbo acumapna el mua lursentavernaco bua ve rellen--"(do you think she would accompany meto the tavern so I coul---)

Rikarddidn't let him finished he grabbed the man by the collar and threwhim hard against the wall I cringed as the man made a hollow thudagainst the wood of the wall never have I been along on somethinglike this the man looked on wide eyed his mouth formed an "o"shape as he stared a Rikardas he drew his swords pointing it at the man I tried to keep astraight face

"jockqua vic elesa du Spanishaco Armenianaco" (what do you mean bySpanish Armenian's) growled Rikardangrily in a completely different language

thrustinghis sword under the man's nose the man blinked a few times notanswering him his eyes then slowly strayed from Rikardto me he looked me up and down then realisation started to dawn onhim his eyes widened to the size of golf balls

"Armenianco"(Armenian) the man said pushing himself closer to the wall andpointing to me

"huh"I said turning a full circle oblivious to the fact he was talkingabout me

"Ithink he means you Armenianco" (Armenian) said Rikardregarding me properly for the first time in about Halfan hour even if it was for a few short seconds it started to dawn onme

"I'mArmenienco?" I thought "well that's a first"

hisstare made my cheeks burn and I looked away I saw him smirk out ofthe corner of my eye of course with the style of clothes I waswearing, which was the original uniform of the Alacue, I could stillpass for one even if I was really travelling with pirates Rikardturned away from me looking to Neonhe gave him a look and he nodded drawing his he pressed it to my palmand ordered me to take the interrogation a bit further

"usethe sword to get our point across" said Rikardwith a small smile

"usethe the sword but, I don't know how to use a sword" I whispered toNeon holding it loosely inmy hand

"justhold it like you hold a um" he scratched his head and shrugged"sadly I can't help you with this one"

"vicsen ioen" (you talk big) said the man looking to me " bullursen Englishco Armenianco dequa copa oranda fempa anelia bulalursen captainco od co co coho commanderco (but the EnglishArmenian don't take orders from anyone but their captain or co cocoho commander)

Icould sense the tension rising and that it won't be long before heshrugs the bluff off and continues babbling on about something else Isighed

"I'mgoing to hate myself for this" I thought

asI walked a few steps closer to the man then lifted the sword so theflat side was just under his chin I pulled the flat side of the swordcloser to his throat he froze he tried to move away from the horriblesharp piece of metal

"Iwill tell you anything j-just don't hurt m-me" he cringed speakingEnglish

asI pulled it away and then he rolled himself into a ball I turned backto Rikard and shrugged

"wellthat wasn't hard now was it" asked Rikardwith a devilish Half smileas he winked at me

Iscrunched up my nose and my cheeks began to burn

"becareful" I growled "I have a sword and... I ... um......... thinkI know how to use it?"

andat that point Neon took thesword out of my hands and Rikardssmile grew bigger as he slapped me on the back almost knocking meover he walked over to the man sword in hand

"nowtell me every thing you know or I'll get her to cut off your nose bitby bit"

hisface turned horrified as he looked from me too Rikardthen he started talking really fast I for one could not under stand aword but that might have been because he reverted back to his nativelanguage the man suddenly stopped his entire body shaking with fearthat I knew was pointed towards me. satisfied Rikardstood up nodded to the two of us and began to walk Neonand I walked behind him and when we were a fair distance away I letout a loud sigh of relief

"Idon't think I could stand touching his nose let along cutting it offbit by bit"

thethought made goose bumps appear on my arms Rikardlooked back at me and started laughing at me

"that'swhat us pirates call a bluff, or a lie, if you prefer Kitten"

"piratessuck" I muttered at my words his smile disappeared

"awwI'm offended. now I'm going to go back there and force you to doit"

hissmile returned and I frowned giving him a disapproving look hestopped and we did too he turned on his heels walking back to the man

"comeAngel we have unfinishedbusiness" he called

"no!"I yelled

asI stormed ahead my jacket flaring behind me leaving Rikardshocked


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