''Todaybor day is schoolbor day!''

Homestars' alarm blared through his room, making him fly up into the air cartoon style before landing on the floor with a thump.

"Oof! Whoopsie dwasiy..." He chuckled as he got up and turned off his alarm, which was blasting the new songs that came out on the radio.

He yawned and got his flip phone to check for any messages. None. Eh, he didn't feel like reading.

Preshy ran into the room, hug attacking him.

"UNKWLE HWOMESTWAR!" she shouted as she wrapped her arms (?) around him.

"Hi Pwreshy! I'll mwake you bweackfast in 15 minutes okway?"


Preshy ran out of the room, skipping away. Today was her first day of kindergarten, and she was elated! She had really bad ADHD and T1D, which made it hard for her to make friends, but she never stopped trying.

Homestar got his clothes ready for the day, along with the daily morning routine. 

Homeschool, despite his name, was not homescholed. He was in advanced class due to his incredibly high IQ and was 10 in 8th grade.

Homestar opened his door, but noticed he wasn't there.


"I'm right here Homestar."

He looked down to see homeschool looking up at him. He was really short for his age.

"Hey bwro! Excited fwor your fwirst day at scwhool?"

"Kind of...They're all older than me and taller"

"Well...We kinda all awre Homescwhool."


"BREAKFAST TIME!" Homsar yelled from the kitchen, who had been making delicious buttermilk pancakes.

"Thwanks Hwomswar!" Preshy shouted as she sprinted down the stairs for her breakfast. Homeschool just walking at normal pace with Homestar behind him.

Before Preshy scarffed down her food, Homeschool picked her up.

"Slow down sis! You need your shots first."

"NWOOOOOOO! I hwate my swhots!"

"Pwreshy. Take ywour swhots. Now" Homestar said in a very serious tone dispite his usual dumbass personality.

Preshy immediately got up and ran to thr bathroom , where her diabetes shots and machine were held. Homeschool following behind.

"Why are you always so rough on her when it comes to her shots and meds and all dat stuff?" Homsar asked, his head tilting to the side.

"I jwust want her to bwe okway..."

Homsar gave a sympathetic look.

"You're worrried about her cuz today is her first day of school, aren't you?"

Homestar sighed and nodded.

"I just dwon't want hwer two get bwullied..."

"She's a strong kid. she'll make it through"

Once they all finished their breakfast, Preshy got on her shoes and backpack.

"Iw'm rweady!" She excitedly jumped up and down. The brothers walked her to the bus stop. Homestar and Homsar ugly sobbing as she walked onto the bus and waved bye.

"What's wrong with y'all? She'll only be gone for a few hours...-"

"BWUT SWHE'S GETTING BIGGGGGG!" Homestar fell on his knees, sobbing dramatictly like a baby.

Once Homeschool left on the Middle school bus, Homsar and Homeschool waited for the high school bus.

While waiting, Marzipan and the Strong brothers (plus the Cheat) walked to the bus stop with them.

"Hi Gwirlfwriend!" Homestar happily beamed at her.

"Hiya Homestar." She nuzzled into him. Since they both have no arms, this was their way of hugging.

But the hug was shortened when Marzi noticed her two buddies, Strong Sad and Homsar, talking with each other. She quickly ditched Homestar to talk to them.

"Agwain?! Uggggghhhh" Homestar groaned. A tad bit jealous that MArzipan was spending more time with her friends than him. Strong Bad chuckled at Homestars groaning.

"Hey, crap for brains! How come my excuse for a brother is gettin' more girls than you've had in your life in a day?" Strong Bad smugly remarked. Playfully punching Homestars "arm", which made Homestar giggle.

"I thwought thwat was yow Stwong Bad!" He smiled at him.

"Well duh! Of course I get more girls than anyone in the entire Free Country!"

"Pwom-Pwom gets a lot of gwirls two."

"How DARE you compare me to the off-brand pokémon!"

Homestar giggles at that. He always fpund Strong Bad hilarious no matter how much insults he pulled out of his gloves.

The bus pulled up, driven by The Poopsmith. They all got onto the bus with Marzipan sitting with Strong Sad, Homsar sitting with Strong Bad, Strong Bad sitting with The Cheat, and Homestar sitting with Pom-Pom.

"What's gwood Pwom-Pwom? Gwot any new gwirls?"

"blub. (Of course bitch.)" Pom-Pom remarked, putting away his phone.

"Whoa! How mwuch?!" Homestar gasped, seeming impressed.

"blub blub blub blub. (More than I can count. They're all over me!)"

"Awesome! Hwey, swince you gwot soooooooo mwany gwirls. I nweed help-"

"blub blub blub. (You're a fag? We all know.)"

"Ywou cwan't say thwat!"

"blub blub blub. (I'm bisexual you bastard. We literally dated in middle school.)"

"We dwid??"

"Blub blub blub (Yeah dumbass.)"

Homestar looked bewildered, until he remembered.

"OOOH! I remwember! Bwut, I nweed help with Mwarzipan...She talks to Stwong Sad and my bwrother a lot...More thwen she dwoes me..."

"Blub. Blub. (DUMP. HER)"

"No! I cwouldn't do thwat!"

"Blub blub blub. (You do it almost everyday. You can FINALLY leave her. She's toxic as fuck.)"

Homestar was actually mad for once. Why as Pom-Pom saying all this stuff about his girlfriend?!

"Shwut up Pwom-Pwom."

"Blub blub blub (Suit yourself, bastard.)" 

Pom-Pom pulled out his phone and started texting his hundreds of girlfriends. Knowing that Homestar was just in denial and will have to leave Marzipan sooner or later.

Eventually the bus pulled up to the high school, so everyone got out and went into the halls.

Homestar was looking forward to his new school day, and excited to hang out with his friends. As soon as he entered the hallways, he saw Marzipan holding up her schedule and her locker combination.

"Hwey Mwarzipan!" Homestar rushed over to her.

"Hey homestar. I kind of need to focus right now..."

Homestar frowned. Wanting Marzipan to pay attention to him instead of whatever she was doing.

"Come on Mwarzi! I cwan help!"

Marzipan knew he wouldn't give up until she aggred, so she reluctantly sighed and said yes. 

Homestar and Marzipan walked in the bustling halls, trying to find her locker. Homestar thought I'd be nice to bring up the worries on his mind.



"Ywou've bween spending a lot owf twime at Stwong Sads place...Anwy particular rewson...?"

"It's none of your business Homestar."

"Bwut, ywou spwend so mwuch twime with him and my brother! It's lwike I don't ewven exist!"

"Homestar. I think it's time we broke up. For real this time."


"...I'm in love with someone else..."

"Who?!" Homestar was heartbroken. He always knew their had to be someone else but he just thought it was him being paranoid. Who the fuck barged in here and stole his girlfriend?!

Suddenly, a very tall, hot, pretty woman walked in. 

"Oh Marzipan! Iz thiz the 'boyfriend you've beenz talking about?"

(OMG OVER 1,000 WORDS ?!?! THAT'S CRAZY! 1073 words)

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