''Mwarzipan, her dwumbass looks lwike a fwench fwy''
Homestar looked at the woman in shock. Who was she?! And why did she sound like a French baguette?!
"Mwarzi! Who is this?!" Homestar shouted, looking at the girl then Marzipan again. The new girl held out a gloved hand, shaking Homestars non existent one.
"Zuch a pleazure to meet za Homeztar runner! I'm Ze Hurricane Ztrong. You muzt know my Cuzionz; Ztrong Bad, Ztrong Zad, and Ztrong Mad!" the new girl, named The Hurricane (first name) Strong (last name).
"Mwarzipan, her dwubass looks lwike a fwench fwy."
The Hurricane gasped, taking her hand away and slapping him across the face with her purse.
"Come on Marzi! Letz leave zis...Imbezile alone!"
Marzipan and The Hurricane huffed and stomped away.
"I gwess I jwust dwo'nt understwand the lwadies!"
Homestar sat in his first class, sad and conflicted. Marzipan actually dumped him...For another girl?! Not that he was homophobic or anything. Like Pom-Pom stated, they were the gays making out in the slide at the playground.
Strong Bad, who was sitting beside him, since they shared a desk, glanced over at him.
"Why do you look like crap?"
"Mwarzipan bwroke up with mwe."
"Eh, what's new?"
"With ywour cwousin."
"Oh shit, what the fuck?! She got with The Hurricane?!"
"...AHAHAHAHA! She left you for my cousin?! You really are a crap for brains!" Strong Bad laughed like it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard in his life. Making Homestar feel more like shit.
"Now you're single AND a bozo?! BWHAHAHAHA!"
Homestar eventually blocked him out, not wanting to deal with him. He felt worthless...As he took in Strong Bads words hard, he realized...
"What if I really am just a stupid, single, bozo?"
Homestar shook his head, as if trying to make the thought leave through his ears.
Homestar laughed along with Strong Bad. After all, he's probably just joking around with him, right?
As class ended and the next was was soon to begin Homestar noticed him and Strong Bad going to the same place once more.
"Whoa...Why're following me?!" Strong Bad shouted.
"We pwobably awre going to the swame class Stwong Bad."
"Great. More time with crap for brains." Strong Bad rolled his eyes and grumbled.
"Ya know my nwame is homestwar runner, right?"
"Of course I know imbecile."
Pom-Pom was sitting next to Homestar in the next class. Once Homestar sat down, Pom-Pom let out a sad 'blub' as a sigh.
"Blub blub blub blub blub... (Sorry for being such a dick to you earlier. I should of pissed off when you told me...)"
"Dwon't worry abwout it bwuddy! But You won't BEWIEVE what hwappened with me and Mwarzi!"
"Blub blub blub blub?! Blub blub blub! (Oh my god, what hapened?! Spill the beans sister!)"
"Oh Preshwy? She's awt kwindergarten right nwow. I'll twell her ywou said hi!"
"Blub blub blub blub (I meant you dumbass)"
"blub. (Continue.)"
"Okway! Mwarzipan fwell out of lwove with me...And fwell in lwove with Stwong Bads cwousin!"
"I know! Itw's crwazy!"
"Blub blub blub blub blub! (It's like those Stongs are attraction magnets!)"
"Blub blub (That's gay)"
"Nwo itw's nwot! Shwut the fwuck up!"
"Blub blub blub. blub blub blub! (denial is a river in Egypt, your husband is gay!)"
"Blub blub blub. (I didn't say nothin')"
"POM-POM! HOMESTAR! Strong Bad, switch seats with Pom-Pom! AND NO TALKING!" The teacher shouted and aggressively pointed to Pom-Pom and Strong Bad.
Strong Bad groaned as he grabbed his stuff and sat next to Homestar. Pom-Pom rolling his eyes and secertly pulling out his phone.
Strong Bad doodled in his notebook about his crime joining and fighting persona, Dangeresqe. Homestar peeked over at his little doodles of Damgeresqe with his buddy Relando. (I'm sorry, I forgot how to spell it--)
"Hey Stwong Bad. Cwool drawings!" Homestar whispered to him in a quiet, yet impressed, tone.
"They're not just 'DrAwInGs' they're 'master pieces'!" Strong Bad whispered back.
"Well...Thwen your dwarings are master pieces!"
"I know crap for brains."
Homestar looked at the notebook paper he was required to have in front of him for notes, but he wasn't paying attention anyway. He brough the piece of paper in front of him and started doodling as well. He wasn't half bad. (Think of The Cheats drawings)
He drew little doodles of him with Pom-Pom and Strong Bad with the words "best buds forever!" written along the top. He even drew himself as Strong Bads crime-fighting-but-breaks-the-law persona best pal, Renaldo.
Homestar wished he and Strong Bad were more then just "friends"...
BFF's of course! Strong Bad was a bit of a jerk, but sometimes they were an inseparable duo ready to take on the world!...By stopping Marzipan and The Cheat from dating.
Yeah they don't talk about that anymore.
Homestar saw the best in him. Like he did everyone.
Homestar starting thinking about how much fun him and Strong Bad over the years...That one time when Strong Bad was freaking out cause he saw a photo of "Hot Homestar". That made Strong Bad have a funny ass gay panic. (That actually happened /srs)
The other time when Homestar was dressed up as The Cheat and was drumming while Strong Bad was singin', and Homestar said he was falling for him. Hilarious!
They were such great friends. (It hurts me to write this)
The bell rang for the next class. Strong Bad wasn't in that class. Bummer for Homestar. But at least Pom-Pom was!
"Blub blub blub blub! Blub blub blub blub?! ( That teacher is such a dickhead! What do you mean we talked for 5 seconds and she moves me?!)"
"Why awre you cwursing so mwuch??"
"Blub blub blub blub. (My mom finally let me swear so I'm taking that to my advantage.)"
"Twhat's nwice!"
"Blub blub blub? Blub blub blub. (When can I come over again? I got some new toys for Preshy.)"
"Ywou cwan come owver after scwhool!"
"Blub. Blub blub. (Cool. Thanks man.)"
"Nwo pwoblem."
As they enter the classroom, they see that Coach Z is the teacher. Coach Z broke his leg so Bubs decided to take over for Coach and Coach would take over for Bubs.
"'Ello Hamstray! Pam-Pam!" Coach Z waved and spoke in his gibberish ass accent.
"Hellwo Coach! Sworry about your awrm."
"Don't warry abert it!"
"Blub blub blub blub. (Kill me pleaseeeee...)"
Pom-Pom and Homestar sat next to each other and blabbered their mouths off, due to the fact they knew Coach wouldn't care cause they all know Coach can't teach about the economy and taxes. Coach Z was texting his husband anyway.
"Iwf you hwad to choose owne girl, who would Iwt bwe?"
"Blub blub. (Your cousin.)"
"...Okway thwat's weird."
"Blub? Blub Blub Blub! (What? She's kinda hot!)"
"Well, shwe lives iwn California."
"Blub. (fuck)"
"Ay! Pam-Pam! I know how cerool I am. But no swering!"
"Blub... Blub. (Fine...Flip.)"
"That's better. Great jerob!"
Pom-Pom rolled his eyes.
"Blub blub, blub blub, blub blub? (Now to you, if you had to choose one girl, who would it be?)
"...Dwoes It hwaveta bwe a girl...?"
Pom-Poms' theoretical jaw dropped.
"Blub blub blub blub?! (Who's the lucky man?!)"
Homestar blushed a bit. Grinning. If had to choose one person. In the entire Free Country...It would be...
"Your mom. I awain't twelling!"
"Blub blub blub! Blub? (Aw come on! Who?)"
"Okway...Bwut promis you won't twell him!"
"blub blub! Blub? (I won't ! Who?)"
Then the author left them on a cliffhanger.
(I'm so evil mwahahhahaha. 1168 words)
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