Taking Care Of You (Pt. 6): (Oneshot)
~ Glamrock Freddy's POV ~
I had a soft smile on my snout as I watched Isabelle leave. Once she left the room I turn my attention back to Monty
Glamrock Freddy: "You have been doing a great job raising her Monty. She already acts so much like a young woman and she is still a kid."
Monty: "I'm pretty sure it's just the way her personality is. She's definitely mature for her age, always has been. But I'll still take the compliment"
Glamrock Freddy: "That is true. Same with Gregory now that I think about it"
Monty: "Exactly. Ah think it has to do with them basically livin' on their own for so long. Honestly it amazes me that the little guy had taken care of Izzy on his own ever since she was a baby. Until we adopted them of course"
Glamrock Freddy: "True"
Monty: "Mmhm"
Glamrock Freddy: "How are you feeling by the way?"
Monty: "Still miserable. However seein' my daughter did help a little"
Glamrock Freddy: "Awww"
Monty: "Heh..."
Glamrock Freddy: "Anyway, do you perhaps want to try and go back to sleep?"
Monty: "Eh, not exactly"
Glamrock Freddy: "Oh?"
Monty: "Ah kinda wanna snuggle up and possibly watch somethin' together"
Glamrock Freddy: "Ok. Do you perhaps have something to watch something on that is not our phones? If not I could go get my computer from my room."
Monty: "Ah have a laptop in my vanity"
(A/n: yes don't be surprised about that. When Security Breach takes place it is in the modern world now and the Glamrocks at least in my au are highly advanced AIs based on my other SB stuff so yeah don't be surprised they have phones and computers/laptops and know how to use them. Anyway back to the oneshot)
Glamrock Freddy: "That would work"
That's when the gator was about to get up but I push him back down. Now he was just sitting up with the blanket wrapped around him and his shoulders.
Glamrock Freddy: "You stay put, you are already comfortable. I will get it"
Monty: "Ok"
So instead I was the one that got up and headed to his vanity moving the stuff he had on it away and opening it up. I saw the laptop and it's charger so I took both out then set the laptop on his coffee table and plugged it in so it wouldn't run out of battery.
Glamrock Freddy: "There, we can watch something now"
Monty: "Uh heh one more thing Fred..."
Glamrock Freddy: "What?"
Monty: "I'm gettin' a little hungry..."
Glamrock Freddy: *softly smiles* "I'll be back then"
With that I leave Monty's green room to get the soup Chica and I made earlier for him. I take a bowl form the cabinet then opened the fridge and poured some of soup into the bowl. After that I heat it up.
As I was waiting in the kitchen for the soup to be done getting heated I thought back to the conversation Chica and I had and that awkward moment just making me blush from embarrassment all over again.
I even thought to myself "I can not believe I literally called her that. She is my ex, we broke up years ago. Then on top of that she is literally lesbian now while I am Gay. She is dating Roxanne while I am dating Monty. There is no way I still like her like that...unless a part of me still does? If so would that technically make me and her bi? Ugh! Stupid old chip kicking in and making me have the memories of the old classic Freddy Fazbear sometimes. *sighs* What the actual fuck is wrong with me?"
Either way I was snapped out of it when I heard the timer go off. So with that I grab the soup then took it back up to Monty's room. Once there I see that he was already on the laptop setting things up.
Glamrock Freddy: "You look better"
Monty: "Eh, Ah ain't, it goes on and off. It's quite frankly very annoyin' like one minute Ah feel "ok" then the next minute Ah feel completely fuckin' miserable again"
Glamrock Freddy: "Sorry Monty"
Monty: "Whatever, just get yer fazbutt over here Ah want to snuggle ya"
I softly blush but don't say anything and head back to the couch with Monty. Once I was comfortable we started watching a movie.
Glamrock Freddy: "Here you said you were starting to get a little hungry so I got you the soup you did not want earlier"
He softly smiles then takes it from me.
Monty: "Thanks teddy bear"
Glamrock Freddy: "I hope it helps"
Monty: "Ah know it will"
That's when I return the soft smile and put an arm up on the back of the couch making a move on Monty. This just makes him chuckle as he was clearly liking it.
We watched a few movies one after the next as it got later and later into the day and then night. Eventually Monty ends up leaning his head against my shoulder. The poor thing then got a slight coughing fit as well now.
Once he was done he made a whimper like sound which was really cute especially since he's a gator and they don't do that. Honestly just hearing him do that made me lay my ears back as I felt really bad for him.
Monty: *sniffs and whines a little* "Freddy...." *coughs*
Glamrock Freddy: "What is wrong superstar"
Monty: "My throat is killin' me again and Ah just feel horrible"
Glamrock Freddy: "I can tell you sound a lot more horse with your voice even more gone now."
Monty: ....
Glamrock Freddy "I am sorry about how you feel Monty. Do you want me to go get you something to help soothe you"
Monty: "No... just stay here...with me"
Glamrock Freddy: *blushes* "Alright"
After I said that I placed a hand on his head and ran my fingers through his hair. Honestly he was a bit sweaty again.
Glamrock Freddy: "Hm, I do not know for sure but I think your fever may have also picked up temperature again. You feel warm and you are a bit sweaty"
Monty: "Like Ah said I go in and out of bein' somewhat "ok" then feelin' like absolute shit again. So yeah it prolly did"
Glamrock Freddy: "It most likely did but I still want to check just to be sure. I mean I did bring a thermometer up I am pretty sure yesterday for a reason"
He just huffs as if he doesn't even care anymore so I pick it up, turn it on, then had him put it in his mouth so he does.
He had even leaned even more against me as he began softly coughing with his mouth shut while I was taking his temperature. This time I couldn't help but to hold him close with both arms and press my snout against his head.
Glamrock Freddy: *whispers sweetly* "I am so sorry my sweet superstar"
He makes a whimper like sound again then the thermometer goes off. So that's when I take it from him and look at it. As I was expecting his fever did once again go up in temperature.
Glamrock Freddy: "I knew I was correct"
Monty: "It went up again didn't it"
Glamrock Freddy: "Sadly yes."
Monty: *sighs* "This fuckin' sucks"
Glamrock Freddy: "I know it does but I am here to take care of you no matter how long it takes you to get better. Even if it does result in me getting sick next"
Monty: "No, Ah don't wanna get ya sick..."
Glamrock Freddy: "If you do it is ok, it was my decision to take care of you. So I do not mind if it happens"
Monty: "But..."
Glamrock Freddy: "Hey, do not worry about it superstar"
That's when I see Monty shut his eyes and lean more against me
Monty: *whispers* "Thanks teddy bear"
Glamrock Freddy: *smiles sweetly* "You are welcome. Hm, but now that I think about it, I wonder if we perhaps have any cold medicine somewhere to help you. If not I may need to go bother Vanessa about getting some or get it myself"
Monty: "Ya shouldn't leave the Pizzaplex Fazbear"
Glamrock Freddy: "You do realize we both do though. To you know pick up Gregory and Isabelle from school"
Monty: "True, but ya shouldn't go shoppin' unless ya wanna get questioned"
Glamrock Freddy: .....
Monty: "Just go look. There might be some in the first aid station we do kinda keep some there for things like this. If not there has to be somethin' else that could help. However if we don't have anythin' I'll just once again deal with it tonight like Ah did the few nights before"
Glamrock Freddy: "No, if we do not have anything to help I will bother Officer Vanessa to get you some. I will not let you have a miserable sleepless night again"
Monty: *lightly blushes* "Really Fred it's ok Ah don't mind if Ah have to"
Glamrock Freddy: "No I insist. I want you to get better quicker and one of the best ways is to get a proper sleep"
I then place both my hands on his cheeks and kiss his head
Monty: "Freddy...."
Glamrock Freddy: "I want to take care of you superstar. In fact I am only doing this because I love you more than anything and you know that"
With that Monty tears up a little then leans into my touch shutting his eyes again and grabbing my wrists as he gave a hiss like sigh. He had given into me.
Glamrock Freddy: "Good. Now you stay put while I go look for some sort of medicine to help you sleep better and more peacefully"
Monty: "Ah was plannin' on stayin' put anyway. Ah feel to weak to move anyway"
Glamrock Freddy: "I will be right back"
With that I get up and leave the room in search of some sort of medicine that could help my poor boyfriend.
~ Montgomery Gator's POV ~
After he said that Freddy once again left the room. So with that I just turn off my laptop and tried to fall asleep anyway but it wasn't necessarily working making me growl in annoyance.
It wasn't long until I heard my door open immediately thinking it was Freddy so I call out his name however it wasn't him. Instead it was my adopted daughter as I heard from the voice.
Monty: "Any luck findin' somethin' to help me sleep better Freddy? Uh, Fred?"
Isabelle: "No Dad, it's not Papa it's only me. Papa is still out"
Monty: "What are ya doin' here Izzy? Yer suppose to be with Chica, Rox, and yer brother."
Isabelle: "I know, but I wanted to check up on you, but if you want me to leave I will"
Monty: "Ah honestly don't give a shit if yer here or not rockstar." *coughs a little*
Isabelle: "So I can stay?"
Monty: "If ya want"
I see her give a soft smile through the darkness of my room. She then comes over to the couch and sits on the floor resting her arms on the empty space in front of me.
She then rests her head on one of her arms while she's placed the other hand on my head basically petting my fallen out mohawk.
Honestly doing what she did made me give a relaxed growl which sounded like a sleeping dragon even though I wasn't
Isabelle: "I also brought you something if you want it"
Monty: "What?"
Isabelle: "Well, I know your throat was killing you based on how you sound and such so because of that I made you tea to possibly help soothe it."
Monty: "Aww ya didn't need to"
Isabelle: "I know, but I wanted to"
Monty: "Heh, thas just sweet"
Isabelle: "However if you don't want it I won't make you take it. I just wanted to help"
With that I just give her a soft sleepy smile then responded
Monty: "Well, Ah wasn't exactly thirsty but if you made it Ah don't wanna have it go to waste so of course I'll take it."
Isabelle: "Wait, actually"
Monty: "Mmhm"
She gives a big smile then picks up the thermos I'm surprised we even had here. I then sit up with a grunt and she hands it to me. So I take it from her and open it
Isabelle: "Careful it's hot"
Monty: "Alright"
With that I take her word on it and carefully sip it. She wasn't lying if was pretty hot. However it honestly tasted really good she did an amazing job at make it I swear she had help so I asked.
Monty: "You made it on yer own?"
Isabelle: "Mmhm"
Monty: "Did you have any help at all?"
Isabelle: "No, I actually didn't. That's all me....I-Is it ok? Did I do something wrong?"
Monty: "Oh No, No ya didn't it's actually amazin' I'm just shocked you did this all by yerself without any help at all"
Isabelle: "Heh, well it is pretty easy to make."
Monty: "I'm glad ya think that"
Isabelle: "I'm just happy you like it."
Monty: "It's delicious and Ah ain't even lyin' it's prolly the best tea I've had if I'm bein' honest"
Isabelle: "Really?!"
Monty: "Mmhm"
Isabelle: "Heh..."
Monty: "Why don't ya come up here Ah wanna hold ya"
Isabelle: "Really, I'll go if you want me to. It is your room..."
Monty: "No, please stay rockstar. Ah haven't seen ya all day aside from a short while earlier this evenin'. In fact we could even watch somethin' together if ya want while yer Pop is away"
Isabelle: "I like that idea"
Monty: "Then get up here rockstar"
As soon as I said that she gives me a smile then doesn't hesitate to climb up to sitting on my lap. Now I couldn't help but to hold her.
After that she logged on to my laptop and went to YouTube. She then went to one of her favorite YouTubers and watched the video. I couldn't help but watch whatever she tuned on with her. After a little while I spoke to her
Monty: "Hey..."
Isabelle: "Hm?"
Monty: "Ah should've said this earlier but, Ah wanted to thank you for the tea. It really did help my throat honestly it was really startin' to kill me again"
Isabelle: "Oh, You're welcome. I'm glad I helped in a way even if it was a small thing"
Monty: "Every little thing counts"
Isabelle: "Heh, one more step closer to helping you recover"
Monty: "Exactly"
Isabelle: "It probably also just helped because your voice box was probably still sore from performing"
Monty: "Thats the thing after performances a sore throat doesn't usually last long. However because Ah was already sick and still performed yeah it did."
Isabelle: "See, I knew it. I mean you aren't just a bassist your a singer like Papa himself he's just the lead one"
Monty: "Exactly"
Isabelle: "It sounds like the tea also stopped you from coughing too"
Monty: "For now..."
Isabelle: "I guess"
After that we started watching YouTube again for a little while well we waited for Freddy. Honestly I was wondering when he'll be back. Like even though the tea Isabelle made helped a lot it wasn't exactly enough it started hurting again but I tried not to show it.
Eventually as it got a little later I could tell Isabelle was getting tired considering she had started laying next to me while the videos played. When that happened I couldn't help but to place my arm over her and hold her.
Because of what I did Isabelle had soon fallen asleep I could tell from her breathing and slowed heartbeat. When she fell asleep I just gave a soft smile as the tiredness started getting to me as well. I was able to stay awake for a little while longer until it had finally won me over and I too fell asleep with her.
Another part to this multi-parter oneshot done. I was actually done with this a while ago but never posted it because I had to do a few changes and I've been working on a few other books as well so yeah. But if you're seeing this it's now obviously complete XD. Anyways I will try to get the next part out as soon as I can so stay tuned for that. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this oneshot part it was approximately 2820 words in all by the end of it so until next time...
"Stay Awesome, Stay Safe, Have A Great Day Wherever You May Be And Remember I Love You All And I Will See You Guys Escalater Peace Out My Pups" ;3
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