Chapter 5

Freddy's POV:
I was at the apartment eating corn puffs. I heard the door open and I looked up to see a panting Bonnie. "Bonnie, are you alright??" I asked, running to the purple bunny.

Bonnie looked up at me with wide eyes. He must have been through hell. I was about to ask if he was okay again, but..."kiss me.." He panted out.

I stared blankly at him. "Huh.?" I asked, my confusion growing.

Bonnie frowned and grabbed my face, crashing his lips upon mine. He must be really spooked if he needed to kiss me that badly. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his waist. He dug his fingers through my hair. I know I shouldn't be kissing another person when I have Mangline, but the thing is..when I'm with Bonnie..I don't feel guilty or remorse. I have blindly fallen for the purple bunny, again.

Bonnie pulled away, breathing heavily. "F-Fr-Freddy.." He breathed. I felt my cheeks grow hot at the sight of him. His face was a reddish/pink color, his eyes were glossy and glazed over, and his lips were slightly parted. I couldn't help myself, I kissed him again. His eyes widened. "Mphf?!" His question muffled. He gave in and kissed me back, he jumped up and wrapped his legs around my waist. I held them and backed up until I was sitting on the couch with Bonnie straddling me. I forced his mouth open and slid my tongue in his hot canal. He shifted slightly and I groaned a little. If Bonnie kept moving, I'd get an -ahem- erection.

We were laying in my bed, covered in sweat, and the smell of xxx was in the air. Bonnie was cuddled up to me for warmth. I pulled the blankets up to our chins and held my sweet bunny close. Oh how I've missed his touch, his kisses, his warmth. Why did I ever break up with him? I snapped back into reality once I heard Bonnie's steady breathing. I smiled softly and let sleep drift me away.

Bonnie's POV:
It was a few hours before I woke up. I sat up and my back side hurt. I blushed once I realized what had happened. Freddy and I...slept together. I inwardly squealed. I bet that Mangline hadn't slept with him yet because he seemed nervous the entire time. I laid back down and snuggled into his warm chest. It had to be warm because he's a bear :D

I felt vibrations from below me. Startled, I jumped up, and then calmed down when I realized it was Freddy laughing. "N-Not funny.." I mumbled.

Freddy chuckled and kissed my nose sweetly. "Yes it was. You were
adorable." He stated with a smile.

I felt myself melt under his gaze. I averted my eyes and bit my lip shyly. He leaned closer to me and brushed his fingers over my cheek. I slowly closed my eyes, as we were about to kiss, we heard the front door open. "FREDDYY!!" The bitch of a fox called.

I jumped away from him and looked at him worriedly. He pointed to his closet. I nodded and I quickly threw on one of his over sized shirts and ran into the closet. I heard his bedroom door open. "Hello Mangline." Freddy greeted with fake sweetness.

"Heya Freddy bear!" Mangline greeted happily. I felt my chest tighten, thats the nick name I called Freddy.

I heard Mangline walk over to Freddy's bed. She sat down by the sound of it. "Freddy, can we talk?" She asked.

I could sense Freddy nod. "Sure. What is it Mangline." He asked.

"I want to do it." Mangline stated huskily.

I did a spit take. I tried to calm my breathing. F-Freddy wouldn't do it...right?

"What..?" I heard Freddy ask.

"I want to have sex with you. We've been together for almost a year.." She stated seductively. I could hear her walk to Freddy. I couldn't help it, I peeked through the closet. Mangline was hanging all over the bare chested Freddy.

"I-I...uhm...this i-is so sudden." Freddy said, chuckling nervously.

"Would you say otherwise if I was the ugly bunny freak?" She asked icily. I swallowed the lump in my throat. I could sense his eyes watching me.

He sighed and shook his head. "No. And he's not a freak and he's definitely not ugly." He defended, crossing his arms.

Mangline scoffed. "Why are you defending him?" She asked, glaring softly.

Freddy smirked. "Why are you being a bitch?" He asked. My jaw dropped. D-Did he just...?!

She slapped him. "How could you?!" She asked distastefully.

"No, how could you? Stop being so self centered." Freddy relied cooly.

Mangline huffed and stormed out of the room. I shyly opened the closet door. My eyes were on the floor and I felt depressed. Was I really not that good enough for him? I felt arms wrap around me. I looked up and saw Freddy smiling down at me sadly. "Its alright Bonnie.." He whispered, kissing the top of my head.

I hugged him back nervously. He sighed and rubbed circles on my back. "I'm sorry.." He whispered.

I hiccuped. "Its alright.." I whispered. I leaned into his chest. He squeezed me tightly. I sighed in content and kissed his cheek. He chuckled and started to sway me slightly.

"You look really cute in my shirt." He stated, a glint shined in his eyes.

I blushed and started to twirl my purple hair in my fingers. Freddy gave me a kind smile. He started to play with my hair. "Freddy...I uhm...I l-" I started.

Bonnibelle busted through the door. She was about to speak, but..she saw us..I was in nothing, but one of Freddy's shirts. Freddy had no shirt on and was only in his boxer shorts. "Did I...come at an...awkward time..?" She asked, trying to stifle her laughter.

I blushed and gently pushed Freddy out of my way. I quickly walked out of the room and dragged Bon Bon with me. I could hear Freddy chuckling from behind me.

I pulled Bon Bon into my room. "Soo...what happened between you two?" She asked with a smirk.

I blushed. "N-Nothing! We just..fell asleep..thats it.." I lied, quite skillfully.

Bonnibelle pouted. "Aww maaaan!!" She whined. She crossed her arms with a huff.

"What?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.

"I wanted you two to fuuuuck!!" She whined, crying fake tears.

I laughed. I felt bad for lying to her, but if she knew, she'd make a huge scene, and I didn't want her to ruin it. "Sorry Bon Bon..." I apologized, giggling slightly.

She groaned. "Get your act together and fuck him senseless!!!" She declared, throwing her arms up.

I walk out of my room twenty minutes later. Bon Bon left about ten minutes ago. I had on dark purple clad shorts, a lilac T-shirt with a dark purple bunny on it, and I had on purple bunny slippers. I yawned, walked over to the kitchen counter table thingies, and sat down on one of the stools.

I placed my head on the cool surface and sprawled my arms out. I heard someone chuckle from behind me. I looked back and saw Freddy. I pouted. "Whaat?!" I asked with a whine.

He walked over and placed a warm hand on my head. "Nothing." He said with a smile. I shrugged and stretched my back.

He laughed and opened the fridge. He pulled out a carton of apple juice. I stood up and smirked. I walked over to him, took the carton from his hands, and I had begun to drink it teasingly. He stared at me longingly. I giggled and I gave him the carton back, half empty. He rolled his eyes and drank the rest in two gulps. He finished it and threw it in the trash. "Well, lets get going. Christmas is coming up and we need to get the diner ready." He informed.

I nodded and gave him a small smile. "What are you doing for christmas?" I asked kindly.

He shrugged. "What I do every year I guess." He replied cooly.

I tilted my head. "What would that be?" I questioned, putting a spoon of yogurt to my lips.

"Watching christmas movies, drink hot cocoa, and sleep all day." He answered in a bored tone.

"Would you consider...letting me..spend christmas with you..?" I asked shyly. I shifted my weight from one leg to the other.

Freddy grinned. "Of course!" He answered happily.

I smiled brightly. *knock knock* I looked at the door and I stood up to answer it. BB and Mari walked in, well, BB skipped in and Mari walked after him. "Hey BB, Mari." I greeted. Freddy walked up behind me.



"So what did you two need?" Freddy asked, placing his hands on his hips.

"Fredrick and Goldie need you down at the diner. Something about your parents." BB replied, playing with Mari's buttons.

I smiled at the two in awe. I was jealous that they get to show their love in puplic, not that I had anything against them. Freddy nodded. "Okay. We'll be there shortly." He informed.

I looked at him curiously, but shrugged it off. Mari nodded at us and grabbed BB'a hand. I noticed that Mari didn't talk much, he only talked to BB. BB smiled and squeezed Mari's hand before turning to leave. "Bye guys~!" BB chirped.

I waved goodbye and shut the door behind them. I turned to am agitated Freddy. "Fred? You okay?" I asked, lightly touching his cheek.

Freddy jumped lightly and looked at him. "Sorry, I'm just not on the best terms with my parents right now." He explained. I nodded and went to grab my shoes. He grabbed his brown loafers and I slid on my purple vans.

I grabbed a hair tie and tied my hair up in a low pony. I felt Freddy tug on it. I wobbled a little bit. "Freddyyyy!" I huffed, stomping on his foot.

I heard him yelp in shock. "Ow! That hurt Bonnieee!!" He whined.

I laughed and pecked his cheek. "C'mon! Hurry up, slow poke!" I teased, skipping out of the room.

Freddy followed me. "Want me to drive you?" He asked.

I nodded. "Sure! Saves on gas anyway." I replied.

He nodded and we were on our way to the parking lot.

Bonnibelle's POV:
I was in the diner waiting on customers. I saw Freddy's car pull into the parking lot. I wondered where Bonnie was, then I smiled once I saw Bonnie step out of the passenger seat. I heard Mangline growl. I turned to look at her. "Jealous that Freddy loves Bonnie more than you?" I mocked.

She looked at me and if looks could kill..I'd be 6ft under. "He does not! He loves me more and I'll prove it!" She proclaimed.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Mangle." I stated, walking away from her shock ridden face.

Bonnie walked in and headed for the dressing room. I grabbed his wrist. "I have a special present for you!" I declared.

Bonnie looked at me warily. "What is it..?" He asked, swallowing nervously.

Bonnie's POV:
My face was cherry red. Bonnibelle handed me the outfit I was supposed to wear. "B-Bon Bon...I don't think I can w-wear this.." I stammered.

She tilted her head. "Why not? Chia, Chica, Mangline, and I will be wearing similar ones." She stated.

I sighed. "Fine, but only because you guys are too." I mumbled.

I was wearing the outfit Bon Bon gave to me. It was a Mr. Claus suit. I made her give me a guy's outfit. It had a green, purple, and black striped long sleeved shirt with a red vest like thing over it, the vest had white cotton fluff on the collar, the bottoms of the vest, and down the button lines. It had a decorative black leather belt with a gold buckle. Next was green, purple, and black leggings with red shorts that went down to my knees. It had cotton fluff around the cuffs of my legs, I had black leather gloves that go up to my elbow, over the sleeves of my shirt, I had black santa boots on with white cotton fluff around the top, and finally I had a red santa hat with holes for my ears to peek through.

"Awww~! You're sooo cute!!" Bon Bon gushed. Chia and Chica nodded in agreement.

I shyly walked out of the room. We, as in Chia, Chica, Bonnibelle, and I, had to dress like this for the next week.

Freddy's POV:
I was behind the bar next to Foxy. We weren't necessarily enemies, but we weren't exactly friends either. "So Freddy. What're ye doin datin a scallywag like the lass Mangline?" Foxy asked me in a bored tone.

I sighed. "I honestly don't know. I thought I was dating her because I liked her, but I know now that I'm only dating her to forget about Bonnie." I answered.

Foxy smirked at me. "How's that workin for ye?" He asked, closing the cash register.

I chuckled slightly. "Not well." I answered honestly.

He laughed and scratched his back. "Ha w-" he cut himself off. "oh wow.." He drawled.

I looked to where he was staring at. My jaw dropped. Bonnie was standing along side four Mrs. Clauses. Chica ran up to Foxy, a smile on her face. "How do we look?" She asked excitedly.

Foxy grinned. "Yar! Ye look sexy~!" He cooed, pecking her lips softly.

Chica blushed and giggled. "We tried to get Bonnie to wear a Mrs. Claus outfit, but he'd only wear Mr. Claus." She whined.

I laughed and I looked over to Bonnie.  He was blushing and staring at the ground. Mangline walked up to me. She was wearing a two piece set. Booty shorts, sports bra looking thing, and knee high red boots.  "Heeeyyy Freddy!" She cooed.

I inwardly rolled my eyes. "Hello Mangline, you look nice." I complimented.

She batted her eyelashes. "Thank you. I picked it out just for you." She stated, kissing my cheek.

I saw Bonnie wince and he bit his lip sadly. I sighed and looked back at Mangline. We talked for a bit and then everyone went back to work. I'd have to have a talk with Bonnie later ;)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Longest chapter I did ever XD lol enjoy this extra long chapter lol

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