It Began With A Bite

The night was cool and calm. The cascading clouds in the sky were illuminated in the dark hues of purple. The stars were bright, and the moon was full. In a park where the street lights dimmed, there was a hidden fray between beasts. These creatures were not of men's world, not really. They were creatures of legend and myth.

The two beasts battled it out. They had begun their fierce fight back in Illinois and now they had somehow ended up in a small park in Minnesota.

One had light brown fur and eyes that shone brighter than the moon with his teeth bared and his claws clenched. The other had a reddish-brown fur and his eyes were as black as coal, soulless, teeth sharp and jagged like a shark's. His claws were more like hooks; eager to dig into flesh and rip it to shreds.

In the thick of the night, someone could've mistook the two as bears. Wandering around the small park in search of food, for they were about the same size of a bear if not larger. But these creatures could do way more damage than a pair of curious bears. These two were werewolves.

"Wogan! I will put a stop to you now!" snarled the light brown beast. "Your reign of terror and meaningless slaughter ends tonight!" He dashed toward the other monster and swiped for its face.

The beast dodged the strike and swiftly countered with an uppercut that sent the light brown beast soaring through the air. "You think you can defeat me Devin? Not in your dreams, brother. And it isn't mindless slaughter. Just think of this brother, a place where we can rule, no bats, and certainly no damn witches that look down on us. Just us wolves." They stalked each other moving slowly in a circle, muscles tight ready to strike as the reddish-brown wolf continued to talk. "The vampires basically rule France and the UK, and the witches are mostly concentrated in Germany and Russia. Don't you think we deserve our own land?" The reddish-brown brute snarled. "I can make it happen, with this new power."

"That's nonsense! We have been in peace for centuries now, and your deeds are violating Les Traités de Paix! You've already been exiled, because your acts bring too much attention to our kind." The light wolf shouted. "The Veil can only hide so much."

"I will never follow such a weak pack leader as Hakan, I have my own pack now and we shall bring the bats and witches to the chopping block. North America shall be my territory! Wolf territory! And if you oppose me, you will die as well. Join me brother and together we can make the realms crumble at our feet!"

Devin glared at Wogan, but there was sadness in his silver eyes now. "Wogan, you call me brother but yet still you raised your claws and bared your fang against me... You spat in the face of our packs ways, you are no brother of mine! If Hilda could see you now she'd be disgusted-"

"Don't you dare speak her name!" Wogan roared. Sheer madness was in his soulless eyes are stuck at Devin, his claws gleaming in the full moons light.

Devin barely had time to dodge, he ducked low and then went for Wogans' unprotected side with his razor-sharp teeth. The fight intensified as they lost themselves in the battle and rage of their inner beast. They both didn't notice a young biker riding towards them.

The biker had ear buds in his ears that were blaring music, drowning out the whimpers and growls of the two monsters in front of him. Completely oblivious that he passed through an invisible magical veil. The Veil is a global and vastly strong warding shield, it's what separates the supernatural from the natural. Making it so that normal humans can't see how magically influenced the world really is.

The biker had his eyes to the night sky and gazed at the twinkling stars of the night, humming a soft tune as he went.

Devin, the light brown werewolf, crouched down and swiped at Wogans med-section with his steel-like claws. Wogan stepped back, but not fast enough. The claws missed the vitals, but dug deep into Wogans thick hide. He staggered back, right into the biker's path.

Snapping out of his daze, the biker squeezed on his brakes and the bike's tires skidded on the dewy bike path. He slammed into the creatures' thigh. Wogan completely caught off guard yelped in surprise and glared down at the boy.

"No! Wogan, leave the human be!" Shouted Devin.

Wogan gave a toothy grin at the biker. He grasped the boys' shoulders and lifted him off his bike.

"Hello, mortal. Did you think it was smart to ram your fucking bike into me?" Wogans' hot breath burned against the boy's face.

"I-I-I didn't mean to." The biker stuttered, trying his best not to wet his pants. His mind reeling with the scene in front of him. "It was an accident, you came out of nowhere!"

Devin stalked closer, thinking he could save the innocent boy. But before he could move himself into a better position, Wogan reared back and crunched into the boys left shoulder. The sound it made was like a crisp apple fresh from its tree being bitten into, but much more sickening. Then Wogan discarded the boy like a sack of potatoes. Wiping his mouth of the boy's blood, he shivered with the sheer thrill.

"You didn't!" Devin said in disbelief.

"Oh yes I did. You better watch over the runt, he's kin now. I was hoping to find someone a bit more suitable, but he'll have to do." He looked down at the boy and greedily licked his lips. "Oh, and he's my first-made so you better watch him closely. I'll come back for him, when he's nice and ripe." Wogan stood straight, one hand over his bleeding stomach. He chortled harshly and then retreated into the night.

Devin exhaled and released the tension in his muscles once he was sure that Wogan was gone. Slowly the fur receded and bones snapped back into place. Then he was a man again. He had short spiky hair and a stubby beard; he was toned with dense muscle, and had a strong chiseled jaw. His once glowing sliver eyes were now a fine blue, that seemed to hold small oceans within themselves. A kind of guy who women would drool for, and he used that to his benefit.

He would have given chase, but as much as he loathed Wogan, he was right. He had bitten the boy and had injected Lycan venom into him.

Already the boy squirmed as if going through a seizure. Devin knelt next to him and examined the wound. The bite pulsated with blood and the veins strained through the skin; the venom was defiantly in effect here. Either the venom stabilizes and became one with the boys' own blood or the venom is completely rejected by the body and shuts down his heart. There's nothing Devin could do about the venom now.

Devin scooped up the child, cradling him in his arms. He checked his pockets and found a wallet. Inside he found a ID card.

Mason Spears

Sex: Male Eyes: Hazel

Race: Native American, Other

Height: 5-8 Weight: 178

"Humph. Mason, eh? Well Mason, you have quite the path ahead of you now, and it will be a dangerous one." Devin said as if the boy could hear him.

The boy had dark tanned skin, and his face was artistically stoic. His thick arched eyebrows furrowed from the throbbing pain. His long black hair was tied back neatly into a ponytail, though a rebel strand of hair dangled in front of his face. Devin guessed the boy couldn't be any older than 17, and that he'd be quite handsome once he grew up. If he survived the transition that is.

Devin studied the address on the ID card but decided it'll be best to keep the boy under observation. Wouldn't want him to go crazy at home and injure anyone, which would be horrible and draw too much attention.

"Damn you Wogan"

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