story fragment // My Twist on Fate

My Twist on Fate | Chapter Four

My stomach lurched and I ran out to the nearest bathroom down the hallway. Strangely, there was no connecting bathroom. I cursed under my breath. It must've been the seafood I ate last night. I mean, it tasted delicious as I gobbled it down, but perhaps it had gone bad, unbeknownst to their personal chef. Or maybe they were just being cheap. Nah. The Amori family wasn't one to cut corners when it came to quality, not matter the price.

The vomit left a horrible aftertaste in my mouth. I looked at my reflection in the shiny mirror. My complexion looked so much brighter since coming here. My hair was an absolute mess though. It was gnarled and I hated that. My hair always looked bad though, no matter how much I tried to make it look better. I was jealous of Talia. She woke up with picture perfect hair. Heck, she looked perfect without any effort. It's like she got all the good genes and I got all the bad ones. I brushed my hair, attempting to make it look somewhat presentable. I gave up and just threw it in a ponytail.

I ventured downstairs to get rid of the awful taste in my mouth. I flipped on the kitchen light and jumped back, startled by the figure before me. I stifled and screamed. "What are you doing up at this time of the night?" I hissed.

Jayden shrugged, obviously amused by my mini heart-attack. "I was bored."

"You were bored and you thought coming down here and eating frosted flakes was going to soothe your boredom?"

"Pretty much, yeah. What are you doing down here?" he asked, suspicious.

"Looking for a snack."

"You want some?" he asked, shoveling frosted flakes into his mouth.

"Sure." He got up and poured me a bowl. "Thanks."

"No problem, fatty."


It was silent, except for the munching of cereal. "I scared you, huh?" Jayden asked, his dark blue eyes sparkling.

"Pssh, no. I just wasn't expecting anyone to be in here at..."I glanced at my phone. "One o'clock in the morning."

"Whatever, you know I scared you," he teased.

I playfully pushed his shoulder. "Shut up."

He grinned. He had a fabulous smile, I will admit that. I wasn't going to tell him that though, he had a big enough ego already. "Pick out a ring yet?"

I let out an exasperated sigh. "I wish. I just haven't found the perfect one"

"You will."

"Hrmm...will you help me?"

"Help you find a ring? I'd love to!"

"Tomorrow? Or rather, today?"

I nodded. "Sounds great."

We talked about our likes, dislikes, hopes, and dreams. It was like we were on a date, in his kitchen, eating frosted flakes.

"What's your favorite movie?"

"The Titanic, yours?"

He faked a gag. "You like that crap? I wouldn't have had you pinned for a girly-girl. I thought that was more Talia. Why do you like that stuff?"

"First off, it's not crap. Not even close. It's good, really good. It won like Emmy's and stuff. Second, don't judge if you've never watched! Third, it's like one of the greatest love stories of all time. It's a classic. I've seriously cried every single time I've watched it."

"Anyone can act." He puts on a fake falsetto voice. "I'll never let go!"

"That wasn't even close!"

"I would make a better Jack than whatshisname."

"Leonardo DiCaprio. You're not even half as handsome as he is."

"I do believe you mean 'You're so handsome that you would blind millions of viewers.'"

"I'm pretty sure I don't..."

"Whatever. What's your favorite movie then?"

He scrunched his nose and replied, "Not the Titanic or any of that Nicholas Sparks stuff. I like horror movies."

"Typical boy."

"I can't even watch Snow White without being terrified by that witch!"

He broke into laughter and started pounding the table. His cheeks were turning red and he was gasping for air. "Wimp."

"I'm not a wimp!"

"Mhmm, whatever you say. I also like comedies. Are you scared of funny things too?"

"No!" I slapped him and got up to put my bowl in the sink. "I should probably be going to bed. It's already three."

"I'll walk you."

"To my room?"

"Yup. I gotta go to bed anyways. I have practice in the morning."

"Okay? Practice for what?"

He put his bowl in the sink, not answering my question. "Have you seen the pool yet?"

"You guys have a pool?"

"A rooftop pool, baby!"

These people were loaded. Seriously loaded. I wasn't surprised though. The Amori label was a known label and everybody wore it.

"Rooftop? As in, on the roof?"

"That's usually what rooftop means...on top of the roof..."

"Stupid rich people," I muttered.

"What was that?"

"Nope, I haven't seen it."

"Want to?"


"Why not?"

"Because it's three in the morning..."


"Didn't you say you had practice in the morning?"

He shrugged. "I'll cope."

I rolled my eyes. I wasn't going to get out of this. I mean, I loved swimming. I really did. I just didn't want Jayden to see me–and my fat rolls–in a bikini. A bikini is all Talia let me pack. I did pack a tankini...and then Talia got a hold on my suitcase and well...let's just say that it's far from water right now. By that I mean, she burned it.

"Fine, whatever. We'll go swimming. But I've gotta go change."

"You mean you're not wearing a suit underneath like all the girls on the Bachelor?"

"Sorry to disappoint."

"Just swim in your bra," he suggested, waggling his eyebrows.

I punched him lightly. "You do remember I'm Talia's sister, right?"

"You're sisters? Talia's so hot and you're so...not."

"Har har, creative line. Not."

"Whatever. Just go change. Pick you up at my house."

He was so lame. As much as I hated to admit it, I loved it. If he wasn't my sister's, I'd have snatched him in a heartbeat. If he was anybody else's, and I mean anybody, he would be mine. Just like that. I wasn't a player like my sister, but I could make boys fall at my feet. I did learn something from her.

I changed into a semi-modest suit. It was red with yellow Hawaiian flowers on it. It kind of hid my love handles. I really hope it did. Just because he was Talia's didn't mean I needed to dress like a hobo around him.

There was a knock at the door. Jayden. I threw my hair in a ponytail, grabbed my fluffy beach towel, and swung the door open. "Let's swim!" I squealed.

Okay. So I know I wasn't exactly eager to go swimming before, but I was now. I'm on the swim team and I was super excited now. I practically skipped down the hallway, not even waiting for Jayden. I paused. I didn't even know where I was going. I turned around and Jayden was by my door. Right where I had left him. And he was looking at my butt. My heart did a happy dance. He was checking me out! And then my brain reminded my heart that he was practically my brother. I frowned. "Stop staring at my butt. The pool is over there!" I snapped, waving in the general direction of where I thought the pool was going to be.

"I was not staring at your butt!" he defended, walking toward me.

"Yeah, sure you weren't. Don't be ashamed, Jay. Lots of guys do it, and you're no exception."

"Probably because it's so big."

I raised an eyebrow. "Your head's big but I wasn't staring."

He smirked and I instantly regretted what I said. You're so stupid Reagan!

"Don't be ashamed, lots of girls stare. And you're–"

"I didn't mean it like that!"

"Mmhm, sure you didn't."

"I didn't you sick perv!"

"Sick perv? Why don't you just break my heart?"

"That's my sister's job."

I rolled my eyes and climbed the flight of stairs leading to the pool. I opened the glass doors and the oh-so familiar scent of chlorine hit me. I was home. I threw my towel on a chair and slid into the pool. The temperature was perfect. It was cool and refreshing, yet didn't make my teeth chatter. I turned so I was floating on my back. Oh how nice. There was a glass ceiling and I could see the pretty stars. You'd think that it'd be ruined because of being in New York and all, but I guess we were pretty far from the city.

There was a loud splash. The unmistaken sound of a cannonball.

Sure enough, there was Jayden, swimming furiously toward me. "Jayden!" I screamed. "Get one inch closer to me I swear I'll–"

I didn't have time to finish my threat before he pulled my under. I held my breath and opened my eyes. There was a slight sting of chlorine. I was greeted by Jayden and his signature smirk. I balled my fist up at him and he laughed. He laughed. Who laughs at that? Then he started choking on the water. Served him right. No one laughs at Reagan, unless I'm telling a joke. In that case, everybody better laugh.

We resurfaced and I could hear his chuckle ring throughout the room. It wasn't that funny. "You okay there, buddy?"

"You're cute," he said, ruffling my hair.

What? Cute. I was not cute. I was anything but cute. "Don't call me that."

"What? Cute?"

I splashed water in his face. He retaliated by attempting to push me down into the water again. I swiftly darted the attack and retorted, "That all you got?"

He grinned and pulled a water gun out. Where the hell did he get that? "Asta la vista baby!" he yelled, spraying me with it.


I went out to grab it from him. Bad move. Really bad move. During the time where I threw myself at him, he had refilled the water gun. "Show some mercy!" I cried.

He stopped spraying and pretended to think it over. "Hmm. What is this mercy you speak of?" I glared at him. "Fine, fine! But you have to eat Jayden Surprise."

"And if I decline?"

He raised an eyebrow and sprayed me. "Get it now?"

"I can always say no tomorrow morning."

He rolled his eyes. "Today," he corrected. "And you won't be able to."

"Why not?"

"Because Jayden Surprise is the most delectable breakfast food out there known to man."

"I'm a woman."

"Still a man."

"Whatever. Fine, I'll try some of your food. Don't blame me if I spit it out though."

"You'll spit it out because you can't handle the heaven on your taste buds."

"Getting ahead of ourselves are we?"

"Whatever, you'll see. I'm getting out. Are you staying there?"

"Nah, I should probably get out too."

I beat him to the ladder and grabbed my towel. I couldn't help but stare at him as he got out. It was hot. There were beads of water hanging onto his six-pack abs. I would hang there too. All day. He was tan, but not the orange tan. The golden tan. It's cliché, I know. The leading man coming out of the pool like a freaking model.

I snapped out of it. This was my sister's boyfriend. I needed to get that through to my head. Talia's boyfriend. Not mine. Talia's. Okay. I think I got it all under control now. Yup. Be calm. And don't let him catch you drooling over him again!

I dried off and wrapped the towel around me like a sarong.

"You're a good swimmer, you know that? You should join the swim team," Jayden said.

I laughed. "I am on the swim team."

"No kidding. I bet that you sucked before you joined."

Here come the compliments. Note the sarcasm people.

"Oh definitely."

"Thought so."

"So what do you like to do?"

"Your sister," he said seriously, like he was meeting the parents for the first time.

I slapped his arm. "Save it for your diary. What do you like to do in your free time?"


Nope. I was not going to get a straight answer out of him. And I wasn't going to because we were at my door. "Night, Jay."

"Is that going to be your nickname for me from now on?"

"Yup. Got anything better?"

"I was thinking more on the lines of sexy..."

I shut the door in his face.

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