"Shadows And Light.." (Part 4)

Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.

(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)

(Its, lou and Ivy (oc)-centric)

(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)

(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)

(This takes place after the events of the movie..)

(qwertuno and In13579)

(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)




1. to remove or get rid of whatever is blocking or filling something, or to stop being blocked or full.

2. easy to perceive, understand, or interpret.

Ivy wondered along the streets of Perfection by herself at night. Things were haunting her which required for her to clear her head. She was trying to repress her emotions.

Blaze. She thought. Why? Why did the Lights target you? It's always those who I care about!

Her fists clenched as she walked along an alley. Anger wanted to rule Ivy's judgement. She couldn't afford to lose control now.

Ivy had been in a training session with Luna that day. She had been innocent as a child.

The days where she needed help to master her powers.

She was currently holding her hands to balance her light and dark half in one piece.

"Luna!" She shouted as the woman watched. "I-I can't do this!"

She could feel her body becoming unstable as the beams started to not be straight, Ivy couldn't do this.

"You can, Ivianna." Her True name. "You need to focus more. Focus!"

Ivy closed her eyes and tried to breathe. She couldn't be afraid of the dark or light. But she was.

Let me out. A voice screamed. Out! Out! Out!

She screamed as she felt the darkness wrapping around her soul. The twelve year old couldn't handle it.

The light beam disappeared, and her eyes opened to reveal voids with red pricks. She scanned Luna.


That was all that was said before she gasped. Ivy was in control again. She feel to the ground.


The mark on her face was clear.

"You worthless excuse of a doll!" Luna screamed. "I can't believe you!"

She summoned the darkness to terrorise Ivy as she curled into a ball.

"I'm sorry!" She balled her eyes out. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!-"

"-I'm sorry." The man begged as he was cornered by the shadow. "I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!"

Ivy scanned the pathetic Light in front of her.

Scum. She thought. Worthless excuse of a doll.

She summoned her shadows to terrorise him. Ivy stood there as his screams echoed in the places around them.

Lesson eighty five. She thought. Never show mercy to scum like this dick head.

She grinned as the darkness seemed to swallow him. His body was spamming and twisting about.

The satisfaction that had built up in Ivy was enough to make a small grin appear on her face.

She loved these moments.

The moments where scum like him go what he deserved. The moments where perfection could hear screams and the moments where something positive happened for her.

The moments where a soul was forced to come out its body.

She laughed as the shadows pulled out of him to go to Ivy. The darkness surrounded her and nuzzled her cheek.

She laughed again and let it surround her. It was in a playful mood.

'What is wrong?' The moon asked. 'Why are you so...happy?'

Ivy sighed and the moment was destroyed. The entity always got concerned whenever she showed any positive emotion.

She sat down and closed her eyes.

Fine, I just needed a break of everything.

Ivy wasn't lying, she truly did need a break.

Blaze's hurting made her want to isolate herself. She wanted to kill Soarin, anyone who was even associated with him.

'I promise, my child.' She was suddenly in the moon's embrace. 'Someone will pay for the subject's death.'

Ivy always wondered if the moon only talked to her. It seemed to. Others always wondered what it's voice sounded like.

It was majestic, dominant. Echoey yet invisible. Seen but not heard. Ivy loved the way that it soothed her thoughts and body. It felt right to have it talking to her like this.

She closed her eyes the moon shined brighter. She felt like she was receiving affection from a parent. Ivy felt her body and mind drowning in the bliss of it.

She loved it so damn much. Even the grief was going, Blaze's death-

-Her eyes opened at that, the memory wouldn't leave her mind. She held his body, tears had been shed over it.

Ivy felt dead inside. What was life without her brother?

There was no life without her feminine bro. He made her days just a little bit more bearable. He made them more positive. Something her life hadn't been aince the day that Luna brought her into the clan.

Not even my previous kind wanted me. She thought. Lights, the purest of their kind didn't want a hybrid.

A tear slid down her face at that, and Ivy closed her eyes.

"Hybrid! Hybrid!" They screamed. "Freak! Freak! Dark user!"

She was curled into a ball in the corner of the town. She had been chased all the way down.

"Please!" Ivia begged. "I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything!"

"Really?" A light bent down and grabbed her wrist. "It seems to me like you hurt my son! Hurting your kind is considered a sin here!"

She screamed as she was flung into the wall. Her powers weren't properly developed. She had no control.

Her light shielded her away, but her darkness refused to listen.

Shadows surrounded Ivy and cocooned around her body. She just wanted to be safe.

"Worthless child!" A woman yelled. "No wonder your mother abandoned you on the streets!"

Ivy whimpered as the shouts grew more closer, her little bubble was evaporated as she was grabbed by a lady.


She landed on the ground, and something landed on her.


They were setting her on fire, they were burning her alive.

She could feel it travelling up her skin and burning into her blood and bones. Ivy screamed in pain and something was pointed to her face.

A gun. A light gun, designed get rid of its target.

Her lips gave more whimpers as the flames burned her back and stomach.

What did she ever do to them? She didn't even do anything.

Ivy simply lived.

"Please!" She begged. "Kill me! I accept this punishment."

The gun was lowered.

"No." A voice spoke. "You deserve the guilt that will infest into you for the rest of your life."

Ivy cried as she was thrown to the ground, her light put out the flames on her body.

The four year old cried until she couldn't cry anymore.

Just then, Shadows appeared. They crooned at the crying girl in curiosity.

She sniffed and looked up. "Go away.."

But they only csme closer and surrounded her. They crooned again with their eyes half-lidded.

"All I wanted to do was play." She whimpered. "Then, they chased me. I didn't mean to do that! They asked me to show you to them!"

She sobbed harder and curled up next to a box. The alley was her home and the boxes were her beds. Sometimes bins if necessary.

The shadows surrounded again and lifted her up. Ivy didn't react, she never did.

"I don't wanna play."

They whined and she giggled as they nudged her. They could be really persistent.

"I'm sorry."

Ivy giggled again as they turned into her. A twin anyway.

"They're mean." It whispered. "They hurt you."

"I'm used to it, I have no where else to go anyway." She yawned and her eyes dropped. "I have to go asleep."

"No!" It whined. "Play!"

Ivy could feel her hands activate. It shot out a shadow ball and the darkness made it into something else. The shape of a snake.

"Poison, yet graceful." It told her and the thing slivered across her shoulders. "We are graceful, we are deadly."

She chuckled again and layed down. Her tiredness was taking over. Ivy had a long day tomorrow. She needed to get food.

"I'll play soon." She replied, shivering. "I need to sleep."

She felt it come closer to her. And Ivy was brought into their embrace. She let it.

Her eyes opened to reveal the silhouette of a man there. Her best friend.



His arms brought her closer, and she put her head on his shoulder. She could feel his darkness wrap around them both.

Sometimes the darkness held more comfort than the light.

Her eyes opened to discover whisps of the darkness in front of her. Ivy smiled and nuzzled it, she loved it as a family.

"You helped me a long time ago." She looked at the sky. "Brother, Blaze. I wish your soul would come back already."

She looked at the soul in her hands. The scum was screaming, but he couldn't be heard.

"Oh, lights. They never learn."

The shadows wrapped around her acting like a sort of glove. Ivy dove her hand in and extracted the darkness from it. The lights souls didn't fulfill their purpose if they weren't pure.

Waste of time if they weren't.

That fact was true. The shadow came out and floated there. It watched her intensely.

Watching her to prove her loyalty, watching to see if she would spare the light.

Watching to see if anything would disturb what was rightfully THEIRS.

Ivy closed her eyes as she put the soul into her body. It felt...wrong for some reason. Like something was blocking the satisfaction.

She coughed as she fell to the ground, her body shop. Ivy didn't know what was happening.

The light was making her sick. It felt like she was going to throw up.

W-what is happening? Why am I changing?

Her thoughts turned to the light, something appeared then. A portal of some sort.

Her body had begun to grow more peach skin, her eyes became ruby red, and her hair became a lighter green without the highlights.

Her body began to sway and the shadows recoiled from her for some reason.

"Please.." Ivy's hands glowed white, she shot a light beam. "Help.."

She felt someone grab her as she fainted. She didn't know why her light was activating now. It happened everytime she felt grief.

Arms steadied her and she felt someone hug her close. "Terra.."

Her light had appeared.

The moon was trying to control you again. She heard her say. I am not letting that happen.

Ivy only hummed in response as the light entered her. The body wasn't accepting it. "Let...me..go.."


Ivy's eyes closed and she blacked out. The last thing she felt was the shadows piercing her body and the sound of screams and attacks being sent to each other.

They were battling for dominance. For her body. For her mind. For her life.





1. go to see and spend time with (someone) socially.

2. inflict (something harmful or unpleasant) on someone.

Ivy arrived back at the base and entered the hospital area. She was paying a special visit to the man who had sacrificed himself in the battle from earlier that day.

The hospital wasn't in the best of conditions, considering those fact that they were forced into the fucking underground of the world of perfection.

Ivy sighed. "I fucking hate this already."

The walls were white, but had cracks due to not being updated with painting and all that shit.

Staff were limited since not all of the shadows could exactly heal things.

We were made to destroy, to serve the darkness and death. I just happen to do it better.

Ivy was one of the best shadows ever created. She liked to cause death and destruction to those who opposed them. She wasn't capable of guilt.

Some doll approached her. "Mistress?"

She turned to face them. "What?"

"It's Ella." The nurse replied, showing her a chart. "She's about to go into labour, but there is a high possibility of her dying if we go through this."

Ivy's head froze, Ella was one of her best friends. One of the ones who knew the true her. She was going to die?

But then Ivy's eyes narrowed, her pity for the girl went.

There is a baby coming. She thought. I may not be able to have a kid again, but Ella is. I will save it.

"...Do the operation." She replied. "No matter the consequence, the child must survive. The lights have been trying to kill us off. I am not having that."

"But miss!-"


It was deathly silent then, they were waiting to see what their mistress would do. Would she pull her soul out as punishment?

Ivy stared, she was pissed off that the soldier would question her. She was in the highest position a shadow could get.

And I'm one of Luna's favourites.

That gave her a good advantage out of all of them. She wasn't to be messed with.

Ivy was just messing around and playing with the shadows as usual. They really seemed to like her.

"Hey!" She squealed as they poked her side. "Don't do that! It tickles!"

It only crooned at her in a sweet way, a mocking way. It surrounded her and Ivy giggled as it continued to poker her.

She waved her hands and used it to control them. She twirled them around and the shadows followed her movements.

Though, she didn't consider herself their mistress, they were her friends.

Ivy laughed as they wriggled their way out of her grip. They seemed irritated and pouted at her. She only laughed again.

"I'm sorry." She giggled. "You know I was only joking."

They whined and turned around. She felt panic.

"Please don't leave!" She sobbed. "You always leave."

The darkness always did. Everytime time Ivy was happy, it seemed to leave her. Like something was repelling it. Like she was weak.

"You." It took her into its embrace. "You can't be happy, we don't thrive on that. It makes you weak."

Ivy sobbed, she didn't wanna lose her best friend!

"What can I do to be more good for you? More not weak?" She was only five. "Please, don't leave. I don't wanna be alone again."

She really didn't, everyone always left her. Ivy stood alone in the alley all the time. She only ever got company when the lights attacked her.

She really didn't like them, they despised her without a reason. The burns on her stomach proved her point.

She curled up as the darkness disappeared again. But then, she felt something engulf her. At least mentally.

She opened her eyes to see a void and a person made out of the shadows standing there.

Ivy gasped and hugged him. "Blaze."

"Hey, Iv." He chuckled. "Sorry, my darkness seems to be attached to you."

He picked her up and held her close.

His eyes then narrowed at her burns. "...What the fuck happened?"

She nuzzled his shoulder like a child. "My own kind burned me. They...they set me on fire! My face is unharmed."

He growled and the shadows wrapped around them. It was comforting the little girl. "Oh God, I'm so sorry. I should have known..How could they do this?"

She shrugged in his arms. "I dunno, they just don't like me for some reason."

"I can guess."

She sighed. "Sing to me?"

He laughed and held her closer. "Anytime."

His voice then became lower.

"You suffer, but why?" He sang. "Why is there a pint to life, why is there Light? Even if the sun doesn't shine-"

A pause.

"-Why is there any sky?" Ivy sang as she entered. "If it is so high? Oh please fates, bring back what was once mine. What once was mine~"

Ivy sighed as she entered the room. It was a place where she dreaded being. She froze as she saw him.

There was a window on the right and the sun shined through. Ivy automatically shut them.

The sun was insulting them by coming here, by shrinking its rays. By saying things that only Ivy could hear.

'Why do you fight for them?' It growled. 'You were once apart of me. You used to love it.'

No, I didn't. I used to be abused by your kind.

Ivy hugged herself as the scars seemed to burn in the light. She couldn't stand it. She hated the sun so much.

Just then, she felt it. Something shined in her eyes. The light shining through grew brighter and her vision began to get blurry.

It seemed...alluring. Like it was beckoning to her. Ivy's light side, no, Terra wanted to take control.

'Come home.' It begged to her and the sun's rays had some kind of effect on her body. 'Come home, come home. The Light is yours. You are ours.'

"H...Home.." Ivy's eyes became half-lidded and her thoughts had forgotten been turned off. She had become a mindless body. "Home..."

Her home wasn't here, it was in perfection. She belonged there with Soarin, Elise, her sisters and brothers.

Ivy felt her light activate and felt it surrounding her. She was going back to where she belonged.

The light whispered praise to her, whispered that she was doing the right thing. That the darkness wasn't where she belonged.

It was with the sun. With the Lights.

Just as she was about to go, something countered it. A dark ray. Ivy gasped as the Light disappeared.

She turned and saw the worst possible doll to be there at the moment.

It was Luna.

She stood there with her arms folded and her hair swayed as her eyes became voids. Her darkness was in control.

She growled as she grabbed Ivy. The other was out behind her and Luna blasted the sun's rays until they disappeared.

When they did, she turned to her.

She was pissed. "I took you off the streets! And this is how you repay me! You want to go back?!"

Ivy was backhanded as she tried to speak. The tendrils of the shadows held her to the wall. She felt genuine fear.

Luna approached her and suddenly kissed Ivy. Their lips crashed together and Ivy screamed as she did.

"Do not fight it."

She couldn't anyway. Their darkness had restrained her. She couldn't move.

Ivy felt disgust, but knew that she wouldn't soon.

She whimpered as Luna pushed her against the chair and pinned her there. She knew what she was going to do.

"Blaze is watching us." Luna whispered. "His spirit, anyway. Let him see how you enjoy this."

Ivy screamed as she was gagged. She could feel her clothes being torn off.

Luna looked young for her age. She looked no more than in her early twenties.


"You were going to betray your true kind." She whispered. "You were going to leave me, us, him. Why should you not be punished?"

Ivy whimpered and looked at Blaze. His darkness surrounded her and went into her body. Like they were trying to comfort her.

"I'm sorry, sister. I can't, she is too strong."

He was watching, she knew it.

Ivy smiled and closer her eyes. The image of Blaze in her mind seemed to be the only comfort she had.

She could feel her clothes being taken off and Luna putting her fingers to her area. Ivy wasn't a virgin, but she had never done it unwillingly before.

That was a fucking lie.

She was coming back from a mission, Ivy had just recently been sent to get a couple of souls for the night.

She had returned with all of them and felt excited. The thirteen year old had only been out of the base before.

This had been a golden opportunity. Ivy felt good about herself.

Just then, she was pulled into a room. She squealed as Luna was revealed in the darkness.

She stared nervously the woman. She was sitting on her desk. They were in her office.

"Y-Yes?" Ivy asked. "What do you want me for?"

Silence reigned them, the girl felt terrified for some reason. It felt like the darkness was against her, like it hated her.

Luna's shadows seemed more menacing compared to her own. More dominant, cold.

Ivy's seemed to retreat at the sight of them. The doll whimpered as she was beckoned to come closer.

She obeyed. "Why did you harm Rebecca, Ivy? She didn't do anything to you."

"I'm sorry." She squeaked. "She was attacking me, I lost control."

Luna suddenly struck her and Ivy was pinned to eh wall. Her shadows were being used against her.

She screamed as her chin was taken and lips were out on her own. She was kissing the dark leader.

She whimpered as Luna did. She was being rough.

Ivy then felt a hand go into her shorts. A sensation she didn't like was being put on her.


"Shut up." Luna hissed. "You need to learn your lesson."

She then cried as Luna entered her. Ivy screeched as something was torn open.

Her eye were closed in the real world as the memory came to her head. She didn't cry though.

Luna just kept doing her menstruations and Ivy felt frozen. She couldn't move.

This had happened before. She was surprisingly used to it. Her body was not hers at he moment.

Ivy's mind had distanced itself from reality. She wasn't there, but thoughts were being capable of being formed.

The lights hate me and even the shadows do. Luna is raping me right now.

She could feel Blaze's spirit roaring in anger as this happened.

Ivy just started laughing as her mind came back. She couldn't believe that this had happened multiple times.

Her tears burned her cheeks.

Why do both of my kinds hate me?

It was a question that she knew would never be answered.

After Luna was done, the scent of the air was shame and sex. Ivy just layed there as the leader left without a word.

She laughed a little and felt nothing. Her spirit had been broken a long time ago.

And they wonder why I'm so fucked up. My past proves why I hate both Luna and Soarin.

She closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep.

Nightmares haunted her mind and made her more traumatised than she would ever be that night.

(A/N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter~😁)

(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)

(Lol, I'm thinking of making this into a full fic. Comment if you think I should!)

(Hope you enjoyed this chapter~😘)

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