"Shadows amd Light.." (Part 2)

Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.

(This is a uglydolls 2019 Oneshot)

(Its, lou and oc-centric)

(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)

(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)

(This takes place after the events of the movie..)

(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)




1. tell or order someone to do something, especially in a formal or official way.

2. give (someone) an official order or authoritative instruction.

Ivy was currently directing a power training session for the younger shadows on how to use their powers.

It was a pain in the ass though, they were fucking brats.

"Detener! (Stop!)" She shouted, speaking in the shadows language. "¡Practica de nuevo y no te relajes! (Practice again, and don't slack off!)"

They groaned, but she just folded her arms and stared at them. She fucking hated directing the lessons, she just wanted to put the brats in their places.

"This is how you form a shadow ball." She told the kids, and she meant kids. "Focus your energy into forming it and imagine what your would look like.."

The reason she had said they were kids was because apparently, dolls could have kids. It was complicated how they grew, but they just did. It was very fast.

Her favourite student was certainly Solana. She was quiet, and actually listened. But her flaw was that she never admitted to needing help.

She has bright blonde hair, very dark skin, and clear green eyes. She was beautiful as a child and stood out amongst the rest. It was probably why she got got bullied.

Ivy could see her struggling as the 8 year old was pouting at how she couldn't form it.

Looks like she's getting a gift...

Ivy pulled a soul out of a little cage she kept in her pocket, and approached the doll. She didn't like kids, but she had a good reason to.

She had lost hers long ago. Dolls were assigned kids, they weren't born in the institute.

Like she said before, it was a complicated process. Luna had assigned her a girl named London (the name meant 'fortress of the moon'), and she had grown attached to her.

Too bad they were kidnapped and she was tortured right in front of Ivy. She couldn't do anything but struggle.

That was why she didn't like kids, they were dangerous if she got one. (But she could always imagine if she did).

"Hey, little one.." She cooed at Solana. "You having trouble?"

She just trembled and nodded slightly, she was shy. Ivy wondered how she didn't have social anxiety.

She smiled gently. "Want me to help you?"

Solana looked at her, shock written in her face. "R-really? Y-you'd help me?"

"Sure.." Ivy replied. "I can teach you a few tricks. But don't tell your guardian that I did. It's considered cheating.."

She put a finger on the girl's lips to make her understand, Solana did and nodded.

She smiled, and put her hand out. They were both inches apart. "Put your hands like this."

She did.

"Imagine putting your energy into summing a ball that is black and full of power.."

She did.

"Now, open your eyes.."

Solana did, and gasped at the power she was seeing in her hands. "Yay! I did it! Thank you, mistress!"

It reminded Ivy of when she did it with London.

A male/feminine voice cut her from her thoughts. "So, your training others? The kids? That's surprising"

Ivy turned around to see Blaze there with a stupid smirk on his face. He was with Alexander, his boyfriend. "Yes, I was forced into this. The little brats keep fucking acting up!"

"So?" Alex asked, shrugging. "Your teaching the kids? What's the big deal?"

Blaze flinched, his mate had forgot. "Alex, the London incident.."

Ivy had her backs turned to them, and was showing the kids how to form a beam at a short distance.

Her hands were held together, and her eyes were closed. "Focus your energy on this, and it'll come.."

She Opened them glowing back and little sparks coming out of them. They were blank, no white in them whatsoever.

Shadows yelled as they went near the target, and the kids screamed as red eyes formed from the shape. It hit the wall, and exploded so that the shadows were standing there like them.

"Now." Ivy began, her eyes normal. "The shadows only like those who are brave, they hate cowards."

It was a true fact, it had taken time for her to command them. She was only a youngling at the time, but she was afraid (not that she'l admit it). The red eyes had freaked her out, but figured out that they matched hers to let her know that they belonged to her.

Any shadow you tame was yours, even if they could be stolen.

Tyler is the first one to go, but a shadow hissed at him so he backed away.


He whimpered, nearly crying. Ivy just rolled her eyes, she really hated these brats.

Libby went, but failed.


It went on and on like this, until Solana went. She watched in curiosity as she leaned her hand out, and came into contact with the shadow.

It mewled, and bent down to show its submissiveness.

It would have been more wild if it wasn't tamed by me...

Solana smiled. "I did it?"

Ivy nodded to the class' jealously. "Yes, Young one. You pass."

She squealed in excitement, and hugged her. Hugged her.

She froze, what the hell did she do? Ivy looked at Blaze, and his arms were wrapped around himself.

Hug her back...

She did, but she felt uncomfortable. She let go then. "Class dismissed. Go see your mentors on your progress."

They cheered and ran out happily. It actually stung her a bit.

Alex came up to her. "Ivy, I'm sorry."

She blasted him with one hand, Ivy didn't even look at him, she looked at Blaze.

"Next time your mate even mentions my past kid again.." She hissed. "I will fucking will pull his soul out.."

It was a promise, a threat. And Blaze knew she would do it. She didn't give a damn about feelings, Ivy didn't have any.

He nodded. "Sure, Iv.."

She just smirked. "Good boy, Blaze"

She walked out, and heard Alex saying she was a "Bitch!"

But when she went out the door, she put her head against the wall. It was stinging from those memories.

A tear dropped down her face. She hated thinking about the past.

Ivy knew it made her weak, she couldn't afford that.

She wished that she actually didn't remember anything.





1. of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.

2. not clearly felt or sensed : somewhat subconscious a vague longing.

Lou could sense the vague feeling ever since he woke up that morning. It confused him on why he did.

Usually his lips felt empty, like nothing was on them. But now, he got a scent that he couldn't quite taste, but knew that it was rich and addicting.

It made him shiver at the taste. He couldn't remember where he got it from, last night was a blur. Why did he feel fuzzy inside?

"-LOU!" A voice startled him, and he jumped to see Soarin glaring at him. "Were you even listening?"


"What was I saying?" He asked, anger in his tone.

"You were saying something about Elise?" He asked. "That you wanted to set us up?"

He nodded. "You were paying attention, goo-"

Soarin froze, and then he smelled something. It was foreign, and coming from Lou.

He felt panic rise from his chest, his scent was from one of them. A shadow. But who? They could only come here at night, and Lou had no knowledge of them.

Unless he snuck out?...

He folded his arms tighter, and glared at him. "Why are your lips tainted? They have a scent on them, they don't usually.."

Lou blushed. "What do you mean? I haven't been anywhere!"

"I never said you did, but thanks for telling me.." He smirked. "Where did you go? Did you sneak out?"

His tone was stern, and Lou knew that he knew the truth. He did sneak out, but he couldn't help it! He was always isolated here! It drove him insane!

He sighed. "Fine, I did! Can you blame me though, I'm always cooped up here! I'm bored!"

He was slapped by Soarin. "Enough! Be grateful that you have a house to live in, and subjects who actually give a shit about you! And a girl who actually wants you for you! Enough of these childish fantasies, you are to stay here for the next week in the mansion and not to come out under any circumstances! Understand!"

Silence, Lou was in shock that he actually slapped him. He rarely did that (more like once a day). But then the sun spoke.

'It's ok, little chosen.' It assured. 'I will speak with the current chosen about your punishment..'

He felt calm, and actually in touch with the light for a second.

Fucking idiot.. Phoenix watched from the rafters of the windows. Actually slapped his own heir and isolating him, that's just abuse..

She was hiding in a doll's shadow, and her own were cloaking her from the sun. She couldn't be seen in her darkness.

She had red hair in a pony tail, pale skin like the moon, and eyes that were icy purple.

Her shadows were inside the building, and they gave her a close enough look to hear what they were saying.

"I know that Elise likes me, but I don't-"

"I know you'll say that now, son. But you will learn to like her. She is kind, innocent, and pure. Exactly what you need."

Phoenix wanted to gag in disgust, this fucking man was trying to control the heir's life? That was low.

Luna had never tried to control Elise's. She let her be free to do whatever she wanted.

This waste of a doll was even more condescending that she thought.

Though, it's the heir's fault for being so submissive..

That was a thought she didn't disagree with. He was too submissive.

Shadows were dominant, lights were submissive. How fucking ironic.

She rolled her eyes, and listened to their conversation more. It disgusted her when she heard this:

"I know I might have to marry her eventually, Soarin. But not now, I'm not even leader yet!"

"You will be in less than four years, dolls already think your together!"


Phoenix's breath hitched, it was her.


She had been kidnapped all those years ago. Phoenix had only ever seen her in pictures. She was beautiful up front.

Beautiful dark pink hair, sapphire eyes, light skin (still pale), and a dress which went up to her thighs and shoes that were red along with blue socks.

She looked happy. But she could tell it was fake.

Soarin has reprogrammed her to obey him (as a soldier) her emotions were false, she could feel the real ones lurking just underneath her skin, begging to be released.

She actually felt sorry for her. She did. She had been brainwashed.

Phoenix tuned the conversation out, and got her phone out.

"I found her.." She sighed. "She's living in the heir's mansion. She is supposed to be marrying him in less than four years."

"Good report, Sweetcheeks.." He replied. "I'll get it back to Luna. She is going to be pissed.."

His tone was fearful, and Phoenix didn't blame him. Luna could be scary as fuck when she wanted. She was the moon current chosen after all.

She hung up, and stared into the window one more time. She ran a hand where Elise was on it.

I'll hopefully see you soon, sister...

She disappeared as her shadows carried her into the darkness.





1. to say something to someone, often giving them information or instructions.

2. communicate information to someone in spoken or written words.

Phoenix rushed in the base, she needed to tell what she had saw. Elise, Elise, Elise was there. She was with the lights.

The theory was finally confirmed.

Ivy was talking to Blaze. "So, your shadows are stronger?"

He nodded, and showed his hand. They appeared right away. "Yep, I just tamed another one. But your the master of it."

"I learned from the best.." She replied. "You were my teacher when I first came here-"

"Guys!" Someone interrupted Ivy. "I found her!"

Everyone in the froze at the emphasis of that word, even the shadows were still as their eyes widened to reveal their masters' emotions.


"A-Are you sure, Phoenix?" Ivy asked carefully. "You know that you might have been hallucinating again."

"I saw her!" She insisted. "I was there to deliver a report to Luna, and I saw her! And the heir!"

Ivy felt a sickening emotion flow through her, he was hers. She had marked him first. Elise wasn't allowed to have him.

The pull settled when she was with him, and she be damned if he was stolen from her. Even if she was Luna's favourite, even she followed the rules.

His soul was HERS.

And no one was going to take it from her, not even the desired golden girl named Elise.

'Her shadow instincts will probably tell her that he is marks..'

Her shadows were right. Even if Elise's powers were suppressed, the basics of them would still tell her what needed to be said.

That made Ivy smirk cruelly, there was no sympathy in her whatsoever.

"Please can Ivy report to Luna?" The speaker repeated again. "Please can Ivy report to Luna?"

This isn't going to be good...

She rolled her eyes.

When Ivy got to Luna's officd, she had her shadows surrounding her and her eyes were all black. Yep, she was pissed.

"You idiot!" She yelled, slamming her hands on her desk. "It was Lou and Elise's destiny to be together, why have you marked him?!"

"'Cause.." She chuckled. "I felt a strange....pull to him, and I knew that his soul was mine. So now, he belongs to me."

She smirked as Luna slapped her in the face. "You bitch, you knew what her destiny was, and you still messed it up! Just like your kid all those years ago!"

Ivy froze, and her eyes widened. So did Luna's.

She had crossed the line, rage boiled inside her.

Her shadows came from the corners of the room, and even Luna came onto her back. Her eyes had a moon shape in it, showing that her dark side had full control.

Her shadow sucked into her skin, showing them as tattoos. They had fused into her soul and now they were one.

Ivy lifted her hand, and Luna felt herself being pulled up by her neck. It was telekinesis.

The shadows didn't seem to care for their master, and obeyed the most dominant one at the moment.


She brung her hand closer to her, and Luna followed. She squeezed ever since slightly, and Luna felt unimaginable pain.

"Don't ever.." Her dark side took over her. "Say anything about my past kid again, or you will pay."

She summoned a light ball, and burned it into Luna's skin. It burned like hell, she couldn't touch light.

She was dropped, and realised that the sun shape was in Ivy's eyes. "By the way, your precious Elise is alive. She lives in Soarin's Mansion."

She walked away, leaving Luna shocked.

Her daughter (she considered her like one) was alive?

(Hey ya'll, hope you enjoyed this part 2!)

(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)

(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)

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