"Neither Living Nor Deceased.." (part 2)
Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.
(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)
(Its, Ivy (oc)-centric)
(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)
(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)
(This takes place during the events of the movie..)
(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)
1. a general word, sometimes connoting an inherent or permanent feeling of antipathy for something.
2. to not have very positive feelings about someone or something.
Ivy walked along a pipe between two buildings of the same height. She was technically being hunted right now. It was from a doll who disliked her very much.
She chuckled. "I can hear you, assholes."
Pat. Pat. Pat. She heard it. Crack. Tap. Crack.
Those sounds annoyed the fuck out of her, Ivy pulled down her hood and her eyes scanned the ground beneath her. It would be so easy to jump.
End my life. She thought. It would be so damn easy.
Her life was fragile anyway.
Worthless bitch.
You let your husband die.
You let your precious children die.
The sadness builds up in her chest again, and Ivy gets out her katana.
The blade shined as the sky shone on it. It seemed to draw her into some type of trance. Her eyes suddenly glazed as she stared at it.
Her secret desire to feel something was haunting her. She could never move from Blaze, Tyler, Or Alex. Her mind wouldn't let her.
And she still couldn't let her heart move on. It fluttered around someone sometimes, but she always ended their lives before she could like them.
Ivy felt like she would be betraying her family if she did.
The first cut on her face was a simple one. Some would mistake it for a scratch, she took it for fucking self harm. The blood smeared down her left cheek and nearly blinded her.
God, it felt so good to do this.
The blood that trickled down her felt is good, like a hand stroking her hair back. Ivy loved blood and took it in front of her hands.
Her inner beast purred and the sound came form her
throat as the blood landed on he tip of her tongue. The sky shined in her eyes like it was trying to help guide her through the fog that surrounded her mind.
Shhh. A voice caressed her the base of her mind. Let it out. Let me in.
The beast always awoke when their was blood or food nearby. Ivy never found out it's name, so she called it Raziel.
It meant secret or mystery.
The katana entered her skin again to draw more blood. Ivy took her hoodie off and it revealed scars that had been the result of this weekly-daily routine.
Skin was barley not covered with it. The only she hiss on was a shirt top made of bandages. For some reason, normals shirts made her want to just tear them off like a wild animal.
The bandages were itchy, but they were doable. She sighed and bent down to her knees. Her self infliction made her woozy.
Ivy threw up over the roof. Her demons were awake at the moment and wanted to take over her. She once had control of them years ago, but now they were back in the prowl.
They hated her for being weak, for wanting companionship. For to an extent, wanting to move in from the past.
It was her own hatred for herself.
The son that made it's way out of her was forced. "Why do I live?"
Her blank eyes stared at the ground in front of her. What was stopping her from just ending her life right then and there?
The gun was in her hand before she knew it, like something was controlling her body. It was an involuntary reflex to the thought.
She closed her eyes, and dodged a bullet that made it's way to her.
Her head slowly turned to the doll behind her. An unsettling grin went on her.
"Heh, nice try, Stella."
The other had blonde hair, green eyes, and pale skin. She had a green tank top, blue pants, and yellow trainers.
She had a pistol and knife on her.
"Or should I say?" Ivy continued. "Goldilocks?"
A nickname was given to every survivor there was.
Her katana was thrown and it cut off a portion of her hair. "You've lost a bit of strength."
Ivy chuckled like a mad woman. "I haven't, it's just blood loss."
Unfortunately, Stella's neck had been cut and blood seeped down it.
The blood seeped down it. The blood was slowly going.
It hit her nose and she smelt the crimson smell. It was good.
Her mind began to fog again, and she felt the voice take over her thoughts, her mind, her senses.
Ivy felt fear from this.
Shhh... She felt arms snake on her midsection. Shh, it's ok. Let the hunger take over.
A head was on top of hers, but it looked like Stella didn't see shit.
It's ok...
The voice was like hers but deeper and malicious.
Her mouth sighed and she felt her eyes closing. She couldn't help the haze that was taking over her mind.
The beast, no, her infected side wanted to take over. It wanted to take over her body and destroy anything that for in their way.
It wanted to kill Stella, tear her apart for threatening them. Their body needed to function alive.
The hunger was angry right now, and had summoned the beast to take over her.
I wished I could have prevented the bit.
Her eyes dropped and her consciousness was being yanked from existence. Ivy felt her body being moved and it fighting on its own accord.
She gasped and woke up a few times due to the shock of the interruption from it.
"Stella.." She wheezed and barley controlled herself as the knife was on her neck. "Go, now."
It was the first time Ivy felt some remorse for her actions, her heart didn't want this to happen.
The beast was clawing in her mind, her soul, her body. It wanted out.
It's roaring and her screams matched. They were in unison. They were one.
Ivy knew that infected heard that, she could hear the groaning and moaning from miles.
"Iv." It was a prank. "I'm sorry, I was never trying to scare you."
She shivered and shrieked in pain as Stella tried to put her hand on her shoulder.
Out. Raziel whispered. Let me out. Let me out. LET US BECOME ONE!
The shout was too much for Ivy, and she felt herself faint in someone's arms. It was a female's pair.
She could tell due to the less testosterone level and lower blood pressure. She felt herself sinking into something in her mind.
Ivy called it the abyss. The part of your mind that was empty and you could just be there floating.
Her body wasn't hers anymore and Ivy saw her hands tearing up Alice like she was a piece of cake that a child would dig into on their birthday.
She heard herself breathe and then something whispered to both her and Alice.
"This is for my husband."
Her vision went black as she felt something pull her deeper into the ocean like surface of her mind.
Her breath made a fog come out of her mouth like it was a winter day.
"It's ok." She was drawn into a hug from behind and something brought her close. "Shhh, just sleep. Shhhh, I'll protect you."
Her eyes and closed, and Ivy feel asleep in the deepest corner where she couldn't escape.
1. cause to stir or come to life.
2. emerge or cause to emerge from sleep; stop sleeping.
The body was laying on the roof asleep. Her mind came to conscious so fast that Ivy gasped. She woke up. Something was wrong, so damn wrong.
Her eye slipped open and she felt something on her mind free her from the sleep that she had been forced into.
What happened? Something sticky was on her hands. What the hell is this shit?
Ivy slowly stood up and saw that her wounds had been patched and that she had new ones on her body. She somehow knew what happened.
Stella's body laid on the ground in front of her. It was torn apart and broken.
The right arm and left leg was missing as well as an eye. There was a pool of blood on the ground from a clear wound on her head.
Ivy felt the taste of something in her mouth. She just knew that it was either a kidney or intestine. She felt disgusted.
Stella's remaining eye stared at her like it was betrayed. There was a hint of trauma there as well.
Only physical though, not mental. Stella didn't know the meaning of that word. Ivy did though.
Only dolls who suffered like her knew the meaning of being broken inside.
Her heart no longer beated the way it used to. It was slow and barely functioned at all. She chuckled.
"This is why you don't fuck with me, Stella." She got her gun, and shot her in the head twice. "You don't be stupid, don't be like that in hell. It would be very unwise unless you want to piss of the devil."
She laughed and held her sides.
Well done. She thought to herself. You've proved once again that your an insane piece of shit.
Yeah, Blaze and that wouldn't want to see what she had become. Her kids especially.
Ivy still felt the warmth of their tears and skin as they drifted off from their bodies and their spirits into heaven.
She sighed and put her hoodie back on. The expression on her face hadn't changed though, the insanity was still there.
She patted her stomach twice as she walked. She felt satisfied at how her hunger was pleased.
Am I supposed to feel guilt?
Ivy didn't know if she was supposed to. Didn't dolls usually feel it if they killed somebody?
Or in my case, eaten. She thought. Lol.
It was truly funny at how scared Stella had been. She was sure that Raziel had a good time.
Please don't have let her seduce her like the last one.
Truth be told, Ivy was still afraid of this change. Before she passed out, she had felt something bite her.
It had been one of the infected though. She knew it, she just did.
Her skin was just a little more grey than a normal dolls.
"Bullshit." She heard a conversation. "This is bullcrap. Poison killed Goldilocks?!"
Yeah, Ivy's nickname was Poison. The irony, she knew.
It was because of her looks, she truly was a deadly poison. She could lure you in with seeming innocent, but she striked at you like a snake with fangs.
Hers were her weapons in which she kept poison at the end of.
"Yeah." It was a male, he looked cute. "She did around four hours ago."
Wait, it's been that long? Interesting.
She was usually asleep for just over an hour or so. The beast was usually careful with her and their meals. She had been reckless this time.
But the male in front of her looked exactly like Blaze. From the hair to skin, he just looked like him.
Ivy felt her heart skip a beat, was it really?
No. She thought. You saw him die. It's probably just a coincidence. Don't even think about that again.
The sting in her gut was sudden, and she sucked a breath of pain in.
Fuck, it hurt so much. Worse than when an infected pinned you down and won in a fight.
That's how much it hurt. It was that bad.
What the hell did she do while I was unconscious?
Her whole body hurt like hell. The scars were ripped and were bleeding. Blood soaked out, and Ivy took off her hood.
She didn't ever want it to be ruined.
It was to dear to her to be. The hood reminded of something good and comforting.
Looks like my identity will be revealed. I can tell they're bounty hunters. I ain't an idiot.
She glared at them like they were the worst things in the world. Technically, they were the bad guys to her.
Everyday she has to face dolls that want to either kill her or take her as a teammate. Ivy would never be in a group, she stuck to herself.
You only get hurt if your in a group, you form attachments. You form love.
Hers didn't work out. You all know how they died.
"Should we sneak on her? Element of surprise?"
She saw the other nod with a grin on his face. A predatory face. One that indicated that there was bad intentions there.
Ivy knew those intentions. Disgusting ones. Ones that she hated. Dark ones.
She growled. "How dare they?"
Rage boiled in her heart and soul. Ivy felt the urge to shoot them both in the heads.
The urge was strong, she knew that she had to act upon it before it got out of control.
Her knife was drawn this time, not her katana.
The element of surprise, huh? Let's see how you like this surprise, assholes.
The shadows cloaked the doll as she approached them. The darkness loved how her soul was black and cold. The old Ivy was gone.
It allowed her to be a kind of shadow in the mist. One which nobody saw. One which was accepted by the night, and was rejected by the day.
She felt exactly like that.
The knife went into one of their throats before they saw it.
Always aim for the jugular vein. It cuts and bleed. It is the most delectable spit.
The male screamed as she held it to his throat. Ivy had her her hand over his mouth to prevent noise.
She didn't know if infected would hear. Ivy didn't need that to happen right now.
"Shhh." Her poison was sinking in. Rat poison. "I heard you talking about me."
She threw him to the ground, he whimpered like a pathetic loser. "I didn't realise you were there!"
All bark and no bite, what a whiny bitch.
His neck continued to bleed even as he held his hand to his neck. She chuckled at how he was going to die afraid.
Ivy got a cigarette out and smoked it. Her gun shot the other male to the ground.
His scream echoed. "Fuck!"
Ivy bent and sat down on the ground cross-legged. "If your going to kill me, do it when I don't expect it. Seriously, when I do a kill, I keep it inside my head."
There was a grenade in her hand.
"This baby." The thing was pulled from the whole it was trapped in. "Will go off if I leave it on the ground, but I have something to do first."
Her knife drew along the leg of the other male. "Thirty five inches."
She got his axe out of the strap. Ivy stroked their edge of it with her finger.
"Aww, I love this. Such a decent size~" She cooed at its like it was a newborn baby. "...Good to cut your dick off with."
Ivy took his pants off and bent down.
"This might be quick or slow, just don't move."
His scream was heard as the knife swung down to a certain sensitive spot on his body. It was one of pain and suffering. "Fuck you, bitch."
"Oh?" She grinned and twirled the axe in her hand. "And you were going to rape me, don't be a hypocrite. I don't like them. I mean, I hate infected more, but you get the gist."
The most frightening thing was the casualness in her tone. She didn't regret doing this.
"And by the way, I don't like to have sex against my will, I would have killed you anyway."
She put the knife on her back and shot him in the head.
"Never take shit from anyone, make a name for yourself."
"Heh, Blaze" she hugged him. "I'm already famous, I do like to take care of animals after all. I nurse them back to health. I have everything I want."
She rubbed her belly.
"I'm happy, I don't need to take shit from anyone."
And yet Ivy did take a shit on someone. Not literally, but just punished them.
She took in a shaky breath, and bent down. She was exhausted and it was already going to be night soon.
I need to find a hideout.
She really did need to. The night was always more dangerous than the day.
It was always full of deadly things.
(A/N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the oneshot~😁)
(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)
(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)
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