"More Than JUST Brothers?.." (part 4)

Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.

(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)

(Its, lou and ox-centric)

(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)

(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)

(qwertuno and In13579)

(If anyone has any suggestions for somethings Ox and Lou should do, or any songs that could be sung! Or just the next the next part! Just comment and let me know!)

(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)




1. reach a place at the end of a journey or a stage in a journey.

2. to come to a certain point in the course of travel; reach one's destination.

Ox and the others gasp as they have air again. It felt like it had been sucked when they had gone through the pipe hole flower, but they had done it. They had arrived at the place where he dreaded the most.

God. He thought as they stepped out. It's been this long.

It feels foreign to step into the ground that he had once been on. The ground that he has not been once now, but twice.

Once upon a time, Ox had the worries about being here. His fear still ruled as he stared at the other dolls passing through the crowd.

It reminds Ox of when he had found himself not dead. He was pleasantly surprised when the factory had allowed him to live.

But it was all thanks to the leader that rescued him.

Ox feels Lou carrying him away from the other dolls as the lesson had gone horribly. Their...this thing that they have had nearly been exposed.

"-Lou?" Ox groans. "I'm sorry."

The green being trembles as he begins to sob, it was his fault that it happened. The incident.

"Heh, little bunny." Lou smiles warmly at him. "It's okay, it wasn't your fault."

The moon shines in the sky as the stars twinkle. The only light source available. Ox barley sees anything in the dark.

But he's glad that the shadows can cloak them. It hides the ones who have considered doing a 'sin'.

But it isn't to them, the thing that they hold for each other is special.

The leader is too good for him, too forgiving. Ox started an argument with another doll after he called him 'weak'.

Something had triggered inside and he only remembered attacking him. Like something else had taken control.

Ox's chest swells with guilt as he leans on Lou's shoulder. His head rests on the crook of it.

Perfection is just...perfection at night. There is no one there to catch it disturb them.

Lou sighs. "Your lucky I could get Carson punished in the washer. The factory isn't going to like this. Your going to seem like the bad guy."

The phrase spikes something in Ox as they arrive at their destination. Lou's mansion.

The gauntlet is right next to it. Ox eyes it for a moment before turning to the leader.

"I know." Lou puts him down on the couch. "I just...snapped for some reason."

"I don't blame you." The leader replied and puts a bandage on the bunny's arm. There is a near broken bone there. "To be honest, I laughed my head off. I hate this batch anyway. Except you."

Ox feels a blush come on his face and turns it away. The leader has that affect on him.

He scratches his arm as it itches, Lou grabs his hand. "Don't, you'll only make it worse."

The leader looks at him with a mixture of emotions. Anger, worry, happiness, a hint of love.

Fuck, he wants to spend the night again. To be in the leader's arms and maybe have some fun.

"I know you worry." Ox whispers, and climbs onto Lou's lap. "It's cute in a way that you rescued me. I am grateful...can I spend the night again?"

"Ox." He hisses. "You know you can't, it's too risky."

The leader doesn't push him off though, he seems to want the same. Like his body and mind were clashing.

He sighs. "Please, leader. I...I can't be alone again."

Ox's selfish side comes to play. The curtains are open, but he grabs the leader's face to meet his.

Their only inches of each other. Their lips can just connect.

Lou gives into temptation as his body wants this, his mind protests, but he doesn't care.

Their lips clash, and Ox knows he has won. The factory has no power over them here.

He had the leader under his command now.

Ox smiles as they part. He smirks. "Thank you."

Lou stares at him, but Ox can see the message in his eyes.

Thank you for staying.

The sound of the machines bring him out of it. The whirling and crashing of it makes him nervous.

I don't like this.

The memories of the place make Ox's fear try to come to fear again, but the green bunny remains in place.

He can't let it fool him anymore. The fear can't possess him.

"Ox?" Luckybat looks at him with those damn blue eyes. "Are you alright?"

God, why does Luckybat have to be so damn irritating? Ox knows that he cares, but still...

"Yes." He answers with a thin smile. "Yes, I am."

It's instinctual you say that. A phrase invented by time.

Nobody can know how he really feels inside.

Deep down, Ox is broken and messed up.

"Welcome, everyone!" A speaker shouts. It is so loud. "To the institute of perfection, everyone of you will be dolled up into the correct category!"

They still use that? Ox rolls his eyes as they walk. Seriously, they couldn't change it at least for once.

The factory has either fallen downhill since he left or Ox's memory is just bad.

He goes for the first. It is always the first.

God, that voice irritates him though.

"Please continue walking." It spoke again. "Don't touch anything, we don't want to be imperfect, do we?"

"Wow, Moxy." Uglydog clicks his tongue. "You were about this place."

Oh, naive Uglydog. Ox thinks. You don't know the true darkness that haunts this place.

The dolls see one of the other ones walk into a platform.

"Your name is Meghan." It spoke as it scanned her. "You are a lawyer...slash model."

She laughs as she finished changing. "Objection your honour!" She stepped off the platform.

Ox wants to be sick.

"You name is Michael." The machine spoke again. "Your a engineer...slash model."

He whooped. "I'm an individual, like the rest of you!"

Ox gags in disgust. God, he doesn't miss that bit of the dolls coming out. It got old quick.

But Moxy, innocent little Moxy steps on the platform before Ox can stop her.

Her arms went out. "I'm really doing it!"

But the scanners, they malfunction.

Ox facepalms himself. He knows what is about to happen.

This is what happened when I got here.

"Not...able to process, not pretty." The scanners began to shake. "Not pretty, can'tprocess, not pretty, can'tprocess!-"

It explodes and Ox jumps back. He is actually surprised when it does.

He laughs a bit. He finds it appropriate here.

Take that.

Ox never liked that thing anyway. It was always a judgy thing.

They officially step into perfection and they are all drawn over to Moxy when she stares at a screen.

"Guys." She whispers like she is so, so happy right now. "We're here, no one can stop us now."

She's right. Ox thinks. Nothing can stop us.

He pauses for a moment. 

Except for the leader that haunts my thoughts day and night.

But his eyes are drawn to the screen, Ox feels like he is hypnotised by the glow and image in it.

The child is spinning around with a perfect doll in her arm and looks so damn happy.

Ox briefly imagines himself in its place.

"Lou?" Ox says as they lay in his bed. "Do you think I could ever to to the big world?"

It is night as they are supposed to be asleep, but the nightmares haunt Ox's mind like a disease.

His body feel infected with it. Fear, plain fear. The covers over his chest don't even help to keep the cold.

His mind doesn't want him to have the nightmares again, to experience the trauma.

"Hmm?" Lou buries his head into the other's neck, Ox's arms are around him. "Yes, I think you could."

"But why?"

The darkness in the room illuminates their faces, they can barely see each other. But they know that the other doll is there.

They just do.

"Because you can." Lou replied, his hands stroking the bunny's ears. "I know you can, you can do anything. Just believe in yourself."

His eyes show sincerity in them. Ox smiles and snuggles more into the other.

"Thank you, my leader." He says. "What would I do without you?"

Lou is silent. "No, Ox. I would be lost without you. Your the light to my darkness. My draining, life sucking darkness."

Ox only laughs like it is a joke. "I know that, I feel the same when your with me."

Lou tightens his grip possessively as his eyes shut. Ox does the same as the moon shines in through the curtain less window.

It's one of the best sleeps the two dolls have.

Ox blinks as reality returns, the memory came for no reason.

He sighs. "What the hell was that?"

But then he hears the whispers.

"Is that?"

"No, it can't be."

"Lou is going to be pissed."

"What is Ox doing back?"

Luckily the others don't here them, Ox does because of his extra hearing.

He glares at the dolls in anger, he hates them with a really big passion.

They glare back, specifically the spy girls known as Kitty, Lydia, and Tuesday. Nolan is also there.

Ox had only known him for a couple of days before he left.

But then the four smirk. Three of them say that infamous phrase.

"Look, listen, learn."

The lights suddenly go and Ox knows what is going to happen.

The leader was going to come out.





1. in a suitable state for an action or situation; fully prepared

2. easily available or obtained; within reach.

Lou puts on his usual suit as the he sorts the buttons out. He is fidgeting, but getting ready to see the batch of dolls for lesson today.

Even though there is no actual lesson, that is tomorrow's problem. The thought occurs. Or that is my problem.

He sighs and stares out the window of his own home. Sometimes he wants to isolate himself here, be trapped with himself and the thoughts.

The cruel, testing thoughts. God, they linger nearly everyday, they taunt him every chance they get.

Ox left for a reason. One speaks. That's why your alone.

Lou knows this to be true, he is the reason Ox left in the first place. Why the thing that they shared died all those years ago. Why he didn't get a chance to fucking protest.

Your an idiot. You should have stood up for him.

He knows this as well, they had been in a relationship. Weren't they supposed to stand up for one another?

No wonder dolls only date you for your status. You don't even have the capability to love.

It died years ago when the bunny left, like the light in Lou had just gone. Like the inner fire had just extinguished completely.

No wonder Nolan dates you, the self-pity is just sad. He only pities you, pities the monster inside of you.

Lou closes his eyes and lets out a shaky breath. He can hear the lights go off outside. He's supposed to be there right now.

But his body doesn't move, the sun shines through the windows as if protesting against his action.

He sighs a little as he leans on the wood of the window for support.

Ox will never lie you again, you casted him aside like he was nothing and for what?

Lou's breath hitches and he knows what is coming.

Please. He begs. Don't say it, don't say-

-To protect your reputation. To protect your status as the perfect leader when your just a sorry little...

It waits a while before saying it. Lou's body is frozen in agony. His hands clutch the floor, his breaths are shaky.


It has said it, Lou's ugly truth. The thing he hides from the others. Not even Ox knows the secret that Lou refuses to tell.

It's not like he's here. A sinister voice whispers. He broke the little promise he made all those years ago. To visit.

He abandoned me. He thinks. He promised.

The darkness inside Lou purrs at the thought. Like he is only supposed to think in a negative way. He isn't allowed to be happy.

It died and withered the day that his trust did.

Lou lets no one in, not even Nolan.

He suddenly his hand being grabbed by the mentioned doll. How did he get here so fast?

The smile there is so sickly innocent, like Nolan can do no wrong, like he had done something or refuses to share a secret that Lou fully well deserved to know.

"Yes?" He asks emptily. "Is there something you need?"

"Just wanted to wish you luck?" Nolan bits into Lou's neck, his teeth drag down the base to the hickey that had been placed there last night. "Is that so wrong?"

He shakes his head. "No, I was just curious."

He isn't lying, Lou actually is. Nolan usually doesn't show up when he is about tot greet the dolls.

Something is going on.

But the thought disappears as Nolan kisses his neck and places love bites there. But he holds Lou possessively, like he needs to show that the doll leader is his property.


The thought disappears their lips connect in a passionate kiss. Nolan grabs onto Lou's neck he does.

The leader is taken aback, why was he doing this now?

Respond to show your normal.

He listens to the voice and grabs Nolan's waist. His hands wonder and stroke the dolls side as they do this.

But his mind imagines the another doll in his place.

The night seemed to shine as two dolls laugh like maniacs. They both hide behind a tree as a bot was chasing them.

It was a game of hide and seek.

Lou laughs like there is no tomorrow, fear pounds in his heart, but the excitement and rush is still there.

"Damn, Ox!" He looks at the giggling bunny. "I didn't know you had that in you!"

The green doll just smirks. "I told you before that I was going to get my revenge! I know there was something in that food!"

They sit on the cold, hard stoned floor as they catch their breath. Carson had his hair dyed to a green colour.

Lou was going to throw him in the washer tomorrow for being ugly. He doesn't tell Ox that.

"Still." He covers his mouth. "It feels great to loosen up."
He leans back into the tree as they hear the robot nearby. Ox sits on his lap and looks out the front of the tree, it passes without even looking at them.

He looks back at the leader.

Lou has only a white shirt on and black pants with his usual shoes. The suit has gone. Ox suggested it.

His leader suits the look.

His hair is messed up into a not so tidy style due to running and sweat. They ran pretty far.

Lou looks at the sky and notices just where they are.

The area is grassy once you step on it, the trees hide the the spot as it has an open space. The stars have a perfect view here, and there is a bench just a few feet away.

He smiles, no one else knows of this place. The bots knew everywhere here.

"Ox." He smiles. "This is out of character for new, but don't tell anyone about this. It can be our escape."

The bunny smiles that adorable smile. He realises what Lou does. "I get it~"

He chuckled and the bunny suddenly captures his lips. Lou oofs and puts his hands around Ox's waist. The bunny had sits on his lap and has his around his neck.

It feels so damn right.

Lou opens his eyes and sighs. He didn't know how long had passed, but he knows that Nolan is still kissing him.

His body has pinned him to the wall, and they someone have ended up making out in his house.

But as Nolan mixes his tongue with his, the method feels too familiar to the bunny's.

"Ox~" He moans. "Little bunny~"

He feels Nolan freeze and so does Lou. Their lips are still together and he feels fear.

Is he going to tell the factory?

Lou had been punished just days ago for thinking about the bunny. He nearly lost his leadership.

"Nolan." He told him. "I'm sorry."

Lou feels vulnerable and the doll grabs his waist. He places a kiss on his forehead. His body calms down.

"Shh." Nolan soothes. "It's fine. I know the memory was triggered."

Lou leans into the touch, he craves physical contact. He is ashamed of this.

"Did you take it?"

Lou looks at the tablet in his hand. He swallows it.

Nolan grins as the other's eyes haze a bit. The memories were being suppressed.

"Heh." He grins. "Are we going out or what?"

Nolan stand as they go out the door. He takes a detour to go to the spy girls.

He made sure Lou wouldn't go near Ox.

But he doesn't know if he was successful or not.





1. a point, period, or step in a process or development.

2. a raised floor or platform, typically in a theatre, on which actors, entertainers, or speakers perform.

As Lou went onto the stage, he looks at the dolls.

They admire him, look up to him, follow him.

He has power here. The dolls obey to his will.

After all, he is the first ever one. He has more knowledge than them.

But in the darkness, he sees something else. A pair of lock onto his.

Well, one eye and a cross. But no, it cannot be.

It is him. His fists clench. Why is he here?

There are so many emotions.

Anger, recognition, hatred, conflict, happiness, love.

Oh dear lord. Lou grins and chuckles. I know what to do.

It's the one thing Lou does best.

Destroy hopes and dreams.

He was going to sing a song to insult the dolls.

But now I am going to sing a song to humiliate you.

Dolls cheer his name, specifically Tuesday.

But he swears, oh, he swears that one of them was from Ox.

The green hared bastard.

He closes his eyes and a song comes to mind. It's the perfect one.

I am a monster, and so are you.

His lips part to form the melody.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Let me introduce myself
You didnt think i was done
Did ya?
Well i just began having my fun

He starts to walk down the stairs as dolls stare at him, the song is unexpected. But then they start to cheer.

Lou grins as he reaches the middle.

Mindless idiots.

All of them are.

"Some people live for attention,
Playing the victim
But baby i was born to do the

He starts to do a little dance to go with the beat, the song is different to what everyone expects.

His grin doesn't disappear as he reaches the bottom.

He boops a dolls nose as he sings the last bit.

"I see how your going crazy,
Always thinking bout me
Baby on the daily
Feed me your negativity
Talk some more about me
I know that you love me
Love me!"

He jumps as she reaches the beginning of the stairs. Lou lets out a laugh at the bang.

Nolan stares at him in worry. But Lou doesn't pay him any attention.

Dolls start to murmur, but they carry on cheering.

They always did. Lou smiles as he pulls Nolan up.

"They green doll is here."

Now Nolan knows what he had planned.

"Funny how you think im bothered,
Know im nothing like the others
You shouldnt have messed with me
I heard
That your afraid of monsters

Lou looks at Ox angrily as he has blended into the audience seamlessly. Surprising since he had so many flaws.

His face is one of fear and the other dolls start to look at him.

Lou smiles sadistically. Nolan grips his hand, he oddly doesn't mind it this time.

"Are you ready for the
Are you ready for the
Are you ready for the
You ain't ready for the

Lou lets out a maniacal laugh as the bunny starts being stared upon. He feels satisfaction.

So, old friend. Lou looks at him. You really returned.

The dolls look at Ox is disgust. Lou knows how to get revenge, this is just a mild one.

Nolan squeezes his hand tighter, Lou's demons had come out to play. He is worried.

Lou smiles reassuringly and presses a kiss to the doll's head. The doll gasp, the rumours were true.

He turns to them. "Nolan is mine."

I'm just being me,
Cut out the things that I don't need,
And I dont care if you disagree,
I don't need no sympathy!!
Winning the game on my own,"

Ox notices how Lou was looking at the male doll with love, and how he looks at home with rage.


He feels his chest constrict.

"Yeah baby,
I see how your going crazy,
Always thinking bout me
Baby on the daily
Feed me your negativity
Talk some more about me
I know that you love me,

Ox gasps as Lou bends down to his level, their eyes meet. Blue go to one green.

"You shouldn't have come back."

Ox gasps at how his breath was in his ear. What was Lou doing?

"Know I'm nothing like the others,
You shouldn't have messed with me
I heard
That you're afraid of

Lou wonder away from Ox and goes to recieve praise from other dolls.

They provide it to him.

Moxy turns to him. "Ox, what is going on?"

He didn't answer, he didn't know himself.

But he does know what Lou intends to do.

"Are you ready for the
Are you ready for the
Are you ready for the
You ain't ready for the

He grins as the dolls start chanting with him. The back up singers take care of that verse.

The stage provides the doll leader with the chance to do a little dance, but then he stops and looks at Nolan.

He kisses him in front of Ox.

It shows that he had moved on from the monster of a doll there.

"Ah, it could've been so different between us,
But then you went and messed everything up!
You took a knife and stabbed me in the back
Took everything I had
Went to your friends and laughed!"

Ox suddenly felt himself being pushed into the stage as Lou sang this.

He could feel the pain from the song, like there was a message that he couldn't understand.

He swear that he saw a tear in the dolls leader's face.

"This is the last time,
Imma gonna tell you now
If you try to break me,
I'm gonna burn you down!
Baby im done with you,
Not coming back for you

There was a mixture of boos and cheers. Boos for fox, cheers for Lou.

He grins as the bunny's ears go down.

He isn't feeling the same hollow feeling I do everyday of my life.

It feels good breaking the other, having the bunny just being there and taking the abuse.

Once upon a time, Lou would have protected him. But now..

He was the one who is in control.

"(Let me introduce myself)
Its funny how you think im bothered,
Know I'm nothing like the others,
You shouldn't have messed with me cause
I heard
That you're afraid of

He bends down the the dolls level to let him know just who this song was for.

"So, little bunny." He mocks him. The sun shines a little darker. "I hate you, don't expect a happy ending."

"I don't."

He stands up and back away, the doll had gotten the message.

"Are you ready for the
Are you ready for the
Are you ready for the
You ain't ready for the

Lou smiles as the song finishes. Doll cheer him as he stares at the green doll, but Ox just closes his eyes.

Pretty dolls boo him everywhere. And then Lou notices something.

More of his kind.

There is a pink, blue, orange, grey and red dolls standing there.

But they are the other kind.


Lou bends down to their level. Though the grey one is admittedly tall.

"I don't know where you belong." He talk to the pink one. "But it isn't here. Who are you?"

"Their names." Ox hisses, and Lou has to stop himself flinching from the hateful tone. "Are Moxy, Wage, Babo, Uglydog and Luckybat. He's my boyfriend."

Time freezes for Lou, this new information is surprising.

He stand up and puts on a fake smile.

Why does it hurt so much?

He should be over the green bunny, but something in his mind says one thing.

Ox is mine.

The possessive thought hurts so much.

"I'm Lou." He says. "And this is Nolan, my boyfriend as well. Coincidence, isn't it?"

His head tilts with a smile. Nolan just looks confused.

"But still." Lou smiles. "It's best if you leave, you don't belong here. Your just uglydolls."

They seem discouraged then and turned to leave but a voice says. "No."

Lou feels himself and the others gasp. "What do you mean?"

Ox talks again with a smirk. He is challenging Lou. "I'm saying that we can be here."

Moxy smiles at her friends encouragement. "Yeah, we've come this far. We are gonna train here and be as lovable as the rest of you."

Lou just looks at them, but then he laughs. The laughter is infectious as other dolls  do it to.

He finds it hilarious they they believed it.

But my secret. The fact that that I'm as ugly as them on the inside means I can't as well.

What are the other chances that they could as well?

"Only pretty dolls can do the gauntlet." He smirks and approaches the pink doll, Moxy. "Rules are rules."

"What rules?"

He struggles with the words for a moment until a bot appears. "Did someone says rules? Well, it says right here in section 20-"

Lou quickly jumps on the book.

Why do we even have that thing?!

But he clears his throat. "You know what, stay here."


Ox was shocked, did Lou just say that?

"Yeah, what kind of benevolent leader would I be if I didn't other dolls a chance?" He asked rhetorically. "Mandy, shows them to their quarters. May I suggest the...supply suite?"

Ox rolled his eye.

He means shed.

As the other dolls started walking, Lou beckoned Moxy and him over.

"I have a reputation to maintain, so I let you both skip by this time." He hissed. "Enjoy this moment while it lasts, because it doesn't get better than this."

Moxy slowly nodded and went off, but Lou grabbed Ox's wrist.

"Your staying with me."

Apart of me wants you to myself, even if it is just for a little bit.

He stared. "W-What?"

Did he just say that?

Moxy and the others froze as well.

"Lou." Nolan spoke. "Why are you?-"

"Hush, Nolan." He hissed. "Not now."

Ox noticed the coldness in Lou's eyes and the cruelty of his tone. Nolan bowed his head.

"It only makes sense." Lou laughed. "Two leaders discussing what they can do for their dolls. What about it, Ox?"

The green bunny looks at the others, his friends, the ones who he has knows since forever.

They need him, they want him.

But then he looks at Lou, the one who he had been with in the past. The one who he felt actual love for.

He sees something else in those blue eyes.


He wants the same thing as him. But the bots are watching, they can't.

His selfish side wins. "Okay, let's go."

Mandy is rushing off the other dolls as Lou walks off with Ox.

"And Nolan." He smiles. "Come to my room after, I want your assistance."

Ox knew what that meant, but didn't say anything.

The only thing he felt was that he did the fight thing for some reason.

For once, he hoped his gut was right.

The consequences would be too dear if it wasn't.

Lou smiles as he sees the bunny, there was a part of him that was satisfied.

His selfish side had won and it seemed like Ox's did as well.

He silently cheers on the inside for a second. But his facade appears stone cold to those who are around.

He can't let anyone know that he is happy about this, not even himself.

His emotions are suppressed.

He feels nothing now. But the rabbit still haunts his thoughts. In his mind, he still thinks back to the good times. The times where things were great.

The times where he felt bliss and not the darkness inside of him.

Lou has a feeling that he won't be getting any sleep tonight.

(A/N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter~😁)

(If anyone has any suggestions for somethings Ox and Lou should do, or any songs that could be sung! Just comment and let me know!)

(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)

(Hope you enjoyed this chapter~😘)

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