"More than JUST brothers?.." (part 2)
Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.
(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)
(Its, lou-centric)
(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)
(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)
(This takes place after the events of the movie..)
(Pairing is Lou x Ox)
(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)
1. the concerted sharing of knowledge and experience, which is usually organized within a discipline and, more generally, the provision of stimulus to the psychological and intellectual growth of a person by another person or artifact.
2. impart knowledge to or instruct (someone) as to how to do something.
One of his talents is teaching. After all, doesn't he need to help and guide dolls to the big world?
He sighs.
Why do I feel like not teaching? He thought. Why is it acting up today of all days?
He feels his depression acting up again, it always can up at the worse times. It was a freaking burden.
Ever since it happened.
The dolls sit down at their seats, and they do it characteristically slowly. It's like torture to him.
It has been around a year since Ox had gone out. His heart misses the doll daily, but his mind tells him that he has done the right thing.
It's a battle between the heart and mind.
His reputation is safe. He is safe. His position is safe.
"Does reputation really matter?"
He laughed and spoke in a sad tone. "Here it does. I can't change that, it's been this way since I came here."
Ox raised a brow. "You don't seem happy."
"Sometimes other emotions replace happiness. It doesn't last forever."
The irony of his own statement. Lou sighs.
I guess it really doesn't.
He wants to throw up, but he needs to teach these dolls on how to do the one thing that he wants to do.
His happiness had disappeared a long time ago. Nothing but his own darkness haunted him daily.
"So, dolls?" Being perfect takes time, he fakes a perfect smile. "You ready to learn?!"
They all cheer, and happiness shines in their eyes.
"I am ready to learn!" Ox shouted for other dolls' misery. "Let's do this, Lou!"
He makes him laugh. "That's what I call optimism."
Ox just chuckles and ignores the other dolls glares. "I just really want this."
"I know, Ox." He puts his hand on his shoulder, and they meet eye to eye. "I know."
His feels his heart flutter, and the coldness in his chest fade a bit at the other's smile. He really did want to to go to the big world.
He sighs again, the coldness has been building up for a while. He is heart has been frozen for a while, the warmth has been gone since his departure.
"So, you want to go?!" He exposes happily (in a fake way, he is not happy, but they are happy). "Well, then? Let's get started."
His smile is fake, it stretches across his face unwillingly. He feels like a puppet on a string. His life is not his.
"But Lou?" A doll asks nervously. "Where's that rabbit UglyDoll that usually comes?"
He sighs again. "He is not coming here anymore, I have disposed of him. I realise that he hasn't got a chance. No point handing something as precious as the big world to an ugly."
A lie. A voice whispers. You did the deed, you know where he is, where he should be, he isn't meant to be here.
The coldness spreads through his chest again, and he feels his souls freeze in the process. He doesn't care for anything.
"Yes!" A doll cheers. "They ugly isn't here anymore! Everyone repeat!"
They all chant it.
"Ugly isn't here anymore! Ugly isn't here anymore! Ugly isn't here anymore! Ugly isn't here anymore!"
They don't stop, even as he tries to stop them. He isn't controlling them, Lou can't control them. The chant is repeated constantly for a long time.
They don't seem to intend to stop.
"Ugly isn't here anymore! Ugly isn't here anymore! Ugly isn't here anymore!"
How many times were they going to do this?
"Ugly isn't here anymore!"
"Ugly isn't here anymore!"
Jesus Christ, they don't shut up.
"Ugly isn't here anymore!"
He can't handle it.
The dolls freeze at his rage-filled shout, and he relishes in it. The power he has over his dolls. It feels good, intoxcating.
"You." He point at Alison, she started the chant. "Will go to the washer. You cannot disrupt class."
A bot comes at his command, and he watches apathetically as she is dragged away.
He smiles, and the sun shines in the sky as if it's a normal day. "Now, dolls. Now that the interruption has been removed, shall we carry on?"
He carries on as if he hasn't broken something important.
He turns around to see Ox, the bunny seems... fearful. Like he is afraid of him.
He smiles gently, and bends down. "Yes, Ox? Is there something wrong?"
He feels something worry in his soul, the loneliness goes away a little.
"Why did you put that doll in the washer?"
He shrugs apathetically. "It's apart of the rules, he needed to be put in. It's a rule that is out of my hands to change."
"Yeah, but.." Green eyes lock onto blue. "Can you just not act upon it?"
"Sorry, Oxie. I need to-"
"What if it was me?" He asked in a low tone. "Would you put me in?"
Lou freezes, and nods his head. "....Yes."
His eye widens in shock. "Why?"
"I...I can't help it, Ox." He shuts his eyes for a moment, then re-opens them. "I need to obey, the factory, t-they'll come for me if I don't."
He realises that he is nearly crying, the factory will easily scrap him if he fails to be perfect. It has already nearly happened once, it was a long time ago.
Ox blinks in shock. "But your the only Prototype, Lou. They cannot replace you. You can bend the rules, just punish them by isolation from classes or something."
He smiles thinly. "I-I guess." He slides down the wall. "Thanks, Ox."
His closes his eyes, and then opens them to see the other on his lap. He is smiling. Lou does it back.
"Promise me that you won't use the washer?"
He chuckles softly. "...I promise."
It was one that was now broken.
He blinks as he continues to teach the class, his hands tightens into a fist for a second.
These....these dolls can have something he can't. They are allowed to be who they want to be. They csn laugh, dance, sing whenever they want to.
Not him, oh no. He is bounded by rukes by how he is has to act, look, and even breathe. His is not allowed to be himself.
"You need to look good." He can't help as he tidy some doll's hair, the mess bothers him. "If you don't, you won't be able to go the big world. You will be stuck here."
Just like me.
The thought is dark, and he doesn't block it out. He embraces it instead. The voice onky speaks the truth. His ugky truth.
He travels down the isle of desks as he continues to tslk. He says the ssme thing he has done to the last batch.
"You need to act like a doll."
Always be tidy and never make messes.
"You need to think like a doll."
Never think for yourself. Never seem to have a mind of your own.
"Never make your child aware."
They'll throw you out. They won't accept IMPERFECTIONS.
He smiles as the dolls look nervous and fearful. They should be, he understands better than they think.
"W-will we really be trashed?" Ox asks fearfully. "L-Lou! I don't want to be trashed!"
"Sometimes, life isn't fair." He replies coldly, but he smiles. "But if you work hard, you can achieve your dreams."
They are his house and in his living room watching tv. The channels are boring.
"I-I won't?" Ox's nose touches his, and he doesn't know about personal space. "I really have a chance?!
He smiles more from the happy tone in his voice. "Yep. You just need to focus and train, then you have a chance."
"How come you don't go?"
Lou feels something gut-wrenching come into his chest, like a bullet piercing his skin. The tears perk up, and he smiles in a fake way again. "It's my job to help as leader. I'd leave if I could."
You can never leave.
He can't, he just lies about what he really is. It isn't against the rules to reveal what he truly is, but he just can't.
"Oh!" Ox is truly naive to spot his lie, lucky for Lou that he is. "Ok! I just wanted to ask..."
Lou laughs genuinely at he look on his face, it Is a pouty one. "Aww, it's oksy, Oxie. I forgive you."
His tone is a purr, and he pulls the other closed. Ox is still new, but he is different. He doesn't know how, he just is.
But he can still go where you can't.
His grip tightens a little on the other, he feels anger for a second, a dangerous emotion.
Ox doesn't see it though, he is turned around to look at the tv. Lou smiles cruelly.
The other has every right to be afraid. He doesn't really have a chance to be accepted anywhere.
He laughs at the irony of the flashback. Lou feels himself feeling a good feeling as he hears Alison scream from the washer.
His laugh turns into a smile.
A special promise had been broken.
He csn akready feel his sanity diminish slowly. It's what happens to those who have mental problems, to those who have no one to understand. To thise who society had broken and beaten to create a new image for them.
His is a once happy, naive doll that has been turned into...this perfectionist. Some doll who he does not want to be. A role that he is forced to play.
A role that he hates with a passion.
"No kid likes messes." He arrives on stage with his hands folded behind his back. "I know that they don't. You know that they don't. So, what do we do?"
The same answer from the last batch arrives.
"Don't get messy!"
He pretends to grin proudly. "Good! Thst is very good. "
He lies to even himself, he doesn't feel anything. The words come out of him like mantra. They have been repeated before.
His mind is spacing out while his body is on autopilot. He checks his watch, he decides enough is enough.
"Lesson is over, training is tomorrow."
The dolls frown, but obey. They heed to his word. Lou knows best.
He is leader after all.
Nolan comes up to him. "That went well."
Their fingers intertwine, and Lou wants to pull away. He csn feel Michael glaring a mile away.
His eyes roll. "I know, I just taught them."
Nolan can be very irritating from time to time. Lou is sure that he doesn't meant ti be, but he is. He even makes himself uncomfortable, and they're supposed to be a bloody couple.
"So?" The spy girls come up. "What's today's plan? I just know we have something to do."
"The new batch are useless, they remind me of thst bunny doll that used to be here-" Tuesday realkzes that she has spoken too much as Kitty covers her mouth.
Lydia speaks then, her voice trembles a bit. "Ignore her, she is a dimwit. So, what is the plan?"
"Nothing." Lou shrugs. "I don't have anything in mind, I need to rest."
His body is still feeling not well. It needs to rest.
The memories are overwhelming him again. But he doesn't want to take the dosage. It temporarily makes him forget the memories, but not permanently.
And he does not wish for them to disappear either.
1. make or become stronger or more intense.
2. construct (something) by putting parts or material together.
Ever since he left Perfection, Ox has been in the process of building a place for others. Where dolls like him are accepted.
He has been at hard work at this, dolls start to show up more and more. At first. he didn't really think that he needed to do this. But after that incident, he vowed to never let another doll to end up with the same fates as the others.
He wonders about the pipes, he is confused.
'Where am I supposed to go?'
It it easy to get lost in here. The pipea are dark, thry are dangerous. But he trusts Lou. He wouldn't lie to him.
The doubt begins to seep in again, and Ox lets it for a second. It begins to be right, like Lou has lied to him, the one who he held compassion for lied to him.
His chest feels hollow at the thought. The pipe seems a little more tighter. Ox hates his fear of being alone. It rules his life.
He is glad that he has Lou. The one who has showed him the ropes of life. The one who had responded to his feelings.
The one who had become his lover.
Ox feels himself blush as she walks down the Pipes. Only the doll leader had the power to reduce him to that.
The one who has the power to reduce him to a moaning mess whenever they had made love.
This relationship had been...complicated to say the least. Especially with the rules of the factory. Very dysfunctional, but still workable.
"-OX!" A voice interrupts his thoughts. "Are you there?"
His eyes turn to scan the doll next to him, it is Moxy. The beauty who has somehow charmed all the uglydolls into liking her. Including Ox.
Oh, but not as a girlfriend. But as a best friend. They are nearly inseparable.
She was one of the first dolls to come to his little idea of this town. He worked very hard to build one thing after another.
One building has been the first, it was Moxy's home. Her house house stands on the middle of the town. It is there to symbolise the first of the accepting town before them.
"Yeah, I am." He rubs his neck, a nervous habit. "I just zoned out."
Her laugh is one that is adorable. Any doll will be lucky to have her when she surrenders her wild heart to them. But she won't for a long time, it isn't in her nature.
The sun shines in the sky, it is a bright day as the town of dolls wonders the streets. The population is already high, and it had only been a year since Ox decided to do this.
"You really think I could do anything I wanted?"
Ox sits on Lou's lap as they sit in a private spot among the institute. The dolls are currently in their homes, the leader cancelled the lesson for that day.
"Yep." He replies, laughing. The sound is like a instrument playing. Ox enjoys it tune. "I think you could, you have the spirit and heart for it. It isn't always about strength and looks."
Lou's eyes narrow as he say this, Ox notices that he does it a lot. It mainly happens when he talk about dreams or hopes. The other has a habit of avoiding these topics.
"Why do you ask?"
Ox looks away shyly, a blush on his face. "Nothing, I was just curious."
It's not a lie, but it isn't the truth either. Ox hopes to go to the big world. He just doesn't tell the other, Lou has a face of anger whenever he expresses interest in leaving. He doesn't bring the topic up.
"Why were you curious?" His tone is strange. "How did you have the idea the ask?"
"I just heard a couple of dolls talking about hopes of dreams, it wouldn't leave my mind."
His smile gets smaller. "Okay?"
"Thanks for that saying that earlier." Ox replies. "I just wanted to ask."
He nuzzles his nose against the other nervously. It's the first time that he has done it. Lou looks surprised, but allows it.
It's his rabbit instinct to do that to its mate, and he is still technically the animal even if he is the doll version of it. It's in his nature.
He sees Lou blush for the first time since they know each other. Ox smiles and laughs.
"Yeah, I guess I can do anything."
A snapping makes him come out of it. It's the clicking of fingers. It's really annoying.
"What?" Ox snaps, but then he sees who it is. "Oh, hey, Luckybat."
It's his red bat friend, one of the first dolls who arrived. It goes Moxy, luckybat, Wage, Uglydog, then Babo.
He acts the most nervous since he is the youngest of the group. Babo maybe the...biggest, but he doesn't act like he is older. He acts like a big world child.
Ox doesn't have much knowledge of them, but perfection provides information about them.
It's one of the reasons why he wanted to stay, he had wanted to learn about kids to see what his own might have been like.
The other is about a certain doll leader who had been the reason why he created this place in the first bit.
The pipes seem to be getting darker. They are getting smaller. Just smaller.
The claustrophobia is setting in, Ox hates tight spaces, hates spaces where they are empty and void of life. He hates it all.
It's complete bullshit his fear, he does know it. But it rules over his life. It controls what he does. The pipes are suffocating for him.
Fear makes others cautious of the world around them, makes him cautious of the world around him. It's both good and bad.
"Ah!" He yells, a bright light makes its way into his eyes. "What the hell?"
The light is orange, like a fire (the irony). It's alluring, it shines likes a someone's temptation. It shines like a diamond.
Ox walks towards it, the thing might be the sun to another place. He is wrong.
The sun is instead a fucking fire. It is a furnace. Doll parts float across some type of platform. They go right into it.
'L-Lou sent me here?' The thought comes into his head. 'Was this the place all along?'
But something in him protests the thought. It can't believe that Lou would do this.
It has to be a coincidence. Right?
It just has to be.
The heat of the fire caresses Ox's fur as aftermath ashes go in him. It stings, and he is about a hundred feet from it. It shouldn't happen.
The sight of alive dolls being burned alive go into his mind. Their screaming will never be a sound that he will get rid of.
"Help us!"
That last sentence gets to Ox's brain. He freezes and a terrified expression appears on his face as he sees the doll being burned make the fear only boil more.
But anger comes then. Anger at the factory for doing this, and anger at his now ex-lover for putting him in this situation.
Ox didn't used to believe in fate, but now he does.
"...A place where we can be accepted." He mumbles. "A place where all kinds of dolls don't die, they live."
It's just a random thing that comes into his head, but he knows that he has thought of it in the past. A idea that had come a long time ago.
"I can do anything."
Ox gets some wood that he had spotted in the pipes and seals the entrance off. He starts to create his own.
He starts to build the town known as Uglyville.
Luckybat's hand in his snaps Ox out if it again. He looks at his lover. His blue eyes remind him of Lou's.
(A/N: Luckybat has blue eyes in this.)
The way they shined when he was happy, the way they developed tears when he was sad, the way that they flashed when he was angry.
Lou, Lou, Lou. His thoughts repeat. Lou, Lou, Lou.
The memories won't stop haunting him. They won't stop leaving him. Ox gets the urge to go back sometimes, but he has a new purpose now.
"Everyone has a purpose." Lou laughs. "Even if at the start you don't, it just takes time to realise it."
"R-Really?" Ox had replied. "Then, what's mine?"
His face was held by Lou as he got closer. He smiled.
"Yours is to be different."
Ox observes his new home around him, one that didn't torment him everyday of his life.
It was one that he had built on his own, a place that he was a leader in his own right.
"Hi, mayor Ox!" The dolls go past him go.
He laughs.
Not a leader. He thought. A mayor, no hierarchy here. Equality exists.
His home was different to Lou. So, so fucking different.
He could give a thousand reasons why it was, but Ox is sure that everybody knows them.
Not that he would tell them his former involvement with the type 12 doll leader.
He feels a hand tighten around his, Luckybat looks at him with those eyes. "You coming, Ox? Moxy and the gang wants us to hang out at hers."
He looks at the entrance to Uglyville for a second, the thing that had brought him here to start a new life. He is thankful for fate doing this to him.
His purpose is to help others now, this is where he belongs.
Lou wasn't his anymore, Ox knew that. His heart may not belong to Luckybat, but he did still care for him. That is more than enough to be with him.
Ox isn't ashamed to say that he is using him to.
Maybe Lou moved on and is using someone to.
If only that could have been true. Ox knows that the leader is attractive, he can have any doll he wants. He would move on from him in heartbeat.
He feels said object protest in despair, but his mind knows it to be true.
"So, are you coming, Ox?!" Moxy asks excitedly. "We are going to the cafe! It has new kinds of sweets."
Her bouncy figure just seems more exciting. Ox laughs, he has nothing to do anyway. He might as well.
Moxy grabs his other hand and drags him along with Luckybat. They scream as she pulls them away.
He laughs at his current predicament, this is his present. Not perfection where he was with Lou. His mind forgets the the time as well.
Luckybat was here, Lou was there.
Uglyville is his home. Perfection is none existent.
His time is Lou is non-existent.
Or as they say.
The past is the past.
(A/N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the one shot~😁)
(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)
(Hope you enjoyed this chapter~😘)
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