("hIs aNd miNe..")

Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.

(This is a uglydolls 2019 Oneshot)

(Its, lou-centric)

(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)

(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)

(This takes place before the events of the movie. And it might take place in the movie after)


(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)




1. A state of mind which prevents normal perception, behaviour, or social interaction.

2. Mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, cannot conduct her/his affairs due to psychosis, or is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behavior.

Life had always been a strange thing for Nolan.

Well, it wasn't like he was really alive, anyway. He and the others were merely made by a factory. They were just plastics, but they were somehow sentient.

They had feelings and desires.

Feelings such as: Happiness, joy, hope, peace, LOVE.

But, tthen there were the bad ones: anger, greed, hate, and....LUST.

Emotions that they were taught to hate, emotions that the factory didn't like in them.

It seemed to have a mind of its own, hehe, but not really.

They were taught to embrace the positive emotions. They were taught to express happiness, to have a smile pianted on their faces for their future child/owner.

They were taught not to have arguments, to have peace among them. They were taught care for one another.

They were taught to LOVE one another.

But there was a fair thing called EXPERIMENTING.

The meaning of it is quite clear: going to do something to see if it works.

Certain emotions are being called on tonight. They are welcomed for once instead of the postive ones. They are being pushed down, they are being surpressed-...

"Your quiet..." A voice growls, it is Lou. "What are you thinking about?"

They both look at the other in front of them.

Nolan is pinned up against wall, Lou holds onto his waist to make aure he doesn't fall from the feelings that are rising in them both.

Nolan watches as emotions conflict in Lou's eyes.

Anger, sadness, greed, darkness, dominance...LUST.

He knows that there isn't that much love between them right now. They rareky do this at all.

The dominance shows how much he has UNCONSCIOUSLY claimed Nolan as his own.

Nolan is as weet as he is submissive. He lets Lou hold him, he lets the other do what he wants.

In the darkness of night, they let their demons take ahold of them. The oublic them are kedt behind, the old version of the dolls are stored in their minds, they are tucked away until the morning sun is high in its duty to rise.

"Nothing.." he breathes carefully, as if afraid to break the tender moment between them both. "Just, hehe...LIFE.."

His fingers stroking the length of his spine. They are soft when tracing, as if touching a delicate china that was going to breaking to break any second.

The gentle touch is one of butterfly to Lou. The dominant one shivering slightly at just the effect he has over his body at a single TOUCH.

And they scratched at the nape of his neck. Fingers curl at that spot, and they start massaging it, knowing what it does to the other.

He is challenging him, he knows it. He wants to know how long it takes other to stop this happening to him. It happens not even 10 seconds later.

A hand takes his, and they intertwin. The electricity between them is ATTRACTING.

Lou looks ither the other skin. Skin bathed gentle in coloring of Lou's claim blooming across Nolan's soft, smooth skin.

Pretty shades of red and purple that had marbled together, reminding them both of what is happening between them.

It becomes too much, and he seals their lips together.

Nolan submits eight away, he has to. After all, he is a sub.

(Sub: Someone who is inclined or ready to submit or to put oneself under authority of another).

(Dom: Tells someone what to do. They're in control. The extent of control depends on the relationship).

And Lou is a dom.

He will collect what is his, and Nolan is his right now.

He is on the bed in less than a minute, he is pinned under Lou. He is his alone to enjoy, and Nolan is content with that.

If that meant that the leader was paying attention to only him, he would pay up. Besides, this experiment was FUN.

Pressing hooked fingers into him. One, two, three... enough to feel the ache of being filled and stretched. And to be reminder of the addiction he willingly endured, until he once again became DEPENDANT on the burn that Lou sent racing through her veins. Using him, taking him... fucking him until he remembered the wonderfully CHAOTIC nature of their relationship.

Lou wasn't just made of hard hands and heart.

His lips full of twisted affection that Nolan never thought he would hear. And eyes shining with an emotion that he couldn't identify.

Making him cum so quick, it left Nolan often speechless and exhausted.

Ever since his first day here, Lou had always been a greedy doll. Always taking and never giving, demanding more, expecting MORE.

Whenever it would be when they were alone in his room, or Nolan was pinned to the wall, or even bent against the bedroom vanity.

Cumming never an issue, Lou had an impressive stamina, Nolan was nothing compared to him.

The nightfall passing with little notice, then the sun would rise, and Nolan was granted his desired rest.

Curled up on top of Lou, unconsciously nuzzling onto him. Lou's fingers possessively carding through Nolan's hair, and his voice hard, yet soft and tempting. Occassionally saying somwthing audible, and he would be lulled to sleep by Nolan's breaths on his neck.

But Nolan, himself, would take a bit longer to sleep.

Curled around each other, and swaddled in the silk sheets of their bed. Nolan watching Lou's peaceful face, so different frim the harsh and commanding one during the day. The night was a different story. He lets his guard down and it proves the unconscious trust between them growing, and Nolan basking in this moment.

Lou's arms wrapped him, keeping Nolan close. Strong and vigilant, protecting the dolls even in their sleep.

This moment. This room. This body. This DOLL.

It wasn't anybody else's.

It was just HIS.

Nolan's head nuzzled into his neck, giving him a warm feeling.

Thinking about everything that hapoened, and what was his right now. He woukd feel CONTENT.

Letting himself feeling safe and sound, then he would surrender to sleep at last.





1. affection, fondness, or sympathy for someone or something.

2. a feeling that binds one to a person, thing, cause, ideal, or the like; devotion.

3. To have an emotional connection to someone or something.

They could be problems at the very least.

Attachments can be good, they can be...natural.

But they could also be....INTOXICATING..

That's why you had to pick them carefully.

Some can up end tragically.

Lou was once starving for attention, he had been a victim to the....negative emotions.

The factory is connected to him though, he is a prototype made by them personally (other dolls don't know this).

They made themselves known in his presence, they send others to spy on him, they track his progress, they track how perfect he is doing.

The punishments severe of he is failing.

Scars on his back were all the evidence one needed to prove this assumption.

His mind is filled with one word.


Perfection, perfection, perfection, perfection, perfection......

Its one repeat. Its been drilled into his mind. The factory has made aure of that, the consequnces are severe if it isn't.

But they make one mistake.

Aince he is one of the oldest dolls, he can track their patterns and avoid this.

He can think of himself, his thoughts czn finally be his own.

Then he got warned of an imperfection.

A new doll.

He had checked out the problem, and had been surprised.

What had the factory created?

A doll that had been with brown hair, a green streak in it, a mixed suit, freckles, and two gorgeous green and purple eyes.

"Hello!" He greets happily. "My name is Nolan, and I'm a hair dresser/model!"

Was it some kind of error, or was it a miracle of the factory changing its mind?

Turns out it was the latter, he should of known.

As time goes on for ghe doll though, he finds himself getting attached to the sweet doll.

The personality so innocent, yet Lou is breaking all the rules.

He was a dom while the other wqs a sub. He was surprised, they were in the institute.

You were lucky if you got one for yourself.

The attraction turns unto something more dark for the both of them.

The attraction turning into obsession. Lou craves to have the doll at his side at all times.

To know what he desires, to know everything about him.

"You have to be perfect" he tells a doll named Tuesday, she was made a couple of days ago, she seems into uim a bit. "You need to be perfect to go to the big world~"

She looks at him with eyes full of lust...Foolish girl.

Still, he doesn't mind her 'doing things' to him (if you caught his drift), now and then.

He and Nolan were never really anything, the other had made that perfectly clear.

Yet...he didn't feel hurt, just a bit satisfied.

He wasn't a...cruel...doll, he could respect that.

Tuesday leaves, but another doll comes to his aide, and they start talking.

It is the one known as Megan (lawyer/Model doll).

She looks at him, traces a finger down his neck to his chest, and whispers in his ear. "You want to get out of here, I can show you a few things..."

Lou feels his breath hitch.

He can't explain it, but she has a certain hold on him. She has known him for a good while. She is smarter than she kets on, it's her strength, she can MANIPULATE you. And he was quickly falling into it.

"It'll be just like old times.." She continues. "Please Lou, I'm starving for attention"

Something her eyes captivates him, and he is already in too deep.

He is silent.

She smirks at him, knowing what his answer is.

He doesn't resist as she gently grabs his hand, and gently pulls him beside her to go 'somewhere else'.





1. sadness or displeasure caused by the non-fulfilment of one's hopes or expectations.

2. unhappy because someone or something was not as good as you hoped or expected.

Indeed, Nolan is dissapointed.

Even though he had appointed the 'no strings attached' rule, he has been glad that Lou hasn't even flirted with another female doll.

Until now.

Lou decided to have sex with someone other than him. That was a big no-no.

That just would not do.

Nolan giggles to himself, and others don't dare to stare. They do not want to ruij his innocence by tainting him with anything.

Nolan is well saughted out by other dolls, he 8s one of the only subs around.

But he rejects them, they don't capture his attention. It's a shame as well, some of them are actually attractive.

But he gets tired easily by them. They are predictabke, they treat him like his fragile, Nolan hates that. He has always hated gentle.

A soft moan wakes him from his thoughts, and his eyes snap to where they are.

The female is dominating over Lou, and his eyes are glazed with happy bliss.

No, that shouldn't happen.

"See, Lou?" The female (Megan) whispered gently, she was on top of him, kissing his neck. "It feels nice to ket another Dom take control, doesn't it?"

Lou is layed down on his couch, him and Megan are naked.

Nolan can feel his entire being shaking, that was not how it was supposed to be!

Lou is not meant to be with that female, neither is he supposed to be dominated!

It just doesn't look right. Not to him, at least.


He swears that his name is moaned out by Lou.

Nolan's breaths are stopped, Megan seemed to have not heard him.

But he did.

He smiles, Maybe Lou feels the same way about him unconsciously.

He sees Lou switch them, and Megan is pinned underneath him.

"You need to know.." He growls into her ear, and his voice deepens into a commanding tone. "I'm not that easily dominated...."

He kisses her qith so much passion, Nolan is surprised that he doesn't faint from the intensity between them.

Lou's eyes are different, they are mkre orimal, more dangerous.

Nolan silently gasps, his Domme (dominant) side has never emerged in public before.

Lou chuckles, and begins making love to Megan.

He began slamming into her repeatedly, and she moaned with each of his thrusts. Lou had always liked it rough, but Megan began squirming.

Nolan saw Lou's eyes shine disappointment, and frown is disatisfaction.

He heard him growl, and go a bit softer. Megan then cummed, and Lou collapsed on top of her.

He seemed happy, yet he seemed angry.

"Go.." He commanded to her, and he put his clothes on. "Go and forget this ever happened.."

She hidder, she had no choice but to obey his command.

She got into her clothes, and left silently.

Nolan grinned, this was his opportunity.





1. Believing and showing that you are morally correct, and that others are wrong.

3. arising from an outraged sense of justice or morality righteous indignation.

Nolan grins to himself.

His actions were going to be right. They just were.

Thry just had to be. After, he wasn't going to do this if it wasn't, right?

Nolan was facing confliction.

Should he make Megan pay for her sin?

Should he make her pay for touching his property?

For touching the one doll who meant SOMETHING to him? The one doll who made his life a little bit BETTER?

The doll who touched him? The doll who claimed Nolan as his own?

The one doll who actually made his life better?

It was a losing battle, and Nolan knew what he was going to do.

He doesn't care if she even was the head doll of the place, Megan still has to pay for her crimes.

"Hey, Megan!" Nolan called, giving his 'innocent' smile.

She turns around, and sees the unclaimable sub.

She smiles at the inferior one, she was a dom. That meant that she was stronger.

"Hey, Nolan" She greets back. "Ia there anything you need?"

She is literally hypnotized by his beauty.

Don't get her wrong, she likeds doms (especially Lou). But subs are rare to find. And Nolan was the most desirable one of them all.

"Yes~.." He grins. He realizes that nobody was in the place that the pair were currently in. "I need you, Megan. Will you help me qith my....problem?..."

He winks, and bows his head to her, a sign of desperate submission.

She licks her pips, she couldn't help herself. Her sex drive hadn't been satiated, she needed this.

She grabs the other, and gentky puts her lips to his.

Nolan grins again in the kiss, and he puts his tongue with hers.

She is distracted by the sudden gesture, and doesn't feel the knife that is lodged into her throat until it's too late.

She gasps, and tries to get away, but Nolan keeps hold of her with unnatural strength.

He growls at her, and lodges the knife even deeper.

When dolls go to the big world, they are reverted to being a real life doll. Thry have stuffing, and they are forced to be still.

Byt here, they are like real sentient being, they actually are alive, they have blood.

And it soills out of Megan's body as she drops to the ground, and gasps for breath.

Nolah chuckles at her suffering, he feels that this is right. He feels like he is getting justice.

He knows that he is no saint.

He'd be a hypocrite if he said that he was.

He gtins again, he can't wait to visit Lou.

"Michael?" He asks sweetly, and the other comes out of the shadows. "Can you clean and get rid of the body, I need to do something?"

"Of course, Nolan" Michael says, and he starts soing the work.

Nooan smiles. "You'll get your reward later..."

Yes, Nolan used his sexual appeal to manipulate others, but he didn't care.

His thoughts drifted to Lou.

He predicted that he would be a little upset, his long time friend was dead now.

But Nolan can make him feel better. He is better than Megan in every single way.


Tense (atmosphere)



1. unable to relax because of nervousness, anxiety, or stimulation.

2. A situation or period of time is one that makes people anxious, because they do not know what is going to happen next.

Nolan slowly opened Lou's door, and then closed it.

He had to admit that he was a bit nervous.

He had no idea what was going to happen between him and the other.

It wasn't his first time getting rid (or killing off) the competition, but it was the first time that the other one seemee close to Lou.

Please don't be mad... He begs in his head. Just please don't be mad....

He turns around from the closed bedroom door, and sees Lou looking at him, arms folded. There is a neutral expression on his face.

"So?" He asks, tone expressionless. He doesn't give anything away. "Megan's been messing for a long time, knkw anything about that?"

It's a question that doesn't need an answer. Lou already kbows the answer.

But he always searched for comfirmation.

And Nolan can neverr lie to him. After all, Lou was the leader.

Nolan doesn't feel regret for what he's done, she had it coming. She shouldn't have been in the way.

"I didn't like her, she was being inappropriate" He replied cooly. "She had to be taken care of. She was a problem that needed to be sorted"

Lou's face and eyes contort on anger, and Nolan is afraid that he is going to be kicked out, that Lou will stop seeing him, that he'll be alone again.

"I'm disappointed" Lou began. "You killed someone close me. She was a dear friend, and we satisfied each other now and then-.."

Nolan cut him off. "She didn't satisfy you, she dissapointed you! She didn't satiate your appetite..."

He grinned as he nudged himself towards the other male, loving the feeling of the other close to him. He loved having all the power at this very moment.

"Before I was interrupted" Lou continued, feeling something as Nolan leaned against him. "But she wasn't that important..She was going to go to the big world.."

Nolan knew that tone, it was one of sadness. He knew what he had to do.

He leaned against the taller male, and kissed him. Lou was surprised by this action.

Their lips crah together, Lou claiming Nolan as his own. The other knowing what to do to make the dominant one forget about today's events.

His tongue twisting with the other's, making sure to hit the right spots. Making sure to have Lou focus only on him.

He didn't need anyone else, but him. Nolan could serve his wants and needs, there was no need for the other to even think about anything else.

He backed Lou to the bed, and when the other sat down, he straddled his lap, keeping him in place.

He pulled back, and looked the other in the eyes, carressing his cheek with his hand. "Nobody else can satisfy your appetite, only I can. You don't need to find anyone else-.."

"What about the no strings attached rule?" Lou interrupted him. "Remember that?"

"Yes, I do.." Nolan continued. "I was scared of not being good enough for you, tou needed proof that I was willing to do anything for you, even go to murder.."

"Your not the only one who's not innocent~" Lou sang. "I've done some things that I don't regret..."

Nolan felt his heart flutter, but it was in a twisted sort of way. To know that Lou was willing to do those things as well, it warmed his entire being.

Suddenly, his hips were grabbed, and he was pinned down.

"You've gotten rather...cocky" Lou nuzzled into Nolan's neck, and inhaling his scent. He pinned the other, keeping him still. "Remember Nolan, you are mine..."

Nolan clenched tightly around the pair of fingers that slipped their way inside of him, pressing as deep as they could reach.

Caressing his inner walls and stretching him slowly, slowly until a third finger managed to squeeze its way inside of him.

The pad of Lou's thumb leaning firmly against Nolan's hooded clit, smushing the sensitive pearl of nerves.

Nolan was so very wet, practically sopping with his own arousal. Hips jerkily humping against the fingers buried knuckle deep inside of him, breath rough and ragged. Breathlessly moaning out Lou's name like it was the only word he had ever known.

Lou himself, busy with claiming him as his own. Kissing and licking his nedk, leaving marks on it, marking the other so he woukd know his place.

Keening loudly, Nolan's movements became stiff and broken, hips rising and falling in quick, impatient thrusts. Impaling himself over and over again onto Lou's three fingers, working herself into a frenzy. Back arched and breaths heaving, straining against his bodice.

By the way he clenched down around his fingers, Lou knew he was close. His once harsh rubbing of Nolan's clit lessening, forcing the brown/green haired doll to actively thrust himself down harder, rutting against Lou's fingers like a bitch in heat.

Frantically chasing after the possibility of an orgasm at the hands of his beloved doll. Wantonly moaning out Lou's's name in a husky, pleas for more.

More that Lou was happy to deny, one hand releasing Nolan's backside and sliding up to grip at his waist. Applying enough pressure to slow down the frantic humping of her fingers and pull free a feeble, tinkering whimper from Nolan's lips. Voice rising in pitch. Going higher, and higher, and higher... until he outright squealed.

The hem of his underwear slipped from between his fingers and fall to bunch around his thighs, hands reaching blindly forward to grip at Lou's shoulders. Knuckles white and arms quivering, walls pulsing around the three fingers fully sheathed inside of him.

Fingertips stroking at his trembling walls as she came with Lou's name on his lips, back remaining bowed almost painfully back before he collapsed. Going boneless against Lou's body, his face buried in the crook of his neck and breath coming out in loud, watery gasps. The fingers inside him stilling mercifully, letting him ride out the waves of her orgasm.

Lou collapsing on top of Nolan, too weak to move from the pleasure that the sub had given him when he was doing that.

Nolan too weak to protest when Lou's weight came on him, he did love the feeling of having the other to himself.

He views this as 'make up sex'.

With strength, he kifts himself so he is once again on top of the dominant one.

Once again curled up against Lou's side with limbs as heavy as lead and skin slick with sweat, basking in the satisfying ache of her body.

His bodt atop on Lou's stomach, and his legs wrapped around his waist, as if keeping the other trapped. Both in a comfortable cocoon, letting their pleasure sink in.

Nolan half lying atop his mate, with Lou's arms wrapped around him.

Knowing thst he has granted pleasure to the other, it gives him happiness that he can satiate the other.

Lou is staisfied that the other knows his place, not knowing the true intentions nehind it. He has the other with him, it lets him know that this is reality.

Years of unhappiness, sadness, praying. It has finally paid off. Someone has answered his prayers, even if that has taken a long time. Neverless, it has been answered and he is grateful.

He brings the other close to him, and he feels Nolan nuzzling his head into his neck.

Lou smiles and he feels Nolan do it to.

Today's incidents are forgetton, and perhaps more dolls needing to be getting rid of.

They were both shattered souls who didn't know between right and wrong.

One suffered from loneliness, and the other from actual suffering.

Their mental states aren't right. They have suffered more than others know.

They only know if something or someone threatens you, you do whatever it takes to fight back.

That's all it has been for them. They're both messed up, but they are all they have.

They both have feelings for each other, and even though thry don't show it, the affection is there.

"...Your the one who killed Michael" Nolan mumbled, tired. "You killed him this afternoon..."

Lou grinned. "So, like you said, 'Nobody can satisfy your appetite, only I can'.. "

"Good reason..."

Lou laughed softly, a sound that was like music to Nolan's ears.

"Thank you..."

That was the final word between them both. There was no need for any 'I love you' or 'goodnight'. There was no need for any words to be spoken.

They are both taisted, but there love for each had no LIMITS.

They woukd do anything for each other, and they would go to ANY lengths to prove that.

Both are content with how today turned out, fate seemed to have finally gave them the happiness they CRAVED FOR.

Lou tightens his grip around Nolan, and he frels comfort in the body next to him.

He closes his eyes to the sensation of lazy kisses on his neck.

Nolan's knows what to do to comfort the other, he has limited space since he js trapped in the other's arms. But he does what he can.

He feels Lou's grip soften a bit, and his breathing slows.

Nolan knows the other is fast asleep.

He stops with his kisses, and looks at the other's peaceful face.

It will always baffel him how Lou has this mask on himself. He is hard and commanding during the day, but he is possessive and affectionate during the night.

Nolan doesn't know if both of them will ever face the consequences for their actions to get to this stage in their life.

But thst is tomorrow's problem.

He enjoys this moment thst is happening right now.

He snuggles up to the other, his arms tightening around him more in sleep.

Nolan lets himself be pulled closer, and tries to slow his brain down. Before he closes his eyes and sleeps completely, he has a few thoughts that HAUNT him.

Thry would probably face consequences for their actions (though he doubted it).

Tonigh pt had been one of confirmation that bas made him happy

He smiles, and has two more thoughts before he sleeps.

He is Lou's.

And Lou was NOLAN'S.

And NOBODY what going to to take away his or Lou's happiness EVER AGAIN.

(A/N: Hey guys, this is just a quick oneshot I wanted to do~😁)

(Sorry for the late update, my wifi has been crappy lately. And then there is school.)

(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)

(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)

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