"Fusion Delusion.." (part 1)
Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.
(This is a uglydolls 2019 Oneshot)
(Its, lou-centric)
(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)
(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)
(This takes place after the events of the movie..)
(Inspired by a steven universe fic. Here is the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21084737)
(Warning: This oneshot contains swearing, mentions of cheating, and death.)
(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)
1. includes everything that is and has been, whether or not it is observable or comprehensible
2. is the sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent, as opposed to that which is only imaginary.
It was a funny word in sense, it was funny because it could be the one thing you wanted to get away from sometimes.
Ivy was leaned against the pillar of the ballroom (yes, it was called that!). Jesus christ, this place was sad and boring.
She was going to kill Mandy for forcing her to come here.
As she said before, this was boring as hell.
If you were confused eight now, this was a party (or fucking ball in her opinion). It was for Lou, he was redeemed. Heh, he was nothing but a spoiled pompous rich enititled bastard. And it was almost Christmas as well.
She just observed her surroundings. The room was decorated with a christmas tree, and fhe light were off, making the Christmas lights shine and look like a fucking disco. Loads of dolls were here as well.
The spy girls were glaring at her, but Ivy couldn't care less. They had never gotten along, and to be honest, dealing with them got old quick. Their reason was that she had caught 'Lou's attention'. Ha, like she could ever even tolerate the leader.
But then her thoughts switched to an unpleasant one.
The one doll who she loved, the one she considered her love, the one she considered her family. A tear marked its way down her face. She wiped it.
He's dead... She thought. Get over it...
Her arms came up to hug herself. It had been years since he had perished.
And it was because of Lou that he was dead.
She and him used to get bullied by him and the other dolls.
Back then, she and Blaze used to be best friends. She was a nerd, Ivy wore glasses and was always into books. She couldn't help that she was smart, and that was the reason she was tormented daily and abused emotionally and physically.
Her appreance was a green coloured hair with purple streaks in a rebel half shaved style. Her skin was more beige, and her eyes were red. Her uniform was more loose and darker than the females as well.
Blaze was a different story. He was a handsome doll, she dared say more handsome that Lou himself. His appearance was blue hair and brown eyes, and he wire a uniform similar to the other males. He was built and had muscles, but he had a weakness, he was too nice. Eventually, they had met, and she was afraid that he woukd attack her.
Instead, he had complimented her. Complimented her! He had asked for her name, and she gave it. He gave his, and they started hanging out.
They treated each other like family. Well, until Blaze accidentally pissed off Lou and was sent to the furnace. Ivy was forced to watch his death.
They would never fuse again, would never form Cherisha again.
That was why she hated the formerly bad doll. Lou might be redeemed bow, but Ivy didn't hold any forgiveness in her heart. Hell, could you blame her?
Her arms had folded across her chest as she watched Lou, the pompous bastard, chatting and smiling with the other dolls, as if he hadn't done anything wrong.
How can anyone forgive him?.. She thought. Does nobody remember his past?...
The past that nobody knew about, the one which Ivy and only a few knew about.
"Hey?" A male voice made her snap out of it. "You look lonely, wanna dance?"
Ivy moved her head up, and the tears came flooding back again.
The male looked exactly like Blaze.
The blue hair, the blue eyes, the light skin. The eyes were the only thing that were different, but the ofher features were spot on, was this fate taunting her?!
She felt like punching the doll in front, but she somehow managed to hold herself back.
Why did fate seem to torment her? Well, at least it wasn't Lou.
That would have been a lot worse.
Instead, Ivy smiled. Dear God, she did smile. There was a reason behind it.
A distraction. It was what she needed, the dolls might be correct, but she could ignore it.
"Yes.." She took his hand, though seeming against her will. "I would love to.."
He held her like she was delicate object that would break at any moment, and she appreciated it.
Yeah, you coukd call her a user, but Ivy didn't care. The grief turned her into an emotionless bitch. It wasn't her fault that this male looked and acted like Blaze.
Blame it on reincarnation, don't blame it on her.
They danced, and it felt so damn right. Not with the current male who's name she didn't even know, but becuase she imagined Blaze in his place.
"It's your fault that I'm dead.."
The whisper haunted her daily, and she had a tear slide down her face again.
She reminded herself that he was dead so that she wouldn't do anything drastic.
The male in front of her was a terrible dancer. Heh, it was time to take control.
Just as she was about to, she saw a blinding white light.
A fusion?... She thought. Happening right now?..
She twisted them around so that she could see what was going on.
Oh, Ivy saw it.
Kitty, Tuesday and Kydia were fusing. How the fuck could three people fuse?
She did not know.
Ivy saw their bodies merging together in the light, and they officially became one.
The fusion officially becma alive.
It landed on ther floor, it was a female.
It had pigtails and pink hair matched Kitty's, purple hair on her scalp that matched Lydia's, and blue streaks that matched Tuesday's colour.
Her skin was tan and light at the same time, a she was at least 5'4, her eyes matched the colour of all the spy girls, and she was wearing a sparkly black dress with heels.
"Hey, Eveyone!" It wasn't the first time she had been out. "Nice to see ya'll again!"
Her name was Harmony (it represented friendship).
Everyone knew that the fusion were their own dolls, they weren't the previous that fused to make them. They were a separate entity.
It was chilking and relieving at the same time.
"Ahem!" The obnoxious throat clearing snapped her out of her trance. "I said, what was your name..."
She rolled her eyes, and twirled the man. It was like a game for dominance. "Ivy.."
She scrunched her nose slightly, that name did not sit well with her. She didn't like it.
She didn't like itShe didn't like itShe didn't like itShe didn't like itShe didn't like itShe didn't like itShe didn't like itShe didn't like it-
His voice made her repeating thoughts stop. "Ain't she a great fusion?"
She onky nodded, then Ivy felt like she was bwing watched.
Confused she saw that Lou was watching them with a scowl on his face. Jealousy was written on his face.
There were sevral males that were upset that they didn't get to dance with the 'beautiful and unique doll'.
It makes me want to fucking gag... She thought. They onky reason I'm wanted is because I make the fusions so powerful..
You see, the fusion depended on the personalities. If one was more powerful than the other, it woukd affect to how the fusion would act. The more dominant, the more powerful it was. But the weaker it was, the more weak the fusion was.
But she felt genuine interest from Michael. That was why she decided to dance with him.
But seeing Lou angry, it made her feel intoxicated, there was something anout seeing him pissed off that got her in a high. Mainky becuase they had been together in the past.
That was her biggest mistake.
Their relationship had been perfect (the irony of that word) they had cuddles and had spent private time together when Blaze wasn't available. She had honestly loved him, and the worst part?...
She had been his bodyguard/Prototype 0.2.
Yep, Lou formerly had a bodyguard. Ivy was around nearky all the time, but she made fime for others when Lou wasn't in need for protection (which was nearky all the time).
Then, she heard another voice play. "All I want for Christmas!"
Oh fuck, not that song..
She had no choice want to dance least she'd attract attention.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true oh
All I want for Christmas is you.."
She immediately grabbed Michael again, and Smirked at Lou's disapproving face. She just extended her middle finger which made some dolls gasp at the profanity.
She knew that it was the Kitty in the fusion singing then. There was no mistaking the hint of obnoxious in that tone of hers.
"I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need, and I
Don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I don't need to hang my stocking
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won't make me happy
With a toy on Christmas day.."
It was the Tuesday that was singing.
Ivy actually felt relaxed as she danced, and she even forgot her worries and the fact that she couldn't go to the big world.
She loved how Michael reminded her of Blaze, and she pulled him just a little closer to make him blush. She chuckled.
This was bliss.
"I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you.."
"Make my wish come trueee.." Ivy sang. "All I want for christmas is Blaaaaze.."
Shs actually did wish that, but she knew it woukd never come true.
Santa clause didn't fucking exist and her wish woukd never come true.
"I won't ask for much this Christmas
I won't even wish for snow, and I
I just wanna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe..."
Ironically, there was a mistletoe above them both.
She just shrugged, and kissed Michael. Fuck, reincarnation was really good. Michael even tasted like Blaze.
But it was also with a hint of Lou which made her bite his lip to bleed. She licked it, she knew she was a sick fuck. It was to punish him. She was a bit of a sadist.
"I won't make a list and send it
To the North Pole for Saint Nick
I won't even stay awake
To hear those magic reindeer click'Cause I just want you here tonight
Holding on to me so tight
What more can I do
Oh, Baby all I want for Christmas is you.."
Ivy could feel the blood make its way down her jaw, and she fekt happy.
Then, she fekt something foreign, something she hadn't felt in a long time.
She coukd feel make its way through her body, and by the look on Michael's face, he felt the same.
It was good, it was great.
"All the lights are shining
So brightly everywhere
And the sound of children's
Laughter fills the air.."
Just as she fekt the powerful feeling again, she fekt herself being snatched away.
She turned around, and it was Lou.
Bad timing.
Her body suddenly froze, and pain made its way through her. It was angry at its interruption with the fusion.
Ivy out her hand in Michael's, and they fused.
The bright light swallowed them, and they became one.
"And everyone is singing
I hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa won't you bring me-"
Harmony's singing by the new fusion that had formed. As it walked. Everyone saw what it looked like. It was like they were in a trance.
"The one I really need
Won't you please bring my baby to me quickly.."
The hair was pulled into a messy bun, the colour of it was Ivy's mostly, but it mized with a little blue as well..
It had beige skin, and the eyes were red mixed with a hint of blue.
Ivy's looks and personality mist dominate it.. Lou thought, star struck. This isn't good...
The female fusion smirked. "Call me Enmity.."
The name meant bitterness.
"I don't want a lot for Christmas
This is all I'm asking for.."
She jumped on stage, and Harmony backed down, she knew a silent warning when she saw it.
"I just wanna see my baby
Standing right outside my door.."
She suddenly got off stage, and went over to Lou. She fucking grabbed him, and they started dancing.
Her dress was a sparkly red, white fingerless gloves on her hands, a top white hat on her head, and a microphone as well (she just grabbed it, that wasn't apart of her).
"I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Baby all I want for Christmas is you.."
That but was sung with a hint of pain in her voice, as if she missed him.
She suddenly smiked, and Lou twirled her. She feel down, and he caught her.
"You are beautiful.." He whispered.
It just smirked. "You broke her heart..."
Emnity taunted him, and he knew it. Ivy and her hated him.
She out her hands on his shoulders. "Michael hates you as well.."
Emnity took pleasure in his pain, and he knew it.
"All I want for Christmas is you, baby.."
She teasingly left a kiss on his neck, and let go of him.
"We hate you~.."
She sing-songed, and walked off.
Lou tried to go after but was surrounded by his other admirers which made him unable to.
He saw her smirk before she completely disappeared from his sight.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
1. lack of courage to face danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.
2. the behaviour of someone who is not at all brave and tries to avoid danger.
Well, the dolls who made her were certainly cowards.
Emnity's boots stomped through the snow of the Ugkyville streets. Strangely, she didn't feel cold.
If it was becuase she was a fusion, well then, that was certainky insulting. Fucking stereotypes.
Emnity looked around her surrounding, and realized thst she was in a dark alley.
Huh... She thought. Ivy always likes the darkness, fucking freak..
She wasn't cruel per say, but she was harsh. Hell, this was her first time out as a real fusion.
If they weren't made, they were in a world of their own. It was more of a void, but they still had each other to not be alone..
It had certainky shocked her when she was called to be out here.
Ugh, why did she have to be made from a strong and weak doll?
Ivy's personality certainky dominated her, but she held Michael's a bit as well.
For example, she was a bit afriad of the darkness in front of her, and she didn't feel the need to attack Lou like Ivy wanted to.
She sighed, and breathed deeply. Emnity leahed against the wall, and two images were in front of her.
"Why did you form me?"
Michael's image was transparent along with Ivy's. They were like ghosts, but they were still real. They just came out of their mind.
"We just started dancing.." Michael answered. "We didn't know it was going to hap-.."
"You fucking didn't! She did though! Fucking coward of a doll!" Emnity shouted. "I knew that I was forming, and you didn't do anything to stop it! And they call you Ivy the emotionless! Heh, you should be called pathetic instead!~.."
"Shut up! I saw the person who broke my heart and killed the only person I considered family! I didn't know what else to do!"
"Maybe confront him, and not lead this little doll on? I have both of your memories.."
They gasped. "What?!"
Emnity's eye twitched, did these two not know anything about fusion?!
Seemed not.
She sighed. "I'm a entity based on your personalities, desires, thoughts, etc. They make me up into my doll, and it makes me who I am. But I'm mostly made of Ivy since dear Michael has no personality apart from the fucking lawyer thing.."
His eyes rolled. "Not my fault, I was made to just be my job.."
He had a point there. Maybe there was more than the bitterness she felt.
She felt herself gag at that thought. Then she felt a pain in her chest, it wasn't her purpose to be anything other than what she was created for.
But one thought seemed to please her.
Her eyes screamed insanity, she coukd just stop...existing.
It excited her, and the terror in her creators' eyes made her even more thrilled.
She put her hands to her chest, and dug into it. Pain filled her being, but she liked it. Heh, it was Michael's masochistic side coming out along with Ivy's sadistic one. She had a sadist female, and a masochist male for creators.
How Ironic...
Light filled the cracks of where her body was separating, she was doing it by force. But she didn't care.
As it did this though, something stopped her by grabbing her wrists and pinning her.
Emnity was about to kick him in the balls, but something stopped her.
Shit... she thought, feeling the emotions of her other halfs. Not him..
"What the fuck do you want?" She hissed at the leader of the fusions. "Progeny.."
It was another word that stood for family.
Guess who the fusion was made of?
Yep, it was Lou and Ox.
The fusion had green hair with blonde streaks in, it had a left green eye and a right blue eye, and its skin was like Lou's. The outfit was a suit that had a green collar and a black colour.
The snow seemed to have started falling, as if knowing that an icy argument was going to come.
He released her. "They wanted to talk..."
She gawked at him. "Are you fucking kidding? Hell no, I'm out of here-"
Emnity froze, she couldn't move another step foward. "Really? Your resorting to that?"
It was the commandment tone, that one that forced the fusions to listen, to bad Progeny was the leader or she woukd kick his ass.
Emnity turned around, she couldn't help but feel bad the genuine sad tone. "30 seconds!"
"Lou is sorry for what he's done.." He started. "Ox helped him form me so I could talk to you, Ivy. He didn't know that you and Blaze were so close. He wouldn't have done it if he had known-"
"Bullcrap!" Emnity argued, and he gasped. "The spy girls forced her to watch his death, and Lou was standing there with clear sanity in his eyes. He may not have known she was there, but he does not r-regret killing h-h-him.."
She stuttered at the end, holding back tears. The snow surrounded her, as if trying the comfort the poor fusion.
The memory of that day was crystal clear to her. Ivy had fucking suffered because of the bastard.
She knew that her creator was never going to forgive him.
She smiled. "Well, Progeny. My time is up. Hope you can handle a pissed off Ivy. I'm sure you've heard off the hospital rumours..."
She hugged herself.
"I release you.."
It was phrase that was muttered when the fusion was going to seperate.
A brigt light surrounded her, and then a sobbing Ivy came out with Michael hugging her.
"Just go away!" She sobbed. "Please just go.."
"C'mon, sweetie"
Michael turned around with her and walked away from the surprised fusion behind them.
1. the state of being free from tension and anxiety.
2. the emotional state of a living being, of low tension, in which there is an absence of arousal that could come from sources such as anger, anxiety, or fear.
Oh God, Ivy had needed this.
She was currently sat in a dark bar, its name was "Pale Luna".
What a fucking crappy name..
"Hey Iv.." A voice greeted. Absentia. "Been a long time.."
She was a few inches taller than Ivy.
She had blue hair in a ponytail, her eyes were silver, and her skin was tanned. In short, she was a beautiful bitch. Unfortunately, she was an actual bitch in real life as well.
She just rolled her eyes. "You like like I give a damn about seeing you. After all, you did take advantage of me while I was DRUNK!.."
The other snorted. "Oh please, you came onto me..."
Her hand only clenched on her glass. She was right, Ivy had come onto her while she was drunk. It was one of her biggest regrets.
She sat next to her used to be friends-with-benefits partner. "So, I heard about Lou. Rumour has it that your fusion had a converstaion with Progeny.."
"What?!" Her eyes widened. "When?"
"Last night. Hey, I want a root beer!" Absentia answered, whilst ordering another drink. "Yeah, Michael told me about it. I'm a littke jealous that you kissed my boyfriend without my permission.."
"Same applies with Lou.." Ivy countered. "Can't believe It's been 5 years.."
Yep, meet one of the bitches Lou hooked up with before Ivy broke it off with him.
"Hey.." Absentia looked her in the eyes. "I really didn't know that you two were going out. But there was another reason, wasn't there? And don't lie, Ivy. I'm your best friend.."
Yep, they were still friends even if Absentia had fucked her ex. She just didn't care anymore.
"The Blaze?"
She nodded. "Remember what I told you 3 years ago?"
"Shit.." She swore. "I forgot, sorry Ivia-..Wait, what are they doing here?!"
Absentia squirmed in her seag, looking like she saw a ghost. "Mandy and Moxy are here. Or more specifically, their fusion..."
Shit.. Ivy thought. They are so fucked..
Fusions were not welcome in the bar. Ivy had nothing against, It's just that they made fights all the time, so the owner banned it from happening.
She looked behind, and spotted it straight away.
She knew the name of the fusion.
Another word for Unity.
She has skin like Mandy's, the hair was a bun with Moxy's hair colour all around it, she was wearing a plain black jumper, blue jeans, and back shoes.
In short, she was one of the few fusions who didn't have slutty clothing.
Ivy had one question, why the fuck was she wearing a christmas hat?
Ani (Ann-ie), it was the fusion's nickname. She looked mad as hell.
She was confused, Ani was usually a happy fusion. What was she mad at?
Then, their eyes.
Well... Ivy thought. I'm dead...
"Hey?" Ani greeted as she sat down. "Huhhh...Moxy and Mandy need your help..."
She raised a brow. "How?"
"I've heard that you have connections.."
"And why woukd you think that?"
"Lou told me..."
Ivy was mad at that statement. No, she was pissed!
Why the fuck woukd Lou tell her that?!
She managed to keep herself calm. "Yes, I do. But what do you need them for?"
"Someone stole the key to the portal" Ani replied. "Moxy says that it's 'important'.."
Her eyes widened. Well shit, it was important. Lou must have been desperate if he told innocent Moxy and Mandy of all dolls.
"I know someone who knows how to hack.." She offered. "Though, you can't go there alone. They're not really a social person..."
"Then come with us, I'll pay you 100 bits.." Ani accepted. "You czn bring your friend as well.."
She looked at her. "Well, Absentia?"
The other chuckked. "I haven't seen them in a long time, I think it's time..."
Ivy grinned at her, and Ani was confused. "What?"
"Nothing" Absentia laughed. "It's a joke.."
"So?" Ivy slipped on her jacket. "It's gonna fucking hail storm soon, and I don't want to get hypothermia. Let's go..."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
1. When something weird or embarrassing happens, and there's that silence after it.
2. is someone who is clumsy or a situation which is uncomfortable.
Lou knew that it was awkward.
The silence made it sure that it was. Everyone was either sat down looking away, or stood up not knowing what to say.
But Lou's gaze was on her, Ivy.
She was stood next to her friends, the most scary glare on her face as she looked at him with nothing but hatred in her eyes.
"Nolan?" She began softly. "What the fuck is he doing here?"
They all winced, Ivy didn't have a reputation for being violent and emotionless for nothing, they knew she had earned.
The most memorable thing that got her it was her fight with the spy girls, who she took down within just a few seconds. You didn't want to get on her bad side.
But Lou coukd see past her facade, she was scared of him. She had every right to be, after all, he killed the one she loved.
He broke her heart, but he had no jdea that the spy girls had brought to the furnace, they had gotten a good 2 years of cleaning up the institute for that.
His ex was currently stood next to Absentia, McKay and Mandy (thry had defused when they had gotten in).
"Welll.." He had no idea what to say, and her glare wasn't helping. "He offered to help out, so here we are.."
Her glare softened. "Abs, get me a fucking drink. And yes, the strong stuff. It'll make me at least tolerate the pompous bastard over there.."
She nodded, and she winked at Lou. It was a 'You-got-off-easy' wink. He nodded back.
Thank God, he knew that his stare was with desire.
Ivy ignored him. "Her name is Phoenix, she is a techno geek, but she is..anti-social yeah, let's just say that..."
Moxy spoke. "Will she hurt us?"
"Yeah.." She answered, and got drink of Absentia. "1. Thanks, Absentia. 2. She has trust issues, and she is one of my best friends.."
A tear managed to find its way to her face. Lou saw it, but Ivy quickly moved it away.
She doesn't want to be seen as weak.. Lou thought. But crying isn't a weakness..
Then, Ivy saw them.
The spy girls.
The ones who forced her to watch Blaze's death.
"Aww, what's wrong?"
"Worthless little skank!"
"He doesn't and never loved tou!"
"Kill yourself!"
The voices kept repeating More things,
The furnace... She thought. The furnaceThe furnaceThe furnaceThe furnaceThe furnaceThe furnaceThe furnaceHisdeathHisdeathHisdeathHisdeathHisdeath-
She couldn't help it, she screamed and pulled Absentia to her. The other girl squeaked, but didn't decline as Ivy began speed dancing with her.
Before anyone coukd stop them, they were swallowed in a familiar bright light, and suddenly the fusion appeared.
And it was fucking intimidating.
It was tall, even taller thsn Lou. It had headphones on its head, a ponytail on each side of its head, blue colour on either side while Ivy's ran up to the scalp.
Her skin was tanned, like when it changes when you've been at the beach. Her clothes were a blue tank top, and a nose piercing on the left side of it. She had baggy pants, as If they were too big for her. She had a red eye on the left, and a violet one on the left.
"The names Coheres (another word for allies).." She told them. "Now, I was about to hook up with Progeny. For a supposedly emotionless leader, he is easy to seduce. So, who do I need to beat up?"
Their faces were weird, they didn't know what was wrong with this fusion? Wait, was she?..
"So, who are the spy girls?" She asked, eyeing everyone. "My memories a little fuzzy from fucking someone else who's name i can't remember from earlier. By the way, Absentia's slutty side is dominating me right now.."
Her eyes landed in Kitty.
"Wait, Ivy?" Her eyes narrowed. "You! You did it to her, YOU FUCKING WORTHLESS BITCHES!.."
She suddenly rushed to her, and picked her up by the collar. Somehow, the other two managed to snatch her and become Harmony again.
"Harmony.." She hissed. "Release them, right now..."
"No..." The other replied sadly. "It isn't worth it, and you know it Coheres. You are in control, she isn't. Ivy is not even here.."
Coheres didn't seem to listen, as she shook like she was pain.
Harmony's eyes widened, she was in pain because she was trying to ignore her purpose. She looked like she was fighting.
Their eyes met, and there was a clear message.
"I'm sorry.."
She just nodded.
Then, Coheres leapt on her, and oinned her down. Her eyes weren't her own, Ivy had taken control of her, she was making her best friend enjoy this.
She was being strangled, and Harming thought that she aould be dead.
Then, someone pushed them away from each other.
Lou. It was fricking Lou.
Coheres seemed shocked as well, then she calmed down. Lou had some kind of effect on her.
"Ivy, its okay.." They all saw her transparent come out along with Absentia. "You weren't yourself.."
"I wanted them dead!"
She received a hug from her fusion. She sunk into it, the insanity took over her mind, she couldn't stop herself.
As she looked at Lou again, she saw the man who she had once dated and not the monster she regarded him as now.
But her mind refused to ket her do what her heart said. She didn't want to get hurt again.
"Let's all just go.." Ivy ordered them, Absentia hugging her from behind.
Needless to say, they all obeyed her.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
1. you have a huge amount of interest invested in yourself, or when you don't think about the wants and needs of others.
2. (of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for other people; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.
One would call Ivy that ad she made her way down the corridor to a certain male's room.
You all could guess who's it was. The pounding of her feet surprisingly didn't reach the ears of the sleeping dolls nearby.
She couldn't care less at the moment.
As she reached Lou's door, she opened it quietky, and slipped inside.
The room was dark and plain. Well, it wasn't his fucking house, so it wasn't the way she imagined it would be.
There was a desk next to the bed, and curtains blocking light on the left side of the bedroom.
There were Christmas lights still powered on, and she rolled her eyes, still the same old Lou. He never liked anything being different, and apparently the kights being off was one of them. How the fuck could he sleep with them on?
Speaking of the doll type 12 leader, he was laying awake on his bed. He was making a face.
His nightmare face.. She thought. Looks like I'm not the only one...
They had been through this scenario before.
She approached his bed, and his eyes opened in surprise. He scooted back just a little far.
"Nightmare?" He tried to offer comfort, but it never succeeded. "You alright?"
"None of your fucking business" She replied, but that was he needed. "This is the last time..."
She saw his eye widen, and she couldn't help but giggle. She was using him, but he couldn't care less. As long as she touched him, owned him...
Ivy pinned him down on his bed, and roughky kissed him. Her kegs wers apart on his wiats, and she trapoed him there.
He coukd feel the sparks between them, but she denied it. He couldn't blame her.
He gasped as she took his clothes off, plunging more than half of his cock in her wet heat.
She loomed over Lou, hair shrouded her face in a shadow. She kissed him ferociously and dragged his lower lip with her teeth.
She was hot against the cold air of the night, and the contrast made his feelings went wild. He felt her teeth marking his neck, his shoulder, his torso. Maybe she, too, was afraid to let him go. Maybe she wanted this to last. Maybe they would be together again.
His cock was inside her. She was bouncing on top of him, slurring something he could not pick apart. He was breathing heavily. His hands were on her hip, but they were useless as she was controlling her movement and her pace.
He was completely under her mercy, and he solemnly accepted that he deserved none.
After all, it was his fault thst she was the way she acted today.
She slowed down as her arms scooped him up in a sitting position. Their lips were locked together. Her body smelled of lavender and lemon. Her skin was soft and flushed, visibly hot red even under the trace of moonlight.
Her breasts were pushed against his chest as she wrapped him tightly. His arms wrapped around her in response, and then a single tear ran down his cheek in appreciation of the familiar warmth.
She dominated him as he came, and she stopped, panting.
"Are you seeing anyone?" Lou asked, hopeful.
She shook her head. "No, they are either below or above my standards. Most guys don't exlect me to be dominant. It's fucking annoying.."
When she was going to get up, he grabbed her wrist. They both froze, it was a risky move.
"Will you stay?"
Ivy then sa the tear track. "You cried?"
He only nodded.
She bit her lip.
Fuck.. She thiught. This is bad for both of us..
She got in the covers, feelings his arms go to her waist. Gods, they had missed this.
"I love you..." He whispered, knowing he wouldn't get a response. "I love you, Ivia"
He out his nehead into her neck, closing his eyes to go to sleep.
He didn't hear her breath hitch, or the way she sobbed once.
I'm such a fucking bitch...
She laid her head on top of his, taking in his scent. She closed her eyes.
She hated herself for doing this.
Ivy hated that her dark side would end up making her do this doing this again in the future.
(A/N: Hey guys, this is just a quick oneshot I wanted to do~😁)
(I promise that this will bbe Christmas themed in Part 2. It will be out next week~😆)
(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)
(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)
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