"Family Bonds (Has Now been Torn).."

Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.

(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)

(Its, lou and Pipp (oc) and Ivy (oc)-centric)

(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)

(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)

(Just another scene from "dance with death.." Lol.)

(qwertuno and In13579)

(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)




1. with or in proximity to another person or people.

2. into or in relationship, association, business, or agreement, etc.

The night had passed and it was near morning now. Instead of being seperated, the trio were sleeping together in the bed after those weeks. They had finally made up after the argument.

It had torn them apart after it happened, so much damage had happened. They all had reverted back to their original selves. It had been terrifying just how easy it was.

Pipp woke up when the sun shined through the window. Why was it always her? Never anyone else.

Why is it always fucking me? No one else has this problem! Seriously, who made the sun?

That was a thought that always occured when the morning came through.

She grumbled as she attempted to go back to sleep, but she knew that she needed to wake up. The morning always required that. She fucking hated it.

Pipp buried her face in an attempt to block out the light. She didn't succeed.

The light that shined through was too strong. Pipp groaned as she tried to get up, but Louis pulled her closer.

Now he decides to get cuddly. It's fucking sunrise.

She looked at him for a second, he held her close. She didn't want to be close. It hit her.She brushed her finger by his nose and it twitched slightly.

His response to shift and his hold loosened. She slipped out.

He grumbled as she did and shifted closer to Ivy. Pipp laughed, he could be such a grump-

Her eyes widened, he had shifted closer to Ivy.

The asshole was a cuddlebug himself, yes, Pipp knew the nickname they gave her.

You gotta pay, asswipe.


Louis screamed in fright as Pipp jumped on his chest, the weight was sudden.

She landed and he glared as he layed down again. "Really? Just why?"

"...You wouldn't wake up. This is my way."

They looked Ivy who was still asleep. How was she still sleeping?

Pipp rose a brow. "How did she not wake up?"

"She was stressed out last night, things did happen."

"Still.." Pipp sang. "It's about time to wake up anyway."

Louis rolled his eyes, but he did smile.

Classic Pipp.

"I don't recommend jumping, she might hurt you out of instinct."

Pipp looked at Ivy and then at him. "...You have a point."

Louis looked at a glass of water he got during the night. That was it.

He put a bit on Ivy's face and it was cold.

Ivy groaned and wiped her face. "What? It's the middle of the night."

Pipp smirked as Ivy closed her eyes. "Actually, it's sunrise."

"...Are ya fucking joking?"


She buried herself under. "I don't get up at sunrise. No one does."

She giggled and squeaked. "I do."

"You have a problem then." Ivy put the covers over her head. "I don't get up now."

Pipp looked at Louis. "...I'm gonna do it."

He stared at Ivy and then at her. "Don't do it, she'll hurt you."

Pipp looked at Ivy, she wasn't aware. "I am gonna do it."

She took a breath and Louis sighed. "It's your funeral."

"Yippee ky yay!"

Pipp jumped on Ivy.

She shrieked as Pipp got in her. Ivy squirmed and went to attack whatever was near.


Her arms stopped at the base of the mouse's neck.

"Well." Pipp grinned. "Welcome to the awake club."

She rolled her eyes. "Why wake me up now?"

"...Because I wanted to."

Louis laughed at that. "She got you there."

Ivy huffed and rubbed her eyes. "I know-"

Her eyes widened.

"-You're here, I thought last night was a dream..."

"It is real." Pipp replied. "I woke up in his arms."

Louis blushed and looked away.

Ivy giggled. "I know. I woke up to you to like that."

"She woke me up by jumping as well."

"Only because you called me cuddly mouse." Pipp replied. "And he has a pitchy scream."

She rose a brow. "I had a feeling he did."

He pouted. "Shut up."

The girls laughed and Ivy got up to talk away.

"I'll make food, I think a cooker is working. I don't know how."

Pipp squealed. "I want food! I haven't had any for a week!"

Louis stared. "Me too. But how have you been running?"

"I starve and use my adrenaline."

"Huh." He looked at Ivy. "How long has it been for you?"

She shrugged. "Weeks. I can go months without eating. I just found the food yesterday, I haven't ate it though."

Ivy went into the kitchen and got the food out.

"I have bacon, eggs, and toast. We're having English breakfast."

Her ear twitched. "Yes! I love bacon."

She chuckled. "I bet you'll enjoy it."

Louis laughed and sat up more to look at them both. "She will."

"Well, what you're having is made by me. So it will."

Pipp squealed and her ears twitched more. "Wait, you're? Are you not having any?"

"No." She shrugged. "I can't."

Literally. It'll trigger the hunger. It hasn't taken control since I've stopped eating. If I do it now. It'll come out.

Louis was confused. "Why?"

"You need to." Pipp protested. "How have you managed not to?"

"Desiree comes out if I do." Ivy grabbed her stomach. "I can't risk it, that's why I sleep so late. I need energy. But you woke me up, I'm not gonna have much."

Her ears dropped. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I'm probably gonna be asleep early tonight. I might go in another room and have a nap after."

"We'll make sure nothing disturbs you."

"Okay." Ivy grabbed her stomach as it growled. "I know."

Why now? Damn you, body.

Ivy set out the food and warmed it up a little. Not her best work.

"Here." She sat down on the bed. "Have it."

Louis took the plate off her. "Thanks."

"It's good." Pipp chewed them food. "Like really good!"

She tore into it so fast that even Ivy was surprised. "Damn."

She looked up with a piece still in her mouth. "Fuck off, this is how I eat."

Pipp was being playful of course.

"You've got a good appetite."

She stopped and stuck with tongue out with a blush. He laughed in return.

"I've only had cooked food twice, now and when I got here."

Ivy sighed. "Try not having it up to months. You get food and I get fuck all unless I faint or feel like passing out."

"Have either of you ever fainted?"

He shook his head. "I always get the right amount."

"I fainted from it once and found infected sniffing me for food."

Louis hummed. "Glad I got there then."

Ivy smiled was and was about to say something-


A noise on the roof scared them. Ivy froze in her seat.

She looked at them. "I'll check it out, stay here."

Ivy went out the window and climbed on the bars to take a look.

If it's an infected...

She arrived and saw something else.


Ivy was grabbed and restrained by someone. Her mouth was gagged and she felt it.

But she did managed to do something.


She was dragged away. She couldn't fight.

Fortunately, the trio heard the call and got into their proper clothes and weapons.

Pipp held onto Louis as he climbed out the window. When he reached the top, he called out for her.


"Over here!"

They walked towards her, but couldn't see where the voice was coming from.

She has to be be here somewhere.



A knife was thrown and it just passed grazed Pipp's cheek. She felt the blood coming down.

"Well, nice to see you the infamous duo." A slimy voice crooned. "Especially you, Unknown."

Louis froze, the sight was horrifying.

Damian and Alison were stood there with Ivy kneeled down in the middle. She looked panicked and her head was down.

"Alison?" Pipp asked. "I thought you were dead?"

"Heh." She smirked. "Alexis lies to you. I was alive the whole time. Turns out my heart was still beating."

Louis clenched his fists. "Let Ivy go!"

A gun was cocked and put to her head, another male was there.

"Hi, the name's Flynn." He greeted cheerily. "I'm from Ivy's ex-group. The others are too busy to come at the moment, but I'm here."

Ivy whimpered and her eyes showed tears. "I'm sorry, guys...They got me unexpectedly."

The gun cocked more. "Are you done being sappy, Ivy?"

Damian looked at them both and grinned. "Back up, or she does. Your choice."

Pipp growled. "You assholes-"


A bullet rushed past them and nearly hit Ivy.

"Back up towards the edge or she gets it."

Louis put his hands up surrender and obeyed. He didn't want her to get hurt.

"Close your eyes."

They obeyed, they had not choice.

"Now." Flynn purred. "Alexis, push them off the roof."

Their eyes opened just in time to see the female rushing and grabbing their collars.

"Now." She whispered. "So long, infamous lovers."

"NO!" Ivy punched Damian ran over. "GUYS!"

She missed their hands as they just grazed each other. But she got a hold of one of Pipp's.

She tried to pull them up, but it was too heavy. She couldn't handle their weights.

"I'm sorry." She whispered. "I...Ahh!"

Ivy's leg was stepped on and she let go. It was instinct to grab leg.

But the duo fell.

"NO!" She shouted, banging her fists. "No, please.."

Ivy sobbed and curled into a ball, the duo was dead. She couldn't save them.

"I'm sorry.." She whispered. "I'm so damn sorry.."

She couldn't look over the edge, she was afraid of what she would see.

Ivy felt a hand on her shoulder. "And this is reality, you don't always get what you want."

She stood up and pushed Alison away. "How are you even alive?!"

She giggled and clutched her chest. "I was by Lexi (Alexis), turns out she's good with surgery."

Ivy clenched her fists and buried her face in them.

"I fucking hate you all!" She sobbed and bent down. "Why can't you ever let me be happy?!"

"Ivy, Ivy." She looked up to see Jackson. "There's no need to be like this."

He had jet black hair with brown eyes and dark tanned skin. His clothes consisted of a dark blue top, dark brown jacket and pants, and green trainers.

"What do you mean?" She was confused. "The fuck are you in about?"

He helped her up and put a hand on her shoulder. "The duo are gone now."

He liked towards the roof and put an arm over Ivy's shoulder. He held the upper bit and pulled her close.

Silence reigned for a second.

"...There's no need to pretend to love them."

Ivy was silent for a second, her eyes scanned the roofs and she covered her mouth to surpress something.

Laughter. She was fucking LAUGHING.

She let her laughs go wild and she smiled.

"...Finally. They really pissed me off with their sentimental shit. I almost thought that I was capable of love."

Aria showed up and pulled Ivy close. "You did a great job, baby. I told you that ya were perfect for the role of the broken doll. Having a sob story really works."

But I didn't lie about the past, it really happened.

She didn't say that out loud. Ivy just smiled and turned around.

"God, I hated them." She ranted. "Fucking hell, those two never stopped bugging me. I almost killed multiple times. Those times were never accidents."

Jackson held a hand and she shut up immediately.

"You did well." He turned around. "You owed me a favour and you delivered, not a lot of dolls do that."

Damian chuckled and went next to him. "She delivers, Ivy always does. Like I said before, she likes to put on a performance."

"I do." She kissed Aria. "God, I missed you. The only thing I didn't lie about practically anything. The truth can be a deadly weapon."

"Well." Flynn chuckled as he shot a bullet down. "You lies about living them, being a trio, being there sister. Oh man, I can't believe they fell for that shit."

"Innit?" Damian laughed. "So cliche, survivors find each other and band into a group. This is a turn twist, Ivy hates them. She loves the pain of others and begged to be here. I never lied when I said she did."

"You just twisted the words." Ivy replied and walked to the edge. "You never lie, we never lie. We twist words into truths and manipulation."

Raziel refused to speak to Ivy, but she didn't care. Her hair swayed with the wind forward like it was pointing in a direction.


She looked to see the bodies of Louis and Pipp apart, there was a blood pool near them.

They wanted us to be the bad guy.

Ivy smirked as she looked down. "Now I am the bad guy."



"I'm glad I helped you, Jackson."



He laughed, and they all groaned.

Aria rolled her eyes. "Don't do it-"

"Oh, I will." He grinned. "Mwahaha.."

Everyone groaned in annoyance. He done it.

Damian facepalmed. "You fucking did it."

"You know I was only joking."

"Dude." Flynn made a face. "...Nobody wanted to hear the joke."

"Fuck you all." Jackson grinned. "At least I managed to make Unknown pay, motherfucker didn't like what I did."

Aria rose a brow. "Raped him?"


Alexis just rubbed her head. "Don't bother, Ari. He doesn't have a moral compass. But to be fair, we don't either-"

"Guys!" Ivy growled and they all turned around. "Jackson, we had a deal. I payed up, now do your part."

"Oh yeah!" He clapped and smirked. "Sorry, Lunatic. I forgot for a second."

At least he apologised.

He got out a shot gun and shot everyday doll except himself and Ivy.


Everyone yelled in pain as they were shot. It wasn't to kill them though.

It was a warning shot. The bullets pierced non-vital organs.

"Now~" Jackson sang. "Let's welcome Ivy back home home and go back to the others! I just felt like shooting ya'll! I love doing this!"

There was silence as Jackson laughed. He then smiled like a fucking innocent kid.


They nodded out of pure fear. "Yes, sir."

"Good." He snapped his fingers and more dolls came. "Carry them back to my hideout, they'll die. C'mon, Little Ivy. Thanks for betraying the duo!"

"...Bye.." She already knew that they were waiting. "Bye, Louis, bye, Pipp.."

Ivy turned around and stared down at the duo again.

She had almost thought that she had been capable of love, she never lied when she said she was abused and traumatised.

But she lied about being there friend. She had been a double agent.

Damian knew they were when she ran off that one time, he had told Alexis and Aria as well.

She had showed up after Jackson began stalking Unknown when he started to plan this.

What did I say at the beginning?

This words came back.

"Heh, it's kind of a coincidence that we're both here."

"Sometimes, I feel like hurting you."

"I know something bad is going to happen."

"I told you, guys. I have secrets I can't share."

The signs had been there, Ivy had taunted them in an Unknown (no pun intended) way.

Her eyes scanned their bodies and she grinned.


"I am heartless."


"Then how did I manage the outsmart you?"

Her head was silent, the voices had no comebacks.

Ivy laughed and laughed. Her chest and body felt cold.

Her inner demons had taken over.

Her darkness was in control now. It ruled over her.

The readers are going to hate me now.

She huffed, the haters could fuck off.

Fate had everyone do something, Ivy dusted herself and jumped down to Pipp and Louis' bodies.

She poked hers with her foot. "You really didn't see it coming?"

Pipp didn't speak, but she couldn't. She was too weak and kinda dead to.

"I played you and tried to run off." Ivy chuckled and folded her arms. "I tried to back out, Louis. But you begged me to come back. I only played the part of the concerned friend."

She knew that she was ranting and Ivy didn't care care, she was venting what she did.

The bad guy usually explained what happened. She was playing her role.

"Like Damian said."

Ivy grinned and bent down to ear level. There was silence.

"...I love pain."

She rose up and frowned. Her arms folded tighter, she hugged herself.

"There's one more thing." She whispered, they were dead anyway. She could say it. "I truly did love you guys, I still love you like a family. But I'm done being selfless."

Then she saw it, a twitch of Louis' finger. And Pipp's tail swished just a little. Signs of a dead body adjusting to being dead.

Or being alive. I should finish the job.

Ivy reaches for the knife, she found that she couldn't.

A slow death, lose blood.

A good excuse, she put her weapon beach. She couldn't finish the job.

Ivy took off her jacket and gave it to Pipp. One last gift, it was cold after all.

She sighed. "I truly am sorry. I love you guys, even if you can't hear me. But you called me heartless, so I became heartless. If you can hear me though, they have blackmail. I had to protect you, I hope your alive. Just...don't come after me. It's for the best."

Ivy walked away with an apathetic face, she was officially done. Nothing else to do.

Her guilt haunted her and Raziel made sure it did.

You killed them!

You betrayed them!

They will hate you forever!

But Desiree begged for differ.

Good girl!

You did the right thing!

Now they have paid.

Her emotions were mixed, Ivy looked back at them.

I told you guys before, be careful who you trust.

But they had trusted the wrong doll. Ivy was not trustable, she had mentioned it several times.

Her necklaces glowed as she walked, they whispered praises and promises.

Ivy was truly alone again. She would always be alone.

She walked back with Jackson and the others, well, they were being carried. He had given her something.

To not be alone, to not risk being hurt.

Jackson's plan involved her being a puppeteer.

"You should get with Pipp!"

"Such a lovely couple!"

"I'll always be there for you."

Subtle words, subtle gestures. She twisted and turned their thoughts unconsciously.

They had been her puppets. Done what she said, became friends. Became the players who lost the game.

Like what Aria said before.

"Check and Mate."

Ivy walked more and just fucking stared, Louis had rubbed off her a little.

The two had meant something to her, she felt actual guilt for what the others had done.

She prayed a little that they survived. She grinned.

Bullshit, no one could survive that. But there are mattresses in that alley. They would never forgive me anyway. If we ever meet again, I won't ask for forgiveness. I know we can never be a trio again. I'm sorry, brother. I'm sorry, sister.

But Ivy couldn't help but hope that they could. That forgiveness was possible. She knew not to.

Hope is something that only a weak doll would have, I'm heartless.

She hugged herself and looked at the town. The silence and light just reigned the area.

"If they somehow come back to life and confront us." Jackson was next to her. "You aren't to communicate with them, you don't belong with them. I know that apart of you loves them.I gave you what you wanted, you are apart of my group."

"...Yes, sir." She replied, an automatic response. "I belong to you and the others."

Apart of me wants to be back with Pipp and Louis. To be a trio again. But I'm here because of the deal and the fucking BLACKMAIL. I'm forced to. I want them to set me free.

She clutched her chest and silently cried. Ivy prepared for the inevitable nightmares that would come.

Ivy was would dream of their screams and begging. The look of betrayal.

She closed her eyes and tried to not think, but Ivy always knew something.

But Ivy knew deep down...

She would always be worthless, heartless and the bad guy.

As they arrived back to the place where she once called home, she saw her group have smirks on their faces.

"Welcome home, Ivy." Aria hugged Ivy from behind. "This is where you belong, with me, US. Your our weapon."


Ivy stared at the place she called home before she ran away, before she tried to get out of the deal by running.

Before she was found and blackmailed with Louis and Pipp being tortured, burned, beaten-

"....It's a good to be back."

Even Ivy could tell that was a lie. She didn't want to be here. She never wanted to be here.

...Ivy wanted to go back to where she couldn't, her TRUE family.

(A/N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter~😁)

(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)

(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)

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