("Elementally Bound...")
Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.
(This is a uglydolls 2019 oneshot)
(Its, lou-centric)
(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)
(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some f the characters are ooc..)
(This takes place before the events of fhe movie. And it might take place in the movie)
(Elemental powers AU: Where everything is the same, but ALL the dolls have powers. They have them to protect their kid. Their powers depend on their abilities.)
(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)
1. the ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way.
2. the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others.
3. a supernatural being, deity, or force.
The four elements: Air, Water, Fire, and Earth.
They are known as the main elements of the world, they are what fuel it.
Thry help create it.
All dolls are created with powers, having one was common, having two was uncommon. But having three or more, was absolutely rare.
The powers are underrated.
But some of them were harder to control...
Especially the unsaid fifth and Six element.
"Tengo control sobre esto! (I have control over this!..)" Lou whispered to himself.
Plants rise out from the ground, theys surround him to protect the one that called them.
Having the powers of Earth means you are connected to all of its life. It helos him cope.
The wind picks up a little bit, and the plants begin swaying to a silent rhythm that no one hears.
Then, flames begin appearing out of hands. The circle him, and they start circling around, the wind guiding it's movements as to not cause any damage or harm to anything.
Water ia the last thing to appear. It swirls around, and mixes with the flames. It dances aith it, making sure that it isn't to dangrous.
Lou breathes a breath, and opens his eyes to his creation. "Wow..."
'Good, huh?...' Oceana (the water element) whispers to him. 'This is why water qorks better...'
Ha!... Flame protests (it didn't like being called fire). We all know this happens because of moi!...
(Can you all, just shut up!...) Earth shouts (ironically being the only who didn't mind being called its element). (Your all so loud!...)
(Please, just calm down...) Wind (it prefered that over Air) aighed. (Remember, the more angry we get, the more damage will happen...)
Lou wonders if anyone has to suffer like he did with these idiots. He doubted that they had four elements living as basical entities inside him. Especially qith their voices in his head 24/7.
(Lou, you might want to stop with your powers now..) Wind advises. (You know what happens if you stay too long...)
It has a hint of fear in it, and Lou feels another senation in him, a real bad one.
Yet it felt so damn good.
Shadows start appearing out of Lou's hands, and his eyes turn black (all dolls eyes change colour with element dpending on what it is).
It swirls around the creation, and qith one touch, it corrupts it.
The creation starts to turn to the colours of shadows.
Lou saw how the thing started to become CORRUPTED. No, he couldn't let this happen.
Wow, this is a turn of events!... Dark (Short for darkness) laughed. I like this!...
(You Idiot!...) Wind shouted. (You really are evil! Lou, use me!....)
He obeyed, and felt Wind's power in his veins.
They became powerful, they became ONE.
Lou's eyes became silver.
He commanded the air to circle around him and the creation, it separates the elements involved.
Dark may have been the most poweful, but Wind was second to none.
(Nice job..) Earth complimented. (But Dark here, is having a hissy fit!...)
You can never grt a compliment off this thing... Lou thought. Not without the aftermath....
Eventually the elements calmed down, and went back into Lou. It was bloody PAINFUL.
I'll never get used to that...
He aighed, having control over 5 elements wasn't easy, expecially when thry tried to fuse with you constantly.
But he wouldn't trade it for the world. Well, except dark, he was a pain in the butt.
'He means darkness..' Oceana reasurred. 'He didn't mean you, Flame...'
Oh, sorry then!...
Whatever... Dark didn't like what Lou had thought.
Your just jealous... Lou replied. I am the proper owner of this body...
He heard a huff in the back of yis mind, as he continued to walk.
1. struggle tenaciously to achieve or resist something.
2. a sustained fight between large organized armed forces.
3. an argument between two groups or against a situation that a group wants to change.
Arguments are common in the institute.
Lou is the leader of the dolls, so he is responsible for sorting them.
He is sick of it.
He walks along the area made for Earth benders.
Oh yeah, there are four main areas in the institute.
The Earth area: The one where there is actual land, but it has a variety of life, and plants.
He saw other dolls practicing, and laughed.
Thry really try...
(But we're more powerful..)
He felt the Earth's powrs through his veins, and Lou's eyes turned dark brown.
A plant like thing made its way up his wrist, but it was gentle and caressed his skin as it did. It looked like an arm bracelet. It started from his elbow, and it finished right between the fingers in his hands.
He knew what Earth wanted him to do.
He extended his arm out, and a plant shot out at another doll.
It dug into the ground, and it heloed other plants that were growing. Lou quickly put it away before anyone looked.
The air area: Same as the institute, but a more 'airy' (yes, that's a pun) place. It is mkre chilly than the others.
He felt in tune qith the air there, he felt like he could fly. It stroked his cheek lovingly, and he laughed.
(Ask it..) Wind whispered gently. (You know it will obey...)
Lou didn't need to, the air knew what he wanted.
His eyes turned silver.
It lifted him of the ground, but not enough to fky. But it was high enough to float.
As it set him down, he laughed again. He loved doing that.
God, now for one of the dreaded areas.
The fire area: Not much to explain. A place filled with fire and flames.
You bet! Flame shouted. We're one of the most powerful elements!..
Fire spittled from Lou hands, and his eyes turned red/orange.
He allows flame to do his own thing, and the fire dances in his hands.
Then, it shoots out from it.
It starts creating somwthing, it is careful not to touch anything.
The aftermath is that it created a kind of statue. Strange, but it was good.
Lou was hit with curiosity, but quickly went to another area.
The water area: Extremely dangerous for non water benders, unkess they with someone with water powers. Filled with eater, but had a separated area of land, to.
'Now, this is my element!..' Oceana laughed. 'Water beats nearly everything!..'
His eyes turned a brighter blue.
The element came out of his hands, and it manipulated the water to let him through. It moved apart for Lou, as if it were bowing.
He smiled, and gently stroked the water. He got a bit wet, but oh well, it was worth it.
Thrn, there was the dafkness area: A place of little light, it was dark (Lou knew that was ironic). There was almost no good about that place. That was all he could say about it..
Pussy... Dark taunted. I can just taste your fear~..
He didn't dare venture there. It was too dangerous.
He finally got to the location he wanted to be.
"Time for the duel..." Lou muttered to himself.
1. unnaturally or acutely uneasy or apprehensive
2. (of a feeling or reaction) resulting from anxiety or anticipation.
3. to become nervous under stress.
The third defintion waa one that Lou could relate to.
(It's alright...) Wind assured him. (You'll win this...)
Or he could lose his sanity... Dark commented. He could go INSANE again~...
Shut up, dark!..
No Flame, You be quiet!..
But Lou had to admit that they had a point.
He could either win this, or he could lose his sanity and go feral again (It meant that he could lose control, and go wild with his powers).
'It was one time..' Oceana whispered. 'You were mad. Plus, it's been forgotten...'
Lou hung his head.
He still felt guilty about that.
(Did you hear about the element of light?..) Wind asked. (Apparently someone's got it...)
What?!.. Lou replied. Who?..
That was shocking, the element of light was almost IMPOSSIBLE to master.
Lo had it, but he had never used it after last time.
And he never would again.
jEez.... Light chuckled. yOu cAuse oNe liTTle acCidEnt, aNd yOur hAtEd fOr liFe~...
And that's why I never use you...
aWw, lOu... It chuckled again. yOu aCt aS iF I giVe oNe...nEws flAsh, I dOn't!...
What made you like this.. Lou sighed. What happened to you?..
Lou was confused. Light wasn't this much of an A-hole.
Dark was more an A-hole than it was, Light was just usually quiet.
It was the first time they had spoken in months.
Light didn't answer, it never did when Lou asked THAT question.
What had happened?
Light just stayed quiet.
Lou sighed, and then he felt something in his head shift.
He groaned. "W-What the hell?.."
It was agony.
It was as if something repressed was trying to make it's way up.
Then, it disappeared.
"Hey, Lou~.." A voice made him jump.
He turns around, and sees Lydia.
She cockily smirks at him. "Michael is this way, I'll take you to him~.."
He obeys her, there's no point arguing. He walks aity her.
(Reminder: Teach her a lesson about attitude..)
For once, I agree with you....
(Can you guys please save that attitude for the duel?..)
'We can be as aggressive as we want there..'
Lou was thankful that he hand Wind, she could calm them down.
1. a thing that prevents someone from concentrating on something else.
2. a diversion or recreation.
3. extreme agitation of the mind.
Lou was seriously tempted to rip someone's head off right now.
Why did it have to be Michael of all people?!...
(Did you expect it to be anybody else?..)
Lou knew the other was being sarcastic, but he didn't care.
Back off, Earth!.. Flame told him. Lou's having a hard time, don't be a A-hole!...
Did Flame just stand up for him?
"That's a first..." Lou mumbled.
Don't get used to it!....
Of course he wouldn't.
Lou could never get used to anything. He nevrr would, and never will-..
"Lou!" Someone shouted, and he turned around to see Kitty in front of him and Michael.
"Hey, Lou" He greeted. "Nice to see ya..."
He said nothing.
'Use your fantasy...' Oceana whispered. 'It is sometimes, better than reality...'
But right now, he imagined himself swearing at the other.
gOod bOy... Light cooed. tHat's vEry viOlent~...
He just ignored Light, he always did.
Chill out... Dark responded. We ALL know you little secret, so keep your trap shut!...
nO!... Light interrupted. plEase DaRk, dOn't tEll!...
He sounded close to tears, but Lou had ho time to daell on ither things.
"Am I fighting you?" He calmly asked Michael.
"No," The other replied. He stepper aside, and revealed...Nolan? "You're fighting him~.."
(What the fuck?!...) Wind swore, and even Oceana was to shocked to scold her about her language. (We're fighting him, he's one of the weakest fighters!...)
There is an easy solution...
'Well?...' Oceana asked. 'What is it?..'
(Go easy on the kid!...) Earth answered her. (What else is there?!..)
Obviously tell Micheal to back the hell off, and call this off...
yEs... Light intervened. bUt tHat wOuld hUrt lOu's priDe~.....
"Why haven't I killee myself over you six yet?"
'Because we all know that you really love us...'
Lou blushed.
Good point...
Why did Oceana have to be wise?
Why could she be egotistical like ALMOST all of the others?
(Because it's who she is...) Wind replied. (We ALL have to embrace who we are, but SOME refuse to do it!..)
Lou knew she was referring to him.
Just because I don't let the abandonment get to me... He retorted. Doesn't mean that I'm going to turn insane, numbing my feelings makes it better...
Why do you think he didn't talk much?
(A/N: Yes, I know that he talked a LOT in the film. But remember, this is an AU..)
Lou only spoke when he needed to.
"So?" He asked, looking the trembling Nolan in front of him. "Why the kid?"
Lou's tone was empty, he made sure that his stance was emotionless.
He did that, so Michael didn't sense any weaknesses in him.
Nolan was very close to Lou. And he was enraged that he would force Nolan to go against him like this.
Though, how he knew abkut his connection to Nolan was beyond him.
Michael chuckled. "Just thought I'd get him alone, and he agreed by his own terms..."
"I did..."
Lou's eyes shot open.
H-holy shit...
(Nolan's lying..) Earth spoke. (His eyes are dilated, and his face is lightly flushed..)
Thanks... Lou replied. At keast we know...
He knew rhat Nolan wouldn't willingly do this.
Lou got a stance. "Well, let's do this~..."
He loved fighting (against certain people).
Nolan hesitated, but did when Michael whispered something in his ear.
Lou swore that the other was deas after this.
1. allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free.
2. allow (something) to move, act, or flow freely.
3. a freeing or releasing from confinement, obligation, pain, emotional strain.
Nolan showed signs of fear.
And Lou found himself feeling happy of it.
His eyes turned red as he shot a flame at Nolan's light.
He was weak.
Lou was powerful.
Take that, you green-haired bastard!...
Lou felt Flame's confidence in him, and he liked it.
Nolan tried to counter with a Light ball, and it was successful.
Lou groaned as he was hit with it.
How the hell could Nolan fully control Lightness?!
Let me do this... Dark cooed. I know how Light works...
Lou felt something in him shift. He found that there were shadows in his hands.
He was afraid of using the darkness, but what choice did he have?
'It's okay..' Oceana assured him. 'WE'LL be here if you lose control...'
He hoped thst he could trust all of them.
Lou's eyes turned fully black, the sign that dark had taken FULL control.
(Dark?..) Wind warned him. (Lou is trusting you with this, please don't break him...)
Don't worry, I won't~.
"So?.." He sneered at Nolan. He was going to enjoy this. "This is the famous Nolan?"
Don't hurt him... Lou pleaded. Just please don't hurt him...
He couldn't control his movements right now, and the other elements had the ability to alter his feelings so that he wouldn't feel bad about harming anybody.
Chill... Dark rolled Lou's eyes. He might get a boo boo, but I won't seriously harm him...
(You better not!...) Earth snapped. (You know how Lou gets!...)
He blocked an incoming Light ball.
He shrieked it so loud, that the shadows of the dolls aould come around him.
"Hello, Pequenós~ (little ones~..)" He cooed at them, having taking full control of Lou. "You looking for a purpose? I can give you one right now..."
He pointed to Nolan and his Light.
Ironically, the shadows hated that. They were from the darkness after all.
They rished towards him, and started to attack.
See that, Lou?... He asked, sarcastically. Nothing too bad...
Silence. Of course.
He's asleep, what did you expect?...
Dark had taken full control, so Lou had to be pushed out the way.
He wasn't hurt or anything, he was simply sound asleep in his soul.
Thankfully, he wasn't harmed when Dark did this.
'He better not be..' Oceana whispered, threatening him. 'You better pray that he isn't..'
Dark shivered, he was actually a bit afraid of Oceana.
It was easy to take over. It was just a brush of consciousnesses, and Lou was set aside, just like a child in its crib. He was taken over by one of the elements that resided in him.
Dark didn't wish for harm to befall Lou, it was the opposite.
He wished it was him who got hurt.
Maybe Dark could have helped in stopping Ox from leaving, maybe he coukd have influenced the other's mind to make him come back and visit.
Lou balmed himself everyday. Ox was bullied, humiliated, and tormented by the other dolls. Lou did his best to help, and Ox repaid him by never even coming back.
How...how was that fair?!
Thiugh, Lou's depression gave him power. Before you judged Dark, just know that his element was made up of the darker things in life. He had no choice but to feed on it.
The wind was suddenly knocked out of him, as he was slammed to the ground by a light beam.
Dark growled, and he stood up again.
Time to bring out the big guns.
Hey ya'll?... He asked ALL of them. Who wants to kick this kids powers' ass?..
(I would like too...)
aS lOng aS wE don't hUrt thE kId..
Dark was glad that tye agreed, but ther was more element left...
'....Let's kick the kids..' Ocena paused, then spoke shyly. 'Powers' ass?..'
All of them were shocked.
Oh my God! Flame shouted. She swore!..
(Calm down..)
(Your acting like its her first time swearing..)
Dark paused for a second, then chuckled.
That's because it is...
After he spoke that, he felt the familar fusion.
Dark coukd feel their powers making their way through Lou's body.
Then, he felt it.
Lou's life essence. But why? Was Lou giving himself up?
No, that couldn't be correct. Lou wasn't doing that. Dark smiled.
Lou was giving himself up to help them.
Wow... Dark thought. Even unconscious, Lou finds someway to help...
They were all lending their powers to Dark. Thry were trusting him to use them wisely.
It fekt fucking great.
His eye turned multiple colours at once.
It had a mix of white, silver, black, brown, and red.
And of course blue. He ket Lou see what was happening.
As Nolan launched ahother Light beam, Dark countered it qith a fire ball.
They both hit, and they exploded.
Dark used thr smoke to his advantage, and he summined the wind to make him fly.
It did as commanded, and lifted him up.
He chuckled as he did, and it felt good.
As the smoke cleared, Nolan coughed, and tried to look for Lou.
"Looking for me?" A ominous voice asked.
He tutbed aeound, amd was horrified.
It was Lou. Except: his blonde was darker, his eyes were multiple colours, and he was glaring at him.
Nolan then felt something wrap around his waist. He looked down, and saw a plant making its way up his body.
He whimoered, frightened.
Dark chuckled at the adorable sight. "Don't worry, Nolan. Lou forbade me to hurt you.."
He turned his back to him, folded his arms, and glared at Michael.
"But he never said that I couldn't hurt HIM..."
He smiled.
He received silence. But he didn't mind it. It meant that they had surrendered completely, and that they had given their powers to him.
Dark made an upwards motion with his hand, and Michael was suddenly lifted into the air becuae of Wind.
Dake grinned, and he clenched his hand shut, making the Wind squeeze Michael tightly.
"L-Lou...." He gasped, wheezing for breath. "I-I'm sorry..."
The other just smiled mockingly. "You should of thought of that, before you FUCKING FORCED NOLAN TO DO THIS!!.."
He cackled insanely, and summoned Flame's power. It made a fire ring around the other doll, and it threatned to burn him.
As he was about to speak, he suddenly felt....guilt?...
Please don't hurt him... Lou pleaded. It's wrong...
Why?... He replied. All he's ever done is try to ruin you! Why shouldn't I hurt him?..
Don't start one.. Lou began, and Dark dreaded the last bit. Won't be none...
Shit, why did he have to say that?
It basically meant that if Dark, Lou, and the others didn't succumb to their anger, their would be no danger or fight.
He released the others, and they were able to speak.
(Lou has tamed the beast...)
wE're sCrewEd...
'Dark isn't going to hurt anyone..'
(Thanks Dark...)
He aigher, and ended up putting Michael down. "Thank God, that I'm in a good mood..."
He released Nolan from the plant's hold, and looked at him. "Your coming with me!..."
Yeah, yeah...
He closed his eyes, and gave Lou full control.
He turned around, and smiled softly at Nolan. "C'mon, love..."
Nolan cutely smiled back.
1. the alleviation of pain, discomfort, or distress.
2. a feeling of reassurance and relaxation following release from anxiety or distress.
Damn, how did Nolan have the ability to be cute?
Lou was currently walking with him.
Thry were currently in silence, but it was a good type of silence.
"So?" Nolan asked. "What was that?"
Lou sighed. "There's somehting I haven't told you. My powers are, let's say ...sentient. They have their won thoughts and feeling, but that are still and will help. Even if some of them are pricks. And you KNOW who you are..."
Hey, I just saved you ass!.. Dark shouted. Be grateful!...
hE mEans mE, yOu iDiot...
(He means both of you....)
Let's agree on that....
(There is no privacy in your head, is there?....)
'Boredom is very common..' Oceana spoke. 'Se he can't blame us...'
Can I have a moment with Nolan?.. Lou paused. ALONE?!...
Fine, fine.. Dark replied. Everyone shut up, and leave Lou alone! Bye!...
Lou faintkys smiled. "Thanks..."
He auddnely fekt Nolan grab his hand, and he looked into those purple and green eyes.
Nolan smiled again. "Promise me that you won't lose control again, Lou? I don't want you or anyone to get hurt..."
Lou suddenly fekt Nolan's lips against his. He kissed back straight away.
He grabbed Nolan's waist, and the other's hands went around his neck, securing their grip.
The kiss promised Llu that if he continued to keep his powers under control, this was what could happen.
Lou smiled.
Maybe he coukd keep his powers under control, he could if this was what could happen.
Blegh!... Flame shouted. Kissy alert, Kissy alert!
(Chill out, it's ot like this oneshot is rated M!..)
(Yes, but some viewers don't like kissing...)
We get it, there is romance!.. Dark snapped. End this, now!...
cAn wE eNd tHis aLready?... Light asked. I wAnt tO sLeep...
'Alright...' Oceana spoke. 'We all hoped you enjoyed this fanfic, and the Nolou at the end. Goodbye viewers, and have a lovely day/night!..'
(A/N: Hey guys, this is just a quick oneshot I wanted to do~😁)
(Sorry for the late update, my wifi has been crappy lately. And then there is school.)
(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)
(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)
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