"Caged (But Finally Free).." (part 2)
Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.
(This is a uglydolls 2019 Oneshot)
(Its, lou-centric)
(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)
(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)
(This takes place after the events of the movie..)
(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)
1. notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant.
2. watch (someone or something) carefully and attentively.
Lou was currently observing his pack from the sidelines. He wasn't needed at the moment.
They were currently fighting each other. It was playful though, not deadly, like the way they did with their opponents.
Which Lou knew were pissed at him for beating their second best fighter. It was that easy though, he couldn't come up with an excuse as to why he could beat him then.
But he couldn't deny the thrill that came with the fighting, it was just happened naturally to him now.
If it were all those years ago when he was brought he here though, he doesn't know what would have happened if he didn't except his fate.
He had no choice anyway. If you wanted to ask, then that was a discussion for later.
He didn't want to tell it right now.
He felt someone stroke his hair, and he tensed. Who was it?
"Hey, Lou.." He relaxed, it was Ivy. "Are you alright?"
He whined happily. "Yes, Ma'am. What are you doing here?"
She chuckled, and sat down. She laid him on her lap, his head was laying in her breasts. "I just came to check on you. Alexander has been dealt with. Shadow is currently deciding his permanent punishment.."
He felt comfortable in her arms. He purred. "Why not just death?.."
"Oh baby boy..." She cooed, grabbing his face. "You are still so naive. The world that you remember might be merciful, but this one isn't."
He was thinking over her words, and whimpers in fright a little. "A world that I remember.."
"The world that you know before you came here.." She explained. "You and the others live in this world now, Lou. You are apart of it. You belong to me.."
He was silent.
"This institute belongs to us, brother.."
"Yes, Louise. I guess it does.."
He flinched at those words that appeared in his mind. Where was it from?
Sister... The voice responds. She is sister...
Sister... He responded. As in, best friend?...
No reply.
He stayed blank while Ivy looked at him.
She knew she was a cruel doll, but Ivy did have dolls that belonged to her. She bought them fair and square.
You know why she was so possessive?
Once upon a time, a doll named Diego tried to kidnap her most prized ones.
Lou and Natalie. And you want to know the measures he went to break them?..
He fucking raped 'em...
Didn't even give them a chance to fight back. Stuck his dick right into Lou and Natalie (not together, obviously).
It had taken a long time to gain their trust. That was why she tended not to torture her ferals unless it was necessary.
She only did it to those who stepped out of line.
Another moment of silence.
Then a scream.
Lou jumped up, and sprang on all fours. What the hell was that?!
He looked around, his ears straining for any sound.
"Alpha! I pinned Ivan" Icy whined happily, and looked to see her master there. She stiffened. "Yes, my master?"
Ivy crouched, and bent down gently. "I just came to visit my fighters, I wanted to know how you all were after the Alexander incident.."
"What was his punishment?"
"He was castrated.."
One whines curiously. "Isn't that where your thing gets cut off?.."
"Yep.." She laughed, her eyes dark. "He deserved it.."
Stella raised her brow. "Really? Is he ok?"
She chuckled bitterky. "Master Shadow is personally dealing with him. You'll see the results after his....punishment.."
Lou felt happiness and regret at that.
He wanted the doll to pay, but he didn't want him to go through the extreme. He had onky seen Master Shadow's work a couple of times, but they weren't pretty.
That he could tell you.
He had onky seen a handful lf times. But he knew that the doll was respectful as a client and friend, but one of hell of a psychopath when he was making his victims pay.
He shivered, he didn't want to piss him off.
"By the way.." Ivy informed him. "You and Natalie have a fight together, it's two vs two.."
Their eyes widened in surprise. "What?.."
There were rarely any fights that involved 2 vs 2, it was usually 1 vs 1. The masters preferred less blood on the ring.
It was absolutely surprising that they would even allow it.
Ivy must have seen the surprised look on his face, as she smirked. "Yep, Shadow finally allowed it. He's such an uptight git, thank Matthew next time you see him."
He nods. "Yes, mistress.."
She leaves through the door, she has business to deal with.
Natalie crawls up to him, her shirt has changed to a red colour. Probably due to blood. She whimpers nervously. "Who do you think we're versing?.."
He grunted angrily. "Probably Nathaniel's group from area c, I fucking hate them.."
She paced (or crawled) around in circles, she had an irritated expression on her face. "Why do they hate us so much? Hey, want to fight? To test out skills?"
He nodded.
They got into position.
Lou scznned her for any moves.
Her hands are more to the left, so she is going to attack.
She leaps to the left, and he dodges to the right. She looks shocked, she's only seen him to that in fights!
Lou tries not to give into his instincts like he does in a normal fight, it wasn't serious.
But that wasn't what his mind was saying. It told him to defend himself, tl best this doll like he has done to others.
She playfully punces at him, and he blocks her with a gentle kick to the stomach.
Not serious.. He thought. NotseriousNotseriousNot seriousNotseriousNotserious NotseriousN otserious...
His instincts scream at him to defend herself. Natalie makes the mistake of lealing for him again.
His teeth grab her collar, and they throw her against the wall. Lou's eyes are narrowed into slits.
All he knows is that he's in the ring, and she is his opponent. His instincts have taken over his thoughts.
Something makes him snap out of it. He blinks.
What?.. He thought. Oh shit, it happened again..
He whined. "Sorry, Natalie. I just really like to practice.."
A lie, but also a truth. He did like training (when he was versing somedoll else).
"C'mon.." He ordered. "Let's get some rest.."
She nodded, and followed. They both had a feeling that the fight was going to be eventful.
1. (of a clock or watch) showing a time earlier than the correct time.
2. moving or operating, or designed to do so, only at a low speed; not quick or fast.
Ivy made sure to move slow as she walked through the corridor near a certain someone's room.
Her footsteps were ominous, and it was so low that even the guards in the hall shook at the sight of her. She wasn't to be messed with.
"Mistress?" One asked, trembling from head to toes. "Would you like me to e-escort y-you to Master?
She nodded. "Thank you, Crystal. Your payment shall be increased for your kind gesture.."
She smiled, her master was both praising her and giving her a raise. "Thank you.."
Ivy smiled. "It's fine, soldier. Take me to Master shadow.."
Their footsteps echoed through the hall, and they were they travelled in comfortable silence.
She felt oddly excited to interrupt them But, the certain doll would have her killed if she wasn't skilled enough to sneak in their office.
Her master (her superior) was currently in a work of punishment. They didn't liked to be rudely interrupted in their work.
Her master preferred gender neutral pronouns. It was weird as fuck, but she never questioned it.
Her feet seemed to travel on their own as she was buried in her thoughts, but she knew where she was going.
She opened a certain door, to a certain room, to a certain doll, and went inside.
The door shut, and she saw the sight before her.
Her master was currently cutting up a certain doll's flesh that she knew all too well.
"Master?" She whispered carefully. "Is it ok if I see you?"
She turned around, and smiled. "Ivy? Huh, Ivy!"
She was suddenly hugged and kissed by her girlfriend. She responded by holding her in her arms.
Her eyes were purple, she was normal. "I thought you'd never come! Shadow was beginning to get worried that you wouldn't except your present.."
Her second name fell from her lips, and Tempest's head was buried into her neck.
It felt nice, but she knew it wasn't her Tempest that was doing it. It was the leader known as Shadow.
Yeah, her lover has a split personality.
"We waited for you." Her eyes were black. "You made us wait, why did you make us wait?"
Ivy is slapped before she can make a retort, her eyes are filled with tears. She can't cry though, she can't be weak.
Shadow places a lingering kiss on her mouth. Her face stings. "Two hours, you made us wait two hours"
Is this the sign of an abusive relationship?.. She thinks. The hitting, the emotional abuse?...
But she can't leave her, she belongs to Shadow and Tempest. She was bought after her brother sold her to the mafia. Then she ended up here.
Hell, Shadow has raped her before. But Ivy was already too dead inside to do anything about it.
She feels like a puppet just waiting to be controlled.
She is slapped again. "Answer me, you worthless doll.."
Her eyes fill with tears again, but she forces a smile. "I'm sorry, Mistress. I was training my fighters..."
Shadow's black eyes narrow, and she snarls with anger.
Poor choice of words..
Another slap, and then a loving kiss on her neck. She allows herself to be pushed on the wall. It's rough and trapping, not tender and loving.
Shadow wasn't always this way, but something broke her. And she became this demon.
Ivy tried to escape once, and it did not work out.
"I'm sorry, Mistress!" She begs on her knees. "I made a mistake! It won't happen again!.."
She smriks, her other half is here. "You broke me, Ivy. You broke her, you broke us.."
She meets their eyes, her hands are restrained with ropes. She cries, her mistress won't forgive her.
"I'm sorry.." Ivy begs. "I'm so, so sorry! I don't knkw what I was thinking. I'm sorry, but I don't regret it..."
She doesn't want to be dragged into of the web that she had managed to de-wrap around herself. She coukdn't be trapped in its stickiness again, the hold would be too strong this time.
"Perhaps I should sleep with Matthew?" Shdow cooes, making sure Tempest is still asleep in their mind. She doesn't need to know any of this. "He has ben offering me to be my slut.."
Ivy sobs as the other caresses her face, her tongue sliding just below her lobe. Her heart cannot handle this. "Please I'm sorry.."
She was usually a emotionless, tough doll. Onky Shadow had the power to reduce her to this.
She is lucky that Tempest isn't up right now. She'd be upset by this ordeal.
She is slapped again when she wants to speak.
"Gone for just one day, and yet... it felt like a lifetime." Her voice was a mere whisper, soft and broken. "It tore me apart. Oddly, it's not the first time I've felt it. It was the same when I sent you to take care of that damn woman. Crystal."
Her face twisted up with hatred as if just saying the name made her sick to her stomach.
Ivy had decided to make her a guard instead of killing. Of course she had to go through the swaying process.
"If.." There was a tongue at the base of her neck, then a head in the crook. "If she had actually managed to kill you, I would have lost my mind. I would have gone insane, Tempest would have. But I can't let you do this again, I have to break you so the compound can succeed with your help.."
"Please.." She begged again. "I'm sorry, you can own my mind and body. Please don't sleep with him.."
A pause, then her hands were untied. She was confused.
She was quickly picked up and pressed against the wall. Her hands were pinned above her head.
"Really?" She asked tauntingly. "You would give yourself to me?"
There was a general sincerity in her voice. Ivy had detected it there before.
"Yes.." She breathed. "I want to be yours.."
"You want to own me as I do you.." She replied. "I am not surprised. But I am considering it. There is one condition.."
"What?" Ivy will do anything. "What is it?"
Her smile was sadistic, dark. "You have to give yourself to me, mind, body, soul.."
A lip was bitten. And blood was drawn out. It was licked.
"What is your conviction, Ivy?" She was laid on a bed, she didn't realise that it was Shadow's bedroom. "Are you mine?"
Ivy whimpered when Shadow clamped her thighs around one of hers, and that hot wetness pushed harder against her. Her lover moaned, very softly. It was hardly noticeable.
Ivy dug her fingers into her hips, gazing angrily into those knowing, dark eyes.
Shadow's mouth fell against the bottom of her ear, and the beautiful queen began to moan as she rocked ever so gently against Ivy's thigh.
So hot. So wet. Slowly, slowly, but faster with every thrust.
"I'm coming, Ivy..." Her statement trailed off, and she buried her face into her throat, hand slipping from her mouth as she slipped into a stiff, silent orgasm. Her back arched, her womanhood crushed into Ivy's thigh, her lips wet against her neck.
She ran her fingers through Shadow's hair as the woman writhed slowly, and steadily against her. Her thigh was dripping with her arousal.
"If you ever leave my side or mention Crystal's name again, your tongue will be removed.."
She kissed her lips, tongue and teeth moving together. She was hers, and she knew it.
There was no escape from the spiderweb this time.
That was years ago though, this was now.
Shadow smiles, it was a genuine one. "C'mon, our guest is waiting.."
As she walks, Ivy eyes the curve of the her light neck. She wants to kiss it, wants to have Shadow beneath her. She didn't want her angry. She trails after her like a lost puppy, eyes troubled and fists clenching and unclenching.
A door opens the cleansing room. Ironic that it was used for anything but that.
There sits Alexander. Ivy almost feels sorry for him.
"I'm sorry!" He apologised. "I didn't mean to, I was just..just.."
"No excuse.." Shadow smirked, her eyes swirling with sadistic pleasure. "You might be left alive, but we wouldn't care.."
She got a knife out, and gave it to Ivy.
She was slashed in the face near her eyes.
"Fuck, what was that for?!" She hissed, but then her eyes widened. "I'm sorry.."
"You weren't thinking of me.." She hissed back. "You were thinking of them.."
She is slapped where the cut is. Ivy knows she can easily take Shadow out, but fear of punishment overrides her anger.
Why do I still love her?...
The knife was out in her hand. "Your cur isn't going to be healed until after you've done this.."
She nodded, and held tears back. Her attention turned to Alex.
It was disturbingly easy to imagine Shadow in his place.
Her body began to torture him, and Ivy felt disconnected. Like she was just watching from another point of view.
Her eyes were closed, but it was like she could see everything.
The boy screamed, and screamed, and screamed. Ivy had her eyes closed the entire time. Listening to them, absorbing the sound, picturing her in the exact same position. The boy's screams became Shadow's.
It was oddly satisfying doing this.
When she was done, she felt no guilt for what she had done. Her emotions were too far gone for her to even try feeling it.
Her soul is gone from her body, it's like she is just living in the vessel.
A soul wants to live, it doesn't want to die. She does.
But she tells nobody it, not even Shadow. Though she suspects that she knows.
Maybe that's why she almost never lets her leave her sight.
Arms wrap around her waist from behind, and pull her close.
"Nice going.." She cooed. "You really are my equal.."
Ivy is so fucked up that she feels her heart soar at that. A normal doll wouldn't.
She is kissed again. "Touch me-"
A knock at the door. "Mistress Ivy, Jason has requested your presence.."
Saved from the devil..
"T-thank you, Jason.." She stutters slightly. "I'll be there in a sec.."
Shadow growls, but then Tempest takes control. Her eyes are violet again.
This is the doll she truly loves, her kindness, not her other's sadistic ness. It was amazing how people underestimated her.
"Go.." She breathed, her lips on her cheek. "Make up for it later.."
As Ivy walks out, she notes the unnatural smile on her face.
Matthew comes into her view on the hallway. He looks too happy in a place like this.
"She slept with me last night, you are just a toy.."
Ivy feels her heart continue. Wasn't it suppose to shatter? She feels no surprise at the statement.
"And yet I'm the one who she says 'I love you' to. Your just a fuck she uses for her relief.."
She smirks at his scowl as she leaves. It was time to meet Jason.
He was the head guard of the prisons.
1. a person or thing to which a specified action or feeling is directed.
2. a material thing that can be seen and touched.
Lou picked up a strange object when he was crawling around the compound. He was one of the few allowed.
As he sat down near one of the beds on a random room, he flipped it open.
It was something with a lad of papers that flipped when your turned it.
P.....a......g......e 1... He thought. What?..
He found in the hallway, it was strange. It was full of gibberish he didn't understand.
Kind of like the outsider's language. It looked like it.
He turned the paper over with his teeth, and he found more words. He didn't know what they meant. It was his first time seeing an object like this.
"What are you doing?.."
He jumped, but then relaxed as he layed down (like a dog) again.
"Looking at this...thing..." He replied. "C'mon, have a look.."
She gave him a skeptics look. "What the hell are you holding?.."
He looked at the object in his hands. "Some kind of file with a lot of words.."
She jumped on the bed, and laid half-way in his back. Her hands were on his shoulders.
She traced a word. "Animal.."
"I recognise it, animal.." She whispered. "Animal.."
"Something that lives and moves but is not a human, bird, fish, or insect.." She told him. "I learned that off master.."
He gasped. "Mistress taught you that?!.."
She nodded. "Yeah, she taught me two years ago. I know a few of this gibberish. But she stopped for some reason, I just guess that she gave up on me. I am a feral after all.."
Lou felt sorry for her, it must have been bad having hope only to have it crushed.
"What are you doing here?"
Natalie yelps at the noise, and hides behind Lou.
"No!" A hand stretches out, and Lou sniffs it. "I won't hurt you, I promise.."
He stared at her.
"My name is Crystal.."
As she looked at the ferals, she couldn't believe that she was seeing not one, but two for the very first time!
Only elite guards got to see them, the rest were considered 'unworthy'.
Probably because they were worried we would tell..
As she slowly sat down on the bed, she saw the male feral's mouth curl up into a snarl.
He growled at her.
She put her hand out again, and the male sniffed it.
He raised his eyebrow, this guardswomen didn't seem threatening. Not like the rest of the guards who beat them whenever they got the chance.
He snarled a little, what if she was like the rest of them?
Crystal saw the fear on his eyes, he must have thought she was a violent guard.
"Hey.." She put a hand on his hair, and stroked it. "I won't hurt you.."
He closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation of being petted.
He opened his eyes, and turned to Natalie.
He smiled. "She's fine.."
Crystal was shocked when the feral whined happily at the female one. She instantly calmed down and layed in front of her.
"Are you ferals up for the fight tonight?" She asked. They looked familiar. "Just asking.."
"Lou and Natalie.." The female spoke. "Our labels.."
"You speak English?"
She shook her head. "Just labels.."
A shock goes through her collar, and she gasped in pain.
Crystal wondered why she was shocked, she only said a couple of sentences!
All ferals had collars with them, and they were only taken off under extreme circumstances. They were electrified if they stepped out of line.
Fuck whoever is monitoring them...
The male hadn't spoken, he was just watching her carefully.
He nodded, she remembered asking a question.
"Not everything is solved by violence.." She spoke. "Don't start one, won't be none.."
(A/N: This is my personal quote! Now to the story~👍)
Lou lifted his head in curiosity.
Don't engage in a fight unless someone else attacks first.. The voice replied. Basically, try to look for peace instead of solving it by violence...
He practically felt the smirk from the voice. Why?
"So, just don't get into violence.." She laughed. "She wouldn't like that.."
I would piss her off with that if I were in their situation...
She jumped. "Oh, hey Irene!"
"Why aren't you on prison duty?"
"I was just going, but then I spotted the ferals-"
She was interrupted when Natalie barked happily, and ran up to Irene. The soldier's eyes softened.
"Hey, baby girl.." She places a kiss in the crown of her head. "I missed you to.."
She stroked her hair, it felt so wrong, but she was begging to be petted. She couldn't help but do it.
"Huhhh, good girl.." She sighed. "I'll be back later.."
"How do you know them?"
"Oh.." Irene replied. "Master Ivy sometimes puts me in guard of their room so they don't get out. Natalie just happens to be a master of getting out.."
"Pun intended?"
Crystal chuckled, and then she saw Lou tilt his head in a confused way.
It was cute how he was confused.
She chuckled. "Nothing.."
Natalie whined when they both left. "I liked that girl.."
"You like anyone who brings you digestive biscuits.."
"....Shut up."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
1. the people who watch or listen to a television or radio programme.
2. the assembled spectators or listeners at a public event such as a play, film, concert, or meeting.
There was a lot in the audience tonight, Ox didn't know if it was good or not. He was with the others.
Moxy, Mandy, Louise, Nolan and Luckybat came with him.
"Hey, Ox" Luckybat called. "Do you know what this place is called?"
He looked at his boyfriend. "No, Why?"
"Because it says it on that huge ass sign over there."
Abrazo del diablo (Devil's Embrace)
Ox was surprised by that name. "Huh, didn't expect that.."
Why was it called it?
"From what Michael told me.." Nolan started. "Four ferals are going to verse each other tonight. It's 2 vs 2. Males and females."
"What about the other bit?" Mandy asked. "He mentioned something about visiting someone.."
"Yeah.." Moxy put in. "Shadow or something like that"
Ox sat down next to Luckybat, and looked into the audience. It was so busy tonight.
"Fights are rare here.."
"What, Louise?"
"I know one of the guards here.." She folded her arms. "She is one of the elite, and apparently the lost prototype (aka my brother) is versing along with a girl named Natalie.."
"That's useful information.." Ox replied. "It could help us-"
A speaker interrupted him, and eveyone jumped in shock as the lights turned dim. You could barely see anyhting except the ring which was glowing brightly.
"Ladies and gentlemen! Are you ready for an EPIC FIGHT?!" It shouted. "IT'S A RARE OCCASION GUYS! 2 VS 2! CAN TOU BELIEVE IT?!"
The crowed cheered, it was rare!
Ox coukdn't tell if it was a male or female speaking.
Lou looked at the audience, it was full tonight. There were no questioning it.
It was a full house.
That wasn't rare, but it wasn't often either.
He could feel his collar coming off, it was a relief. But his neck itched to have it back on, he hated that his body was used to it.
The speaker was extra loud tonight.
Lou saw Ivy narrow her eyes in anger, he knew that the person behind the speaker was in trouble. He had been stupid to forget you weren't supposed to mention names.
"Lou, Natalie..." Ivy whispered, saying the word that would a trigger special command in their minds. "Go and fight..."
Ox saw the ferals that came on the ring.
One had blue hair that was spiked up, he had brown eyes and was shirtless. He was barefoot, and was wearing red pants that went up to his ankles.
The second had a bob cut with ginger hair. she had green eyes, and was wearing an almost ripped red belly top with very short blue shorts.
The third had brown hair in a messy bun, and she wore a purple top that was ripped to the point that it barely covered her cleavage.
The final one, he had blonde hair with blue eyes. His skin was slightky tanned and he was baggy black pants.
When all four of them met in the ring, they hissed, and bared their fangs at each other.
Louise was horrified at seeing him. But also horrifed at another thing.
Dolls didn't have fangs.
They were supposed to have flat teeth, normal ones. What had they done to these dolls?
As if on cue, and referee cams waving a flag.
The blonde and blue haired one started circling each other, they seemed to hate one another.
The same was with the females. The just didn't like each other.
Ox held his breath.
Louise felt herself grow these.
Thye coukdn't look away.
"1, FIGHT!.."
The ferals' eyes widened, and they glazed with a strange fog.
Blaze pounced at Lou, and he jumped back. Natalie clawed at Paige, and she obtained a scratch mar, on her face.
She growled and went to punch her, but her hand was blocked. She twisted her on her back, and bent her arm backwards. As satisfying crack was heard. It was either dislocated or broken.
The boy seemed to be wrestling. Blaze went to kick Lou. But he swatted it away, he seemed to be blocking instead of attacking
He stood up, and Lou did the same. The crowd gasped, fights were usually on all fours!
Blaze went to punch him, but Lou kicked his hand away. The other growled, and pushed him into the bars.
Lou was currently defending himself, Blaze was bigger than him. He couldn't go in the offence right now.
He kicked him in the stomach, and he had a split second to get away. He took it and did a back flip to Natalie.
"Lou!" She shouted, but it sounded like a growl to the audience. "Make me fly.."
Lou nodded, and Natalie jumped on his back. She cling to it like a spider, and then he jumped to fling her into the air.
Went over to Paige and did a high kick to her face, it knocked her down instantly.
She kicked her in the stomach, just to make sure she would stay down.
Then she was put into a choke hold. She gasped, it was Blaze!
Lou was shocked, but he was angry as well.
"Let go of her.." He hissed. "She has nothing to do with this.."
"You haven't been fighting me properly.." He replied. "Do it, and I'll let her go.."
Lou could feel the anger burning in his veins, he wanted to more than hurt him.
"Fine.." He shrugged, and then kicked Blaze in the face which sent him knocking down. "Your funeral.."
Lou tried to punch him again but missed by centimeters. Blaze walked backwards and touched his cheek and noticing the fighter took one bit of skin from his face.
Oc couldn't believe how ruthless he was being. He could kill him without beating a sweat! He seemed to have no remorse in his eyes along with the female.
They didn't give a shit.
Lou didn't give any chance to Blaze to recover, when he was already attacking again, but this time he managed to punch his stomach and then ended with a powerful hit on his face, Lou then leaped on the air and tried to kick the other, but he blocked it with his arms.
Then the doll took out a bit of the bars and threw it to Blaze, shattering his arm, and pulled him so he could punch Blaze out of his senses.
Blaze fell to the ground almost losing consciousness, but standing up again, so Lou darted to him and tried to punch him many times, but he managed to dodge the hits.
Louise was on the edge of her seat, was he really?....
Is Lou really going to?.. She thought. This isn't my brother...
Blaze leaped backwards and thought that the fighter didn't touch him this time, but then he noticed how was running out of room on the ring.
He couldn't believe this, but then he felt a pain on his chest, he started breathing with difficulties and noticed that his vision started to blur.
Lou walked over and whispered to his ear. "Didn't you notice I impacted your weak points with those fake punches? Poor monster. You will die too soon, Blaze.."
His eyes were glazed, as if his mind was far away. Lou felt like he was being controlled, and he likes it.
Huh, guess the broken were the most fucked up.
Blaze looked up, and saw the pleasured look in the other's eyes.
Lou was so close to killing him, he was defenseless against the fighter, how lifted his fist ready to give the final blow.
No... Louise thought, and stared at Ox who had the same terrified look on him. No..
Natalie was watching with pleasure. She was glad that her choker was going to die. He had cheated by hurting her, and now he was going to pay the consequences.
The masters allowed a kill as long as there wasn't too much blood.
She smiled. "Kill him, Lou.."
The other hesitates, was killing even allowed?
He looked at her with a questioning look.
She nodded.
He jumped along with Natalie, what the bell was that?!
Natalie instinctively hid behind Lou to see what the threat was, and they were surprised to see an audience member there.
He was still crouched down about to give Blaze the final blow while Paige was unconscious on the floor.
He felt arms wrap around him, and he yelled as if he was in pain. What was she doing?
"Kill him.." Ivy purred in his mind. "Kill him.."
It was a command.
Lou felt like he was having an inner battle, what would he do?!
Don't give in.. The voice was back, it soothed his worries. Sister is here, let me handle this....
He could feel the fog thinning, but how? He was never able to fight off their influence.
Being in those arms felt soothing, right. Why?
He felt as if he wasn't an animal for once.
He loved it.
Lou snapped out of his daze, and pushed the girl away, he growled at her like she was a threat.
He didn't know who this was.
Ivy came on the stage, and out the collar on him and Natalie.
Now collared again. Their eyes now held no fierceness, but a meek, naive, almost sad look, and they let loose a quiet whimper as they were jerked roughly from their places.
And the eyes of the crowd followed them as they followed their master. Tame. Almost as if put under a spell.
Ivy turned with a nasty look in her eyes as she saw Louise. As if she knew who this was.
"Guards.." She commander softly. "Get her out of my sight.."
Mark and Chris came on, they put their hands on Louis's arms to escort her out.
Lou was slapped, and he whimpered. His mistress wasn't in a good mood. "Next time I give an order, obey it. Fail, and your tongue will be removed. Understand?.."
He nodded, to afraid to protest. Natalie was growling ever so softly as to not make Ivy hear her.
The space filled the awkward silence that had swallowed the area.
As Lou was lead our on all fours, he could feel Natalie's eyes on him with worry.
Where was that female doll from? Why was she so familiar?
He knew it was better to not ask questions that wouldn't be answered.
1. stay where one is or delay action until a particular time or event.
2. the action of staying where one is or delaying action until a particular time or event.
Ox was currently waiting outside a 'Master Shadow's' door, but why was it taking so long?
He was with Moxy and Nolan and Louise. Mandy and Luckybat had gone to check out the area so they could familiarize themselves with the place. So, they weren't here right now.
Two guards were currently standing outside the door. It was guarded, secure.
But there faces were embarrassed, as if they could hear something they didn't. And Ox was a bunny, he shoukd have heard something.
"I-Ivy~.." They heard a moan. "H-Harder!~"
Louise whispered. "What the fuck?"
Was someone having sex? The hoped not. Ox felt sorry for the guards.
He walked up to them. "Excuse me, we have an appointment with Mr. Shadow.."
The guard eyed him, and whispered. "Do not say Mr.."
She returned around, and knocked the door.
"Mistress, there is someone to see you.."
A pause.
"F-fuck, I'm cumming! Ahhhh~.."
They heard a scream of ectasy, and their faces blushed bright red.
The guards didn't seem affected by this, and just stood there emotionless.
Then the door opened, and there stood a half-naked Shadow. "Hey ya'll, what do ya want?"
"Mistress, these visitors claim to be friends with Michael.."
She smiled. "Oh yes, my old fuck buddy! He's the guy when you need a dick! Come in, ya'll! Just close your eyes! My girlfriend is GETTING DRESSED!"
Ox took in her appearance. She had dark blue in a hair-flip. She had copper skin, and violet eyes.
She looked so innocent. "Come in!"
As they stepped into the room, they saw an office with a gisnt window, rich red curtains, white walls, a desk, draws, bed, etc.
Ivy was getting off the desk, a bra and pants on. "You had to invite them in just after we had sex..."
Her eyes turned black. "They're my guests, we don't want to be rude, do we?"
She seemed....scared. "N-no Mistress.."
She caressed her cheek, and patted it. "Nope.."
A pause.
"Now, what the fuck do you want?.." She sat on the desk. "My fighters are not for sale.."
Ox was surprised by the sudden change in attitude. Why was she so angry now?
"No.." He replied. "But I just want to talk!-"
"Shhhh..." Ivy out a finger to her lips. "My ferals are sleeping.."
Louis raised a brow, and looked to her left. She was stunned.
Lou and Natalie were curled up like dogs and laying in the large bed, how did they not wake up? They had collars on.
"Sleeping gas.." Shadow smirked. "Knocks them right out. Would you like for me to wake them up?.."
Ox foolishly nodded,
She sighed, and spoke. "Heel.."
Their eyes snapped open, and they immediately jumped to her and shadow's side.
He snarled at the intruders. What were they doing here?
"They're visitors, babies.." Her hands kanded on their hair. Thye immediately relaxed. "They won't hurt me, but please...sick 'em, Lou..."
He moved faster than they coukd blink. He sped to Nolan, and pinned him down.
He growled, and he showed no signs of recognition for him.
His head snapped to Louise and Ox. That same hesitant feeling came over him, he needed to get over it.
He grew silent, and Ivy sighed. "Come here, baby.."
Louise watched as he crawled on all fours, and layed down like a dog at his mistress' side. He seemed to be very protective kf her.
The female was just sitting there in her knees, she just stared into space.
"Natalie, under.." She went under her legs, and Shadow put her feet on her. "Ahh, so they aren't for sale.."
Nolan questioned her. "How do you make them so obedient?"
"Like my sister used to say.." Her eyes grew dark for a second. "Get 'em young, the possibilities are endless. I got Lou when a friend of mine came over around nearky a decade ago. Had a bit of fight in him, but we beat it out of him..."
She meant it as a joke.
"We'd like to buy Lou and Natalie.." Ox proposed. "10,000 bits?"
She just chuckles. "It's not up to me. Well, it is, but Lou belongs to my girlfriend. I can't be assed doing this. Ivy, speak.."
Her voice was soft. "No thanks, I hapone to be attached to them. Lou, do you want to go?"
He whined frnatically, shaking his head like a wild animal. Natalie was in Shadow's arms with the head buried in the neck.
They were too attached to leave.
"Sorry, guys.." Shadow apologised. "The lady said no.."
"The lady.." her eyes flashed black. "Said no. Lou, escort them out.."
He snarled at Louse, and charged at her. She, Ox, Moxy, and Nolan ran out.
The door was slammed.
A guard's phone lit up. "Sorry guys, Mistress says to take you out.."
She got a gun out, and pointed it at them.
"Time to go.." She stated emotionless.
As they were 'escorted', Louise and Ox looked at each other.
They couldn't give up.
They needed to find a way to get him no matter the consequence.
(A/N: Hey guys, this is just a quick oneshot I wanted to do~😁)
(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)
(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘
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