Chapter 1: Hanging with the goddess;Discover a power within
Narrator POV
In the morning, we see Y/n and Neptune sleeping Neptune's room then out of nowhere an alarm clock start ringing and that make Neptune waking up.
Neptune:*groan* I'm up, I'm up
She then turn off the alarm clock and then turn to see Y/n sleeping with his two tails wrapping around himself making her blush at this.
Neptune:*thought* Oh my goodness, he's so cute
She then start waking up Y/n.
Neptune: Wake up Y/n
Y/n then started to waking up from his sleep and made a cute yawn making Neptune's face turn more red, Y/n then looked at Neptune.
Y/n: Good morning Neptune
Neptune: Good morning Y/n
Then a door open and they saw Histoire opening the door.
Histoire: Good morning guys
Y/n: Good morning Ms. Histoire
Neptune: Morning Histy
Histoire: Come on guys, breakfast is ready
Neptune: Ok, come on Y/n
Y/n: Ok
Neptune, Y/n, and Histoire are now in the kitchen while Nepgear cooking breakfast then Histoire ask Y/n and Neptune ask them a question.
Histoire: How's was y'all sleep?
Y/n: It's was good
Neptune: That sleep felt fluffy
Histoire: Neptune, have you sleep on one of Y/n's tail?
Neptune: What I did? No wonder why it was fluffy
Y/n:*blushing* You think my tails are fluffy?
Neptune: Of course, it's fluffy
Y/n:*blushing* Thank you
Neptune: No problem
Nepgear: Breakfast ready
They then turn to see Nepgear holding three plates with food on them and she gave them their plates.
Y/n: Thank you Nepgear
Nepgear: You're welcome Y/n, how's your sleep?
Y/n: It was good
Nepgear: Sis, how's your sleep went?
Neptune: It was fluffy
Nepgear: What do you mean by that?
Histoire: She slept on one of Y/n's tail
Nepgear: Why?
Neptune: I thought it was a pillow
Histoire: Let's talk later, we got a big day today
Nepgear: What do you mean?
Neptune: What are you talking about Histy?
Histoire: The four goddess are going to hang with Y/n of course
Neptune: We are?
Histoire: Yep
Neptune and Nepgear: YEAH!
That made Y/n Happy because he is going to hang with his new friends.
Now the goddess, their sisters, and Y/n are in the city of Planetune hanging out and Vert is holding Y/n then he looked around and saw unique buildings then what it caught his eyes was a man in red armor with his visor and the emblem on top of his helmet has the kanji meaning fire and holding a sword.
He was looking down at Y/n and nodded at him and Y/n have him a wave.
Neptune: Who are you looking at Y/n?
Then Y/n turn to see Neptune and Y/n turn to see the man in red armor is gone.
Y/n: I thought I saw something
Noire: What was it?
Y/n: It was man in red armor with a visor and the emblem on his helmet have a symbol meaning fire on it
Uni: Hmm, I never heard of him before
Blanc: Me neither
Rom: Come on Y/n, you must seeing things
Ram: Come on Y/n and the rest, let's have fun
Nepgear: But where?
Neptune: I know, I know, I know
Vert: What is it Neptune?
That made Y/n confuse on what Neptune say.
Y/n: What's that?
Neptune, Rom and Ram then start to gasped in what Y/n said.
Rom and Ram: You never heard of the carnival?
Y/n: No
Neptune then grabbed Y/n and said to him.
Neptune: Come on Y/n, let's go
Then she dashed away with Y/n and Noire said to Neptune.
Noire: Neptune, wait up
Then they followed Neptune and Y/n.
Neptune and Y/n are at the carnival.
Y/n: So this is a carnival?
Neptune: Yep, this is the carnival
Nepgear, Noire, Blanc, Vert, and their sister came as well.
Nepgear: Sis, you should've wait for us
Neptune: Sorry Nep Nep but Y/n never heard of a carnival
Rom: Yeah that's true
Ram: Come on guys let's have fun
Goddess and sisters: YEAH!
Vert: You ready Y/n sweetie?
Y/n then gave Vert a nod saying he's ready.
Uni: Alright, where to?
They all nodded and Y/n was picked up by Vert and she carry him on her shoulder and going to the dart balloon where they see a Carny.
The carny then looked to see the four goddess and their sister including Y/n.
Carny: Hello Neptune, what brings you here?
Neptune: I'm just here with my friends and my sister
Carny: And who's the little one right there?
Neptune: This is Y/n
Nepgear: And we taking care of him
Carny: Nice to meet ya Y/n
Y/n: Nice to meet you too
Carny: Would you like to try to play?
Y/n: Sure
Carny: It will be two dollar
Blanc: Don't worry, I got you
She then pulled out two dollar and gave it to the Carny then gave multiple darts.
Carny: Alright Y/n here's are the rule, you must pop all the balloon with the darts and the darts are you're chances of you win, you get a prize and if you miss all the balloons you lose, so are you ready?
Y/n: I am
Neptune: Good luck
Rom and Ram: You can do it
Vert: Don't give up
Blanc: You got this little guy
Carny: Alright, BEGIN!
Y/n then pick up a dart and throw it at one of the balloon and it popped, he then picked up another dart and throw it at the balloon and it popped then he pick another dart and throw it at the balloon and it popped then he picked another dart and throw it at the balloon and it popped and he picked up the last dart and throw it at the balloon and it popped then the goddess and their sister cheer at Y/n.
But before the Carny get Y/n prize, they heard screaming and they turn to see people run away from a monster that is wearing a robe with a skull on each side of his shoulder and holding a fan with soldiers with no eyes and holding swords.
Neptune: We gotta stop him
Noire: What about Y/n?
Blanc: I got it, Ram and Rom stay with Y/n
Ram and Rom: Ok did
Uni: Come on guys let's do this
Then the goddess nodded and they glowed flashing in different color making Y/n covering his eyes when the flashing light was gone they were in their CPU form.
Then Y/n open his eyes and saw them in their CPU form, he was confused
Y/n:*confused* Neptune?
Neptune then turn to see Y/n with confused look on his face then she smile walk to him and bending on her one knee and patting his head.
Purple Heart: Of course it's me Y/n but you call me in this Purple Heart
Y/n: Ok Purple Heart
Purple sister: Come on Neptune, let's stop that monster
Purple Heart: Ok, see ya when we get back
Y/n: See ya
Then the goddess flew into the city and while on one of the building, we see the same man in red armor standing on top of the building.
???2: Hmmp, looks like the Gedoshu has risen
Then he followed them where the gedoshu and the goddesses are as well.
(Timeskip into the city)
Now we seeing the monsters is scaring people and the leader was starting to laughing.
???: Just look at all these people running in fear just music to my ears
Then he heard a voice.
???: Stop right there
Then he turned to see the goddesses in their CPU form.
???: Who are y'all suppose to be anyway?
Purple Heart: I am Purple Heart and this is my land your destroying
Black Heart: Just what are you?
Akumaro: I am Akumaro Sujigarano and I'm here to find a boy who can able to summon very powerful things so that I can use to destroy this world as we know it
White Heart: We won't let that happen
Akumaro: We'll see about that, NANASHI GET THEM!
Then the nanashi came and surround the goddesses.
Purple Sister: What are going to do?
Black Sister: We fight
Akumaro: You think y'all can stop these monster?
???: No but I will
The Goddesses: UH!?
Akumaro: What no it can't be
Then they see the man in red armor standing there.
Purple Heart: That's what Y/n tell us about
Green Heart: Who are you?
Shinken Red: Shinken Red, Shiba Retsudo
Akumaro: There's no way you survive, I thought you die
Shinken Red: I did but the spirit of the Super Sentai never die
Purple Sister: Super Sentai?
Purple Heart: It's a japanese superhero team
Shinken Red: How did you know about it?
Purple Heart: Because I'm the main character
(A/n: I'm need you to stop right there chief, Y/n is the main character)
Purple Heart:
Shinken Red: Uhh, she's good?
Purple Sister: She always like that
Akumaro: No matter my radar have found the energy signature and nobody will stop bugging my plan, NANASHI GET THEM!
(The CPU and Shinken Red vs Nanashi, ready? GO!)
(A/n: Now playing Samurai Sentai Shinkenger opening)
Then the gedoshu charged with their sword out at them and they charged at them and the goddesses dash at them with full speed making the gedoshu fall in the ground and Shinken Red was impressed.
Shinken Red: I'm impressed
Then he heard screeching and he then to see some gedoshu surrounding him.
Shinken Red: Hmmp, gotta take it up notch
Then he open his belt and it show a secret disk and put the shinkenmaru and he spin it then the sword has transformed into a weapon that shaped like an armored zanbato with fire symbol on it.
Nanashi then charged at him with their swords out.
Then he swung his armored zanbato around against nanashi and making fly away then Purple Heart chuckle at the pun he made.
Purple Heart: Nice pun
Black Heart: Now there's no time for pun
Then a nanashi charged at Black Heart with its sword and the nanashi slash its sword at Black Heart but she grabbed it and kicked the nanashi. Then there was group of nanashi holding bow and arrows at Black Heart and shoot the arrows at her but Shinken Red blocked them with his armored zanbato.
Black Heart: Thanks
Shinken Red: Don't mention it
Then they were more of nanashi surrounding Shinken Red and Black Heart.
Black Heart: What are going to do?
Shinken Red: I got an idea
Black Heart: Then spill it
Shinken Red: Get down
Then he open his belt and pull out an disk that it show an orange hercules beetle and put the disk on his rekka daizantou then it have fire around it.
Shinken Red: NOW!
Black Heart then ducked and he spun his armored zanbato around against the nanashi making them fall down and explode then she stood and saw his weapon have turn into a canon.
Black Heart:*surprised* Woah
Shinken Red: Quick, get you're friends to come here
Then the rest of the CPU heard Black Heart and they come to them.
Purple Heart: What is it that you need help with?
Shinken Red then pulled out five disk the first one was a red disk with a lion on it, the second one was a blue disk with a dragon on it, the third one was a green disk with a bear on it, the fourth one was a yellow disk with a ape on it, and the last one was a pink disk with a turtle on it then he throw the five disk at the three CPU and Uni.
Shinken Red: Put them in
They nodded and Purple Heart then put the red disk in then Green Heart put the green disk in then White Heart put the blue disk in then Purple Sister put the yellow disk in and Black Sister put the pink disk in.
Shinken Red: Alright now stand back
Then they stand away from Shinken Red and then they were more of gedoshu.
Then he pull the trigger and it blasted out an hercules beetle like energy blast at the nanashi making them fall down and explode.
(Shinken Red and the CPU wins)
Then his hands have became claws and blasted lighting bolt at them making them fall and the goddesses are out of their CPU form and on the ground including Shinken Red out of his sentai form.
Akumaro: Just look at ya defeated by me and it looks like I have found the boy, farewell
Then he jumped from building to building and Neptune know what direction he's going to.
Neptune:*weakly* N-no, he's going to the carnival
Noire:*weakly* That's where Y/n is
Blanc: Including Rom and Ram
And they realized something.
Nepgear: Y/n have the power
Retsudo: We must get to him before Akumaro gets there first
Uni: But how?
Shinken Red then pulled out his morpher and he started to paint a kanji meaning teleport.
Then the symbol wrapped around the goddesses and himself and teleport to the carnival.
(Timeskip to the carnival)
Now we see Y/n, Rom and Ram waiting for them to get back and Y/n was getting scared with his fox ears went down.
Rom: Y/n are you ok?
Y/n: I'm just scared that they are not coming back
Ram then hug Y/n to make him feel better.
Ram: Don't say that Y/n, they will come back just gotta believe in then
Rom: Yeah, so don't get so sorry alright?
Y/n's ears then perk up and hug then both.
Y/n: Thank you
Then Ram and Rom hugged him back.
Ram and Rom: You're welcome
???: How cute
They then turn to see Akumaro and some nanashi are standing there with their swords out.
Y/n*scared* Who are you?
Akumaro: Oh where are my manners, I'm Akumaro Sujigarano and I'm here to get you
Y/n:*scared* WHAT!?
Ram: You're not getting him
Akumaro: And what if I do?
Rom: We fight you
Akumaro: HAHAHA! Don't be joking I'm going to two little kids
Then they heard a voice they recognize.
Neptune: I don't think so
Then he turn around to see the goddesses and Retsudo.
Y/n then rushed to Neptune and gave her a hug making the her blushed on her face including the rest of the goddesses have blush on their face.
Akumaro: What I thought I defeat you all
Retsudo: You think that you defeated us but we can't be defeated that easily
Then Y/n, Ram and Rom are confuse on who that man is.
Y/n: Who are you?
Ram: Are you going to hurt us?
Retsudo: No, I'm here to hurt you all and you know me by the man in red standing that you saw
Y/n: You are?
Ram: So Y/n was telling the truth?
Rom: I guess
Akumaro: No matter, I'll get the boy and his power
Nepgear: You're not getting to him
Blanc: Or take his power
Retsudo: Guys, y'all ready?
The goddesses then nodded at him.
Retsudo: Now, LET'S GO!
Then he pulled out his morpher and turn it into a brushed and paint the symbol of fire.
Retsudo: Shodofon! Ippitsu Sōjō!
(Go to Shinken Red transformation)
Then the goddesses have transform into their CPU form.
Shinken Red: Shinken Red, Shiba Retsudo
And Y/n, Ram and Rom were surprised that on what he look like.
Y/n, Rom, and Ram: WOAH!
Shinken Red: Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, going forth
Purple Heart: Ram and Rom, I need you to protect Y/n
Ram and Rom: Ok Neptune
Akumaro: No matter I'll get the boy if the last thing I do, NANASHI GET THEM!
(Shinken Red and the CPU vs Nanashi and Akumaro, ready? GO!)
Then Shinken Red and the CPU charged at the nanashi with their swords out and the nanashi charged at them then Shinken Red then pulled out his shinkenmaru and take something out his belt and it was the shishi disk and he put it on his sword then he spun the part of the sword that act like an praxinoscope to make the lion on the disk moving and then fire was surrounding the sword.
Then released an fire slash at the nanashi making them fall down and explode then more nanashi are coming at him with their swords out but there was dark purple blur hitting them and making them fall down to the ground and it revealed that it was Purple Heart.
Purple Heart: What are you waiting for stop Akumaro
He then nodded at her and run to Akumaro with his shinkenmaru out and he slash him but Akumaro blocked with his staff and he then hit Shinken Red making him have sparks fall out of him and stumble back a bit.
Akumaro: You think you can stop me
Shinken Red: I can defeat you
He then pulled out a black box with kanji meaning truth and a disk with the shiba logo on it then he put the disk inside the box and center of it blinking green light and said.
InrouMaru: Super Disk
Akumaro then shot lighting bolt at him but then glowing white light block the attack making it have smoke around Shinken Red but when the smoke cleared, he is now wearing a flowing white longcoat with the kanji for truth. And Y/n, Ram and Rom was surprised.
Y/n, Ram, and Rom:*surprised* WOAH!
Super Shinken Red: Super Shinken Red, going forth
Then he attach the InrouMaru in the shinkenmaru making it to super shinkenmaru.
Akumaro: You think that form can stop me?
Super Shinken Red: Then let's go
He then charged at Akumaro with his super shinkenmaru then Akumaro shot lighting bolt at him again but he slash it away and jumped at him and slash him making Akumaro have sparks fall out of him and fall in the ground.
Super Shinken Red: Have enough?
Akumaro: Not quite
He then shock super Shinken Red making him have sparks fall out of him and stumble back a bit.
Akumaro: No matter you do, I'll get my hand on that boy's power
Super Shinken Red: I don't think so
He then open up the InrouMaru and take the Super Disk and put the shishi disk in and closed it.
InrouMaru: Shishi disk
Then his sword starting to have fire around it.
Then he dashed at Akumaro and Akumaro dashed at him with lighting bolts coming out of his claw then they slashed each other and Super Shinken Red gotten hit by his claws and fall down and demorph. And Neptune saw it happen.
Purple Heart: RETSUDO!
Akumaro: Now it's time to finish you off
Then he heard Purple Heart coming at him but he got angry and said to her.
Akumaro:*anger* STOP BUGGING!
Then he shot lighting bolt at her but she dodge it and she charged at him with full speed and kick him in the face and making him flew into a stand.
Akumaro:*anger* NOW YOU HAVE DONE IT!
Then he have lighting coming around and he spun around releasing lighting bolt at the goddesses making them fall down and transform out of their CPU form.
(Round lost)
Ram and Rom: SIS!
Y/n shiver in fear with his fox ears went down.
Akumaro: Now for you, you little freak
Then Y/n heard the word freak echo inside of his mind making him have tears in his eyes.
Ram: Hey, leave him alone ya big meanie
Akumaro: Who? Me?
Rom: Yes, you just can't hurt people all you want
Akumaro: And what are you going to do about?
Rom and Ram: We fight you
Akumaro: You're just wasting time, now GET OUT OF MY WAY!
He blast lighting bolt at Ram and Rom but they saw Y/n I'm front of them blocking the attack but before it made contact to Y/n, there were five element kanji for fire, water, wood, heaven, and soil surrounding Y/n and when the lighting bolt made contact they explode.
Neptune and Nepgear: Y/N!
Then Akumaro was starting to laughing but in the smoke the goddesses and Retsudo saw two glowing blue eyes and when smoke cleared up it revealed to be a mech with the based was a red lion, the arms were a turtle and ape, and the legs were a dragon and a bear with a face and having a sword on the waist and a shield behind his back and have helmet on its head.
When Akumaro saw this and he was surprised including the goddesses except for Retsudo who he know that mech.
Akumaro: WHAT?! IT CAN'T BE!
Neptune: What is that?
Nepgear: It's a robot
Vert: But what it's name
Retsudo: Samurai Gattai, ShinkenOh
Blanc: But where's Y/n?
Ram and Rom then looked up and saw ShinkenOh standing there in front of them.
Ram: Y/n?
Rom: Is that you?
The ShinkenOh then said that was familiar to the goddesses and their sister.
Y/n: What happened?
Neptune: Y/n is that you?
Y/n: I think so?
Then Y/n try to feel his fox ears but he didn't felt then and he look at his hands then he started to freak out.
Akumaro: What it's the ShinkenOh
Uni: So that's what his power is
Vert: I guess
Akumaro: No matter I can still get you to come with me, NANASHI GET HIM!
Then a group of nanashi came through the cracks from the ground and holding swords and arrows and Y/n was getting nervous.
Neptune: Come on Y/n, you can do this
Blanc: Don't give up
Ram and Rom: Believe in yourself
Nepgear: You got this
Uni: Show them what you made of
Noire: Don't be scared, you can do it
Vert: Never give up
Y/n then nodded at them getting ready himself and the nanashi are getting ready too.
Akumaro: ATTACK!
(Y/n vs Nanashi Company)
The nanashi was charging at Y/n with their swords out ready to slash him and Y/n charged at them with his sword out and he slash one of them making fall out of it. Then a group of nanashi holding bow and arrows ready to shot him then he heard Neptune talking to him.
Neptune: Y/n watch out
Y/n then turn to see nanashi with bow and arrows started to shooting arrows at him but Y/n blocked the arrows with his shield and he spun around with his sword and slashing the rest of the nanashi making them fall down and explode.
Then more came out of the ground but instead of the normal nanashi their face have a bird beak with wings on their back and their clothes color are now red and black and holding a staff with pinchers.
Akumaro: GET HIM!
Then the ozora nanashi started to fly and starting to shoot at Y/n from above and making Y/n have sparks coming out of him.
Neptune: We need to help him
Blanc: But how?
Retsudo: I got an idea
He then pulled out an disk that have shark on it then he put the disk on his shinkenmaru and spun the part of the sword that act like an praxinoscope that make the shark on the disk biting and his shinkenmaru have transform into the Kyoryumaru then he say to Y/n caught his attention.
Retsudo: Y/n catch
He then throw the Kyoryumaru at Y/n and he catch it then there was a blinding light in different color when the light have vanish and it revealed that it was Y/n having an different helmet that have red, blue, green, yellow, and pink on it and holding the Kyoryumaru.
Uni: What is that?
Retsudo: It's Samurai Gattai Kyoryu ShinkenOh
Ram and Rom: WOAH!
Neptune: That's look cool
Akumaro: No matter, GET HIM!
Then the ozora nanashi started to flying around Y/n and starting to shoot at Y/n but he swung the Kyoryumaru around to blocked it and then slashing the ozora nanashi down and explode.
(Y/n wins)
Neptune: Y/N DID IT!
Ram and Rom: YEAH!
Retsudo: It's over Akumaro, he won
Akumaro: No it can't be, I never lose
Ram: He already did Akumaro
Akumaro: I'll be back for you all
He then went through the cracks and left then after the battle Y/n went back into his regular and pass out on the ground.
Goddess and Sisters: Y/N!
Then they ran to Y/n that is unconscious and Retsudo went to him and check pulse then he have a sigh of relief.
Retsudo:*sigh of relief* Good he's unconscious, we need to find someone to heal him
Neptune: I can call Compa, she'll heal him
Retsudo: Alright, we need to go to your place
Neptune: Alright
Then he pulled out his shodophone and then it into a paint form and write the kanji for home.
Then the symbol wrapped around everybody and transport to Neptune's place.
We now see the goddesses and Retsudo waiting outside for Compa to get done with Y/n then Neptune ask Retsudo a question.
Neptune: Hey Retsudo
Retsudo: Yeah
Neptune: I've been wondering why did he want Y/n's power for anyway?
Nepgear: Yeah, I was wondering that too
Retsudo: He wants Y/n's power to rule you're four worlds
Ram: Why he want to do that?
Rom: Yeah, he just a big meanie
Retsudo: So, where did you find Y/n?
Blanc: My sisters did
Rom: We find him in the alleyway
Ram: And inside a box
Vert: And we going to take care of him
Uni: We then find out that Y/n have fox like traits
Nepgear: And we find out that Y/n was an hybrid of an human and a fox
Noire: With two tails
They then heard a door open and they look to see Compa standing there at the door and Vert said to Compa.
Vert: How is he?
Compa: Well Y/n is unconscious due to the shock he have when he protect Ram and Rom and also due to use too much energy during the fight
Neptune: Thank you Compa
Compa: You're welcome, now it's time for me to leave
But before she leave, she heard Nepgear talking to her.
Nepgear: Wait Compa
Compa: What is it?
Nepgear: You want to meet him after he's wake up
Compa: Sure
They then heard a voice and they turn to see Histoire floating there.
Histoire: Hey Compa
Compa: Hi Histy
Histoire then looked at Retsudo with confuse look on her face.
Histoire: Who are you?
Rom: Yeah, who are you?
Retsudo: I am Retsudo Shiba, the first generation of samurai
Neptune: A samurai?
Nepgear: I thought their gone
Retsudo: Their aren't you looking at one right now
Rom: How did you transform into that suit?
Retsudo: This how
He then pulled out his shodophone.
Ram: What is that?
Retsudo: This is know as Transformation Cell Phone ShodoPhone, it let me to transform into Shinken Red the leader of team known as Samurai Sentai Shinkenger
Ram: That's cool
Rom: I'll say
Histoire: So what are y'all sitting there?
Nepgear: We were waiting on Y/n to wake up
Uni: You want to join with us?
Histoire: Sure
(Timeskip to when Y/n is waking up)
Now in Neptune's room, we see Y/n who is still unconscious but his hand has moving a bit and his eyes was starting to move. He was waking up and he started to look around.
Y/n: Uh, I must be in Neptune's room
He then get off her bed and went outside to look for Neptune and her friends including the man in red then he saw them sitting waiting on him.
Y/n: Hey
They then heard Y/n's voice and they turn to see him standing there.
Ram and Rom: Y/N!
Ram and Rom then went to Y/n and gave him a hugged that making him have a blush on his face.
Vert: How are you feeling?
Y/n: I'm ok thanks
Vert: Don't thank me, thank her
She then point at Compa.
Y/n: You did?
Compa: I did
She then felt a hug and she then looked to see Y/n hugging her making her have a blush on her face.
Y/n: Thank you
She then return the hug back and patting his head.
Compa: You're welcome Y/n
Retsudo: I see your awake
Y/n then turn to see Retsudo standing there.
Y/n: Who are you?
Retsudo: I'm Retsudo Shiba
Y/n then remembered that he was the man in red armor standing on top of the building
Y/n: Wait, you're the man in red standing on top of the building
Retsudo: Yep, that's me
Blanc: Why were you watching him for?
Retsudo: Because I know there was a boy who have the power who can able to summon Super Sentai mecha
Noire: So that means that Y/n can able to do that?
Retsudo: Yes
Y/n then remembered the word that Akumaro call him a little freak and he ask them that question.
Y/n: Guys
Neptune: What is it Y/n?
Y/n: Do you think I'm a freak?
Blanc: What are you talking about?
Y/n: Well, when you all got hurt by Akumaro he said to me 'you little freak'
Then his fox ears went down and he has tears in his eyes but then everybody hugged him including Retsudo making him feel better.
Ram: Don't say that Y/n
Rom: You're not a freak
Neptune: That's how you look
Blanc: And we like how you look
Nepgear: They're right not only it's looks cool on you but it makes you look adorable
Uni: And also we don't care if you have two tails
Noire: My sister right, you love you even if you have two tails
Vert: So don't sorry about it sweetie
Retsudo: Yeah if someone is trying to hurt you, we'll hurt them
Histoire: Retsudo right if someone is trying to hurt you, we'll give them a payback
Compa: And I can help you if to feel sad
Y/n then heard all those words coming from Neptune and her friends including Retsudo making have smile on his face then he hugged them.
Y/n: Thank you guys
All: You're welcome Y/n
Histoire then looked out the window and saw it was night time.
Histoire: Come on guys it's night time
Vert, Compa, Noire, Uni, Rom, and Ram are now leaving Neptune's place.
All: Bye Y/n
AND they left but before Retsudo have to leave he heard a Neptune talking to him.
Neptune: Retsudo wait
Retsudo: What is it?
Neptune: You can sleep with us
Retsudo: I'm good, I'm probably gonna look around see ya
Y/n, Neptune, Nepgear, and Histoire: See ya Retsudo
Then he left only brings to Y/n, Neptune, Nepgear, and Histoire then Nepgear say to Neptune.
Nepgear: Hey Neptune
Neptune: Yeah Nepgear?
Nepgear: Can Y/n sleep with me this time?
Neptune: Sure Nepgear
Nepgear: Thank you sis, come on Y/n let's get you a shower
Y/n: Ok
Then Y/n and Nepgear have went to her room.
(Timeskip after taking their shower)
Now Y/n is sitting on Nepgear's bed waiting on her to get done with her shower and he was thinking about what his new friends say about him making him feel better.
Y/n:*thought* I'm happy that I have friends on my side to take care of me
Nepgear: Alright Y/n are you ready?
Y/n then nodded and laying down beside Nepgear and went to sleep with his tails wrapping around himself making Nepgear and she then kissed his forehead and said.
Nepgear: Good night Y/n
And Nepgear went to sleep
See ya in Hanging with Neptune
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