36• Alone
Chapter 36-
"Okay, here we go." Mrs. Morgan says as she walks into the dining room with a plate of cookies.
"Don't you think you guys are getting a little too old for milk and cookies?" She asks, her voice teasing. "Maybe. But your never too old for a cookie sandwich!" Benny says, biting into three cookies placed on top of one another.
"Just when I think you've found every way there is to be disgusting, you find another one. How are you dating him?" Sarah asks, looking over at me and I look up from my book, quickly swallowing the cookie in my mouth and ignoring the burn in my throat.
"I honestly have no idea." I tease and Benny glares at me playfully. "Grow up, Benny." Ethan says, putting his original cookie sandwich down and taking a cookie.
I look behind Mrs. Morgan to see Evelyn walking into from the back door, "Hello?" She calls, "Hi, Evelyn. Come on in." Mrs. Morgan says politely. "What brings you here?" She adds.
"Well I just wanted to make sure Benny isn't making a mess." Evelyn says, using her magic to knock over Benny's milk, and I can't help but jump.
"Oh! Do you have any napkins?" She asks Mrs. Morgan, "Stay put, no problem. I'll get some." She replies, moving into the kitchen.
"Grandma!" Benny exclaims, "Well? What do you have to say for yourselves?" Evelyn asks, "It's an easy explanation. Sarah didn't believe in trolls and Ethan bet me I couldn't conjure one." Benny says, "And someone responsible had to be there." I say ducking my head."
"What was I supposed to do?" Benny asks.
"You didn't conjure a troll. You conjured a toll. It cost me five bucks to get out of my living room." Evelyn says, "Ha! Told you, you couldn't do it!" Ethan says.
Mrs. Morgan sighs and walks into the dining room with a few napkins, and then Evelyn flips the plate beside Benny.
"It's ok. I'll get the dust-thingy." Mrs. Morgan says, shoving the napkins into Benny's chest and rushing off.
"Well, at least I conjured a toll booth. Can one of you two do that? Hm?" Benny asks, looking at Ethan and Sarah. "No, all I do is fight everything while you hide. Like you hide every time that robot dentist movie is on." Sarah says.
"Hey! Cyberdontist came to this planet to fill our cavities with pain!" Benny exclaims, "and at least I'm not hiding from myself." Benny adds.
"Benny-" I'm cut off by Sarah, "What's that supposed to mean?" She asks, "That you're a vampire who's afraid to bite people." Ethan says. Sarah and I look at him, "What? He said it, I didn't!" Ethan says, defending himself.
"And you're so perfect?" Sarah says sarcastically, "I'm just saying. Between Benny's misspelt magic and your smash-happy strategy, you'd both fail without my bulletproof genius plans." Ethan says.
"Um?" I speak up, "Oh come on, your claws are hardly effective compared to my fangs-" Sarah's cut off by Evelyn, thankfully.
"Stop! You four are a team." Evelyn says, Mrs. Morgan running in for a brief second, "It's in the hall closet." She says, running out.
"I sense a coming darkness." Evelyn begins, and I swear I can hear thunder,
"A force so powerful, so evil, that none of you stand a chance against it alone. Only by working together can-" She cuts herself off looking at the three beside me who are all on their phones.
"You have to work together!" She repeats herself. Benny looks up for a second and mumbles, then back to his phone. Evelyn sighs and I smile apologetically.
Mrs. Morgan arrives again, "Did you guys hear that thunder?" She asks. Guess she heard it too.
I wake up and stretch my back, pleased when my bones crack into place. I get up and get ready for School, then head downstairs and that's when I realise how quiet the house is.
"Benny?" I call out, no response. "Evelyn?" I call, no response. I listen carefully for anything and I get nothing. I shrug, "Must've left without me..." I mumble, though that's very unlikely.
I finish some breakfast and grab my bag, heading to school. As I walk, I realise the streets are deserted, no one in sight. The only thing my hearing picked up was the wind against the trees.
I hunch my back in protection and quicken my pace. The second I step on school grounds, I panic. There's no one, anywhere. Everyone's missing and last time I checked it wasn't an annual holiday to disappear.
I run to the doors and slam them open, seeing no figure in sight beside my reflection in a nearby window.
That's when I come to terms with it.
I'm alone.
My pulse and breathing quicken. I start running around, yelling for anything, anyone. I shove open doors and look out windows. As I'm running around frantically I end up in a hallway near the school office. I crouch down beside some poster of a man.
"If this was you Benny..." I mumble to myself. Trying to stop my shaking. I look around and slow my breathing.
"Ok. I need a plan. Something to get me outta here and back to everyone else. What to do..." I mumble, getting up from my original position and looking around.
I begin to walk out of the doors and thats when I hear growling. I spin around and see a wolf, fairly large one with red glowing eyes and a black coat.
"No." I mumble, recognising the scent. "Your dead." I yell at the alpha in front of me. The wolf growls, which oddly comes out as a chuckle.
Then I'm running, and it's running after me. My legs are burning and so is my chest. I don't really know where I'm running but I somehow end up in the library. I quickly slam the doors and practically jump up the stairs to the second floor.
"-I'm hoping she's ok." I hear Benny say. And it sounds like it's in my head, "Benny?" I whisper. "Abigail!" Ethan, Benny and Sarah say in unison. "Um, hi?" I say awkwardly. "Before you ask, I'm talking to you through that necklace you wear." Ethan says.
I immediately grab at my neck and realise the necklace is missing. "You took it off yesterday, for gym. Didn't want coach yelling at you." Sarah says after my silence. I sigh, "Right, and I put it in my locker. Thanks." I say, "No problem."
"Abigail, where are you?" Ethan asks, "Library, second floor. Where are you? No ones in town- well except the alpha who killed my parents and tried to kill me, but instead I killed him, but now he's back..." I mumble the last part.
"Oh shit are you ok?" Benny immediately asks, I smile even if he can't see me, "Yeah. Lost him."
"I know the feeling. My evil twin is hunting me." Sarah says, "I'm being chased by Cyberdontist. That drill is a lot scarier up close." Benny says.
"Wait, you three are being attacked? I'm completely alone." Ethan says, "Lucky you." Benny and I say in unison. "Look, guys, I've got an idea. Just meet me in the lounge as soon as you can, okay?" Ethan asks.
I sigh, looking down from the railing to see if the coast is clear. "Ok, now there's a guy in a cloak. Without a face." Ethan says, then he screams, "Ok Guys, I'm so caught up with you now!" Ethan yells.
I quickly run down the stairs and look around. Coast clear. I open the door and sprint to the lounge. I ignore the sounds of paws and claws hitting things and just run.
I burst into the doors, seeing Benny, Sarah and Ethan, but they look transparent. "Benny! Sarah! Abigail! I can see you guys. Can you see me?" He asks.
"Barely. Is that my compact?" Sarah asks, "Yeah. Grab onto It. Benny, grab your shorts. Abigail, after I pull these two through, I'll pull you through. I only have two hands." Ethan says. I put my thumbs up and Ethan starts pulling.
Ethan jumps back and Benny and Sarah jump forward. I'm guessing it worked but they still look transparent. Ethan holds out the necklace and I grab onto it, praying it doesn't break.
He gives a hard tug and I fall forward, the three of them solid in front of me. Ethan hands me the necklace and I smile, putting it around my neck again.
"Okay, now we're trapped here together. Not much of an upgrade." Sarah says. I huff in disagreement. I'd rather be stuck with three idiots then alone, thanks.
"Guys, he have to move. I'm being chased by a guy with no face and a lot of fireballs." Ethan says, and that's when said guy walks through the doors. Great.
Oh and it gets better! Walking in behind him is (who I guess is) Cyberdontist, Sarah with purple streaks, and Mr. Alpha in his human form.
"You know, I liked it better when it was just me and Mr. Silver Pants." Benny says. "I can't believe it. My worst nightmare... a fire juggler, and a way-cooler version of Sarah." Benny says. "Hey!" Sarah hisses.
"And you know, that guy." Ethan says, looking at the man I despise, "That's the Alpha, Ethan." I say gagging at the wicked smirk he had on his face, and Benny grabs my hand.
"Guys, at least we'll be destroyed together." Ethan says, "That's the upside here?" Sarah asks. The Wizard guy, shoots at us and we duck out of the way, running into the kitchen and into a history room.
Ethan shuts the door and he moves away from the window on the door. I hear the sound of drills and I hope it doesn't get joined by the sound of growling, because then we're screwed. The door handle wiggles and Ethan quickly grabs it, then the dentist walks away.
"So we're just gonna stand here and wait?" Sarah asks, "We're not waiting. We're hiding. That's a much better plan." Benny says, "I should just go out there and-" Benny cuts Sarah off, "And do what? Get roughed up by yourself?"
"Hey, you can't even magic yourself out of a dentist appointment!" Sarah says, "Guys! This isn't helping!" I snap, "Well why doesn't Ethan go out there and touch Hoodie McFirehands and get a vision?" Benny asks.
"Spoiler alert: He'll cook me." Ethan says, then he sighs, "Look, we can't defeat them by ourselves. We have to come at them together. Sarah, how can we stop you?" Ethan asks.
"That's not me." Sarah says, "That's the me I don't want to be." She adds, "Why not?" I ask, "Why not? Because she doesn't have conscience and she eats people!" Sarah snaps.
"Okay, let's start with that!" Ethan says, and I can't help but wonder where he's going with this.
"I ran the most track today. My blood is pumping like crazy." Benny says, then Ethan and Benny start running, then they fall over as rehearsed.
"Our weak human bodies cannot run any farther." Ethan says, "Mmm. I could use a lunch break." Evil Sarah says, "Lunch is so served." Benny says, E-Sarah hisses then stops.
"Wait! Where's my lame-o look-alike?" She asks, the boys hesitate, "I'm too full of delicious blood to answer." Benny says.
"Well, I guess I could dine and dash." E-Sarah says, hissing. Then normal Sarah runs out and stabs her in the back with a stake we quickly made, which caused my claws to hurt.
Evil Sarah disappears and I sigh, "One down. Three left." I state. "Too bad. I kinda liked her boots." Sarah says and I laugh at her remark.
"Magic doesn't work on dentists?" Sarah asks, "He's not just a dentist, he's a computer." Benny says, "And computers are all about logic so maybe that's how we hit him." Ethan says.
"I'd rather hit him with a train, but that's ok." Benny says. We devise a plan and I walk out with a computer mouse, the robot walking up to me.
"This is animal cruelty to you, right?" I ask playfully, crushing the mouse. The robot growls and walks towards me, I quickly grab him and hold him in place.
"Hey cyber-dork! Why do we park in a drive way and drive in a parkway?" Ethan asks, the robot starts glitching, "Your mission is to not accept this mission! Do you accept?" Sarah yells, the robot continues to glitch, "Logic paradox detected. Must reroute logic canal."
"Why do you have to put coffee inside a coffee maker? Doesn't it make the coffee?" Ethan asks, "Benny, come on."
"Once I ate a whole half a pizza! The whole half!" Benny says, "Nurse, cancel my appointments." The robot says, and I quickly hit the shutdown button, and it does just that.
"Alright, Alpha next. Any ideas?" Ethan asks, I huff. "Silver bullets to kill, wolfs-bane makes us sick, but I doubt you have any of that." I mumble. Benny jumps, "I do! Wolfs-bane! It's in my locker, I was trying to- uh... do a thing, and I needed it!" Benny says.
"Alright, we gotta get it. And we need enough to make a powder and to knock him out." I claim. Sarah nods and zooms to Benny's locker, and popping back with a jar.
I stand behind Ethan and instruct him how to crush the plant, once it's done he scrapes it carefully into his hand as I hold my breathe and he rushes outside.
Before he leaves her turns to me, "What if it doesn't work?" He asks, "It will. He's not the same alpha, his scents different ever so slightly and he's much weaker. It'll work." I say. Ethan nods and calls for the alpha.
After a few minutes we hear footsteps and as I look out the window I freeze. There's the man who killed my parents.
He says something and Ethan says something back, then the alpha runs and Ethan quickly blows the wolf's-bane into his face, and I hold my breath.
The alpha drops to the ground and Ethan looks at us, Benny opens the door, "We did it!" He cheers." I smile, may've been easy this time but last time was hell.
"Please wash your hands." I say looking at the purple dust. Ethan nods and rushes to the sink.
"So, Sarah, Abigail and I were chased by things we're already afraid of. So who's the pyro in the bathrobe?" Benny asks, "I don't recognise him from any of my top ten nightmares." Ethan says.
"So, if you you don't know what he is, then how do we stop him?" Sarah asks, "Wait, maybe we don't have to!" Ethan says, "If I pulled you guys into this world-"
"Then maybe somebody in the real world could pull us back there!" Benny cuts in, "Maybe? Yes? I don't know? We need to find an emotionally-charged object." Ethan says.
"Maybe Erica has something in her locker?" Benny says, "Please. Half the stuff in Erica's locker isn't even hers." Sarah says, "Wait! I know where we gotta go." I say, rushing to Rory's locker, snapping the lock and opening the door.
"I'll be honest. I thought there'd be more toys." Sarah says, "Okay. A-ha!" Ethan says, grabbing a weird Sasquatch looking thing.
"Hello Little buddy. Must be kinda lonely." Ethan says, "Rory? Are you in there?" Ethan asks. "What's That vampire Sasquatch? You sound like Ethan." Rory says.
"This is Ethan!" Ethan says, "We're trapped in an alternate dimension!" Ethan says. "Whoa. Rory, I think I've been hanging with you for way too long." Erica says.
That's when we notice the same cloak freak coming back, "Scatter!" I yell, running and the others following.
"We're being chased by a walking flame thrower. You have to get us out of here!" Benny yells at the doll. "Only If Sarah signs my council application." Erica says.
"Wasn't that due like, a month ago?" Sarah yells, "What? I have been hanging out with Rory and his doll all day for nothing?" Erica yells.
"Just meet us in front of the school right now!" Ethan yells, and we're running again. The hooded figure following.
We get to where we said and see Erica and Rory, "Whoa! I dig the ghost look!" Rory says, "But, you guys are the ghosts." Benny says, "Guys! It doesn't matter." I snap, my hands shaking.
"Just grab Vampire Sasquatch." Ethan says, "I already got him!" Rory says, hugging his doll. "The ghost one, genius!" Sarah yells, Erica grabs the doll and we grab onto Benny. I turn to see the hooded figure and Ethan looks at me, "We're gonna die." I mumble, but then Erica and Rory pull us through.
"And he was all "Drilly, drilly!" and I didn't cry once! Not once!" Benny exclaims. "But we worked together." Sarah says, "And we got out alive! But I guess you already knew that part." Ethan says.
"Well I'm glad you learned your lesson. Even if it took flinging you into four private dimensions." Evelyn says and I choke on my milk.
"What?" We all say in unison. "Oh, relax. You were never in any real danger." Evelyn says. "Tell That to the crazy robots and evil Sarah's! Dial it down, Grandma." Benny exclaims. "Cowboy up, Benny! Those are your fears. You needed a reason to work together." Evelyn says.
"So you decided it would be a good idea to insert my families murderer?" I ask, trying to hide my hurt and annoyance, "Excuse me?" Evelyn asks, "The Alpha."
"Alpha? Oh no! I didn't realise that was your fear, I honestly thought it was like Ethan. I'm so sorry!" Evelyn says, grabbing my hand and looking at me with genuine concern. I shake my head "It's fine." I mumble, taking my hand back and wrapping it around my mug.
"So, who was that faceless guy in the hoodie throwing fireballs at me?" Ethan asks, "What?" Evelyn asks, "You we're supposed to be alone. Your fear is losing those closest to you." Evelyn says, "Well, yeah, that used to be my fear. Now it's fireball-throwing guy."
"There shouldn't have been anyone there with you." Evelyn says, turning around and looking out the window, "This has something to do with the darkness I feel. Trouble is coming." She says.
Of course there is.
"Any of those cookies left? Cause if I don't get some cookies, then we're gonna have some trouble." Benny jokes, "Benny." I sigh, laughing softly.
"Sorry." He mumbles. Why when it comes to danger it's always us...
[ 3127 Words ]
Did you know:
Originally Abigail's biggest fear was going to be being alone, and she thought so too. But I decided to mix it up a bit.
Another Did you know:
We only have two episodes left! I'm excited to write the ending (and hide myself after you all murder me) but I'm going to miss this book. Thankfully, I should be able to start up my Teen Wolf-Stiles Stilinski one again!
I'm awfully sorry about not updating for nearly, what? 2 months? I got busy with a lot of creative arts, exams and my Netflix cut off at a point where I had time. I have 3(?) weeks of school left so except me to finish this book, and update my Indignant one soon!
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