35• Little Red Riding Hood
Chapter 35-
Little Red Riding Hood
My eyes dart up from my sketch book as Mr. G roars and shoves a weird mask into Benny and Ethan's face, "Here's a sight for scary eyes. According to native legend, an ancient warlord would use this mask to bring to life the fighting spirits of his army."
Rory, beside me, lays his head back into his arms, pretending to sleep. "And the warlord's warriors would don the furs of wolves and bears and then do you know what would happen?" Mr. G asks, as Rory's head raises in interest.
"Animal rights groups would protest?" Ethan asks, "They smelled like old carcasses?" Benny adds, and I can't help laugh at their answers.
"No, the natives believed the warriors would turn into actual wolves and bears! Scary stuff, eh kids?" Mr. G explains, and I got to admit that sounds pretty cool, but I technically already can turn into a wolf... so...
The bell rings and us four begin the get up as Mr. G calls on Rory, "I saw that you were sleeping, Rory."
"I was just pretending to sleep!" Rory explains. Well he's not wrong. "Oh great! Well, now you can pretend to stay after class and clean the blackboards."
I smile apologetically at Rory and leave the classroom with Benny and Ethan.
Benny closes his locker door, "Because it'll just be the three of us, that's why." Benny says, "Are you'd seriously trying to tell me we don't have a dozen friends with ready-to-wear costumes and no Halloween plans? We invite the mathletes, and we're already halfway there." Ethan says.
"Aw, you really want to make Sarah's night don't you?" I ask, "I just don't want to ruin her night." Ethan replies, "Anyway, we could at least invite Rory." He adds.
"What? Do you remember what happened last time?" Benny asks, "I wasn't there last time, what happened?" I ask, "Rory wore a caveman costume to a party, jumped around everywhere yelling "I'm a caveman!" And it wasn't even a costume party." Benny explains.
"Look, I'm sure he'll be better this time." Ethan says, and Rory comes around the corner with Mr. G's mask, laughing and pointing at kids.
"I still think that's better." Ethan says.
"I can't tell if that's the worst or most impressive costume I've ever seen." I say as Benny walks downstairs, "I think it's great." Benny says smiling, "Who is it exactly?"
"Well, I couldn't choose between Merlin and a Mexican wrestler, so I picked both! Say Hola! to El Merlo Loco, the wizard wrestler, who combines the best of the ARCANE and the INSANE!" Benny finishes.
"Nice." I say, admiring his dedication, "What about you?" He asks, but the second he spots my cape he nods, "Ah, Little Red."
"I thought it was ironic." I say shrugging my arms.
"Now c'mon, let's get to Ethan's 'amazing' party." I sag, grabbing Benny's hand and pulling him to Ethan's. We enter and answer the normal "What's your costume?" Question from Sarah and Ethan, who are both in matching costumes, which are Dusk characters.
"Hey, Whitechapel. Are you ready to party?" A girl asks, playing some weird guitar thing then walking off, "Wow. Compared to this, Erica's traditional vampire Halloween is starting to sound like a blast." Sarah says, walking off.
"Well, I think you've done a great job in planning." I compliment Ethan as the nerd brothers and I walk over to the counter where candy is laid out.
"Look, the green ones don't taste as green as they used to." Ethan says, "Hey!" Jane says, catching our attention.
"You're supposed to take me trick-or-treating!" Let's go! Time is candy!" She says, walking to the door.
"Okay, okay. Don't get your whiskers in a knot." Ethan says, "Can I come with you? Girl-illa won't stop flirting with me." Benny says, and I immediately turn to said girl and glare slightly.
"Dude, she's flirting with me." Ethan says, Benny scoffs, "As if."
"What if she was flirting with me." I say out of nowhere, and the boys look at me with raised eyebrows, and I just shrug in response.
"Sarah? I'll be back in a bit." Ethan calls to said girl, as we get up and head out with Jane to trick-or-treat.
"Is that necessary?" I ask as Benny pulls a plastic bin up someone's stairs, "Yes. If we're doing this, I'm gonna break my record: 11.28 pounds." Benny says. I nod slowly and turn back to the door where Jane rings the doorbell. An old woman answers and Jane meows in hello.
"Oh, what a sweet little mouse." The woman says, and I have to bite my lip to not laugh, "Here dear." The lady says, as she puts a handful into janes bag.
Jane sighs and walks down the stairs, and I follow suit. "Trick-or-treatings fun." I say happily as Ethan and Benny get more candy.
"You've never been before?" Jane asks, "Ah, no. I never had the chance." I explain short, "You mean your parents never took you? That's sad." She says sympathetically. "I.. yeah, it is." I say smiling at the young girl.
Benny and Ethan join us not too soon later and we start walking again, "That's 10 houses, you got enough yet?" Ethan asks Jane, said girl looks into her candy bag and nods, "Yeah, good enough. I'll be sick tomorrow for sure."
We walk back to the Morgan's and enter, "Now open your mouth and say "Ah."" This random guy, who I'm pretty sure was Kevin says, "Aaaaa- I said, are you ready to party?!" The rocker girl from before asks, "Good. Now take two gumdrops and call me last night." Kevin says.
The girl strums here now real guitar and walks away. "Hey, Kevin. Want a seed mint?" Ethan asks, "What I want can't be found in all tomorrow's yesterdays." Kevin answers. "Wow. That's a really good Doctor When impression. Somebody's a fan boy." Benny whispers.
"I have to go. I'll be here any minute." Kevin says, "Don't leave yet. We're gonna order a six feet of pizza from Feetza." Ethan says, and then Kevin straight up vanishes.
"Um, what the f-" Benny cuts me off, "Was that impossible as I think it was?" He asks, then we hear growling, so we walk over to the lounge room to see Girl-illa, now a gorilla, and ninja dolphin man fighting.
"That looks like a real sword." Benny points out, "And that sounds... and smells like a real gorilla." Ethan adds, then in a flash of a light, Kevin pops up again, "What say is it? What day is it?!" He asks, waking away.
"Something's not right here." Ethan says as we walk back into the kitchen, "I know. This party is awesome. I never knew our friends were so much fun." Benny says. "I don't think they are." Ethan replies.
We hear grunting and look over to Rory, who still has that stupid mask on. He runs over to Jane, "Hey, Rory. Neat mask." She says, "Rory. What's going on here?" Ethan asks. That's when Rory grabs Jane's head and chants "BA-NE-DEE-TEE-NIN!" Then he walks off laughing.
Jane turns around and meows, "Jane?" Ethan asks, I slowly move my hand over to her and she hisses and swipes at my hand, "Okay then.." I say, as she glares at me. Damn cats...
"There you are!" Sarah yells as she runs over, then points in a direction and we follow her to another room, "Did Rory just turn Jane into a cat?" Ethan asks.
"I don't know what's happening, but he really got this party started." Sarah says, "He's wearing that mask thing. Didn't Mr. G say it turned his warriors into Wolves and Bears?" I ask.
"Figure it out later, fix it now. We can't let a gorilla and a ninja into the streets." Sarah says, "I got this. Groundus domicus eternius!" Benny chants, locking the front door.
"That's the spell grandma uses to ground me. No one gets outside." Benny says, but then we hear the back door open, and Ethan's mum calls out. "What about inside?" Ethan asks.
We quickly head out and Rory has already turned Ethan's mother into a witch, "Mum?" Ethan asks, "Quiet! Not another word! Or I'll turn you into a toad!" She threatens.
"Can she really-" Ethan's cut off as the witch flicks her wand and where Ethan once stood, a toad sits.
I grab some towels and scoop him up as he jumps at Sarah. We make our way up stairs, and then Benny puts a trash can over him. "Ethan, please don't jump out at me again, it was so disgusting to catch you." Sarah complains, "You know, I think he's cuter as a toad." Erica claims.
"All right, stand back. Ampibiar formus malnath ecto-personam!" Benny said, as a spark escapes his fingers the hits the trash can. Ethan then stands before us, Benny lifts the trash can but immediately put it back and screams as Ethan's face is revealed as reptilian.
"What? What is it?" Ethan asks, "Uh, nothing!" Benny says, "Everything is fine. You do not have a hideous toad head." He adds, "That's my next five nightmares." Erica says, "What?!" Ethan asks, then croaks, "Why did I just ribbit?"
"Okay, no, I got it now. I know what I did wrong. Ampibiar returnus malnath ecto-personam." Benny says, shorting Ethan with a spark again, Benny moves forward and lifts the tin off his head, and thankfully his head is totally human.
"I'll freak out about this later. Let's get to work." Ethan says, turning to his computer. The girls walk off to go find Jane, "So, the ancient warlords used this mask to turn his warriors into wolves and bears." Benny says, "We know that, what happens after?" Ethan asks.
"The gods were angry with this warlord, so they blasted his mask off with a bolt of lightning, and his warriors turned back to normal." Benny replies. "Can you lightning the mask off?" Ethan asks, "This is 15,000 year old magic. Only a big time Wizard would have this kind of power." Benny explains.
"A wizard like El Merlo Loco?" I ask, "Sure. He's awesome." Benny says, "But he's just a costume, Abby. Am I supposed to go down there and get Rory to turn me into the 'real' El Merlo Loco so I can have the magic horsepower to stop him?" Benny asks.
Ethan and I look at each other then turn to Benny.
"Ok, let's head down." Ethan says, after waiting a few minutes for Rory to transform Benny. We head downstairs and see Benny, "Hey, Benny. Get that lightning going. It's almost midnight. We need to get Rory's mask off!" Ethan says.
"¿Qué?" Benny asks as he turns around, "Don't tell me- you don't speak English." Ethan says.
"Ah! Sí." Benny looks around and grabs a napkin, writing something on it then handing it to Ethan. "Bueno." Benny says, chucking the pen. "Adios, mi amigo." Benny adds, walking off.
Ethan turns around to be face to face with Rory, "Rory! No!" Ethan says, then Rory turns to me, "Rory! No! Bad Rory, don't you-" I'm cut off by Rory cupping my face and walking away.
"What am I..." I ask looking around this foreign home. "I think I strayed from the path my mother told me to follow..." I say softly as this young woman comes down the stairs.
"Ethan! Abigail!" She says, looking at me and this mysterious boy beside me. 'Ethan' turns to this young woman and smirks, "You feel okay?" She asks, "The names Jakeward, and I feel everything. Except okay." Ethan- I mean Jakeward says to the young woman.
"Okay." The young woman says, turning to me. "Abigail!" She says, moving past the boy towards me, "Hey, you alright?" She asks, "I- who is this Abigail you speak of?" I ask kindly, "What? You." She replies, "Oh, no. You must have me mistaken with someone else. My name is Red, but some call me Little Red Riding Hood." I say politely. I shouldn't be talking with strangers but I feel like I already know her.
"Wait- Little.. oh no, Rory got you too." She says, "Rory?" I ask, "Um, never mind. Are you ok?" She asks, checking me over. "Why yes, I am quite all right. But I'm afraid I don't know where I am, and I feel that my grandmother will be worried for me." I reply.
"Oh, uh... yeah! Actually, your parents wanted me to find you. I'm mean to keep you here for a bit, your grandmothers planning on picking you up." The young woman says, I nod slowly, "Oh.. all right! I didn't catch your name."
"Sarah." She replies, "Oh! Such a beautiful name. Please promise me, Sarah, that there aren't any wolves nearby. They frighten me." I say, looking around nervously. She coughs awkwardly and nods, "Yep, promise."
"All right, follow me. And Ethan- Jakeward, whatever. Come with me too." Sarah says, leading up stairs to a room where a beautiful blonde sits on a bed, surrounded by candles.
"Erica, we need your help. Benny doesn't speak English, Ethan won't stop brooding and Abigail's horrified of wolves." Sarah says to Erica.
"All I wanted was a quiet vampire ritual. One that turned out to be boring and confusing, and is making me feel, like, 500 years old! I've had it! It's nerd-bashing time, folks." Erica says, standing up.
"If it helps, you don't look 500 years old." I say politely, Erica looks over to me then back at Sarah, "Lil' Red?" Erica asks, Sarah nods and Erica sighs, leaving the room and heading downstairs, as I follow I wait at the bottom of the stairs for Sarah.
As she comes down we enter the lounge room to see Erica bashing a machine with a chair, it beeps then sends her price of parchment, " "Ow." Really?" Erica asks.
She then snarls at a gorilla and starts attacking, it's a horrifying sight.
The masked man then grabs her face and she walks off saying something, Sarah is about to run after her, but the masked man moves to Sarah and grabs her face, and I swear I can hear cliche romance music.
"Jakeward, help!" She calls, Jakeward jumps down the stairs, "Rochelle!" He calls back. "Nobody hugs my girls head." He says, speeding down the stairs attacking the masked man.
I jump back in surprise and run into some man in blue, he looks down at me, "Hola, hermoso." He says in a language I don't understand. He then looks at Jakeward.
"Amigo." He calls, "Ayuda está aquí." He adds, grabbing onto Jakewards hand and pulling him up. Then Jakeward and mystery guy in blue take the masked man out.
I walk slightly closer to the man in blue as Jakeward and Rochelle run off somewhere, "¿Manos eléctricos?" He says as he looks at his hands then he zaps the masked man and his mask disintegrates.
I shake my head, memories flooding my mind. Oh yeah, I'm Abigail, the werewolf. The more you know...
"Is this a party? Am I invited?" Rory asks from the ground. "Ow... my head.." Rory groans and I smile sympathetically down at the boy.
Nice to know my first Halloween was a wild one.
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Spanish translation-
¿Qué? - What?
Ah! Sí. - Ah! Yes.
Bueno. - Good.
Adios, mi amigo. - Goodbye, my friend.
Hola, hermoso. - Hello, beautiful.
Ayuda está aquí. - Help is here.
¿Manos eléctricos? - Electric hands?
Sorry if those are incorrect, feel free to tell me.
I was originally going to write a chapter where Teen Wolf characters came to Whitechapel, but I scrapped the idea because I could fit it in well enough.
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