30• Pain Makes You Human
Chapter 30-
Pain Makes You Human
"So this is the moment you've been waiting for?" I ask Benny as Ethan pushes the trolley Benny is currently sitting in, eating a slice of pizza.
"Babe, this pizza is topped with another pizza. With no manager to stop him, they just made it for me!" Benny replies, he takes another bite, "Mmm- you can really taste the gumballs in the middle!" Benny adds.
"Is that my mum?" Ethan asks, drawing my attention to Ethan's mothers car currently driving away.
"Where's she going? Mum! Where are you going?!" Ethan yells, running after the car. "Ethan! Come back!" Benny yells, trying to get out of the trolley.
I help him out but he ends up dropping his pizza, I smile apologetically and he run up to Ethan, "I dropped my pizza." Benny tells Ethan, a hint of sadness and loss in his voice.
"I think we found the troop leader." Ethan says, drawing our attention to the children walking towards us, "Let me handle this." Benny says, walking forward a little, "Okay. Possessed and possibly rabid miniature citizens of Whitechapel. I am your new king." Benny says, doing something with his hand causing sparks, "Wow! That's beer worked before..." Benny mumbles.
"Benny, I think we should run." I state as the kids look oddly creepy, "Run? Why? They're just little kids. Okay, now, who wants to play 'make the King a sandwich'?" Benny asks the children, as their eyes go red.
Demon little shits.
"I think they'd rather make the King into a sandwich." Ethan says, grabbing Benny's arm as Benny grabs my hand, Ethan pulls us away.
We run and of course, the boys aren't even half as athletic I am (werewolf and all) and they easily start getting hit by the children, while I sit in a tree as some of them try and grab me.
"What do we do? We can't hit kids!" Ethan yells, "Owww! I know, but I want to!" Benny says as one of the kids pulls Benny's ear.
As the boys a getting beat up I'm just kicking at the children freely, never really liked kids before and now they're possessed so, if I hurt one or two, I don't think I'm causing too much damage.
Then I spot the girls walk by, "Should we call for help?" Ethan yells/asks, "No! I don't want anybody witnessing this kinder beat-down!" Benny yells back.
It's a little late for that...
Erica pulls out her phone and starts recording, "Wave for the camera, guys! You're gonna be internet stars!" Erica yells to the boys, "Sarah! Help! This is serious!" Ethan calls for help.
"In a sec! I'm enjoying you getting your butt's kicked by ankle-biters." Sarah replies, "Ow! They're biting my ankles!" Ethan yells.
One of the kids grab my foot and I slip, getting my claws out and holding onto the tree for dear life, "Damn it woman! Help us will ya!?" I yell, trying I kick the kids off.
"Okay, this is serious." Sarah says, coming over to finally help us, Erica and Sarah come over and scare the kids away, then scare the ones away from where I was.
I jump from the tree and trip, falling into someone, I look up and see Benny, "Wow, I think I've fallen for you." I joke, Benny smiles at first but then poker faces me and let's go, causing me to almost fall.
He then starts walking off with the others, "Aw come on Benny! That was funny!" I yell, laughing a little. Benny sighs, trying to hide his smile.
"I think there's a tooth in my shoe." Benny says, "The kid had braces." Ethan says, pulling off braces from his arm, ew.
Erica looks at him with her classic 'really?' face, "What? They're stronger than they look, okay?" Ethan says, I nod, "I could use a Moleo myself. Maybe I have some left." Benny says, fiddling with his bag.
"Don't talk about eating!" Erica yells, her fangs hissing at Ethan, Erica then drops to the floor as Sarah grabs Benny's collar, hands off Sarah.
"Benny, your grandmas blood substitute... I know it tastes like shoes, but does she have any left?" Sarah asks, "Grandma is long gone. She has a pack-a-day habit in Moleo season. Last time I touched her stuff she put a shrunken head in my lunch. That guy wouldn't shut up!" Benny complains.
I quickly help Erica up and she smiles in thanks, Sarah hisses at Benny and in prepared to whip her ass but I'm still holding Erica.
I feel like life's against me.
"I mean, 'Okay! Let's go!'" Benny says, obviously scared, "No, wait. That alpha brat is hoarding every kid in town. Now Jane's home all alone." Ethan says.
"We can't fight anyone when we're this weak! You two get Jane, we'll get food." Sarah says, I move away from Erica and head off with Ethan, saluting Benny.
"Jane?" Ethan calls as we enter his house, "Jane." He says, releasing a breath as he sees his sister, "Whoa!" He says as he slips on some drawing, I hold him up and he nods as a thanks, he then makes his way to his sister.
Yep, not trusting this at all.
"Are you okay?" Ethan asks Jane, "Doors in the floor, moles by the score, Val Mudrap for ever more." Jane says, her eyes going black and red.
Called it.
"Well that's not good." I say as Ethan's eyes widen, "I just go. Val Mudrap summons us." Jane says, "Val who?" Ethan asks, "Jane, snap out of it." He adds, touching her shoulder and blacking out.
"Vision?" I ask Ethan, he nods but then Jane turns around to start heading for the door, I quickly block the exit, "Oh, no, sis, sorry. You gotta stay put, okay?" Ethan yells her, moving her in the kitchen.
Ethan's phone then starts ringing and he puts it on speaker, "Benny? What's up?" Ethan asks, "Guys, get over here. I think Grandma left something that might be useful. Also, the girls are looking at me like I'm a burrito." Benny says.
I glare at the phone thanks to the last sentence, "I have to stay and watch Jane. She's got the donut fever." Ethan says, "And sorry, Ethan probably needs back up." I add.
"Find anything you can about the moles, or Val Mudrap. Anything, okay?" Ethan says, Benny says a quick "Ok, bye."
And then Ethan falls to the ground, "Jane? What the he-" Jane attempts to smack me with the frying pan but I grab it, she lets go and makes a run for it.
"Jane!" I yell, but she's already gone. I growl and look down to Ethan who is passed out, "Ah shit."
After a few minutes of me having a panic attack of not knowing what to do, Ethan groans and starts to sit up, and then the door opens.
Benny looks over at us, "Whoa, what happened? Where's Jane?" Benny asks, kneeling in front of Ethan, "We turned out back for a second or so and she wacked him with the frying pan. Then she ran out the door." I explain.
Rory examines the frying pan and looks up at me, "How does one head make a dint like that?" I ask, he shrugs, examining it again.
"Recognise this little rug rat?" Benny asks, pointing at a news paper article, "Her names Val Mudrap, aka Muldvaarp. She likes taking little kids on field trips to the underworld." Benny adds.
"I found the clue! It was fun!" Rory says smiling, Benny and I help Ethan up, " 'Mini-Mole Clubhouse Collapses. One nine year old witness said the building got sucked into a door in the floor.' Where is this place? I saw it in my vision!" Ethan asks.
"It was in the old part of town." Benny replies, "Alright, old part of town it is." I say. "How can you have so much meat in your freezer and non of it be human?" Erica asks, that's when they turn around and I laugh but it gets muffled as Benny slams his hand over my mouth.
"Hey. Cool tails." Ethan says, "Tails?" The girls exclaim, "Come on. Janes got a good head start." Ethan says, running out the door.
"I'm just gonna..." I trail off as I run after Ethan, the other two boys following a minute later.
We watch as Jane takes the girls hand, "Jane." Ethan whispers, "Here, guys. Drink this. It should give you a bit of a boost." Benny says, handing it to the girls.
I take a sniff and my eyes widen, looking over at Benny, he puts his finger over his lips, meaning not to tell them.
"I ought to kick your butt for turning us into freaks." Erica says, "Yeah, before those wickedly awesome upgrades, you guys were totally normal." Benny insults, Erica smacking him with her tail, "Ow! It's like sandpaper!"
"Guys! Quit it!" Ethan whispers, we look back at the girl, "All hail Muldvaarp!" Muldvaarp cheers as she raises her snake staff in the air and her eyes go dark.
"And now we open the door to eternal freedom!" She says, pulling off a cloth revealing a key.
More like eternal pain, I mean isn't the underworld hell?
"Okay, Muldvaarp's the guardian of the door, keeper of the key. We've gotta get the key away from her and she can't open that door." Ethan says.
"How do you two feel?" Ethan asks Sarah and Erica, "Better. But I don't think I can fight." Sarah replies, "Then you get those kids out of here." Ethan says.
"I'm going after my sister." Ethan says as the girls speed off, Muldvaarp unlocks the door with the key, "Single file to eternal freedom!" She says, she then turns around and realises no ones there, except Jane.
"Get away from my sister." Ethan says as Benny, Ethan and I walk out, "Where are all my little ones?" Muldvaarp asks, we look over at Sarah and Erica struggling to keep the kids at bay, "They're in better hands now." I say, "I got this." Benny says, starting to do a spell.
"Porkoth Zanthrak Porkoth fara-" he's cut off as Muldvaarp shots some red beam at him and he falls to the ground, "Benny!" I yell in panic, "Oh, that stings!" Benny says, I kneel down and grab his hand taking some pain from him, he smiles but let's go, "You don't have to hurt yourself for me."
"Benny!" Rory yells, making me look up, "Knock it off Rory!" Benny says with a strained voice, "You're ruining my fun!" Muldvaarp yells, as I stand up, "Stop it!" She adds.
"Why don't you make me?" Rory asks, Muldvaarp smiles and shoots Rory, "Ow! This! Is! So painful!" He yells, I grab Rory's arm so half the pain he gets is transferred to me.
"That be- ow- tter?" I ask, pain coursing through my veins, Ethan grabs his sister as Rory grabs Muldvaarp's staff. Knocking it from her hands as they both fall, I struggle to stand but I regain my balance.
Pain makes you human.
"Abigail! Grab Jane!" Ethan yells, I quickly grab onto the struggling and suddenly strong girl as Ethan jumps to grab the staff as he and Muldvaarp fight for it, and bicker.
"I must go through the door. Muldvaarp is coming." Jane says, trying to walk free, "Stay still damnit!" I say, struggling as the pain isn't leaving.
"It's all yours, creep-weasel." Ethan says as he lets go of the staff and Muldvaarp falls into the door, grabbing on the grass first, "No fair! No fair!" She yells as she slips into the portal.
Ethan slams the door closed and I let go of Jane, falling onto my butt. "Ha! How do you like them donuts?" Ethan says, Janes runs over to Ethan and hugs him, "I don't know what happened, but I'm glad you guys saved me." Jane says.
"Don't worry, you're safe. Everything's back to normal...ish." Ethan says, "Can someone help me?" Benny asks, I get up despite the pain and crouch beside Benny with Ethan and Jane, "Ugh, vampire down! Needs assistance." Rory says from behind us.
"Well, you two look better." Benny says as the boys come around the corner, "Thanks to your grandma getting rid of those tails, you escaped an epic butt kicking." Erica says.
"Hey, what was in that energy potion you gave us? It actually worked." Sarah asks, "Little this. Little that. A lot of my blood. Later." Benny says as the boys walk away, the girls' eyes widened.
"I drank Benny's blood?" Erica asks, "This is awful." She adds, "Yeah, so gross." Sarah says, "You think? I'm going to have to brush my teeth and wash my mouth out more than I really want to."
I raise an eyebrow, is it that bad? "No offence, you know, him as your boyfriend and all." Sarah says, "It's fine, just don't go drinking his blood again. Seriously." I say as a joke but my face goes serious in the end.
The girls smile, "Wont happen again." Erica says, I smile back, we began walking to class as a sudden pain goes through my shoulder. I think I took too much pain from Rory...
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Voltron season 2 trailer got me beat.
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