23• Giant Alligators
Chapter 23-
Giant Alligators
The green thing growls as we all stare at it, "Was that an alligator?" Ethan asks, "How was that an alligator?" He adds.
"Got me..." Benny mumbles, "I mean, in Whitechapel?" He says confused. "Uh, guys?" Rory says, catching our attention, "Remember that locker search a couple months back?"
We all start thinking and I remember, we all had a random locker search, and when ever someone had something to hide, they usually flushed it down the schools toilets.
"You flushed live alligators?" Sarah asks after Rory finished explaining and we started walking again.
"I didn't mean to!" Rory exclaims, "What? They obviously survived." He adds. "Wait, where did you get them?" I ask.
"Uh, Florida. I thought they were iguanas! When they called the locker raid, I panicked. I thought they'd be safe in there." Rory answers, "Yeah, 'cause nothing says 'home' like a school toilet." Ethan says.
Benny looks over at Rory slightly annoyed and then we keep walking. We walk over towards the stairs, Ethan looks up, "Yeah, it defiantly went this way." Sarah says, I sniff and gag slightly, "Yeah... Defiantly..."
"How do you guys know?" Ethan asks, "Vampires and werewolves have really good sense of smell." I reply, "Their right. It was here." Rory says, jumping up the stairs, only to step in some green goo.
He groans, "Is this normal for an alligator?" He asks, we all step over the goo, past Rory. "It's grown a lot in four months." Sarah points out, "This is no normal alligator..." I mumble, I only then realise that Benny snaked his arm around my waist some time when we were down there.
"That potion must have mutated them." Benny says, I glare at him as Ethan stops walking, "Potion? What potion?" He asks, "The Potion I dumped that day was called Jock Star. It gives you the combined athletic mojo of Sidney Crosby, Krobe Bryant and a circus dolphin." Benny says grinning down at me.
"A dolphin?" Ethan asks, "What? Chicks dig Dolphins." I look over at Benny and nudge him, "Sorry, babe. It was before we dated." Benny says shyly, I smile slightly, a light blush on my cheeks from the name he called me.
"It's ok, I get it." I say, he smiles down at me, "Can you two stop being sickly adorable, so we can carry on?" Sarah asks, but with a nice tone.
"Yeah, dial down on the Benigail." Rory says, I turn to him, "What?" I ask, "Oh, that's your names mixed together." Rory says smiling, "You made a ship name for us?" I ask, Rory shrugs, "I was bored!".
We all get up the stairs and walk out the door, Benny and Rory peek around the corner while Sarah, Ethan and I just walk out.
"I can't believe you were going to take something like that." I say, referring to the potion, "I'm telling your grandmother." Sarah points out, Benny instantly starts freaking out, "No, no, no! Please don't tell her!" Benny pleads.
"I'm telling her!" Sarah threatens, "Guys! Not now." Ethan says, stopping the two fighting, "We're trying to find a huge alligator." Ethan says.
And let the alligator be found.
There's a low growling and we see a tail going around the corner, "Don't surprise it." Benny says, "They don't like to be surprised." He adds, "And how would you-" Benny cuts me off by placing his finger on his lips to shush me, "OK, rude." I say crossing my arms.
He laughs silently, as we turn the corner, the alligator is laying in the middle of the hallway, green- steam? Yeah, steam. Flowing from its mouth.
"I've got a bad feeling about this." Benny says, I nod, "We got it cornered. Let's go." Ethan says, but as he does, Rory runs off, "Wha-" Benny and I say at the same time, cutting ourselves off to just follow Ethan.
Ethan obviously gets too close and the alligator sees him, turning towards him, he all scream and jump back, "Okay, no we don't have it cornered!" Ethan says, his voice shaky.
That's when Rory comes out behind the alligator with, what seems to be a blanket. "Rory get back!" Benny and Sarah whisper in sync, Rory throws the blanket onto the alligator, jumping on it as well.
"Got you!" He yells, "Rory! What are you doing?" Ethan asks, "No, let him do it! Or else we'll have to do it!" Benny says, I have to agree with him there.
"Guys! I saw this on 'The crocodile hunter!'. Help me burrito this thing!" Rory says, in a horrible Australian accent.
(Rory... Why...)
We all run over and jump onto it, many things were said at that moment.
"Hold still buddy!"
"I get his tail!"
"Watch his teeth!"
"You got him!"
"You're not so bad."
The alligators growls at us, "Get his head!" Ethan calls, "Yeah!" Benny says, shining the flashlight at the alligator, "Not with the flash night you knuckle head!" I growl at him.
He jumps back when it nips at him, "Ah! It's scary and I-" after that, what ever he says is inaudible. I roll my eyes and grab the head.
We all push against the closet, and right when Ethan clicks the lock, we all move away.
Everyone around me cheers, high fiving each other. "Humans 1, Gator 0." Ethan says pointing at the closet, "That's what happens when you mess with thumbs!" Ethan adds, Rory sticking up his thumbs.
Benny hits the closet flighty but the gator growls, everyone jumps, "I think we made our point." Benny says, "This is the gator that attacked Kate!" Sarah starts.
But, what if there's more than just Thor and his friend? And what about Thor's buddy...?
"How did it get through those pipes?" Sarah asks, "Well, grown mice can flatten themselves to half an inch to get under doorways... They must have evolved." Ethan answers, Rory walks over to the closet, "You evolved? Aww! Daddy's so proud!" Rory says, hugging the closet.
Benny and I look at each other confused, then the gator growls again, making Rory walk away.
We all sit in Ethan's lounge room watching the news, "A large, scaly creature was spotted lurking outside a Hunter Hills home two nights ago. Police warn if anyone spots it-" The news gets interrupted by the front door slamming.
We all look up to see Erica, drenched and her jacket ripped, "Erica? What happened to you?" Ethan asks confused, "You guys are the ones with your finger on all that's weird around here- you tell me! I was driving Te freshman through the car wash in the back of my dads pickup-" I cut her off, "You drove them through a car wash?" I ask.
"Well, after she made them all roll around in manure someone had to hose them off." Ethan replies for Erica. Sarah and I widen our eyes at Erica, "Right?" Erica asks, like it was a normal, everyday thing to have people roll in manure and go through a car wash.
"And then something huge and scaly jumped out of the pipes and attacked me!" Erica finishes, "Hey, hey, is this a dig on Sheila Botner? 'Cause she's actually a really nice girl who just happens to have a minor skin condition." Benny trails off, I raise and eyebrow and he shrugs.
"No! It was some kind of mutant alligator thing, and it came out biting! Now I know how my food feels. And I DON'T LIKE it." Erica exclaims, "Are the girls okay?" Sarah asks, "They're fine. My new leather jacket is trashed though." Erica says looking down at her jacket.
"Hey guys- looks like they found Thor's buddy." Ethan says, attracting us to the television again.
"This just in. The 250 pound gator was captured in a local pool after a close encounter with a mother and her toddler. The rampageous reptile was heavily sedated and sent to a local zoo for testing. Local officials say all city pools are now considered safe and gator free."
"Well, that's both my little guys." Rory says, "Its all over! Who wants pretzels?" He adds, Benny and I put our hands up, Rory high fiving us both.
"That's not the one that attacked me. The one that I saw was bigger than that." Erica says, wiping the smile off my face.
"That means Thor didn't have a buddy. He had a special lady. They're breeding. And if Erica's right, then babies ain't pretty." Benny says, I bite my lip to try and not laugh, "Yes! I'm a matchmaker!" Rory says grinning.
"Called it!" I say smiling, everyone looks at me confused, "I thought earlier that there could've been more than two." I claim, Ethan sighs, "We're talking about an entirely different species. One capable of incredible strength, of growing to who knows what size. The possibilities are endless." Ethan says looking over to Sarah.
"And thanks to the dork squad, they're loose in our city's sewer system!" Sarah sasses, I look away awkward and look up at Benny for a quick moment.
Then a phone rings, I check my pocket, not vibrating so it's not mine. "Erica, are you calling me?" Sarah asks picking up her phone.
Erica checks her pockets, "No." She sighs, "Oh, darn it! That swamp thing must have taken my new phone when it tried to bite my arm off! I just got that phone!" Erica complains.
"Let me guess, you got it while you were trying to bite someone else's arm?" I ask, "Yeah. It's a 6G!" Erica says, acting like we're idiots.
"Erica, you need to stop stealing from your dinner guests, okay? You're gonna draw too much attention to yourself!" Sarah says, Erica swings her spare sleeve in her hand then drops it before answering, "Fine. Okay. They're just souvenirs." She says.
Then someone farts, I immediately look over at Sarah, "Did you hear something?" Ethan asks, "No! Nobody did!" Sarah says, "Nope- me neither." Erica says, holding her nose.
Ethan's phone beeps, "Is the gator stomach calling you again?" Erica asks.
"No, stomach texting actually. But I just got an idea..." Ethan says running to his room, Rory, Benny I following, "Okay, as long as Erica's phone is still in the alligators stomach-" Benny cuts Ethan off, "Then we call anyone who got eaten, and find out where they are!"
"That'll never work! The reception inside an alligator would be like, one bar, max!" Rory says, "That's just enough to track the phones GPS signal." Ethan says as the girls walk in, "I can hack into the satellite and pin point the exact location of the alligator. And... Voila!" Ethan says as it shows where the phone is.
"Oh come on! No reactions? That was a lot harder than it looks." Ethan complains, "That things working its way up into Hunter Hills mansion country." Sarah says, "Very high class. Lots of hot tubs." Erica adds.
"That was 126-bit encryption I just hacked through!" Ethan complains again, "I thought it was awesome." Benny says, raising his hand, "Thank you, Benny." Ethan says, high fiving him.
"Wait- where was Heather last seen again?" Sarah asks, sounding freaked out or something, "Tad McGillis's mansion." Benny replies.
"That's it!" Ethan exclaims, "Where else would a tropical sewer-dwelling lizard be able to make it through the winter? Under a hot tub! That's where the nest is!" Ethan says. Now it all makes sense...
"Isn't Tad having another party today?" Erica asks, "A pool party. And the baby is heading right home- right back to Tad's! We have to warn them!" Ethan says, all of us getting up to run out, "People in danger here we come!" Benny exclaims.
"Are the costumes really necessary?" Sarah asks, "What? We need to be prepared when we get down and dirty with this croc." Benny says
"Hey, I refuse to enter a senior party with them dressed like this." Erica says through gritted teeth.
I kind of agreed, it was slightly embarrassing but boys will be boys...
I was standing beside Benny, the boys trying to talk all cool as Erica and Sarah walk through the doors easily, then Ethan starts getting pushed back, pushing Benny, Rory and I as well.
Then some guy approaches me, "If you want you can come in, there's enough room for pretty girls like you." He winks, his breath smelt like alcohol which he was probably too young to drink.
"Yeah, no thanks. I'm with them so..." I trail off, "Ah, come on. You don't need no geeky losers! Just come and party with me." He slurs, was this guy making a move on me? And this was a day party! Is this how party's go down?
I'm cut off from my strange thoughts as I feel a hand slip into mine, "Yeah sorry buddy, she's taken." I hear Benny say, "Pfft, by who?" He asks, obviously not catching on.
Benny rolls his eyes and slams his lips onto mine, I widen my eyes but slowly kiss back, he then pulls away and glares at the guy in front of us who had his mouth open and his eyes wide.
"Yeah. By me." Benny growls, pulling me away and us back to Ethan and Rory, "Lets go the back way." Benny offers, like nothing happened.
We all walk towards the back, Benny and I's hands still intertwined.
We reach the party and run up to Sarah and Erica, immediately getting hit by another one of Sarah's farts, "Hey- Oh- What is that?" Ethan asks disgusted, "Ew, it smells like a burning tire!" Benny exclaims, "I'm going to go to the bathroom!" Sarah says running inside.
"She's gassy. It's an overeating thing. I'm going to go find a snack." Erica says, "I think I'm in the mood for a blonde." She states, stalking over to s boy.
"Come on. Let's give these seniors JEI." Ethan says, we raise an eyebrow, "Just enough independence?" I ask, "Uh, close. Just enough information." Ethan says.
We all stay silent, "You know, to save themselves? From the al-" Benny cuts Ethan off, "Just go do it!"
Ethan groans, looking around for something to use. Rory and Benny start dancing and I laugh slightly, we head to a table and start setting up as Ethan tries to warn everyone, but doing a horrible job at it.
"Guess we're just going to have to do it the old fashioned way." Ethan states, walking over, "Run and call the police." Rory says, "No. We wait for it to show itself, then we give it that mutant gator some wicked indigestion." Ethan sad sitting down.
"Good snacks at this party." Erica says walking over, "Anyone got more SPF 1000?" Erica asks, "Not me, I'm all out." Rory says. "No?" Erica asks throwing the small container she held up behind her, "So, what's the dork squad up to now?" Erica asks.
"Well, the alligator should come up right under the hot tub. Then all we have to do is get it to come up through the grate and open wide." Ethan says.
"Then in goes the liquid kaboom." Benny says flicking a bottle making it glow, "You know it's pathetic how good you guys are at this stuff." Erica says, "Then there's just me, sitting here awkwardly." I mumble, I hear Benny chuckle quietly.
Erica picks something up, "But your proportions are off. You need more soda." She claims, Rory takes the tube thing she had and looks at it, "She's right. How did you know that?" Rory asks.
"Because before she was a smoking-hot vampire, she was a mega nerd, remember?" Benny asks, Erica snarls and grabs Benny's shoulder. Without thinking I get up and take my claws out, gripping onto Erica's arm, "Don't touch him." I growl.
She lets go, I cough awkwardly, hands normal, "Sorry... I uh... Didn't mean to do that." I state, sitting back down and feeling small. "It's ok..." She says smiling at me, but then she turns to Benny, "But, remind anyone of that again and your toast, get it?" She asks.
"Got it!" Benny says, "Good." She spits. "Whoa, that things getting close." Ethan says, looking at his phone.
"Who's the bait?" He asks, working on the potion thing again, "I'll do it?" I suggest, "No, no, no. Your not doing it!" Benny says, acting all defensive.
I roll my eyes, "I can take are of myself Benny." I say with a smile, "Your still not doing it." He says, I sigh knowing I won't win, "Fine. Then who's gonna be the bait?" I ask, all the boys look at each other and in sync they all start doing 'Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock.'
Benny and Ethan losing to Rory, "See, I win because lizard poisons Spock. Ergo, I'm the champion." Rory says trying to explain to Erica, "Yeah. I don't care." Erica claims.
The boys head off to get changed, then they come back out with board shorts on, only board shorts. To put it in easier words: shirtless.
They head over to the hot tub as I just wait on the sidelines, hoping they won't get themselves killed.
The water splashes and I jump, the boys hoping out of the tub, Erica and them running towards me. The alligator growls from the tub, "Ethan, now!" I yell, "I'm not ready!" Ethan yells back.
"Rory! Grab that hot tub cover!" Ethan yells, "Why?" Rory yells back, "Just do it!".
Rory and Benny scream as they run over to cover the hot tub, I run over to help.
We place the mat on top and Rory jumps onto the top, "I don't like this plan!" Rory yells, "Hurry up!" Benny yells, Ethan runs over with the bottle, Rory, Benny and I jump off the cover. Ethan opens part of the cover to be faced with the alligator.
"I forgot about the biting!" Ethan yells, "I'll do it." Erica claims, pushing Ethan out of the way, grabbing the bottle and shoving in into the alligators mouth with the statement: "Eat science!" And a snarl with her fangs.
"Run!" Ethan yells and we all run back. We all take cover, Benny leaning over me, and the alligator explodes, Benny and I look around at the pieces of alligator everywhere, "Did we win?" Benny asks, Ethan gags as he removes a piece of meat from his shoulder "We're alive." He states, he then shudders.
"I got my phone back!" Erica exclaims, holding up her purple phone. "We kicked that alligators-" Ethan gets cut off as the alligators hand or foot moves, we jump back slightly, "We won't be seeing you later, alligator." Ethan says, "I just peed my swimsuit, can you tell?" Ethan asks, "It's cool. Just go with it. Benny says.
Benny and I jump as someone places their hands on our backs, "We took a vote and you nerds can stay!" Benny and Rory cheer as Ethan and I smile.
"But you gotta tell your girlfriend to stop polluting the bathroom 'cause it smells like a dead skunk in there." He says, referring to Sarah.
"He thinks Sarah's my GIRLFRIEND!" Ethan cheers silently, he high fives Benny, Rory and I.
"No more blood buffet's." Sarah says, "Oh boy." She adds. I raise an eyebrow, then that's when I see the boy trio turning the corner with alligator styled shoes and for Benny, a hat.
"I can't unsee this..." I mumble, Erica and Sarah laugh slightly, "Pretty sweet boots, huh?" Ethan asks, "I have alligator socks." Benny adds, "Im wearing alligator underwear." Rory states.
"Well, okay, normally I have a problem with wearing animal skins, especially wolfs, but since it was an evil mutant toilet gator, I guess it's okay." I state trying not to laugh, "Oh sure, so they're allowed to steal things from THEIR victims?" Erica asks, "What a double standard." She adds walking off.
"So, fashionistas, everything's good except for one thing. What are you going to do about that gator locked in the supply closet?" Sarah asks, the boys all look at each other, "Uh... We gotta go." Ethan says quickly, the boys running off, me and Sarah look at each other and break out into laughter.
[ 3383 Words ]
That was a long chapter!
I updated! It's 2:30 am and I'm dying so, here you go!
I'd like to also add, I had no idea where I was going with that kissing scene but I wanted to do something so...
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