19• The hour of what now?
Chapter 19-
The hour of what now?
A/N: it's the chapter we've all been waiting for people... Benny shirtless...
I walk with Ethan and Benny to our class but I freeze.
I shudder, I just got a chill up my spine...
I shake it of and continue walking, hand in hand with Benny, my boyfriend.
We walk into the classroom and the boys immediately freeze, Benny's hand slowly falls from mine. I look up at the lady standing with the crystal skull, I swear she and the skull are glowing...
"Welcome, my young warriors." She says looking up at the boys, completely ignoring me. Rude much... "I am Lucia." She introduces herself. She seems shady...
As the boys are practically in a trance I turn my head as I hear Rory's voice, "I heard we have a sub in for Mr. G! What prank do we pull first? Alien fire drill or sub in a bucket?" He asks, I roll my eyes and laugh silently.
Typical Rory.
The boys cut Rory off by tapping him repeatedly, "What?" He asks as they spin him around, and he immediately gets taken over by some trance.
"Hottest sub EVER." The boys all say together. My eyes widen and I look over at Benny, obviously hurt. "Benny, what the hell!" I say. No reply. Ouch...
Lucia looks at me, "I have no use for you... You may leave." She says, her soft smile turning to a hatred glare.
What a total bi-
I'm cut off from my thought as her glare turns darker, "I said leave." She says, I shake my head, "But your our sub... And this is class..." I state. I am confused...
She looks at the boys, "My warriors. Take care of this... Peasant." She spits, venom laced in her words. I scoff, "Um, excuse me? What type of sub are you! And also, if you really think my fri-" I'm cut off by Benny grabbing my arms rather tightly, he looks down at me sternly.
"She said, leave." He says, and with that I'm pushed out of the classroom.
What just happened?
That was one of the two thoughts I had as I walked to find Erica and Sarah, my other thought caused me to rub my arms where Benny grabbed... That action... That tone in his voice...
That just reminded me completely of my encounter with... Evil Benny...
I stand with Erica and Sarah as they knock on the door, trying to get the boys attention.
"It's not gonna work..." I mumble, but obviously proven wrong, Ethan gets up and walks over.
"What's going on in there?" Sarah asked, followed by, "Who's the fashion-fail in the muumuu?" Said by Erica.
Ethan immediately smiles, "I know right? Ms Lucia is subbing for Mr. G. She's so nice." I roll my eyes, of course she is... "Right... Anyway, so you still have any of those little wooden-stake darts?" Erica asks.
"You mean pencils? Yeah, why?" Ethan asks, I laugh, "Some vampire jerk stood her up. She want to make a point, but we-" I get cut off by Miss Turd Face, "All warriors must get to work. The hour of judgment approaches." She says to Ethan, he nods like a dork and gets back to his seat.
The hour of what now?
Ms Lucia then looks at us, "Uh, so where are the girl warriors?" Erica asks, "Banished. Much like you." She answers, looking at me as she says 'you'. "Maidens have no use but to serve their queen when the hour is at hand." She adds, walking back into the classroom and shutting the door.
Erica scoffs and Sarah turns to us, "Well, that was weird." She says, "Makes me want to turn that sub into a sandwich." Erica says walking off.
Gosh I love her.
Sarah and I follow Erica then she turns her head to me, "Hey what happened with you and 'queen' Lucia?" She asks, "I went to class this morning with the boys, she took one look at me, said I have no use, and got Benny to throw me out... Quite forcefully if you ask me..." I mutter the end.
"Wait he threw you out?" Erica asks, "Not literally throw me out, but he grabbed my arms and pushed me out of the door." I answer, "Why would Benny do that?" Erica asks, I shrug and sigh, "I have no idea...".
I walk with the girls as we talk about basic things, then it hits me. "Hey girls I just realised," I start, the two looking at me, "Our group has two trios. The boys, Ethan, Benny and Rory. And the girls, us." I finish, the girls nod slowly, and Erica smiles, "Guess your right!".
I sigh as I see the boys walking down the stairs, Ethan taps Benny's shoulder and they turn to us. "You girls have any bloodstone?" He asks Erica and Sarah, "It sounds vampirey."
"All outta bloodstone. But I can make you bleed with a rock." Erica offers, I laugh softly, the boys look at each other, "So your annoying sub gave you freaky homework?" I ask, not looking at Benny.
"And your not freaked?" Sarah adds, "Hot teacher-frozen brain. Done." Erica says, but she looks at me, "Y'know, no offence with the Benny side of that." I smile, "It's ok, I mean it's true, their brains are practically in the Antarctic." I say.
"My brain is not frozen, I just-" Ethan's cut off as he looks at Ms Lucia as she passes me. I wanna rip her up...
The boys smile and Benny turns toward the sub, he didn't even acknowledge my presence... "- have to find frog hearts." Ethan says following my brain dead boyfriend.
"Am I nuts or did we just get blown off by nerds?" Erica asks, I sigh, "Something messed up is going on." Sarah agrees.
"And we need to find out what... Otherwise I may slap Benny." I state.
We walk to our class and as Sarah opens the door she scoffs, "Why is she still here? Don't tell me she's subbing for our class too." Sarah says, God I hope not... "She's not even all that hot." Erica says, Lucia turning to us.
Sarah and I look at Erica with the 'really' face. Erica sighs, "Okay fine, she's a goddess.". I have to admit, Lucia is really pretty, but something not right...
"But I can still hate her." Erica adds, I nod, "I second that."
"Lucia is a queen; she is not a goddess." Principal Hicks says, he's in on it too? "I told you maidens, go." Lucia says, great, more class to skip... If I fail a test I'm blaming her.
"So you want us to skip class? We have-" Sarah's cut off by Erica, "Done and done." She says as she walks out.
"Principal Hicks, are you sure you're ok with this?" I ask, "Lucia is my queen! I am her throne!" He replies getting on the ground, "Please be seated, my queen."
"Excellent." Lucia says, sitting on our principal. "Okay then..." I say awkwardly heading for the door, followed by Sarah.
I'm hating this day.
As we head outside Sarah calls Ethan, "Ethan, forget your stupid scavenger hunt. Your weird sub is getting weirder."
"Hot?" She asks, ok then... "I know, but you need to wake up! Something is seriously wrong! She just convinced Principal Hicks to be her throne!" She finishes.
"Okay, bye." She says hanging up. She turns to me, "Now what?" I ask, she sighs and shrugs, "No idea..."
I walk with Sarah up to Ethan's porch as we see Jane. We've tried calling him and Benny, but they wouldn't pick up. I'm really worried though, I mean usually Benny picks up in an Instant when I call but now...
"Jane, is Ethan here?" Sarah asks Jane, "Yeah, but he's acting kinda insane. Even for him." Jane replies. "Let's go see." I say as Jane gets up and follows us up to Ethan's room.
We walk into Ethan's room as he says "Lucia demands gold!"
"What's a Lucia?" Jane asks, but before we could reply, Ethan kind of does, "Gold for my queen!" And he runs out the door.
Sarah looks down at the jewellery on Ethan's bed, "I think Ethan and the guys at school are under some sort of spell." Sarah says, I nod, "It's up to the girls to save the day!" I add.
"Alright, count me in!" Jane says, clapping her hands together, "She meant us and Erica." Sarah says scoffing and walking out the door, I follow as I hear a 'of course you did' from Jane.
The girls and I watch as a group of boys, including the three dimwits, chant and walk down the stairs, shirts off and a symbol on their chests.
I bite my lip as I see Benny, he may not have muscles but damn, I'm pleased...
"Praise the sun King!" They all yell as they stop in front of Ms Lucia, "I am totally praising the sun King." Benny says.
I roll my eyes, within this whole day I've been completely ignored by Benny... "The sun King is pleased. He will soon return to us. You may cheer." Lucia says, which causes the boys to yell three 'Hoorays!'
"Soon the final ceremony will demand the ultimate sacrifice." Ms Lucia starts, my eyes widen and I look at the girls, they also look confused, "Who among you is worthy to be my chosen one?" She asks, which causes the boys to have a slight fight.
But it ends in them chanting "Masta eecha Lucia na." Again, and walking off.
"That Lucia thinks she's so hot, it makes my blood boil!" Erica says through gritted teeth, "At least she's not taking your boyfriend away..." I mutter, glaring at Lucia.
Yeah... I'm the jealous type...
Erica jumps and curses as she gets burnt by the sun, "Thats not the only thing that's boiling! Lucia's heating the whole world up." Sarah says, ok I'm afraid...
"The sun is turning my skin into human fondue! If I find that sun King, I am going to knock his teeth out." Erica says annoyed. "We need a plan, and fast." I state, "Think, what would Ethan and Benny do?" I ask, Erica turns to me, "No offence, but that's a really stupid idea."
"You know, saying 'no offence' doesn't make it less mean." Sarah says, "Why think like nerdlings when we can kick butt like two vampires and a werewolf?" Erica asks, I nod slowly, and I walk off with the two, heading to the classroom where the shrine is.
Erica opens the door, "Okay, where's whatser-face?" She asks. The boys immediately stop what I think was fighting and turn to us, "The queen prepares for the sun kings return!" Benny says, he looks at me and I swear for a second his tranced eyes go back to his beautiful Hazel ones and are filled with sadness, but it fades as Rory opens his mouth,
"I'm gonna be the chosen one!" He says with a grin, "Whatever. I'm not leaving without smashing something." Erica says, "Well, she seems to really like that skull." I point out.
"We will die in defence of the sacred skull." Ethan says, "Especially Rory." He adds, I scoff. "Whatevs." Erica says heading for the skull, the boys immediately get ready to attack, "Wait!" Sarah says grabbing Erica's arm.
"They're under a spell! We need to retreat and come up with a better plan." Sarah says, I think, I'm kinda too busy starring at Benny... Damn, I want me a slice- oh god I sound so creepy...
A little bit like Lilly from the show 'How I met your mother'... God I love that show.
Erica snarls at the boys, with glowing eyes and fangs out. "Fine. But we'll be back." Erica says heading for the door, "Praise the sun King!" They all say as we open the door, then they start their chants again. But we stop and watch them, "If that's not a spell, this is the worst glee club ever." Sarah says as she opens the door and heads out.
We sit in Ethan's lounge room on his family's couch and watch the television on the news channel. "All hail the sun King, am I right, ms Lucia?" He asks, as the camera moves to the one and only 'queen' Ms Lucia.
"Yes. The altar is ready. The ceremony soon begins. Prepare to welcome the sun King. Back to you, Vance." She finishes as the news reporter 'Vance' chuckles.
"Sounds like the hour of judgment is tonight at sun down. And if we don't act fast, the Suns going to take down our friends with it." Sarah says, I nod, "I'll call Benny's grandma." I say.
Once she arrives we head up to Ethan's room. Don't ask... Sarah's idea...
"I'm glad you called me." Evelyn says, I smile, "I figured we needed to come up with a plan like Ethan and Benny would." I say, "And then give up, call you. Like Ethan and Benny would." Erica says from the door way.
"Lucia is an ancient Maztak name. Now, the Maztaks were pretty big on gold and animals hearts too. Look." Evelyn says pointing to the book in her hands, Sarah starts reading, "The sun King and the sky queen created the earth together, but an argument between the two brought eternal night to the world."
"Too bad they didn't have couples counselling." Erica jokes, I and the other two laugh, Sarah keeps reading, "Prophets say one day a queen will make an offering so pleasing, the sun King will return to the earth in an explosion of light that will end the mortal world?" She finishes.
My eyes widen, "At least I won't have to finish that essay." Erica pound out with a 'yay!' At the end. I roll my eyes but can't help to laugh a little at the comment.
"Lucia had the boys build an altar at school. She said the hour of judgment was tonight at sun down." I point out, "Well, what are you doing yammering with an old lady? It's up to you girls to save the world!" Evelyn says.
And how the heck will we do that?
"Grandma's right. It's girl power or nothing. We need to get our geek on and come up with a plan fast." Sarah says, followed by a 'yay!' From Jane as she jumps into the room.
"She said girl power, not little girl power." Erica says as she and Sarah walk to Ethan's computer, I look down at Jane, "I'm sure there's something you can do..." I say awkwardly following the other two.
After a bit of looking on Ethan's computer, Sarah takes the book Evelyn left and starts going through it, "Where's our big plan?" Erica asks, "I'm trying to find Lucia's weakness and her power source. What exactly are you doing to help?" Sarah asks, "Lucia's only weakness is her taste in robes. And glass heads." Erica says.
"Right! Her crystal skull! I bet that's her power source! Check this out." Sarah says, looking down to the book.
"The Suns rays are lighting up the skull!" Sarah says, "So what?" Erica asks, "So, what happened in the original myth?" I say for Sarah, "Why did the Sun and the Earth split up in the first place?" Sarah adds.
"Uh, long distance relationships never work out?" Erica guesses, "Here it is: they split because the moon Goddess came between them." Sarah says.
"Great! Gotta give the moon goddess a call. Got her number?" I ask, "Maybe we don't need the actual moon, just something that will channel the moons energy." Sarah says. I look down at the moon crystal, no too small...
"Well, maybe I'm just a 'little girl', but I know a big geek who paid six months' allowance to buy moonstones online. He even sleeps with them under his pillow." Jane says, I grin, go Jane.
Erica goes over to his bed and fishes under his pillow, only to bring out a pair of underpants, she gasps, "Ew!" She exclaims, immediately dropping them.
"Great. Now I'm gonna have to go chew off this hand." Erica says, "I'll do it? I got some pretty good teeth." I say smiling, she laughs slightly, Sarah sighs and walks over to the pillow, she lifts them and picks up the bag.
"Okay, got 'em. Let's go." She says heading for the door, "Thanks." I say smiling down at Jane and giving her high five, and I receive a 'your welcome'.
I walk with the girls as their in all black with motor bike helmets, as I'm just in jeans and a t-shirt, "We've got our moon rocks and paint for the Windows." Sarah says. "Sarah, were risking our lives with a flimsy plan based on one old legend." Erica says, "Well... That's all we got, now c'mon. Windows." I say.
We throw paint onto the Windows and head inside, walking in pretty badass, if I do say so myself.
The girls take off their helmets, with their fangs out, but I just have my eyes glowing, and claws out. Yeah... No cool helmet sequence for me...
"The weather girls are here with an updated forecast." Sarah says, "Yeah, cloudy with a 100 percent chance of butt kicking." Erica adds.
"Warriors! Attack!" Ms Lucia calls, and the boys come up to us to 'attack'. We kick most of them out of the way, which was really easy, and lastly Benny and Rory come up to us, Erica and I have moon rocks in hand as Sarah heads for Lucia.
"Wow, you guys look hot," Benny says, hm, first compliment all day, "It's a shame we're gonna have to destroy you." Benny says.
The boys throw their arms up at Erica and I but we grab their arms and I press my moon stone onto Benny's forehead and Erica does the same with Rory.
There's a purple glow and we push them behind us, we throw a few more guys around until we reach where Sarah was up to in fighting, "Here's one final offering! From the moon goddess!" Sarah says as she throws her moon stone into Ethan's hand, and he pressed it against Lucia's forehead causing her to step back and drop the skull.
And she vanishes, within a huge light.
The room cools down and Benny and Rory untie Ethan. All of the guys look around at each other, "What- what happened?" Mr. G, asks, Sarah flips her hair, "We saved the world." She says, Erica then also flips her hair, "And we looked pretty amazing while doing it." She says. I just kind of stand there smirking, I have no cool line ideas...
"True story." Ethan says as he rubs his arm. I stand beside Benny as Mr. G starts saying stuff to students. Benny looks down at me and smiles, "Hey, thanks for uh, saving me." He says, "Oh, so now your gonna talk to me?" I ask, Benny frowns, "Yeah, look, I'm really sorry... Like truly, I had no control in doing what I did..." He says, I smile, "As long as it doesn't happen again, were good." He was about to say something but I lean up and kiss him, after a whole day of him ignoring me, this feels good.
"You three. Detention!" Mr. G says as I pull away from Benny. I look at the girls and we all sigh, great... How fun, we get detention for saving the world!
{ 3277 Words }
This chapter was actually pretty hard to write... I hope you enjoyed it!
Also, thanks so much for 2.6K reads!
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