17• Green Fart
Chapter 17-
Green Fart
"Well aren't you glad?" I ask, "Of course I'm glad she's back, but... I don't know, she seemed... different, and..." Ethan trails off off, looking in his locker, Benny raises his hand and shoots some shiny light into Ethan's locker.
I raise an eyebrow up at him, "Okay, come on, cut it out." Ethan says annoyed, "I was just testing something. I was trying to summon chicks, and then..." Benny is cut off by Ethan bringing out a chicken, I stare at it in awe.
Benny takes it from Ethan, "Just focus from now on, Benny. I'm worried about her." Ethan says, I smirk over to Ethan and wiggle my eyebrows, Ethan looks at me for a split second and his face turns a little red, I smile knowing my work for him to get flustered over Sarah is done.
"Sarah's probably just traumatised. She'll need time to adjust!" Benny says in a kid voice to the chicken, I bite my lip and smile at how cute Benny is, "And then-" Benny is cut off as we hear Sarah.
We turn around to see her telling a joke about vampires to Erica and them laughing afterwards. "Adjustment complete! Trauma all gone." I say for Benny. "Vampires all happy-happy." I add, doing the jazz hands.
The girls stop in front of us, "Look who I bumped into." Erica says smiling, "Care for a welcome back chick?" Benny asks, "Aw! Benny, so cute!" Sarah says leaning forward to pet the chick.
"That'll be a yummy snack later." Sarah adds, I widen my eyes and choke on my air, "What!?" I basically yell, "It's a joke! Abigail, i don't remember you being so serious." Sarah says. I cough awkwardly, "I don't remember you being so... Funny..." I reply.
"But good one!" I add and laugh slightly, Benny and Ethan adding for affect. Then the bell rings and I sigh in relief, "That's us. Even immortals still have to go to class." Sarah says and Erica humming in approval, they wave goodbye and start walking off, but then Sarah stops and turns around,
"Hey, are you two, like, together yet?" She asks Benny and I, a blush forms on my cheeks and I look down shyly, I jump as Benny kisses my cheek, "Almost..." Benny says smiling, I smile back up. "Jeez, hurry it up already! We're all waiting!" Erica was smirking and walking off with Sarah.
"You know I'm not usually a fan of full-blast undead blood-suckers, but she makes it look good." Benny says, I roll my eyes, "Yeah, it'd be great to be immortal and watch all your loved ones die." I say.
Benny sighs, "Not what I meant.". I laugh, "Cya later alligators! I'm off to French class. Wish me luck!" I say walking away from the two, "Good luck!" I hear Ethan and Benny call out, "Wait! I just realised! I got it too!" I hear Benny say, running up to me.
"Your a moron some times..." I mumble laughing, "Yeah but you love me." Benny says smirking, "Yeah... I do..." I trail off, I then widen my eyes realising what I said, my cheeks et heated.
"I-I mean, I like you! I mean, a lot! Yeah, I um... Like you a lot and stuff!" I stutter out, Benny laughs and grabs my hand, "Copper, I wanna ask you something." Benny says, "Copper?" I ask, "Yeah! Y'know, the movie, Fox and the Hound?" Benny asks, I laugh, "So what? Are you Todd?" I ask, Benny laughs, "Suppose so." I smile.
Benny coughs, "Any who, Abigail I wanna ask you something." Benny repeats, using my name this time, "Yes?" I ask, "Would you, like to be my girlfriend?" He asks, I smile and bite my lip, "Would their be food and Netflix involved?" I ask as a joke, "Food? Netflix? I mean, I guess if you come over but-" I cut Benny off,
"It was a joke Benny. But yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend." I answer, he smiles and goes in for a kiss but I back away, "Not in public... Bambi." I mumble, he raises an eyebrow, "Really? We're doing this?" He asks, I start walking, "Bring it."
"OK, Thumper."
Benny gasps, "I'm not forgetful!", "No... That's more me... So what, your Marlin?" I ask, "Guess so, cause all my jokes." Benny wiggles his eyebrows and we burst out into laughter.
As we keep walking Erica comes out of no where and grabs us, speed running us to Sarah and some guy in a trash bin. The guy gets out and stands up, "Young lady, you are not only expelled... You should be arrested!" He yells at Sarah, I look over at Sarah mouthing 'what did you do!?'
"Benny, do that brainwave trick?" Erica asks, "What? Um, uh... Abovyu-memneth-obliviarctic-kaput!" He says, an orange light coming out of his hand, hitting the new vice principal.
The principal points his finger at Benny, "I- You- What are you kids staring at? Get back to class! Now!" He yells at us and I grab Benny's hand leading him to French class awkwardly.
Second class in the period I had was Math. Ew. But I had it with the geek trio so that was great!
"I know how she feels. When I first got my powers, I totally couldn't deal. I got so mad once, I wanted to bite the moon. But I didn't. The moons safe, for now." Rory says, I laugh slightly, "Yeah, and also, I got massive urges when I was a young- pup, I guess?" I ask myself.
"Can we change the subject? I've had enough vampire drama for one day." Ethan says, we all nod and keep walking. As we walk through a door We see a huge crowd surrounding some guy from dusk, "Wow, so the rumour was true!" Rory exclaims.
The boys talk a bit until I burst out laughing from something Benny says, "Really Benny? I heart blood, sparkle and feel sad a lot?" I ask him, he shrugs laughing along with me. Ethan smiles slightly and walks over to Dirk.
"Lame..." I mumble, "You think so too?" Benny asks, "Yeah, he's so fake! The whole thing is too cliche and gross... Also I usually hate sappy romance movies like that..." I reply, "Yeah, they bore me... That's why real romances are better." Benny says,
"Wait! Are you two finally official!?" Rory asks us, a little too excited, I smile and nod my head, "Yeah, we are." I answer. Rory squeals, "Finally! Yes!". I laugh softly.
I watch as I see Erica take the guy like a rag doll down the hall. Poor him. Benny takes the cup the guy has and smirks, "Okay lame-ohs. Who wants authentic guy-from-Dusk coffee cup!" He calls out and girls start screaming and squealing, "Bidding starts at one hundred!" He yells. I laugh and roll my eyes.
"Benny, C'mon. Let's go, I'm going to yours right?" I ask, Benny smiles and nods, he throws the cup off and girls hoard it. We say goodbye to Rory, and would to Ethan but he left to somewhere.
As were walking Benny quickly grabs my wrist, he spins me around and places his hands on my hips, I smile, "Well hello there." I say, "Hello." Benny says back, grinning. "Y'know, you didn't give me that kiss earlier..." Benny says while his grin becomes a smirk. I bite my lip, "Guess I didn't... Why should I now?" I ask.
"Well, it'd be a shame to have a boyfriend this handsome and not kiss him." Benny says, I laugh, "I suppose that's a valid reason... I guess I'll have to give you one." I say, he smiles, I lean in and give him a peck, "Hey! That's nothing!" Benny says annoyed, I laugh, "What then?" I ask In between laughs.
Benny just smirks and pulls me in, kissing me gently, he's gotten a bit better then last time. Has he been making out with his pillow...?
Why did I just think of that?
I kiss back slightly then pull away smiling, I back away from Benny's grip and grab his hand, intertwining our fingers and I start walking o Benny's.
The whole walks silent, but it's ok.
"Why are they so steamed at Ethan?" Benny asks, Sarah explains, "I'm really worried about him." She finishes.
"Me too. I promised them I'd hand Ethan over so they wouldn't end me." Benny says, I slap his chest, "What's wrong with you!?" "But he didn't do anything!" Sarah and I basically yell,we get a few odd stares.
"He said they were attacked by a smelly green mist?" Sarah says, "Smelly green mist?" Rory says, coming out of no where, "Did Ethan's mum make tacos again?" Rory asks, I laugh slightly.
"By the way, is he here? The council wants us to 'bring him to justice', wherever that is." Rory says, I mentally face palm and sigh, "Psst. It's true, there is a green mist. I saw it." He hear Ethan say, we all look around then I look at Ethan's locker.
"That's Ethan but I don't see him." Sarah says, "I'm right here." Ethan says, as I say, "I think he's in there." I point at his locker.
"Whoa, do you know what this means? I've perfected the invisibility spell without even trying!" Benny says. I roll my eyes and sigh, idiot I tell you!
"Or he's in that locker." I say pointing to the door, "Yes, I'm in the locker." Ethan calls out. "If the vamps come for me here at school, at least I've got back up." Ethan says, "Oh! You can count on me!" Rory says, with too much joy and bangs the locker.
Ethan yells in pain and I laugh softly. "After I bring you to justice." Rory says, I roll my eyes, "Do you know if that's around here?" He asks, Ethan sighs, "I can't help you, Rory.".
"I need time to prove I'm innocent. But the halls are full of fangs." Ethan adds.
"Those aren't real vamps. It's Dusk day at WC High, in honour of Erica's new pet movie star." Sarah explains, I cringe at the thought, "Gotta go. Just sit tight and don't let the vampires bite." Sarah says, Ethan says another thing then Sarah walks off.
Benny walks up to the locker, "'Kay, so, locker boy. I get beat up all day because they blame you, and you blame a green mist, and I bet the mist blames the unicorns." Benny says, I roll my eyes. "The mist was real, Benny. Almost alive. And it had a smell. It smelled like... Evil." Ethan says.
"Wow. How specific." I say to the locker, "Evil?" Benny asks, "Okay, now I'm intrigued." Benny says.
I sigh realising were gonna go through a lot of sampling...
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