14• Cubile What?
Chapter 14-
Cubile What?
We walk into the kitchen, following Sarah and my eyes widen as we see her on the bench, resembling some-what of a dog.
"OK. Maybe I see what your getting at." Benny says agreeing with us, I nod slowly, Sarah starts sniffing and gets up fairly fast and runs to the fridge. She finds what I'm getting is some sort of meat and shoves one in her mouth, then starts throwing them at us.
I duck, avoiding the flying food, "I've never seen a girl eat like that." Rory says with an impressed tone. Sarah throws a few more things before drinking a can of soda, crunching it up and throwing it at us. I doge easily again but end up crouching on the floor.
"Sarah, why don't we just-" Ethan is cut off by Sarah- well the ghost, speaking in a deep make voice and speaking some sort of language.
"Oh! Definitely not Sarah. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Ethan asks us, I stand up and raise an eyebrow, "That we need a theme park of holy water?" I ask, Ethan rolls his eyes at my statement but laughs, "The ghost that escaped from the séance board-" Rory is cut off by Ethan, finishing his sentence,
"Found a body it liked." He says dodging more food, "Can't say I blame it. You gotta admit, she looks like a lot more fun." Benny states, I slap his chest, "Benny!" I yell annoyed, he laughs at my facial expression.
As I yell Sarah throws a whip cream bottle, I catch it as its about to hit Benny, I quickly drop it. Sarah gets up and heads for the counter,
"Yeah, this would be better if she wasn't trashing my house!" Ethan says, annoyance layered through his voice.
Sarah grabs some sort of cake and head towards the bench, Ethan's eyes widen, "Oh no! No! No! Not the cake! Please don't!" He begs, "Please, my mum just made that for her book club tomorrow." He adds. "Se researched recipes all week. Please." He keeps adding.
Sarah- wait is it ok for me to call her Sarah as the ghost is in her body? Screw it.
Sarah disobeys Ethan and immediately shoves her hands in the cake, eating it.
Ethan scrunches up his face, trying not to scream. "I like her style." Benny says with a grin in his voice, I give him a slight death glare and I ignore the slight pain in my chest.
"Ethan, where's Sarah?" Jane asks from upstairs, "We think she's possessed by a ghost from the Netherlands." Rory Answers, I raise an eyebrow.
"What he means is, she's just getting you guys a snack! Be right up!" I call out to her, correcting Rory.
We look back at Sarah, she's eating a lot of cake... Once we get the ghost out she'll probably be sick...
"I have got to try that cake." Benny says, walking away from my side, it kinda feels colder... "Benny!" Ethan exclaims, annoyed.
"What? Is not like your mum can feed it to her book ladies now." Benny says, once he gets pretty close, Sarah hisses at him, he jumps back, "OK, it's your cake. I get it." He says, heart beating fast.
"Sarah, Sarah, are you in there?" Ethan asks, voice full of concern. Awe. Sarah kicks off the chocolate on her fingers, "Elok hesse on Sarah." The ghost says, ok then... And with that, Sarah runs off, us chasing after her.
We run into the lounge room and I bump into Benny as Ethan stops at the doorway, "Stop! Stop, OK? Just, put down, the trophy." He says slowly, hands out in front.
"Dude, it's just a bowling trophy." I state confused, "No. It's the only one my dad has ever won... ever." He replies, I know where this is going...
As Ethan says those words, Sarah throws the trophy to the ground, it immediately breaking, Ethan groans in frustration, his fists clenched. "OK, that's it! This party is over!" He says, walking forward a bit, the boys following.
"I command you to return to the board and go back to wherever it is you came from." He says sternly, "Ugh Ethan... I don't think that's a good idea..." I say wearily. Sarah furrows her eyebrows in anger.
"Big mistake..." Benny adds to my comment. Sarah roars at us, a gust of wind blowing is back, the boys scream in horror, I growl as I'm trying not to fall over.
Sarah quickly runs off upstairs and we run out of the lounge room and head to the stairs, then we hear a scream. "Jane!" We all yell in sync, running up the stairs to find her.
There are many 'Jane's and 'Jane where are you's and 'are you ok's flying around. We open Janes bedroom door, "It's empty." Ethan says as we scan the room, I sniff my nose and pick up Janes scent, "Guys. She's in Ethan's room." I say, we run over to his door.
We open the door and there's a red light flashing and Sarah roars at us again, I widen my eyes and the boys scream. Sarah raises her hand and the door slams shut. After the boys finish screaming we all quickly run down the stairs.
"What the heck was that?" Benny asks, pulling my closer to him. I look down and realise we were holding hands, I blush and pull my hand away, awkwardly.
"A guess? I'd say a demon took over Sarah's body." I reply, Benny sighs, "This was a bad idea." He groans, I scoff, "That's what Sarah and I said, but no... The boys know best." I cross my arms over my chest.
"It was your idea." Ethan says angrily to Benny, "OK Ethan, now is bot the time to be throwing blame around. But, while we're on the topic. I'm not the one who invited Casper the psycho ghost in." He yells pointing at Rory.
"It was an accident!" Rory says defending himself, I roll my eyes, "OK! Let's assess. We have an evil demon who's taken possession of a fledgling vampires body, who has trapped your little sister inside your bedroom." I say to the boys, but look at Ethan as I say the last part.
The boys all day 'right' after each other, "Well then, there's only one thing to do..." Benny says trailing off. We all look at him confused.
We head upstairs, the boys with odd weapons and random things on their heads, Benny insisted I had to have some sort of protection so in wearing a bowl. Don't ask.
Rory leads the way, followed by Ethan, then Benny and I. Benny has some sort of pout and is grunting as we walk, I bite my lip to hold in my laugh.
We reach the door and Ethan opens it, we walk in and open the closet door, there sits Jane, she whimpers and point over in some direction. We look over and see Sarah on Ethan's computer, and it looks like she's on 'FriendlyFace'.
"What's it doing?" Benny whispers, "It's changing my status..." Ethan replies, in curiosity I walk forward and read it aloud, "To 'Jamming with my babysitter's in my Star Trek jammies'." The boys and I laugh, Benny adds in a 'burn'.
Sarah whips her head over to us, "Woah! Ah!" Ethan exclaims, stepping back, I start walking backwards to the boys, Sarah starts saying some more random demon shit and the closet door slams shut.
"OK, we're not leaving..." Ethan starts, panting, "Until you give me my sister back." He finishes. Sarah then roars at us, some sort of green goo heading for us, I quickly step back, avoiding getting any of it on me. She then closes her mouth, the goo stopping, the boys look at their clothes in disgust.
They gag, and we run out of Ethan's room, and down the stairs. "What is this stuff?" Rory asks, "I don't know." Benny replies. "I feel so dirty." Benny adds, Ethan holds up his hand,
"Wait, its ectoplasm!" Ethan exclaims, I look at the boys oddly, then a light bulb goes off, now I know what it is.
"The physical manifestation of paranormal energy." I add, the boys look at me in surprise.
"Oh, cool!" Rory and Benny say in sync, a little too happy, Benny pulls out his phone, "Check this out. It's an EMF app that I jury-rigged to detect paranormal activity." He explains, holding his phone out so we can see. There are some beeps and he looks down to his phone, "Whoa! These are some high readings you got here.".
Ethan sighs, "Well, I'll be leaving now!" Benny says heading for the door, I grab his hand and tug him over, "No." I say sternly, "No, we have to think this through." Ethan states.
"What, would the Ghostbusters do?" He asks, I laugh, the boys look at me and I cough, "Well, they use streams of lightning plasma to suck ghosts into their containment boxes." I say, they look at me surprised again, yeah... I'm a nerd...
"Do we have any of that stuff?" Rory asks, "no. All we have that sucks is a vacuum." Ethan replies, "My dad has a leaf blower that we could kick into reverse. Nothing strong enough to hold a spirit as nasty as this though." Benny says, as I think about something I feel a warmth on my hand.
I look down and see I'm still holding hands with Benny, a blush Forms on my cheeks again and I look up at Ethan. "Well, there is one thing I know that can suck up spirits and hold them." Ethan states, I raise an eyebrow.
I look up at the full moon, wow, months fly past...
"Once we suck the soul out, we'll need a place to contain it." Ethan says, digging a hole in his backyard. "The cubile animus?" Benny asks, "Cubile what?" I ask, "It's a box that was bad news for us when Sarah first got bit." Ethan explains, I nod slowly.
"Seriously, this is a really bad idea. I mean if a séance was bad, this is a seriously, majorly messed up bad idea!" Benny yells, "Are you gonna help us or what?" Ethan asks, stopping with the digging.
"Are you really sure we should be doing this? Apparently it's a nest for souls, but I'm sure you know that..." I say, looking up from Wikipedia on my phone. Then out of no where, a chair comes flying down, we look up to see Sarah throwing many things from Ethan's room.
"My lucky... Borg cube!" Ethan says frustrated, more things flying down and Ethan yelling at Sarah. He then says something about a limited edition thing and that she shouldn't throw it, "Dig." I say, starting to dig with the shovel I was given.
My shovel thunks something and I kneel down, getting some sort of box, Ethan taking it from my hands.
Then Sarah throws down the exact thing Ethan said he didn't want thrown. "OK, stop throwing my stuff!" He yells, topping the box, I look down and some sort of blue smoke seeps out of it... That's probably not good...
I kneel down and grab it again, Rory gets his phone out and laughs, "Hey, Ethan! Why did you just text me one of your baby pictures?" He asks, I raise my eyebrow and reach for my phone, seeing the photo, I smile at how adorable he is.
Benny aww's from beside me, Ethan grabs Rory's phone, "She just emailed this to the entire school." He says, frustrated. I feel sorry for him. "Oh, that's it. This is on." He says, giving Rory his phone back.
I give Ethan the box and throw my shovel, Benny doing the same, and we all run inside.
"OK, I've secured the cubile animus." Ethan says, "All right! Legs get your little sister back." Benny says, I smile over at him, then down at the machine. "Let her rip!" I call out, Benny pulls the clutch and nothing happens, he does it again, nothing.
"Ugh, did you check the fuel?" Ethan asks Benny, "Yes I checked the fuel. I already told you twice. I filled it up." He replies, pulling the clutch again. "Uh, maybe the couplings you made for the tubing are malfunctioning." Ethan says trying to fix the leaf blower.
"Oh, here we go. So everything I built is faulty. Everything you built is golden." Benny says annoyed, "You know, I don't like your tone." Ethan says, also annoyed.
"Oh really?"
"Yes, really! You always get defensive when-" Benny cuts Ethan off,
"Defensive? Your pulling that card right now?"
"I am-" I cut Ethan off, "GUYS! Did you try the power switch?" I ask, nodding at Rory to flip the switch. There's an awkward silence between Ethan and Benny, and Benny pulls the chord, it instantly running.
Benny picks it up, "All right! Let's bag up a demon!" He says running off with the boys, I smile and run off after them. We barge open Ethan's room and things are floating around.
"Hey! I like what you've done with the place." Rory says awkwardly, as Sarah writes some crazy shit on the walls. "Those are some kind of demonic symbols." I yell, Sarah turning around. "Is it wrong I still think she's hot?" Benny asks, I turn my head over to him and look at him with a saddened look, but he's too focussed on Sarah.
Sarah starts walking slowly towards us, "OK, your gonna give me back my sister and get back in that board, or else!" Ethan threatens, "Or else?" Sarah asks, oh look! It can speak English!
"Or else, we're gonna take care of this Whitechapel style!" Ethan yells back, "Yeah! You tell him!" Rory says, then Sarah says some more crazy foreign stuff.
"All right, hot or not, let's waste this demon!" Benny yells, "Yeah, pull it!" I yell up to him. Benny pulls it and it starts going, "Jane, run!" Ethan yells to Jane who's still in the closet. Rory opens it and she runs, Rory follows shutting the door.
"Ah! Demon of the night, get the heck into this Leah blower!" Benny yells, the demon keeps struggling but then Sarah falls to the ground and everything stops glowing and floating.
"Woo!" I yell, Benny smiles over to me and I jump up hugging him, once I realise that was awkward, I pull away and high fives Ethan. Ethan wiggles his eyebrows at me, I blush and mumble, "Shut up..."
"Teach you to come to my house!" Ethan yells, I laugh at the two boys, the box shakes slightly and I jump.
I look over to Sarah and run over helping her up, "Ow! My head, what happened?" Sarah asks, her voice normal. "It was Rory's fault." The three of us say in sync.
Then Rory walks in, "I heard that!" He says, obviously offended.
We all pack up fairly quickly, although it's a little difficult. We then hear the door open and Mr and Mrs Morgan walks in laughing, Rory sits on the couch, and everyone crowds around it trying to look normal, I stand fairly closely to Benny, as he sits on the arm rest.
"Hey mum! Hey dad!" Ethan says, a little awkwardly. "How was the senior prom?" He asks, his parents smiles immediately fade. "Well, it was a little slower than I remember." His mum replies.
"Where's Grandma?" Benny asks, "The captain of the lawn blocking team took her to the pancake palace for the midnight buffet." Mrs Morgan replies.
"I don't know where she gets her energy. I'm going to bed" she adds. "I'll be right up." Mr Morgan says, "OK." She says heading up, then she stops, "Sweetie, you should defiantly invite your parents with us, I'd love to meet them!" She adds, heading up stairs.
I nod, putting on a fake smile, I feel warmth in my hand and as I look down I can see Benny's fingers intertwined with mine and he's smiling up at me, I smile back and look over at the other three, their all giving me sympathetic looks.
"So, I understand your the new president of the Whitechapel Justin Bieber fan club." Mr Morgan says to Ethan, I bite my lip trying not to laugh. "What?" Benny asks, "Rory's parents were working the desert table. They showed us your status update. Are you, um, sure you want to sign up for figure skating?" He asks again.
I have to look down, away from Mr Morgan, not to laugh. I look at Benny and I can see him trying not to laugh as well.
"OK, dad. Thanks. Nothing to worry about." Ethan says, reassuring his father. "OK. Good night." Mr Morgan says heading up the stairs, I wave goodbye to him and Ethan spins around.
"Justin Bieber. Really?" Ethan asks annoyed, "It wasn't me, remember?" Sarah says, with a smile on her face. "Did you take care of the cubile animus?" Ethan asks Benny, "Yeah, I hid it really well. That thing is never gonna bother us again." Benny says smiling.
I have an odd feeling that something is gonna go wrong... "Well, we should get going..." I mumble, Sarah nods, I slowly pull my hand away from Benny's and he smiles,
"Well, Cya tomorrow boys." Sarah says smiling, heading for the door, "Bye." I say as I walk after her, one I shut the door she turns to me, "OK, what was that?" She asks, "What?" I ask, "Uh I dunno.... The hand holing!" She practically yells. "Shhhh!" I say shushing her,
"And truly I don't know... It started earlier today and then... It just kept happening...!" I mumble, she squeals, "Sarah!" I yell, I turn back and see were still outside the front door, I quickly pull Sarah onto the street, she smiles, "Are you a thing yet?" She asks, I shake my head and can't help but smile, but that quickly fades, "He doesn't like me-" she cuts me off,
"Don't start." She says rolling her eyes, I smile and laugh, "Well, I'll get going, see you tomorrow!" I say walking off, I hear a slight 'See ya' and then I'm on the way to my hotel.
I still have a bad feeling in my gut about that cubile thing though...
{ 3082 Words }
I'm back! And wow, 3082 words...
Well hope you enjoyed this chapter because next chapter is gonna be HUGE! Now. I'm gonna go watch Lab Rats.
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